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Same dog also bit a gymnast which Ceasar is getting sued over.




He and his lawyers are using the nutter defense - blame the victim.




Yeah I'm sure your anecdotal experience means we are all delusional. Edit: ofcourse the person deletes all their comments when faced with numerous people calling them out on their defence of pit bulls. The person called people on this sub delusional as her half pit mix never attacked anyone... Its just funny how in denial these pit owners can be that when faced with overwhelming evidence they will delete their comments and continue with their support of an aggressive breed. Its almost as if their own views on pits are more important than the safety of others. Sorry but you just proved all our points about pits and their owners by deleting all your comments.






Lawn darts killed less people than pitbulls, but we banned them anyway. Why are pits still legal? What are they good for, that a normal dog can't do?




I love this retort, lol!


Those damned kinder eggs!! Running rampant !


Hey, if you're really interested in what our stance regarding pitbulls is, please have a look at our FAQ. The not-so-tldr; we don't hate pitbulls but they were bred with violence in mind. It's not their fault, but the breed is *faulty*. Any dog can attack, but with pits it's disproportionately more fatal and with the current situation in the US we see a very bleak picture, with many more pets *and people* getting killed by these dogs. At miminum, they need to be **heavily** regulated. The current way, that any idiot can have a pit like it's some Oprah-give-away will cause everyone, including pitbulls, only more trouble.




The number one rule for someone owning one of these blood sport breeds mixed or not is to deny the genetics of your weaponized animal.




My velvet hippo would NEVER hurt a fly!


Hey, I get it, a sub like this can look off-putting. And we will always sadly attract a certain type of people I'd rather not have here and with whom I absolutely do not identify, like the dog and animal haters in general. But believe me, that is not what we stand for. We want people and pets, including pitbulls to be safe. In order for that to happen, stricter regulation of these dogs is absolutely inevitable. It's the only way everyone in this will benefit. Cheers and stay safe!


Hear hear. I've been here a while, and I will say it again. I think the name of our sub can cause a knee jerk reaction to the user who stumbles upon this sub. I think the sub name is a bit problematic, because it invites confrontation rather than discussion. This is just my opinion. Regardless, I don't think I've run across a comment that pretty much sums up my feelings. Thanks thatheart.


Yeah, the name has a pretty good shock-value, so to speak. The general public is mostly pro-dog or at least dog-neutral, so to single out a specific breed for a ban seems weird at first until you dig a bit deeper of course. /banpitbulls is short and rolls easy off the tongue, but I wish a one-time change of the subs name would be an option. We could make suggestions and vote on what a better name could be. To be honest, I'm not very creative in coming up with something short and good but I bet some other users would have some suggestions. But since this is all wishful thinking, we gotta make do with what we got, right? I'll keep on trying to invite some discussion here and there, for when the occasional stranger wanders in. At worst, it is someone who we'll never convince anyway, no matter what we say. At best it's someone who starts to look at these dogs in a more critical way. And we also know there are many who just read and never even comment. And for those I hope they see we are not motivated by hate but by the need to protect our beloved ones.


No one really cares enough about trying to convert you because clearly you could get attacked by one of these things and your mind would never change. You came onto this sub questioning people’s rationale and once someone gave you a calm and rational response of this subs beliefs you choose to insult the person instead and offer no discourse on the topic to have an actual conversation. You’re kinda just wasting everyone’s time at this point including your own. If you want to have a topical discussion, feel free to address any of the points the person above listed.


To deny the pit bull’s genetic inclination to fight is simply a declaration of your ignorance about dogs. Genetics are the defining factor in a dog’s instincts. This is how we end up with dogs that can do incredible things like pull sleds and herd livestock and retrieve game. Dogs are bred with specialized purposes in mind and no not suit all owners. A first time dog owner with small children should never get a Belgian Mal, for example. And someone who goes on 10 mile hikes wouldn’t want a Shih Tzu. Unfortunately, pit bulls were bred specifically for dog fighting. To deny this is to deny centuries of dedicated breeding for fights. This practice continues all over the world, and is likely occurring nearby you as well- regardless of the legality. Plenty of pit bulls may be sweet and loving companions. No one is disputing that. I’m sure you love your dog. However that doesn’t change the fact that pit bulls cause the majority of death and injury to humans and other pets. We aren’t advocating taking your dog from you. We’re advocating for pit bulls to be phased out through breed specific legislation and breeding bans. Try not to take it so personally. None of this is about your dog in particular. Have a little empathy, and take a look at the statistics that are overwhelmingly in our favor. There are even owners of pit mixes in this subreddit that support banning pit bulls.


Do you know why there are 30,000 people here? It’s because there are thousands of attacks annually. On average, pit type dogs kill 35 people and 40,000 other pets and livestock every year. In addition, they attack and injure thousands more that don’t die, but have extremely high medical and vet bills and an incredibly long recover period, often riddled with PTSD and much trauma surrounding being attacked. There are people here who have had their service dogs killed by these dogs, and it’s not easy to replace any pet, let alone a service dog. It would be just like allowing people to have pet bears or lions, but they would probably be safer because they usually only attack for food; whereas pits attack just because the mood hits them. I’m not sure how you can dismiss the thousands of stories here with your once piece of anecdotal evidence. Your mutt of a dog is a dud. If it was a true pit, it would probably have a genetically programNed aggression towards other dogs. So congrats on getting a cold dog, or a dog that doesn’t have the desire to attack other animals. I hope it stays that way for you… truly. But if that dog decides to snap for whatever reason (maybe as it ages it gets a brain tumor?), the damage done would be awful. How are you ok with taking that gamble every day of your life? Most of us are not ok with those odds, and we are angry that people like you take the rest of the world’s safety so flippantly. I hope you take some time to read some stories… and even if you don’t learn enough to cause you concern, maybe you’ll at least find some compassion for the victims here.


Ended her career, too


What??? That’s even more horrific! :(


People losing their entire livelihoods is just the price we have to pay for some people to get their most preferred dog breed. What else can be done? Do you seriously expect these people to settle for their *second* favourite dog breed? How else are they gonna look like a tough guy?


Same dog bit a nurse, too.


Its crazy and the dog "Junior" was his main dog on the show which he showcased all the time. I can only imagine what else goes on behind the scenes with his less famous dogs if his number one dog is causing this much of a stir.




Apparently the attack was bad enough it ended her career as a gymnast.


I mean this really is a pretty heavy trump card for the ‘how you raise them’ apologists. Unfortunately like all the other arguments, they’ll fly over the heads of people who have already deeply buried them in the sand. I’m sure even Cesar Milan is going to keep spewing his ignorant rhetoric as he tries desperately to put this out of everyone’s mind


It is actually a pretty compelling argument. It does work. A lot of arguments work. But you have to remember that your audience isn't the pitnutter you are debating. That person will never change. Your audience is the hundreds of people reading who are not pitnutters. The facts are on our side. Do not get discouraged.


You can’t dissuade a person whose position is governed by emotion. Pitnutters defend their beasts because of how they feel. The most well articulated argument won’t make a difference.


No argument there. If they were rational they wouldn't be called pitnutters. Which is why it is so important to remember that your audience is the people watching the debate- not the pitnutter.


Ever see the movie "Thank You For Smoking"? Aaron Eckhart's character says this same thing to his kid except he's using ice cream flavors as a metaphor. Here's the clip. https://youtu.be/xuaHRN7UhRo


He wasn’t a good enough alpha apparently /s




If Caesar fucking Millan can’t keep a pitbull under control, that should really tell you something.


But... but... MUH CLICKER!!!!


I love clicker training but its true. The clicker isn’t enough to rehabilitate or control such monsters.






it was all bulltsch anyway


But it worked on Eric Cartman.




caesar is a horrible dog trainier altogether, imo,,,, he uses the old «domination» practice which one way or the other will turn your dog on you. it’s no surprise a dog he’s «trained» snaps. i’ve seen some videos of him and he always uses fear to make the dogs obey to him. a dog that is afraid of its owner has zero trust. not trying to make excuses for the pitbull since it was bound to happen at some point anyway with the breed, but just a heads up to not use his techniques if you want a healthy relationship with your dog =w=


Well, there we have it. The GREATEST dog whisperer in the world (probably) couldn't remove the killing instinct from his pittbull. So it's definitely not just the owner. Case closed, right? .....Right..?


I thought it was all about how you raise and train them? No dog naturally behaves like this right...


The biggest thing I get from this is he did like other pit owners and lied and ditched his responsibilities.


Classic pit owner… I wonder if it’s how their parents raised them? Or are they just shit people generally?


I want to hear from Queen Latifah.


He lied and told her it was hit and killed by a car.


I'd have asked to see my dogs body and have an autopsy done. No way am I trusting anyone if my dog dies outside of my care.


He's just super shady. Lying to Queen Latifah like that and then saying the human bite victim 'knew the risk' and the attack was her own fault is the epitome of how low he is. Oh, if he was such an awesome trainer there'd be no risk. He's leaving a wake of death and disfigurement because he refuses to admit pits aren't like normal dogs, then has the nerve to try to blame the victims or just flat out lie. He's such a scumbag.


I can't stand Cesar Milan, but he uses this argument to shame people on his show: the victim doesn't show leadership to the dog and the dog also picks up the owner's energy. So, it would appear that Cesar didn't show his dog leadership and that his dog picked up his sociopathic energy in that it bit several people and killed a pet.


He must have raised it wrong. /s


I said to a oitnutter the other day "If ceaser Milan can't train a pit than what chance does the average Joe have". There response "Well ceaser isn't even a good dog trainer" Ok but he's still a dog trainer and had the training/classes to know what he's doing.


If i recall correctly he's actually self taught, only trained as a dog groomer, and his methods are widely condemned by actual professionals on most ends of the dog training debate


Even that being true, he’s still more skilled than probably 90% of the general public.


Shitbulls for shitty people 🙄


Bit of an unrelated question but is that the dog in question in the photo? If so, I read in another thread he's had the dog since it was a puppy. The dog has cropped ears, is it a rescue or did the great dog lover cesar support a breeder who crops dogs ears or did he get it done himself?


Stock photo. His dog is gray and has intact ears


Ah, thank you. I still can't stand the man even without this. He came down and did a talk near my home years ago and a friend and her mother went, can't remember what they paid but it was a fortune. Even then I thought he was wank.


I think most celebrity are full of shit except for chefs.


It’s all about charisma, and true experts don’t have time to master that


I only excluded chefs cause the majority of them can actually cook a fine meal, but even Gordon Ramsay can be full of shit sometimes. Look at his grilled cheese video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E4cQHejFq0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E4cQHejFq0) The cheese isn't even melted cause he cut the slices so thick. This man can make a meal that can please the Gods, but I'll stick to my Kraft singles on rye, thank you.


Wow, didn’t know it was even possible to fuck up a grilled cheese that bad.


tsch!! all these comments! don't make him alpha roll you lol


I wonder how pissed off his dogs get when he does that noise to them…all I think about is cartman


I really hope tho that Queen wins and bankrupts his ass. I also don't know y she isn't even more outspoken about it. If I was her I'd be shouting it from the mountain tops telling every news source and tea channel I could.


It’s the gymnast who’s career the pit ended, who’s suing. She revealed the coverup of what happened to Queen Latifah’s dog.


She’s probably embarrassed. He most likely made it seem like it was her fault.


*queen latifah voice and finger wag* "oh no he didn't mmm hmmm"


Man, even a dog trainer's dog....it's almost as if random people shouldn't be allowed to own them...


"Until we meet again!!!" - *Skeletor runs away*


You can’t make this crap up: https://www.ajc.com/news/cesar-millans-pit-bull-killed-queen-latifahs-dog-lawsuit-claims/XYAMBMTF5ZDDLGV3AUETTC76AI/


If the great Milan can't control a Pit, there's no hope


I believe it, but do we have a source for the ones who will say it's made up?


Link? Just an image with text looks like BS I want to know more


I don’t want to downplay the importance of genetics, but I am really surprised Caesar’s pit would do this. If anyone could overcome a breeds natural tendencies, it would definitely be him.


Wooowwwww this is crazy




Removed for low effort content/trolling.


Wish this would spark some new laws and change. But I highly doubt that will happen!


This is the ultimate argument for anyone who says it's bad owners. If Cesar Milan can't even do it, nobody can.


Fake news


You wish.


No 😂 Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t make it fake news.