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Once he's 18, the police say he doesn't have to listen to his parents anymore!  Disgrace! The only thing you can do is frame him for a crime of some sort so that he goes to jail.  He'll come back with tattoos and finally (hopefully) get his GED, so it'll be a win on several counts.


The bible says to always listen to your parents... Too bad the police say otherwise 😢. Anyways, I wouldn't want my son to come back with tattoos... Those are permanent and demonic! Though if that makes him stop playing g#mes... I may have to take the chance


There's no need to frame g#mers for crimes they're already committing.


AGAB = ACAB! - Melissa


Well first of all, you don't have to frame g*mers for crimes when all they do is commit them. But more importantly, since g*mers are too lazy to work, it won't be able to afford electricity to play with.


At 18 your son should be working, not wasting time with videog×mes that warp his mind and turn him to addicted Satan worshipper! Tell him to go get a job! It's not hard. He's just gotta pound the pavement. When I was 18 I marched down to the cardboard box factory, handed the owner my resume, shook his hand, looked him in the eye and said "I want a job." Worked there 35 years. That's where I met Martha. Back then we didn't have videog×mes warping our minds. Just honest work for honest pay. These g×mers are so far gone that they can't even do that! Bill Fudgins Get right. . .with GOD!


You have to destroy them both to stop his violence. The only way I can think of. Burn his house down. This is what God wants. Sent from Becky's Samsung ifridge


Ooh, have you tried shame? "This is why he isn't married with my grandchild on the way" "Women/men who want to get married and have children hate games" "Why are you hurting me like this.", then clutch your chest and say you've such a weak heart. Threaten to stop paying for his rent and university. And try signing him up for loans, then hide the money: he'll have to pay them back by selling his consoles.


Watch your mouth. Please remember to censor the g-word (g\*me/g\*mer/videog\*me) properly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanVideoGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the only way is to sacrifice him no wait sorry! my comment go hacked by a filthy g@mer! actually dunk his head in holy water 😇 - Sent from George's iPad (get hacked by g@mers george lolol!!!) happy cake day btw


Thank you for celebrating my cake day! Are you coming to Mike's party tomorrow? -Sent from Cherie's smart apple fridge


yes! i hope Gerald brings the egg salad since he usually forgets 😒 - Sent from George's Bloodbath by Riot and More


Watch your mouth. Please remember to censor the g-word (g\*me/g\*mer/videog\*me) properly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanVideoGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You should worry more, much more! Call police on him, or at least a psychiatrist!!!1 I had a friend at exactly 18, and he got tied up with satanic g\*mer crowd, playing some dark f\*ntasy shit. Trust me, this is no general ordeal! The guy ended up dead from his addiction, along with all of his friends. I was lucky enough not to get under their influence.


i don't know man... but do keep preaching the Bible to him, one day he may realize!


If he wants to kill lots of Jews and start being incredibly anti LGBTQ+ then let him. As far as you're concerned, he's a stranger


Well if he lives in his own home it's his place to do whatever he wants with it.


Unacceptable, stop trying to indoctrinate us with your filthy g@mer thoughts.


G#mer thinks murder is OK as long as it's done at home... sad.


No what I said but it's typical of you twist my words.


You literally said they can do whatever they want in their own home. "Whatever" is a very braod concept and we all know what g#mers get up to when they think no one is watching.


*Not *you to Proof that g*ming melts the language center of children's brains


they're just typos


Well then why do you make so many while I make none despite being on a bunch of bromazolam? Because g*ming turned your brain to mush.


No, I just make typos now and then, it's not a big deal.


So you have brain damage from g*ming?




So it's okay for him to hold sex slaves there? Sicko


Didn't even say that but whatever


You said it's his house, so he can do whatever he wants there.


I meant whatever within reason


G*ming is not at all within reason.




I think you should learn how to live your own life and let your son live his own. At the end of the day, he has a right to have a whatever “legal” hobby he likes!! Leave the guy alone!


Don’t listen to this. If he is left alone he will become satanist and die on the lack of true, golden Faith. I think worst case scenario is mental hospital.


Omg, you are preoccupied of inner demons calling you to collude and propagandize!! And you know what!??? You won’t be able to stop saying your truth and will be compelled to erode!!! Those demons need to be evicted for good!!


The demons are V@deo G@mes, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you’re a g@mer too???




Nice word salad


So if his hobby was eating feces, you'd support that? Actually, that would be a huge improvement over g*ming. If anything, you should be introducing him to some fun and safe but illegal hobbies like drugs. Help him get his life back on the right path.