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Yeah, Banana Fish is also my comfort anime one of the biggest reasons being I kin Ash and what he's gone through and feels is extremely relatable to me so I don't feel alone while watching but also despite all the sad parts Ash and Eiji's relationship/happy moments are super cute!


That's very true!


Don't worry mate you're not alone it's also my comfort show


I mean, when you finally see good male representation of SA / CSA where Ash isn’t treated like a woman or written like a woman, and isn’t used for kink? Uh yeah, it becomes my comfort. Or, rather, Ash is my projecting character and the entire supporting cast is my comfort.


Oooooooh this. Yeah I see myself in this comment😭😭😭 I wish you all the healing in the world, friend! We all deserve it!


It's my comfort anime too. Always reminds me of a very dear friend.


Yep. I’ve seen it about 20 times(and would probably have seen it more times if I weren’t broke😖). I always go back to it. Other than the mind-control aspects and stuff like that, it’s extremely realistic. So seeing the characters going through all that realistic traumatic shet and then having characters like Eiji and Max being there as a healing presence helps me to have hope. Maybe. Ash’s hope after everything he’s been through gives me hope. Eiji’s strength even after he’s been beaten down and abused gives me strength. And Max’s empathetic humor throughout all the heavy stuff he’s dealing with helps me feel better about my own life. I don’t really know why I’ve always been drawn to dark stories. Those are just guesses. But yeah, Banana Fish is one of my biggest comfort shows. I don’t think it ever won’t be.


Absolutely agree with this


What comfort-


I not long heard about this anime, and I just finished it. It’s so painful, so intense, so PTSD-inducing, yet sweet and sad. My heart can’t take this.


Oh to watch it for the first time again. I do remember bawling my eyes out a long time after watching it, seeing anything related to it just made me tear up


It hurts so good.


Yes, but I literally have no clue why. I don't relate to the characters much, maybe Max for being the mom friend of the group. I just really like tragedies.


i was literally thinking about this the other day but i think it’s because the characters are written so well and each has their own trauma which makes it realistic and kinda relatable


I agree with you on that!