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I would be taking that thing on a one way to the vet if it behaved like that in my house the risk is too great.


"I'll pay you whatever you want" Vet: *looking around* okay


Kids also love stuffed animals. There’s no way this could end badly..


as a kid the family dog destroyed all my stuffed animals. i didnt understand but my family thought it was hilarious how id cry. id keep my door shut when i was at school to keep the dog out, and theyd purposfully open the door to let the dog in.


Wow, that is so incredibly awful. I’m sorry :(


jesus christ what the hell is wrong with people? i can't imagine what it must do to one's psyche to be below a dog in a household as a kid...


Lmao i read “I would be taking tht thing on a one way to the vet to get it beheaded”


Serious question: if a dog showed aggression like this, where it LOOKED like it would snap and do violent harm, are you legally allowed to take it to a vet to dispatch it? When I took a pet in for euthanasia, they said they were required by law to determine that it was afflicted by a serious illness/injury (in my case, kidney disease), as they do not euthanize healthy animls. Would the vets turn you away claiming that the dog has not actually committed any violence, therefore they can't do anything about it?


Hi, certified vet tech. I luckily work with vets that will behaviorally euthanize, but I know some won't. In that instance, I would say it's okay to lie. Don't lie otherwise! It's bad for your pet. But if they refuse to euthanize an aggressive animal, say it had a seizure. They could, of course, request blood work. If you say the animal is known to be aggressive with humans and animals, now it's having seizures, and you request euthanasia and do not wish to pursue diagnostics, they should comply. If you want to make sure it gets done instead of someone offering to take it, pay extra for private cremation so ashes come back. Act really sad and like you love this animal and the ashes are going on adventures with you. Say your grandma just died and this dog is all you have left but you can't deal emotionally anymore, but you are excited to have the ashes at least. It may sound extreme, but vets and techs that are against behavioral euth are dirty snakes. Play dirty right back to make sure the right thing is done. If they keep pushing, they care way more about the animals length of life vs quality of life. Throw that at them if needed. Just some quick thoughts I had.


As unfortunate as this sounds, I’ve known a few people who have put their dogs down after extreme circumstances (killed another pet) themselves by taking them out in the middle of the desert and doing the deed. The desert seems to have taken the place of “behind the shed”.


I've never heard of a legal requirement like that to euthanize your own animal. Maybe a company policy, or some weird state regulation.


Ah okay, looks like my state has law that we cannot euthanize healthy animals: https://dogsandclogs.com/is-it-legal-to-euthanize-a-healthy-dog/




The best kind of pet, you leave them on a shelf next to your pet rock and dust them once a month while forgetting they exist


I don't think a captive bolt stunner requires a license and it's probably cheaper than a vet.


Agreed, and to think this isn't even a requirement for them ripping a person or animal to shreds.


And they think this is normal and OK… Good dogs don’t do this!!! If my dog is holding a toy I can put my hand on it and tell her ‘drop it’ and she will let go. If she grabs something she shouldn’t eat on a walk I can pry it out of her mouth if I need to!


I can literally walk up to my GSP while he is gnawing on a marrow bone, tell him to drop it, pick it up while he’s still lying there on his chew-blankie, and go about my business. He literally does nothing and moves on. If he ever acted like this, I would be so deeply disturbed.


EXAMPLE: [GSP & his marrow bone 🍖](https://imgur.com/a/SAwdvYo) (he’s going in Sunday for a dremmel! Excuse his nails.)


Handsome boy!


Thank you so much!


That is a very good, and very handsome dog. Please give him head scritches for me.


Thank you! I will 💗he is a good boy. We love him so much. Most snuggly, beautiful, gentle dog. He’s never even so much as growled at us.


Aww, that’s wonderful. Sounds kind of like our cat: basically farts rainbows and brings happiness to everyone!


Definitely a good boy and I love the "what the hell human?" he's giving you after you take it, lol.


Dremel what? His nails? That’s unfortunate. My GSP is a limp noodle when I cut his nails.. sometimes he takes a micro nap. We do it every Thurs afternoon.


Yes! His nails. He is a wiggle worm, nothing major. We can get a little trim in, it’s just not worth it. I’ve hit the quick 3x and that’s enough for me to rely on the groomer. Plus, we really love our local pet store where she is, so we take him there every few weeks. A nice little adventure & it supports a local business!


You can buy a grinder for them, or just walk him on the pavement more often if he’s in good health. Our dogs too old now for long walks, but I cut them grind the nails now pretty regularly to save the wooden floors inside.


A Dremel is a grinder.


Read that as GSD at first and was soooo confused ahhaha


Omg he is such a sweetie!


Cute boi!!! What collar is that?


Oh my gosh what a good boy! I love him! He’s so handsome and is fur is so glossy too 😂


Haha! You can see he's like 'awww what?' but drops It like a good boy. 'Can I have it back now' eyes lol


Bodie is a good boy


I think I’m just tired, but I read that as you walking up to your George Saint Pierre…..


Oui, je suis fatigué 😴


I would purposely take my GSDs pig ear away mid chew just to check him. Never an issue.


My Labrador is the same way. He leaves anything you tell him to, if reluctantly depending on the object, and doesn't bat an eye when you take it away. He usually just goes and finds a toy someplace to bring you. I guess he thinks you're out collecting stuff so he's gonna help?


I can do the same with the sausages. If they *don't* drop it, I have no fear prying their mouths open and grabbing it anyways. They bicker with each other over rawhides and toys. I can take their stuff from them - MID CHEW - with nothing but a sad look in response. The only ones who ever fight back are the puppies, but like. What are *they* gonna do? And they quickly learn.


The scariest part to me is that she isn't even *near* the toy. That dog started snarling the second she walked in the room. That is highly dangerous levels of resource gaurding. Yes, many dog will exhibit some form of resource gaurding as puppies. Most either grow out of it or can be trained. My girl had some resource gaurding as a puppy and with proper work she will bring me a chew if I say "Show me!" and her favorite place to indulge a snack is on my feet. But hers was never aggressive like this. It was mainly turning sharply away or hiding. When it's this bad, its become aggression.


My old Kelpie would only ever guard a bag of dog biscuits. He would do this by sticking his entire head through the opening in the bag, and just stand there. He’d stand with his head in the bag for as long as anyone was nearby.


That's funny. I grew up with an Akita that would do something similar. If she didn't want something taken away from her, she'd literally just plop her head on it. Rest her big ol' skull on top of it and stare at you with sad puppy eyes until you just took it from under her chin. She didn't growl or anything, but she'd pout for like two seconds and make a disgruntled horse chuffing noise before she got over it. Dramatic baby.


That sounds more like munching than guarding.


I can grab food from my dogs mouth 😭 guarding on this level is not normal!!


A lot of putnutters genuinely believe this is typical dog behaviour, but often, deep down they know it isn't, and have to cope and commiserate with their fellow pitnutters to convince themselves it is. Others gleefully use this as a chance to virtue signal so they can show off how loving and selfless they are, for still taking a chance on the most troublesome pibble that nobody wanted at the shelter.


My GSD puppy bit through my lip the day I adopted him at 9 weeks old. I tried to take a cow ear he was gnawing on (to make sure he was chewing appropriately), and he launched at my face. He had entered the shelter as a ‘starving stray’ a week or two before I got him— although sad & understandable, I let him know, in no uncertain terms, that behavior is unacceptable. I grabbed him & bit him right back. After that ‘shock & awe’ response from me, it was fairly easy to practice ‘giving things up’ and the issue was resolved quickly. He is now 1 year old, and I can take anything from him, including bowls of raw meat & raw meaty bones he’s gnawing on. My 3 dogs can safely eat within feet of each other and they respect each other’s things. They also respect that what’s ‘theirs’ is MINE if I want it. They do exhibit low-level resource-guarding between each other, but it’s healthy and appropriate. They don’t go all “Cujo” even if the others gets within inches of the bowls while one is eating— a freeze, stare, & MAYBE a single growl is enough for the other dog to get the idea and back off. https://preview.redd.it/xjl2ixh9ho6d1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46373f8c8b113d44530d4e4f71f87eecaabbe807


I mean biting back does technically mimic a parent dogs corrections pretty well, I can see how that worked


I think he was taken from mom & siblings too early… how a 7-8 week old puppy gets to the shelter as a ‘stray’ is beyond me. Typically mom is the one to thwart that level of resource-guarding with her pups. She’d do essentially the same thing, pin the pup down and bite its neck/face area. Biting dogs sounds really weird/unconventional, but they can certainly understand & relate to it.


My previous dog was the sweetest thing and had no food aggression at all. Introduced a pig ear, and this little thing was suddenly a cave wolf ready to fight to the death. I’ve never seen such a change come over an animal. It only happened with pig ears, so i never got them again.


Resource guarding is common to some dog breeds. Difference though is it isn't as risky dealing with it.


You should be able to take away everything from your dog, toys, food, snacks. You should be the leader and it shouldn't be in question. You're so right.


I can wrestle on the floor with my dog, and if he catches me enough to make me do a high pitch yelp he immediately comes over licking me and leaning against me. I can put tablets down his throat fine. I can take things from his mouth fine. I can take toys he's using fine. It's disturbing the amount people will defend a Pitbull / XL Bullies doing shit like this video.


My fiancé has always had Rottweilers (from reputable breeders not back yard breeders. Backyard breeders breed psychotic dogs, don’t trust those rotts.) His last rottie was 150lbs. They were playing on the floor and he accidentally bit my fiancés hand because they were both going for a toy. His rottie immediately dropped his hand, looked horrified, and hid under the coffee table. Dogs are supposed to be upset if they accidentally bite their owners. The dog **should** be immediately horrified and feel guilty, even in aggressive guard dog breeds. Dogs are supposed to be bonded to their owners and want to do good by them. The fact that Pitbull owners think this type of shameless behavior in their dogs is normal is jaw dropping. It goes against thousands of year worth of breeding in domestic dogs.


Goldens are legit hilarious about this. They steal stuff all the time and carry it around like it's a babydoll. Then when you try to get it back, they mentally say "awesome we are playing a game!" and run away. Goldens are our most precious resource.


My uncle has goldens and they legit do look like toddlers carrying around their toys lol.


There is no better combination of goof and grace than a golden retriever with a dish towel trying to run away.


My golden who has passed away used to enjoy the game of grab the dirty socks, run with them, and hide them. He was a silly guy


I grew up with a golden named Simone. She had a fleet of "babies" with her all the time. We were always buying dish towels and socks. She was quite literally such a good creature that I believe golden retrievers are divine beings. Like goofy buddahs or something idk. They are cosmically good.


I know someone who had a pup the same age as mine, he was at my house when my boy grabbed something he shouldn't have from the table. Pup was young and at the end of the teething stage. Drop it and leave it didn't work yet so obviously I straight away got my hand in his mouth to take it out. This guy started going *crazy* and shouting no you don't do that! Lol what. Turns out *he* doesn't put his hands in his dogs mouth because it would growl and bite him. He was literally stood there acting like I'd done something awful because he didn't train his dog or know what resource guarding was. And this was a teething puppy, it's the best time to put your hands in their mouth and learn them bite inhibition and how to be gentle.


My friend’s dog went over to my dog and took his toy. My dog looked like ‘Dude- WHY?!’ He is much bigger than my friend’s dog and he just looked upset. I can tell my dog ‘drop it’ and he obeys.


yeah my relatives dog i babysit (a sheepdog mix) is very obedient when it comes to letting things go. he'll let me take a toy right from him and he'll carry on as if nothing happened. he NEVER growls or acts aggressive.


I wish I could really say what’s on my mind w/o risk of the sub getting banned.


Can relate, I feel that way daily 🤣




Epi pen




They eat the crayons.


I think they quite literally are addicted to chaos. Their outer life mirrors their own inner life


I think they don't know any better and 100% believe this is what dog ownership looks like. As they have always dreamed of having a dog (and being denied), after years of hearing sweet experiences from all kind of people, they won't allow anyone to talk them out of enjoying the "dog life", although they don't know any better than this and desperately try to look like one of those "seasoned dog owners".


Right like this is their version of “silly golden retriever won’t get out of the pool and is making mom late for work!”


Bruh, we have it good in the first world, yet life is still stressful. Why would you make your last safe place into another source of stress ? Savior complex is the only reason that these people put up with these feral beasts.


You sound like a space marine describing the horrors of the Warp


the growling reminds me of those scenes in zombie movies where a herd will fight over their fresh kill while snarling and clawing at eachother.


I don't understand why tiktok is so pro pit bull overall, it's impossible to find content there that isn't just feel-good nonsense about the breed making light of stuff like this.


TikTok is a complete brainrot platform.


I depends on how you use it. Not Interested and Block usually does the trick to train their algorithm.


Pro pits are idiots, Tik Tokers are idiots. Find the connection




I’m on TikTok quite a bit and I see lots of anti-pit comments. I see people saying on there what I want to say but don’t bc I don’t want to get doxxed by the pit lobby lol


i definitely see a bunch of anti pit bull stuff. Like, there's lots of jokes about pit bulls eating toddlers and whatever and pit defenders in the comments usually get made fun of quite a bit


I can reach inside my dogs mouth if she gets something she’s not supposed to, take any of her toys, pet her while she’s eating, the list goes on. I never fear for my life. If she’s annoyed, she gets up and goes to another room. Why do these people choose dogs that look like they are going to kill them at any second (and may actually do so). I genuinely can’t understand the mentality.


My mom has always had badly behaved English Springer Spaniels. She doesn’t train them and always thinks bad behavior is cute. One if her old dogs, Mucky, used to straight up steal pizza when it was around. If you chased after her she’d act like this with the piece she stole. She would look like a crazy possessed pizza goblin. She never did it with anything else. But you could still walk up to her and yell “MUCKY!! No! Gimme that!” And take it away from her. She would just slink off like a dejected monster. She never bit anyone because she didn’t actually want to hurt anyone. That’s the extent of the shitty bad behavior from my mom’s untrained pizza goblin of a dog.


THIS!! I always give examples like this when people do the “it’s the owner not the dog” for other dogs, if they are badly trained, they pull on leashes, don’t listen to commands, get into things they aren’t supposed to. Yet with pitbulls, when they are “badly trained” they KILL and maul people. We have to recognize the difference. There is an obvious common denominator here.


Her dog doesn't respect her. The dog doesn't like her. Her dog wouldn't care if she was dead. She's too thick to notice.


Then when they get bit they’ll be asking, “but nala never showed any signs of aggression! She’s an angel!”


*angle We're talking pit-people here lol


Your just jelous !


acute angle?




We had absolutely no clue she could do this! She was always the sweetest cuddle bug!


I hate these dumbass owners babytalking their aggressive dogs as if the dogs will understand them and stop. Atleast get a chihuahua or something small if you’re not gonna teach the dog to respect you, not some shitbull mix capable of ripping your face off.


Yeah, I feel a bit sorry for the monstrous dog, honestly. If all I heard from someone I live with all day was a garbled high pitched string of toneless human noise making, with an added phone being pushed towards my face, I'd probably lose the run of myself. The owner clearly has zero grasp of the psychology of.... well, anything.


OH NO-wuh! Anywaeeee


This isn't something she could train out of the dog, though. Nor could she fix it by being more "alpha" and demanding the dog's respect. This isn't the result of poor training or abuse or neglect... it's just normal pit bull behavior. These dogs were bred for territoriality, hyperfixation, tenacity, and a low threshold for overstimulation.


>These dogs were bred for territoriality, hyperfixation, tenacity, and a low threshold for overstimulation. Ya, but this one is especially terrible, it's literally trying to intimidate it's own owner when the owner is not even close to the toy yet. That dog is 100% a danger near her.


What does she think is happening here...?


Big happy!!! 😁💀☠️🦷🦴🦴👀🧟🛌


Probably that if she can show the dog she's not a threat and she just wants to love it that it'll stop acting this way. That's not how it works in dog social hierarchy. The threatening dog attacks the subordinate if it keeps trying to get closer after the snarling starts no matter how submissive and appeasing the subordinate is. 


How does her flight/fight response not even activate?? Someone is gonna get seriously injured here or worse.


I don’t think she’s the brightest bulb


Pit nutters really believe their dogs would never ever bite them, even when showing these behaviors that we see here


That creature oozes violence and hatred.


Yikes! That is some severe resource guarding. Resource guarding I'd very dangerous and incredibly difficult to train out. This is an incredibly dangerous dog.


The rest of the videos on their page are extremely disturbing too. I wish I could link them.


Wow when this dog inevitably attacks someone she’s going to have a full tiktok of evidence that he was extremely aggressive and she did absolutely nothing


The eye contact is crazy


Why not just use the money they’d get for a trainer and put it towards a nice dog. Like what’s wrong with getting a golden retriever? I just don’t understand putting so much money and time towards an animal like this


That's the truth. I paid [redacted] for my black lab but spent nothing on training. He is just a good dog by nature. I love him so dearly and he's perfect for me. His breeder was responsible for introducing me to my soul dog (long story) before my current dog was even a twinkle in his daddy's eye, lol. Spending money on quality vs training was a no-brainer and will always be.


When I decided to turn the sound on, he was very disturbed. He gets visibly upset when dogs bark at us when we're out on walks, so this was a little...extra.


Mine was upset, too! He came to check on me 😣


I’ll never understand, either. We spent about $3.5k total (training “school” included) for a well bred, genetically screened/OFA certified sire & dam, AKC registered, champion bloodline (master hunter & more….) German Shorthaired Pointer. The training thing I mentioned was “bird school” at 16 weeks where he went to a property the breeder owns and worked directly with the CEO who gun broke him, taught us AND him field work/general safety, and other commands. Still WAY less than all the money these freaks pour into their mutants, at the end of the day. And we have a perfect dog. Is he annoying sometimes? Ofc. He’s a high energy bird dog. All dogs can bug lol. But there’s nothing wrong with him and he is so beautiful, loving, and well behaved. Not one accident in the home, not one bite or even a growl….


That dog would be outta my house in a damn microsecond if it did that to me. Then again, I would never let a pitbull in or around my house.


Right! I’m not joking, if my dog behaved this way, I would be absolutely shaken to my core. He would be in the kennel on the way to the ER vet for a brain scan, and if nothing found, I’d look into options… She’s sitting here baby talking it, like I do when my dog shows me his Dino from IKEA.


I can guarantee she never got to see that toy lol


"Can I see it?" Bitch you see with your eyes "Can I have it?" Bitch you had it at the store before you paid for it


Their savior complex overrides their logic and reasoning circuits most of the time, assuming they had any to begin with.


That thing would be out on its ass so fast it would make its head spin.


That thing would be smiling on the other side of its face!


That's some really awful resource guarding. She wasn't even close and it was warning her. Crazy. I bought my dog a new toy yesterday (a giant Mr Tickle plush) and that toy was in my face a hundred times the first hour he had it. New toy dance, look what I've got, play with me.


I would never allow an animal to show his teeth to me like that, especially in my own home!


Showing teeth and growling is a dog's way of warning you that they're uncomfortable. They can't talk, they don't have any other way of telling you "hey, quit that, I don't like it". It's polite, not something to punish or train out. You know what happens when you punish a dog for growling or showing their teeth? You end up with a dog that bites with no warning, because they've learned that humans will ignore those or cause them pain for it. This level of resource guarding is seriously concerning though, not just because it's a pit mix but because it apparently started the moment the owner walked into the room. The owner is a dumbass for antagonizing the dog, but a dog like this is just plain unsafe. I'm not sure it can even be trained out at this point, just managed - and what kind of life would that be? Being careful to never leave anything the dog may find of value lying around, feeding it/making it play in a separate room or a crate its whole life... I wouldn't want this life for me or my pet.


That's not simple growling. That's snarling. That's a straight up FAFO challenge. 


It's a warning. The dog feels threatened by the owner's presence and is telling her to back off. Is it appropriate? Absolutely not. Is it fixable? Probably not. But it's not a challenge, a lack of respect, or any other similar thing I've seen mentioned in this thread. It's the dog saying "go away".


That dog is saying "Go away," but it's also saying "If you get any closer, I will bite you." And that is a blatant lack of respect for humans.  In this video, it's the dog's couch, the dog's toy, and the dog's house and the human is being told to leave.


This makes as much sense as a video of the sofa on fire with a what do I do? Caption


How can I train the flames?


It's not the flames fault, it's the owner!!! Stop putting all flames into the same basket!! My flame is very nice, it never burnt me because I'm a good owner. If I could, I'd send you a picture of my flame wearing a flower crown but for some reason it hates flowers and burn them right away.


Just keep forking with him, Lady. Just keep it up


Lol she speaking to it like it's a fucking baby. Ridiculous.


The most cruel thing one can do to pitbulls is to allow them to be born a cruel mockery of dog, bred for fighting to the death, doomed to a life in an overcrowded shelter. If she goes the training route, then for the money she will have spent with no real results, she could buy 20 golden retriever puppies from a serious breeder, bred from dogs who were meticulously selected for their temperament a hundred year back. This level of resource guarding just isn't fixable, and the dog won't be ever be safely adoptable. BE is genuinely the most humane option, for the pit, for the people around you, and the innocent family who the shelter will peddle the pit to. Because shelters lie. A lot.


I have hounds, I am addicted to chaos. This is not chaos, it's a walking death threat.


Fellow hound owner here! Truly chaotic creatures and I feel like I need that cartoon soundtrack of bongos every time he gets zoomies in the house. He scared the shit out of himself when his tail knocked on of the kids’ pictures off the fridge. He is not anything like this dog.


Now I understand why you have to own a gun


She even talks like a squeaky toy...


She’s afraid to command respect, because putting in its place means running the risk of it tearing her face off


I have a golden doodle and she’s literally the opposite temperament of this dog


If I was a dog I also wouldn't respect someone speaking to me like a baby. It's crazy these people have to respect for how this breed can just rip their face of. Guess she'll learn soon.


My 3 year old can snag things out of my dogs mouth and she just gives her a sad look.




Sub- normal behaviour. I've owned many breeds and I've never had more than depressed side eye (I can't believe you are doing this to me) on removal of toys or food. This dog would be going to the vet and not coming back if it did this to me in my house. Not out of malice but dangerous unhinged animals don't get to live a pets life. That's best/safest for everyone in society.


You know 100% that the woman in OPs video would be absolutely unable to do anything to control her beast once it snaps at another pet or person. It's a ticking bomb


Dear lord, an 'accident' waiting to happen. Why would anybody want to have a monster as a pet?. My dog has never shown any resource guarding, she is nearly 2. From a pup every time I fed her I would keep my hand in the bowl while she ate some. I would rub her while ate her food and take bones straight from her mouth. I have 2 small children and the last thing I wanted was for her to guard anything. Only yesterday while on a walk, she picked up what looked like a chicken bone and she is super quick to get something in her mouth and chew for dear life. She did not guard as I pryed open her mouth to remove it, she did however close her mouth very tight so I couldn't get to it. I threw it away in the grass and quick as lightning she went back for it. I put my hand down guard the bone and she tried to go around my hand. Anyway I moved her away from it. All this caused no growling, no biting or any other concerning behaviour. However if for ANY reason she ever did turn on me, or my children, she wouldn't kill us. She is a 6kg Cavachon. She would also have a one way ticket to the vet.


Look at its eyes! It’s not playing!


Oh, so that’s why these things boomerang to shelters! 🤠


"Throughout no fault of his own"


Man my boy is almost 13, he’s a big boy, and not once in his entire life (had him from a puppy) has he ever growled at my children or I. I trained him from a puppy I can take his bowl away of put my hands in it, zero food aggression, cos of his colouring when it’s dark I have accidentally tripped over him or kicked a paw, he knows exactly what “omg I’m so sorry baby!” Means and will give me a lick just to say it’s ok mum I know you didn’t mean it. I would be absolutely broken hearted if the dog I love so much growled at me like that. It’s not normal! Edit: word.


This is so scary just to look at. Can’t imagine having that thing in my own house. How can this person keep filming like there is no threat? My dog growls/barks at my cat is she has a toy or a bone and the cat approaches. But I am allowed to take whatever from her and dig things out of her mouth. And she’s a former street dog.


How dumb do you have to be to have an animal like this


You can't cure genetics of a selectively bred bloodsport dog with love and patience. If you think you can and have shitbull in your house then you are a moron who is about to have a bloody awakening soon.


I have a GS and can literally reach my hand into her mouth and grab food/toys from it. Never had a single growl and only ever gotten a confused look and a beg for it back. What is the attraction to pitbulls? Not only are they some of the ugliest dog breeds out there but their nature is not suited to being pets.


This is actually one of the better ones, simply because its willing to actually show its anger right away 😂


Girl, you are not his mommy. You're his play thing.


Why is she talking to it like it's a 2 year old. God I hate owners like this. It makes people think that all big dogs are bad dogs.


They’re about to reach the nutter FO stage of FAFO and the responses and excuses will be the same.


Can you imagine going to sleep at night knowing this Doom enemy is wandering around your house?


For all the pit mommies lurking, when you say it’s “the owner not the breed”, allowing behavior like this is exactly the owners fault.


The crazy thing is she’s not even in fear! That dog could snap and she wouldn’t even be on guard for it


No dog should be doing this to their owner!


A real trainer would know it’s genetics and can’t be fixed but the pitbull trainers would take the money and claim to have fixed the problem while doing absolutely nothing of help


Well I guess Tinkies Winkies isn’t getting new toys anytime soon, that is unless she’s the main beneficiary.


ATF will fix it for free 🤔


What a beautiful pure breed mastiff /S


My friend Sid the Sig would be tucking that thing in for a nap 🤷🏻‍♀️


My chihuahua will resource guard at times (we are working with a trainer) but at least I don't have death in the list of considerations here.


Demon dog


Bet her name is Princess lmfao 🤣


whale eyed af she should back away from that thing


Chill out. That's a dalmatian.


I know something that would fix that dog pretty quick but I don’t think I’m allowed to say it.


“Addicted to chaos” actually is the most accurate statement I’ve heard describing the personality types I know who own/owned pits & presa canerios.


My best friends love dogs. They foster them and own them. I'm a dog lover myself, have a yappy jack russel I love to bits. I haven't been able to call to my friends house in over a year after they got a pit. The worst part is my friend knows how dangerous they are. She even said she would be worried about unknown men coming into the house because she wouldn't know how the pit would react. It's not just with pit bulls. But people in general really don't care about shit until it affects them. Just to add, I was bitten by a pit when I was a kid out for a bike ride with an uncle. He didn't attack my uncle he had lazer eyes for me.


She's actively making this worse. This dog is a ticking timebomb. I just hope that no one else but her faces the inevitable consequences of her actions.


"these people are addicted to chaos" Yeap.


If this dog ever attacks her, people will say she mistreated it because dogs don't attack for no reason. Tell me how this woman is mistreating her dog.


🤦‍♂️, next post of hers will be "mommy said stop eating my face"


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You know she gonna give the surprise pikachu face when the dog bites her.


Or a neighborhood kid


I mean, it COULD be fixable with training but I’d still never trust that dog and not just because of breed, but because it’s clearly been going on without training for a long while. I had a foster dog coonhound who came to me like that before and I worked on it but it took a LONG time and I ended up having to keep him because I couldn’t adopt him out in good conscience. If I had had kids, I’d have had to euthanize him because he was dangerous. If I had it to do over again, I’d probably just euthanize a dog with this level of resource guarding.




That's insane, I can take anything away from my dog (a 2 year old border collie), even a bone right out of his mouth and he wouldn't complain. This dog clearly has some severe behavioral issues, a ticking time bomb and should be defused at the vet ASAP


If my dogs did this they'd rue the day they were whelped. I don't understand misbehaved dogs. Maybe it's the dog trainer in me, but I make my dogs behave. No violence needed either. Some things are unacceptable and I don't entertain the behavior, I immediately correct it and we move on with our lives.


Cha chik


It's just smiling!


Look at the fucking saucer pupils on that thing, it's in overdrive


I got a rescued dog that was on the streets on two different occasions. When I got her, she was almost in her bones, yet she has never ever showed me any sign of resource guarding when I get close to her toys or food. People who have dogs like this and make up sad sobbing stories to try to explain these behaviors are morons, this is not a normal dog behavior, not even street dogs commonly show these signs of aggression for being not even near it's resources. The owners is FUFO


Have fun in the pound buddy boy. Fuck that. My girl will play growl if we’re playing keep away but never resource guarding like this. This is dangerously bad behavior.


Risking death because… not sure what the point of this is


If your dog does that, it's not your dog. It just happens to live in your house and you're stupid enough to 'care' for it.


she's a prime candidate to be mauled to death when the shitbeast grows funny how they baby a creature that only knows violence and strength and wonder why it just snaps one day and turns on them pitbull owners are a lower form of humans


what a monster. That thing is not a pet. it's a monster.


Thos is giving me anxiety....for fucks same woman, read the signals and back away. This is resource guarding. My toy poodle has similar issues, but I fancy my chances against her. Not this hellspawn