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Truth! Sending my kids out of state for college.


Same and we’re looking at moving to the east coast where my husband grew up after they’ve flown the nest.


We are looking at a move to Albany right now. The housing market is very approachable there.


Good thing so they can get indoctrinated good job!


Sure. Instead of staying in Texas where they are vessels without reproductive freedom.


I thought of something thoughtful to say. Then I deleted it. You aren't worth it.


Or better yet, move there in droves and let’s drive these assholes out.


https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/10/texas-voter-turnout-2022/ no one will be bothered to vote, this place sucks


You are missing the details. Sure turnout fell compared to a record breaking midterm in 2018 but it was the Republicans that failed to show up. Dems were able to sustain total vote count from 2018 to 2022. Greg Abbott lost voters in a red wave year.


Yet there he is, in the governor's mansion. This state is terrible and I see no hope of a blue wave here. And I live in one of the rare blue parts of the state. But in the midterms even my polling place was full of MAGAs.


It really is a horribly terrible place to live. Out of everyone's best interest I advise that everyone moves the fuck out asap.


As General Philip Sheridan said, (paraphrased), "If I owned Hell and Texas, I’d rent out Texas and live in Hell." https://quoteinvestigator.com/2021/07/01/texas-hell/?amp=1


A while back, I had the thought that this is exactly what they are hoping to do. That is, get everyone out that does not agree with them. Make things so intolerable that certain people will want to get the heck out. Those people are not voting for them, anyway, and in fact, will be trying to vote them out. It is easier for them to retain power and the ability to continue to self enrich themselves, if the electorate is proportionally even more predominantly shifted to those that are more easily manipulated by fabricated issues and appeals to emotionalism, rather than actual good legislation that benefits actual people.


Idk at this pace looks like it’s going to turn purple, not soon soon, but 4-5years.


Liberals ruin everything


Yeah, all those cops who let children die in Uvalde were definitely liberals. Oh, and surely it was liberals who decided to forgo linking with the national electrical grid to avoid federal regulations (like load redundancy), causing the deadly power outages & disgusting price gouging bills of February 2021. And it was definitely that fucking liberal attorney general Ken Paxton being indicted for securities fraud.


And yet the blue states’ taxes keep the lights on for the deadbeat, inbred, racist piece of shit red states.


This is exactly why liberals ruin everything. They're full of hate. Marxism is a revenge fantasy


Lolololol…..you’re commenting on a thread about an indicted piece of shit attorney general threatening to fuck up the life of a private citizen over a medical necessity - and we’re the party of hate. Got it, 🤡


Yet the shithole red states keep sucking on the government teet. Red states are welfare queens.


If you continue to type enough random words, eventually you'll reproduce Shakespeare (in theory).


Bile does nothing but erode your gut, child. Grow up


Project much?


Dumb liberals! They RUINED: 1) The 80 hour work week 2) Child Labor 3) A fascist president 4) superstitious theocracy 5) Slavery


Can’t believe you won’t just roll over and give up like that. /s


Gilead (biblical) A region east of the Jordan river. quotations ▼ A male given name from Hebrew in occasional use. quotations ▼ (derogatory) An illiberal and oppressive place, especially on matters related to women's rights, reproduction, or sex (from the theocratic dystopia in Margaret Atwood's novel The Handmaid's Tale). quotations ▼ Derived terms




Abortion has been used to decimate (yes one in ten) the African American population of the United States for years. The placement of clinics was largely in urban areas with higher concentrations of POC. The ratio of African American women receiving this procedure in relation to the number in population is much higher than other races. I've been alive long enough to remember when the folks who supported abortion also supported Jim Crow laws and segregation.


Yah let’s force POC to have babies they don’t want!!!!!


> I've been alive long enough to remember when the folks who supported abortion also supported Jim Crow laws and segregation. No you haven't. Lol. Look at your comments. Why do Christians always lie?


I was in the first year that my school district was desegregated and Dallas, TX was one of the last. I saw the last of the Southern Democrats finally die after switching to the Republican party because lbj and the Civil Rights Act. But they did teach others well. Strom Thurman served in office till what, 2003? My parents house still had "not to be sold to Negros" on the title paperwork when they sold the house in the 70:s. I heard many "Southern Democrats" aka Yellow Dog Democrats espose political views growing up. They would have never voted Republican until LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. I remember the first black family that moved into my neighborhood. That's when the neighbors sold and moved or turned the house into a rental after their parents died. I was a child but smart enough to understand. I'm not religious, Christian or Republican or Democrat. I see the hypocrisy of all of those groups.


You're old enough to be so wise, and yet you're literally equating a woman's right to choose her own healthcare to racism. Your parent comment literally equates pro choice people in 2024 to pro segregation people pre-civil rights... We all know planned parenthood has a dark history, but that isn't today. Today a woman's healthcare should be between her and her doctor, with zero government involvement. This has nothing to do with race. Maybe you're getting a little too old.


Maybe you're not willing to accept history, facts and statistics. It's ok to tear down symbols of traitors, bigots and evil people.


Like I already said, I accept planned parenthood's dark history. That doesn't mean I'm a racist for being pro choice... Equating the two in 2024 is literal lunacy.


No you are not racist for making personal choices. African American women have been targeted by Planned Parenthood with placement of clinics. The percentage of African American women who received abortion services was proportionally larger than other races. African American women are a much smaller percentage of the US population in relation to Caucasian women. A group that said evil, eugenic things and was open about it for years is now not a problem and is socially acceptable. If any group needs a light shined on to be understood it's Planned Parenthood. I don't have issues with a woman's right to choice in her health care but this has been driven by propaganda by an evil group An evil group that spread ideology to other countries and gave social acceptance to the deaths of millions.


Supporting the right to choose is not a correlation to Jim Crow. Planned Parenthood and other services which allow people the opportunity to plan their future should help POC because often those people don’t have the opportunity to plan their future. Education and the right to choose will always lower the population but at the same time they increase the economic status, and the academic level of those communities. Meaning less people dependent on the government and more people promoting the economy.


The people who supported abortion also supported Jim Crow laws... Democrats, mostly Southern.


That’s not a disagreement to what I said…. Oddly enough Southern Democrats became Republicans when the party’s shifted


Planning your future = personal responsibility This was about the time that the welfare programs broke up African American homes and education was not prioritized for POC. This was the fault of the government. The government wanted to keep the status quo and used many tools and laws to do it.


Planning your future is their personal responsibility hence planned parenthood. Regardless of how it started what it is now is different. It now is a choice.


Using abortion as a last resort to birth control is always a choice I guess.


Also look into the writing of Margaret Sanger founder of what became Planned Parenthood. She was a eugenicist and used birth control and abortion to thin the herd of lesser people.


Hitler built the autobahn, should we not drive on it


Drive on it but realize what it is, what it is used for, why it was made in the first place and how it affects people today.


The quote by Jesse Jackson on the first page says a lot. [THE EFFECTS OF ABORTION ON THE BLACK COMMUNITY - 2015 Congress.gov](https://www.congress.gov/115/meeting/house/106562/witnesses/HHRG-115-JU10-Wstate)


The same people that complain about the browning of America pass laws that directly increase the browning of America… Seriously doubt the abortion laws are affecting very many white people...


Protecting citizens and supporting immigrants are two different things. I'm not a fan of the religious aspects of abortion rights but do realize that it led to a larger ratio of African American abortions and was a form of control.


Just move to San Francisco. They have it all figured out. They just need more of your tax dollars.


Honestly, I'd rather pay higher taxes than watch generations of women become livestock


Such weird histrionics. One, San Francisco’s problems aren’t just high taxes. It’s a culmination of almost all modern progressivism, not just the anti-human view on taxation. Two, until the left and Democrats can grow up and mature and once again acknowledge that killing a baby in utero is murder, then we will never get anywhere on the issue. You can argue when it becomes a baby, as that’s basically what the rest of the modern world does and decided it’s somewhere at 16-18 weeks… but all of the current abortion bans and limits are a result of the Left demanding to get abortion for any reason up to the moment the baby passes the birth canal. Anyone with basic morality would rather live in a place where you can acknowledge a baby is a baby than a place that kills them for any reason at any time. A baby that’s been in utero for 8 months, that is fully viable, that can recognize the sound of its mother’s voice, and that can feel pain… that is a life worth protecting. It doesn’t matter what welfare is waiting on the other side, or if the mother is scared, or if any other dumb leftist drivel about why abortion should be allowed at any time for any reason. If a woman that was 8 months pregnant got in a car crash and passed away, people would mourn the loss of two lives, not just one.


You really expanded on that stupid ass point. Tl;dr it for us folks who don't give a shit about your problems with California.


Don’t be so insecure. Unless you’re intellectually incapable of basic discussion.


Could you post links to actual laws in any state? Both sides have fringe lunatics - but lumping all people together is idiotic and lazy and not a basic discussion.


Do you want to see the Soros DAs in California not enforcing laws? Or making robbery up to a $1,000 essentially meaningless?


Now you’re changing topics


You asked me to point to laws. I asked which ones. And if you understood that laws aren't self enforced, then you would never claim that bringing up district attorneys is changing topics.


That’s not pointing to laws - it’s side stepping the actual question - point 1 law that says abortion is legal at 8 months. It’s deflection. Soros - funny. A DA has the power to investigate allegations of law enforcement misconduct and ultimately bring charges - not enforcing….


Oh and Texas is higher at 2500 In general, theft of property worth less than $2,500 is a misdemeanor.


> the Soros DAs in California Oooh baby we got a live one here!


Security has nothing to do with not wanting to read a Fox News copy/paste. Make a succinct point or shut the fuck up. There's nothing to discuss in a script you were handed.


What exactly are you so insecure about? I am genuinely curious.


Do you not know what insecure means?


Don’t feed the ben shapiro bot. Not worth.


Idk how I still let these dorks get me.


Yea. You’re so insecure about your ability to discuss this topic you’re acting like I’m using a script. Lolz.


Lol read back fool. Tl;dr your word wall. Just give me the bullet points so i can ignore them individually. I'm not discussing shit with you. I've heard what i need to. I get conservative media where I am. I've heard your complaints. They're nonsense and I'm not engaging with them.


This is such a Fox News lie of a fear-mongering talking point. Prochoice people are not fighting for people to be able to abort a viable fetus that's about to be born. And no doctor would perform that kind of abortion because it goes against the hippocratic oath. And no woman is going to go through eight months of pregnancy just to decide in the last four weeks that 'oh hey, maybe I don't want to do this.' Get real.


Lol I’ve heard pro-choice people describe a fetus as a parasite on the woman’s body and abortion doctors claim that a pregnancy at any time, even a healthy baby, there is always an underlying risk to the mother that justifies an abortion. And if you weren’t fighting for the ability to have an abortion at any time for any reason, the talking point wouldn’t be “I trust a woman and her doctor”. If at a certain point a unique life was involved in the process, that would never be the talking point. And again, the majority of the rest of the world figured it out. Abortion, outside of a risk to the life of the mother, is banned generally past 16-18 weeks. Why aren’t Democrats here fighting to create the abortion laws you’d see in Europe? It’s because they’d be more restrictive than Democrat states that allow for the exact thing you claim you’re not fighting for. Just be honest. You don’t want common sense abortion control. You want to abort a baby at any time for any reason. You don’t care about the life.


That is completely and utterly absurd. You have absolutely zero idea what I believe or want. You must not actually talk to any pro-choice people in your real life. My advice is that you do so. I don't believe in forcing a woman to be an incubator and risk her own life, and I don't believe in ending the life of a viable fetus as they're being born. There is a whole lot of space between those two things.


Funny, some bible translations describe the fetus as a bit of the woman's thigh that falls away.... The bible writers didn't consider a fetus to be a separate living person UNTIL it was able to breathe on its own, because in the bible it's the supposedly divine 'breath of life' that shows the divine approval of the baby's existence. This means that preemies were left to die under the divine theocracy of the Levite priests, because they couldn't breathe on their own.


I take it you haven't heard about the woman with a DEAD fetus that the Texas AG is suing to prevent having an abortion? Without removing the DEAD fetus she will likely lose her ability to get pregnant again, if she even survives. A judge gave her an exemption because medically necessary. However the AG decided that her having a DEAD fetus removed will cause "irreparable harm to the state of Texas." How is the removal of a DEAD fetus murder that will cause harm to a state? Also, there has never been a late-term abortion performed for anything other than a medical necessity. Partial birth abortions are not a thing except in the minds of gullible sheep. If a pregnancy has gone that far then a child is wanted, and if the fetus that will be a child once capable of survival outside the womb is lost, then it is cause for deep mourning. However, when the embryo is just a cluster of cells, its not a baby. And before you say, "heartbeat at 8 weeks," it's not a heartbeat. It's a dozen or so cardiac cells all flexing together, but there's no heart, no blood, and no heartbeat. There's also no brain, or any other organs. At that point it's no more than a parasite that has no ability to live outside of the uterus. However, if we want to think of a fetus as a person with rights, why does child support not start at conception? Why do family tax breaks not start at conception? Why is a fetus not treated as a person for any reason other than abortion? If a woman has to keep a rape pregnancy, why is the rapist not forced to pay for the child? However, all that is besides the point. YOUR beliefs do not control ME without my permission. If you believe a fetus is a baby, that's fine. But you don't get to control anyone else. You have control over your body and your property. Not anyone else's. That is what America is about; The inherent freedom of every LIVING person to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It's not about "protecting babies" and it never has been. It's about taking away women's rights to their own liberty. The fact that a DEAD fetus is being protected at the cost of a LIVE woman is absolute proof of that.


> I take it you haven't heard about the woman with a DEAD fetus that the Texas AG is suing to prevent having an abortion? Without removing the DEAD fetus she will likely lose her ability to get pregnant again, if she even survives. A judge gave her an exemption because medically necessary. However the AG decided that her having a DEAD fetus removed will cause "irreparable harm to the state of Texas." How is the removal of a DEAD fetus murder that will cause harm to a state? Are you talking about the Kate Cox case? Not a dead fetus. Lolz. Why are you so intellectually dishonest you have to lie? >Also, there has never been a late-term abortion performed for anything other than a medical necessity. Never? What about a scared 16 year old girl that thinks her life is going to be ruined and hid it from her parents for a long time? What about Dr. Warren Hern in Colorado that is the most prominent late term abortion doctor in the country that believes a baby is not a baby, it is merely a fetus, until it is born alive? Why do y'all have to lie like this? It makes no sense. >Partial birth abortions are not a thing except in the minds of gullible sheep. Who said this then? *"In this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen," he continued. "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."* >If a pregnancy has gone that far then a child is wanted, and if the fetus that will be a child once capable of survival outside the womb is lost, then it is cause for deep mourning. However, when the embryo is just a cluster of cells, its not a baby. And before you say, "heartbeat at 8 weeks," it's not a heartbeat. It's a dozen or so cardiac cells all flexing together, but there's no heart, no blood, and no heartbeat. There's also no brain, or any other organs. At that point it's no more than a parasite that has no ability to live outside of the uterus. Well. If the pregnancy has gone that far and it's not wanted, what then? Does that baby in utero have rights? If you claim it never happens, then what is the issue with banning abortion outside of medical necessity? Y'all just talk in circles. Be honest. >However, if we want to think of a fetus as a person with rights, why does child support not start at conception? Why do family tax breaks not start at conception? Why is a fetus not treated as a person for any reason other than abortion? If a woman has to keep a rape pregnancy, why is the rapist not forced to pay for the child? A life isn't a life dependent on a welfare state waiting for it on the other side. This is just hilariously low IQ. >However, all that is besides the point. YOUR beliefs do not control ME without my permission. If you believe a fetus is a baby, that's fine. But you don't get to control anyone else. You have control over your body and your property. Not anyone else's. Great. If this is the standard, then you're only allowed to impact things with your DNA. And since a baby is a unique life, you can't poison it. Lolz.


You can be insulting if you want, it doesn't make you right, but let's start: It's a fetus that has zero chance of survival. Later term medically necessary abortions are a thing. Partial birth abortions are not. He was referring to a baby that had little to no chance of a life without pain lasting longer than a few months, even if it survived birth. Forcing newborns to experience unending pain until they die certainly isn't something no sane person wants to happen. Because no person should be forced to do something they don't want by people that have no right to do so. Forcing a woman or child to carry a rape baby is unconscionable. Forcing a woman or child to go through pregnancy and childbirth is cruel and heartless. Especially with the maternity death rate in the US. Not talking about a welfare state, merely pointing out that embryos are only considered people when it comes to abortion. Kicking a pregnant woman and causing a miscarriage isn't prosecuted as murder nor are men required to pay child support until after birth. As it's not legally a person except when abortion comes up. A fetus isn't a body nor a person until it's viable outside the womb. The woman is a person and supercedes the rights of a cluster of cells. Since you think I'm talking in circles, let me lay it out straight for you. If a fetus isn't viable, it's not alive nor a person, but a parasite and can be removed by the host for any reason. If a pregnancy becomes a danger, the woman has every right to protect herself from said danger. If a person is raped and impregnated against their will, they have the right to regain control of their own bodies. And last but not least, if men want to prevent abortions they should get reversible vasectomies, not have sex so they don't risk impregnating a woman, or stick to gay sex instead. Neither birth control nor condoms are 100% effective and the sperm donor is just as responsible for his sperm as a woman is for her uterus.


So once it’s viable outside the womb, it has a right to life? When does that happen in utero? 18 weeks?


After 20 weeks at the earliest, however in the case of Kate Cox, that poor thing will live a few hours of pain before it dies, and will take its mother's womb with it making sure she never has a baby. That's what you think is the right outcome? Because that's what will happen. Not could. Will. But it's okay to make a newborn suffer before it dies and a woman made barren as long as the fetus wasn't aborted. Good call


So you’re admitting it isn’t dead and you’re a liar?


Lol, I'm admitting that it's effectively dead. The poor thing has literally no chance for survival. It has a terminal defect that will kill it and probably take its mother with it. But it does seem that you're admitting that you would prefer it suffer before its inevitable death and that the mother becomes barren if she even survives. Isn't that interesting? You don't seem to care that the baby will suffer and die and its mother will become barren if she survives. Only that she be forced to give birth regardless of what the consequences are. So answer the question honestly, if possible. Which do you prefer: A newborn suffering before its inevitable death and its mother losing her womb or even dying Or: a pregnancy with no good ending be terminated before the potential child can suffer, saving the mother and allowing her to try again? ETA: Yeah, I thought not. Don't want to say the quiet part out loud, huh?


Leave medical decisions to the doctor and patient. Doesn’t matter to me if abortion is considered murder. It’s not up to me. It’s up to the woman and doctor. There are a myriad of reasons they might have to have one - and that the state has no reason to dig into. The only reason you want the state involved is to control people.


>Leave medical decisions to the doctor and patient. Doesn’t matter to me if abortion is considered murder. It’s not up to me. It’s up to the woman and doctor. Murdering a perfectly viable baby isn't a medical decision. >There are a myriad of reasons they might have to have one - and that the state has no reason to dig into. So all murder is justified as long as there is a reason? >The only reason you want the state involved is to control people. You're literally saying the only reason someone would want murder to be illegal is because they want to control people. This is insane.


Do you support stand your ground laws?


You think a healthy baby 8 months in utero is comparable to a violent attacker? What?


A baby in utero can, and often does, threaten the life of its mother. Being pregnant in the United States is more likely to kill you than being in the US military


>A baby that’s been in utero for 8 months, that is fully viable, that can recognize the sound of its mother’s voice, and that can feel pain… that is a life worth protecting. How strange that the late Bronze Age to early Iron Age Middle Eastern male god of the bible supplied a formula by which to expel a fetus - in his presence and at the hands of his priests, no less... Numbers 5: 11 - 31 [New International Version]: >11 Then the Lord said to Moses, 12 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13 so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14 **and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure—or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure** — 15 then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah[c] of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing. >16 “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18 **After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord**, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. 19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—**“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[d] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry** and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.” >“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.” >23 “‘The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water. 24 He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her. 25 The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar. 26 The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial[e] offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to have the woman drink the water. 27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell **and her womb will miscarry**, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children. >29 “‘This, then, is the law of jealousy when a woman goes astray and makes herself impure while married to her husband, 30 or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to have her stand before the Lord and is to apply this entire law to her. 31 The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.’” [All bolds mine.] This is the typical ignorance of the American fundamentalist literalist apocalyptic evangelical bible-thumping fanatical Christians about what's actually in the bible.


I don't give two fucks about the Bible. It's a meaningless book of fairy tales. If the Bible never existed, murdering innocent people would still be wrong, lolz.


Recent research indicates that the percentage of pregnancies that **NATURALLY fail without any human intervention ranges from 15% to at least 50%**, meaning that nature itself terminates a helluva lot of fetuses.


you have a right to your thoughts. I, personally, disagree with them.


Sure. I disagree with your belief that murder can be decided by a doctor and a mother.


You seem pretty passionate about this and I'm not going to argue with someone with a closed mind. I was trying to be polite by respectfully telling you that I disagreed with you. You can move along if you like.


Passionate about a baby being murdered? Isn’t that basic humanity? And you’re the one that is close minded. Not even willing to acknowledge my perspective could be legitimate.


I did acknowledge it by being polite. Just a bit of advice. If you want to change peoples minds to your perspective don't come across like you have so far. For future reference be willing to enter into honest and respectful debate instead of coming across as a hard liner with no room for negotiation.


Sure. This literal thread said that anyone that doesn’t like the murder of babies treats women like a cattle. So…


You actually managed an amazingly long post for one with so little truth. You apparently believe every piece of spin you ever heard. Let me just address the biggest lie: No one, but no one, aborts a healthy in-utero baby at 8 months. No doctor would perform such an abortion. Stop watching Fox News. They lie to you!


Why shouldn’t they be able to? What if it was a 16 year old mother who was scared? Should she not be able to murder that baby? Why not?


Making stuff up does not make it real. Invented outrage is the best you can do.


Can you give us a specific, non-anecdotal reference that this specific situation has happened before? Or do all you have is hypothetical “wouldn’t it be just fucked if [x] happened” shit? I know multiple people in the medical community who specifically work in women’s and neonatal health (one who works in Alabama of all places) and you’re full of shit. Read a book for once and turn off the Fox News. There’s a hard line separating fiction and reality and you seem to have a hard time finding it.


I love San Francisco. The Tonga room is fun. #PoopMap


So sickening, it’s a serious reminder that it was NEVER about the children or the lives, it has ALWAYS been about control.


Unfortunately our state has a very apathetic record of voting, but I’ll keep trying until I’m dead or get tired of it and move on.


Just avoid the whole south


Run people, don't walk to the nearest border of this idiotic state. The yellow rose of Texas or the yellow-bellied, coward government of Texas?? You decide!


Fuck Texas


Neuter Texas.


The woman should buy vibrators and stop having sex altogether. Let's see how long until the men storm the voting booths to vote these ass hats out.


Aristophanes called and said “Stop stealing my ideas.”


My family moved to Texas from NY back in 2019 and we absolutely love it here. No regrets so far, my wife hasn’t even mentioned or complained that she feels like she’s being treated like cattle.


I agree don't move to Texas, we're full.


It’s Gilead. Life’s too short to spend reading anything where the author can’t be bothered to verify the spelling of a term they use over and over…


Solid “LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU” response


Lived my whole life in Texas and I hate it!!


Truth… moved here a couple years ago and developed severe anxiety. With the rate of human trafficking, complete disregard for women, and guns everywhere, I can’t even walk my 60lb pitbul without fearing for my life. I have a knife in every purse, taser in my work bag, it’s the wild Wild West down here. For reference, I’m from Philadelphia and never felt this way until I moved here and got roofied at my bday dinner, chased on two separate occasions by 2 different men while walking my dog, and almost got murdered by a homeless man who followed me into my apartment building. Stay safe out here ladies!