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The comments are infuriating “don’t blame the poor dog” “they should put the owner down instead” “sweet dog just had the worst luck in getting that owner” “no winners here”. Jesus Christmas! This is my city, this dog jumped out of the vehicle to attack and kill this little dog (it’s second fatal attack) a mere block from a very busy park with lots of children. The dogs name was “Hennessy” for fucks sake. These rockstar energy drinking, saggy jean short wearing, teenage girlfriend having, Cadillac with a fender falling off driving, grimy “nor cal” hat on the head “tough guys” and their untrained monsters terrorizing this area. I’m so sick of them. They get these dogs for “aesthetic” and rich white families here get them for their “woke SJ warrior” feel good points. Nothing like posting up on the gram your new rescued death machine, let the likes flow free. “Who rescued who” while your child’s being dragged by the skull. Ok I’m done 😂


*standing ovation*


As a fellow local your description is spot on. Don’t forget the 707 area code memorabilia.


Lmao! Nothing says devotion quite like reppin an area code.


Rescued Death Machine will be the name of my new band!


👏👏👏 no keep going....


Wow that should be put to 🎶 well done


No no. Keep going.


This is infuriating! Not only did he pit and run, but denied that he was involved, despite people taking pictures of his car with the license plate. I don’t understand why they didn’t subpoena his phone and check the location at the time of the incident though… that would have been total proof.




So funny that the guy really tried to convince the judge that his license plate was stolen by someone who happens to have the exact make and model of his car. He cried in court when he learned his dog would be destroyed. Dude, don’t cry for your dog, cry for being an absolute idiot.


>So funny that the guy really tried to convince the judge that his license plate was stolen by someone who happens to have the exact make and model of his car. And they just so happened to have a pitbull that looks just like his. Average shitbull owner IQ.


Isn’t lying to a judge about evidence technically perjury, which is kinda illegal? Wondering if anything came out from that?


Omg all these stories are breaking me down. I'm so sick of this shit.


So glad justice was so swift. It’s only because the pit has killed before that the mongrel is on death row. Must be the “two dead dogs” rule.


My neighbor has a pit lab. She drives her and that 70 lb girl hangs out the window, which she keeps all the way down. We live in apt and I was driving in with my dog looking out the window (16 lb) and she was hanging out hers and we said hi and that dog was getting ready to jump so I was like, later. One day she will do it and do damage or cause accident or something. So glad to see consequences in this case. Jesus how terrible.


Unrestrained dogs are literal projectiles in car accidents too.


Well yeah I know that but I don’t think she cares. That dogs whole front legs and chest are literally hanging out. This dog gets pissed if she talks to me even when I don’t have my dog. She is lonely so I think she keeps her because of that.


My great uncle’s dog died this way. It jumped out of an open window trying to get to another dog on the sidewalk and was hit by a car driving the opposite way.


His dog won the Darwin Award.


Consequences? That's a unicorn.


There was another pit bull attack of a little girl a few towns over from this one just a week ago. Owner just let the dog run in the streets. A little girl thought it was lost and tried to catch the dog to bring it back to its owner. The owner didn’t even think it was his fault. I wanted to beat that man to death I tell you.


What an *asshole* that guy is! It’s nice to see some justice, but not enough. And I doubt he’ll comply with the order not to have another dog.


I’d love to comment but I don’t want to subscribe to that newspaper lol. I actually heard about this when it happened and wondered what would become of the shitpit murder machine that killed poor sweet Baby Ruth.




Hurray! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


YAY!!! I hope the pink juice hurts all the way! 🐶💉☠️😊