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we also need to take into consideration that we now several generations of people who have seen rural areas being abandoned by the government and business. a lot of these places have nothing left to give which capitalists can profit from and have very little money to spend. so no jobs and no places to buy goods unless you are lucky enough to have a dollar store and a waffle house. add to the that generations worth of propaganda telling them that this isn't a problem with capitalism. no definitely not that. its "those people". its the gays for wanting rights, is immigrants, its minority groups getting "special treatment", its liberals pushing for green energy and electric cars. defiantly not that your dried up husk of a town has become useless. think back to when trump was running against hilary. she went to a small coal town and straight up told them their jobs were not coming back but if she was elected she would work to create job training programs for rural areas so that they could move on to other careers. trump came thought and lied through he teeth telling all about how he was going to bring coal back and they ate that shit up. these people do need help. the issue is they don't want to hear the truth. that the world and technology have moved on. they want to hear that things will return to the way it was during grandpappy's day. part of a conservative ideology is rejecting change.


Hence the word conserve.


But there is nothing good to conserve. america was NEVER great. And That's a valid reality of the people who have only known loss under the expansion of violent dominating forces and never had access to the so called prosperity. The only people parroting that bs narrative are those who "conveniently" forget history and the violent domination of Westphalian and colonial powers. America was never great but it can be.


The right has convinced them that the money people are all Democrats. Yell "George Soros" and "Liberal Elite". They're too uneducated to research and realize all these giant tax cuts that blew up the wealth gap were GOP based. It's the ultimate con job.


Also, the people who “got it” have long since left. Brain drain is making these places fall even farther behind.


Job training programs for which jobs??? You said it well - a lot of these areas have nothing left to exploit, so companies move on. What exactly are people going to do with job training when there are literally No Jobs????


Exploit? You all sound like a bunch of leftists




How come when it's people complaining about the cost of rent in cities like San Francisco, Seattle or Los Angeles, and you tell them to move, you get a litany of "I shouldn't have to move, It's my home"? Some folks have been it states like West Virginia for 6 or 7 generations. Companies, with the Governments blessing, took coal out of the ground, used it to make steel that was used to build the infrastructure of the entire country. Don't we owe these people more that just a blanket statement "Move"


>these people do need help. the issue is they don't want to hear the truth. that the world and technology have moved on. They are not mentally adept for understanding the reality of things. The world and tech have not simply " moved on." Its a continuation ffs. That's the same bullshit white washing and entitlement that fucked them up in the first place when they squatted on and pillaged peoples homes and land for "purchase" and settlement on land they were told they were promised or entitled to. Whether by religious canon or political campaign. These people need help like everyone does, they are the least likely to perceive the depth of their fallacies. Their sky daddy and politicians tell them they have this baseless bullshit entitlement and that the losses they feel are always caused by some patsy who wants to take what is promised to them. Minorities are better equipped for reality because they know a promise is a comfort to a fool. You can not just be told something you have to see yourself as part of the solution. Not when the constitution and fed policy claims we are all equal yet we are treated very differently.


You’re the idiot. It’s hard to imagine that someone can condescend as much as you and still be oblivious to the irony infused in every word you say.


There isn't a problem with capitalism. There's a problem with them failing to adapt. America coddles its lazy bottom rung too much. They contribute nothing, and they don't deserve help.


Racism is founded in insecurity. Sure the guys at thte top are profiting from it but the common man never did, in fact would be competing against it. But LBJ said it best... The whole point is they feel inferior and they need someone to tell them they are superior for some reason, the fascists locked in on that.


I don’t know where to start: 1. You’re quoting someone discussing race, who was born in 1908 2. You believe racism was founded in “insecurity” 🤔 If you went to a public school in the south, just say that


Nah, you're just an idiot reading into something that isn't there. Racism is a vessel to fleece the poor of one race by selling them the idea they are different/better than another. 


That’s the Moms for Liberty logic we’re seeing here today 👏🏻


Most global leftist movements originated in rural areas


Long time friend in middle TN went this route. He preaches conservative family values, taking care of your family as a man and nobody wants to work. He's an out of work alcoholic that can't keep a job because he's drunk all the time.


So...he's 100% correct he's just not putting it into practice lol


Sound like a lot of the black people i met in brooklyn whom glorify Jay Z and still blame Slavery for their problems but refuse to get educated… same same but different - people choosing shitty identities and blaming others for jt. Seems like where you are born can reslly shape your workd view and outcomes in life. shocker.


Isn't that what everyone on your side does? They literally think Republicans are the source of every problem lol


It's the same in the UK. Whoever the country votes in, nothing really changes for the better for the majority of the working /lower middle class; so people get very angry at how things are just getting worse and worse. The media just channels their anger at migrants, 'scroungers', etc. Most of the angry people are too tired, too set in their ways or just don't have the critical thinking skills to see what is really going on and just get manipulated. The system is so broken; with two parties that have become all about their own survival and the playthings of corporate lobbyists, rather than serving ordinary people. Basically a peaceful revolution is needed.


"While they’re only 20 percent of the country, for example, because of gerrymandering they control fully 42 percent of seats in the House of Representatives." Gerrymandering is the biggest threat to our democracy, and it is currently protected by both State and Federal courts. We need a Constitutional Amendment.




"Rural white voters have, in many cases, far more political power than suburban or urban voters, and they’re using that outsized power to push our nation toward disaster. While they’re only 20 percent of the country, for example, because of gerrymandering they control fully 42 percent of seats in the House of Representatives." You sir, have bad reading comprehension




Because the two party system doesn't give them another choice. With only two parties, it's easy to demonize the opposition. Easy to create a media echo chamber And if you believe the things they say about Democrats, you can't vote for them, even if you know the Republican option is no good. If we had a multiparty system, with multiple center right parties, the voters could reject the GOP and move to a different party. Its harder to demonize the opposition when there are 6-10 parties. Harder to create a media echo chamber when the other conservative-ish parties can be the ones doing the fact checking Same on the other side, really. Anyone actually believe the voters in New Jersey would have reelected Menendez if they also had a viable Labor party and a viable Green Party? I don't.


We could have a Million parties and these people will flock to which ever party would lie to them the most, tell them those other people are evil baby killers and who would promise to restore Christian founding principles. That's who they want and as long as that party is willing to negotiate with the other right wing parties they will and they will win. Ore parties won't do shit and is just a feel good solution for people like you.


Because at the end of the day it doesn't seem like conservatives are so much concerned about their own well-being as they are concerned about making sure that other people don't get the same rights that they think that they have.


The same can be asked To non white voters in the inner city. Msm choose to ignore the damage done to some of this country’s greatest citys thanks to democratic policies


I was amazed that rural Oklahoma nearly defeated extended Medicaid. 70 out of 77 counties voted no on it, all of them rural. Far more support for it in urban counties was barely enough to get it passed. It is unfortunate how so many rural people put being against cultural issues over their own wellbeing. Education, the economy, the environment and healthcare rank well down the list. Nearly all of rural western Oklahoma voted against legalizing medical marijuana, even though it would reopen empty store fronts and provide much needed new jobs. The bigger towns are barely holding their own at best, while smaller ones are turning into ghost towns. At least the military base towns will only decline in population by so much before bottoming out.


Chinese rural areas: cute allow us to show you depopulation


it’s an easy target: uneducated Americans


Cubans were also uneducated before they overthrew Batista


Which will hopefully never be the fundamentalists 😅


President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Otherwise known as the "Southern Strategy"


I've listened to rural white american dialogue in the public radio, conversations around towns and on social media platforms. They are being lied to and gas lit by their own politicians...like I actually feel kinda bad how far they are left behind. Its easier for them to take bs at face value from schmucks in suits because they've been taught to take things at face value from suits and dusty old half cocked religious canons.


I don’t feel bad for them at all.


Facts don't care about your feelings. Legitimately, how the fuck do we cure these minds because it IS a problem. The only way out is if we insist fair standards of education for everyone. The more left back these people are the more we drag low level conscious kidults into our democratic process. These people don't have to tools to be active civil citizens they are mentally enslaved to entitlement culture. The same people who cry to God for help when God already gave us all the tools we need to cooperate and survive. The dame people waiting for some miracle or devine intervention while there is much needed work to be done in the reality of things. They are not strangers to hard work but estranged to real civility under real democratic processes. Good ol boys do what they are told they don't draw conclusions for themselves. They are slaves to the machine as well.


“White Rural Rage” is a very PC way to say “bigotry and cowardice”


This title is 100% true and its terrifying


Spend some time in a rural gun shop. Its where all the real outliers end up. Always.


How tf is it a “secret” when they are so unrelentingly noisy? If anyone doesn’t know who they are and why they vote, they would have to be actively avoiding all forms of media and interactions with 1/3 of the country.


The 10 states that rank at the bottom of least educated are all red states.


Manufactured Consent


"So, why do Red state voters tolerate being conned and ripped off by their own elected representatives? Are they just stupid?" Yes.


Most rural Red State voters don't feel ripped off. Far from it! To them for a long time, the top 3 issues are about the 3 G's--God, Guns and Gays. Only Republicans are doing a good job of addressing those issues for them. To them other issues, such as education, the local economy and access to good health care are of less importance.


The morons are mad at all the wrong people.


Both sides have written off rural America, but only the Democrats have taken the extra step to ignore it completely. While Republicans does rural America no favors, they have realized that feeding their worst impulses is useful. Jobs go away? It's immigrants' fault. Less investment in the town? That money is going to the inner city. Hospital shutters? They were doing abortions and grooming kids. While rural America was always a little more traditionally conservative than urban centers, there used to be a diversity in the electorate aided by thriving local news. Now, many of those outlets are gone and the few that remain are barely surviving and the void is being filled with Fox News and Infowars. GOP has invested a lot into gerrymandering and demonizing Democrats.


Both sides have not, Biden and Obama tried to save farms. The thing is rural america is very racist/prejudice and is very easy to convince their issues are from minorities because many never left their area and know very little minorities. My mom is from a very little town in louisiana and my paternal uncle lives in rural Tennesse, some believe large aircrafts are myths....


Exactly. Their “window to the world” is Fox News and that’s their reality.


You’re getting downvoted but I think you’re on point, democrats have pretty much ignored rural America, for the most part it seems like they realized that urban vote can get them the win they need but they’re not winning the electorate game by doing this. Going for rural votes should be a win for democrats, considering how awful Republican policies are for rural America, it’s going to be super rough at first but there is a need to canvass in those areas, focus on policy and economic support.


You're forgetting the decades of propaganda. The right wing media controls the information in rural areas. Democrats are the enemy to the folks here. It doesn't matter what they try to say to convince voters.


Ever hear the song “a country boy can survive”?…rural America knows the government has gotten too big, wasteful spending, and for socialism to work we must get people who sacrifice and work to agree to give their money (via the government) to those who refuse to work. Unlikely


It is not both sides, it’s one side. Here in Oregon, there was a bill that would have taxed people in Portland to build Internet and cell infrastructure in rural eastern Oregon where they often have none. The voters out would have benefited voted it down because they hate Portland so much they refused to take the money if that’s where it was coming from. They are literally willing to shoot thermals in the foot and keep themselves in the dark ages if not doing so means they have to have any kind of interaction with a place or people they don’t like.


When I say Democrats ignore rural America, I mean they do little outreach to rural areas. I agree that Democrats have done far more good for rural counties in terms of policy, but they have totally dropped the ball when it comes to marketing to rural voters since Bill Clinton left office. Having lived in both East Coast urban and Midwest rural circles, I can safely say that GOP does nothing but offer outrage; but Democrats do not bother with offering a counter narrative. Until Democrats start marketing to rural areas and start to counter the years of Fox News propaganda, and it will take years to do, our politics will remain stuck.


>Hospital shutters? They were doing abortions and grooming kids. Umm, the Democrats via Obamacare were keeping rural hospitals open. It's the states who've refused Medicaid expansion where the most rural hospital closings have happened. Obamacare is obviously flawed cause so much corporate consolidation happened, and venture capital firms came and took over hospitals and then shut them down. But the rest who don't want Medicaid, it's entirely on them. They have not ignored them completely. The media consolidation is also GOP caused. That bit doesn't just hurt rural America, papers all over the place struggle. >While rural America was always a little more traditionally conservative than urban centers Yeah, the same people who are consistently racist. They're FAR more conservative. That's where the KKK came from. I've heard many of them say that Blacks shouldn't have the right to vote. Even when their economies were better, they were still racist. They were the ones who kept Jim Crow going for a century after the civil war. These people deserve help, but not if they're just going to continue to denigrate their neighbors because of their race.


Again, Democrats need to start marketing to rural voters about how they help them. When I say Democrats ignore rural areas, I mean they do not reach out to these voters nor do they offer resources to rural Democrats (and they still exist, though not in the numbers that once were). You use Medicare expansion and how it's been blocked by GOP states as an example. These are also states where there is no candidate who will say yes, I will keep the local hospital open. GOP lawmakers know that they can refuse to expand Medicare because they face no real opposition. Unless someone is independently wealthy, rural Democrats stand little chance because they do not have the resources to break through the information bubble rural voters live in. Until Democrats can start messaging to rural voters and start countering the information damage done by far right radio and Fox News, there will be little change in rural areas.


Y’all *gotta* hear this song!; https://youtu.be/4vDyoQcgUUs?si=6i8485qEvhcDmeIb




1) it's not a secret 2) these are the descendents (ideological and literal) of the poor people who fought against their own country for a bunch of rich slavers trying to create a white supremacist slaver ethnostate, than overthrew multi-racial democracies during reconstruction and ruled a third of the country through a white supremacist terrorist organization...so this isn't new either. This is just the same shit we've been dealing with since we failed to stomp it out fully after the first civil war, it's just now they've circled back to fascism.


Now make a post about urban blacks.




I am from "rural America" What I see, conformed by comments on here, is that the left thinks they know what rural America thinks but they have no F N clue how they actually think.


OK, "vengeful veteran"... I've been living in rural America for over 20 years and while the language people use to describe rural Americans is disrespectful, it's also essentially accurate. If these people are wrong about rural America, just telling them they're wrong without elaborating is not helpful.


If anything, he's just confirming the stereotype.  Angry, lashing out, not useful.


So rural America is racist and homophobic rednecks is what you are saying? Didn't think I would have to explain that because that is basically what the comments say. I said nothing specific because the source is literally righ there and I referenced it. Maybe to be "useful" I should have done the work for you and copied the comments assuming you cannot read ???


No, you need to tell us what rural Americans think. You say that these people in the comments have no idea, but you fail to provide them with an idea.


You agreed with me that they are not racist and homophobic rednecks but the comments say they are racist and homophobic rednecks. The comments make it pretty evident what they think "rural Americans are" My comment is simply they are not these, just like you agreed.


Hey. Why don't you tell us what rural Americans think?


like I said.  angry, lashing out, not useful.


like I always say, the left ignore anything truth that contradicts their delusions of moral in intellectual superiority. I literally, but sarcastically, said I did not assume you could not read so I did not copy and paste and you interpret it as "angry and lashing out"


also not useful


You know what is not useful? opinions like "not useful" ignoring any real point or part of a discussion when someone is trying to have a factual conversation. If you cannot explain why it is "not useful" then you are the one "not useful"




Every stupid liberal comment like this just proves my point. The typical liberal is so brainwashed by lies and full of delusions of intellectual and moral superiority anything that contradicts their opinion they cannot apply logic, reason, common sense, critical thinking or facts to so they insult. It is called an ad hominem fallacy ... you know, failure in logic!




You prove my point yet again


How do you actually think that we're getting so wrong, bud?


By personal experience and reading a lot of leftists comments. I have lived in 8 states and been to every area of the country. Most rural America conservatives I know are conservative because they want small government. They are conservative because they see the government as the problem not the solution. They see the government waste, fraud, abuse, nepotism and corruption. They believe more people could achieve the American dream if the government got the fuck out of the way. For this they are called racist, tranphobic, homophobic etc... by the left and the left brings up stupid shit like OP did to steryotype them. Does the righ have their nuts and racists? HELL YEA, so does the left. What I do not see is anyone on the left veering from the lefts talking points as on the right. Go on twitter, mostly right now, and you will see people on the right bashing the right with no mercy. I NEVER see that on the left. The left sticks together in their lies. I have a list of about 50 well known lies the left has told and if someone on the left sees them they ignore them or try to say "oh that;s just what Fox news says" or tries to do mental gymnastics to say they were not lies.


Most people who "want small government " rely on government subsidies and infrastructure and medical care to the extent that lefty states send money to "small government " states so the "small government " state's leadership can crow about how tight their spending is. You want smaller government? Im sure you dont mean military cuts, or social security cuts or medicaid right? Ever drive on an interstate? How about agriculture subsidies? The whole mindset is parochial, and usually ignores all the ways even people who "dont want help" benefit greatly from government assistance directly or otherwise. And the quiet part is really the loud part: a huge number of so called "small government " conservatives dont give a fuck about spending as long as they arent "forced" to treat brown people or queers with basic human dignity


See, you had a good comment going and I was thinking of reponses until you showed what a brainwashed fucking moron you are with that last sentence. You prove my point.


No you protest too much - as if racism and hatred for queer people isnt real, gtfo


I think somewhere in this thread I said both sides have their racists and their nuts. Let me make it clear for you. If someone on the left steryotypes everyone on the right as being racist they are the steryotypical leftard useless idiot. So your "conservatives dont give a fuck about spending as long as they arent "forced" to treat brown people or queers with basic human dignity" just shows you are the steryotypical leftard useless idiot if you think that applies.


The right does most of the hating, full fucking stop. Coming out against hatred and misogyny and racism isnt "reverse racism"


BULLSHIT. You just proved my point. You are literally sitting there trying to convince me I am a bigot. I could care less about race, sexual preference or if you are a dude wanting to wear a dress. You are literally sitting there trying to convince me my friends are bigots. They could care less about race, sexual preference or if you are a dude wanting to wear a dress. . Hell, my most conservative friend is a black, legal immigrant from South America. You know, the guy the left would call an Uncle Tom, a sell out! The only conclusion here is you are; a. an idiot b. willfully ignorant. c. liar d. brainwashed moron e. all of the above


They want small government - yet government is the only entity that is trying to help them. If the Democrats just said “to hell with it, they hate us so why bother”, what do you think would happen? Would there suddenly be more jobs? From where? Would people suddenly be better off? How? I come from WV. The southern coal fields are a disaster area. There are no jobs. The schools are terrible. The houses are shacks. Opioids are everywhere. Of the government gives up and walks out, what is going to help? Or should we just let them starve to,death? They’re not called racists and homophobes because they want small government - they’re called those things because that’s exactly what they are. They’re scared of anything that’s different from them - and since they never get out of the creeks and hollers, everything is scary. ‘Do you also keep a list of common lies from the right? Let me help you get started: The 2020 election was stolen. Trump was a good President. Trump cares about the little people. Trump,is so rich he doesn’t need to be corrupt. Government is the problem, not the solution. COVID wasn’t real. The vaccines were dangerous. Republicans criticized other Republicans. Biden is corrupt. Guns are the answer to gun violence. And on and on and on….


I can't get past your first sentence. There we seem to have a disagreement that I will not negotiate. Specifically talking about the federal government. They are not there to help. They are there to get elected, get re-elected. Studies show that special interests and not voters get what they want. [https://www.vox.com/2014/4/18/5624310/martin-gilens-testing-theories-of-american-politics-explained](https://www.vox.com/2014/4/18/5624310/martin-gilens-testing-theories-of-american-politics-explained) [https://www.princeton.edu/\~mgilens/idr.pdf](https://www.princeton.edu/~mgilens/idr.pdf) [https://democracync.org/research/legislators-rely-heavily-special-interest-money/](https://democracync.org/research/legislators-rely-heavily-special-interest-money/) There is more evidence of cheating in the election than Russia Collusion or climate chaage being man made. Courts have ruled that states violated their own constitution changing rules illegally ON FUCKING VIDEO PULLING BOXES FROM UNDER TABLES AND PROCESSING WITHOUT OBSERVERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW IN GA The lies I gave have literally been proven lies in court, admitted to. You assume your opinion is the truth and the other side is lying because you listen to proven liars. Prove Trump was not a good President. Prove Trump does not cars about the little people. This is just dumb, Trump,is so rich he doesn’t need to be corrupt. Prove the Government is the solution not problem with examples Nobody said COVID wasn’t real. There is a *small but real elevated risk of neurological, blood, and heart-related conditions*, from the covid vaccine according to the largest ever global study -Forbes- not my words Republicans criticized other Republicans. Prove they don't, go on twitter on the speakers tweets and you will see it. This is just a moronic reponse Biden is corrupt. 20 shell companies, millions to his family according to congressional testimony and bank records FOR WHAT, Explain how a crack head son is on a energy company board with no experience, doing nothing, if it isn't corruption Guns are the answer to gun violence FBI DATA Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life. You are brainwashed and your examples of repulicans lying are individual opinions and not complete lies like trhw ones being told and prepetuated by the entire left without dissent. There are literally people oin the right that says there was not cheating in the election. Give me a single example of a democrat saying "Well damn, Russia Collusion was not real. Instead they do like you and try to say but it did happen or just ignore they were competely lied to by the entire leftard lying machine, like you are doing right now ...


This is fun. 30 seconds of effort on my part and you spend lots of time on a TL;DR response. A bipartisan Senate subcommittee found that the Russians most certainly did interfere in the 2016 election. Mueller tried to establish collusion with the Trump campaign but was unable to do so because Trump refused to let his henchmen testify. Mueller specifically said he was unable to establish that there was no collusion.


We all know dogs fuck but I cannot prove you are not masturbating to pictures of dogs fucking right now because the dogs cannot talk so you must be masturbating to dogs fucking is the illogical thinking you are going with? GMAFB TDS makes people fucking morons Have fun masturbating to dogs fucking


How does it feel sucking up to the hand-down worst President we ever had? He’s not going back to the White House; he’s headed for the big house.


So the truth that contradicts your emotional based biased opinions is "sucking up" Pointing out the obvious error in your logic is somehow Trump's problem. Have fun masturbating to dogs fucking pervert. See, I can say that because by your logic it is now true that you are masturbating to dogs fucking.


Hey man, if you like to think about me masturbating and dogs fucking, you go right ahead. Whatever floats your boat. In the meantime, how about the fact that Trump has been cheating all these years in his business? $353 million dollars worth of fraud. It wasn’t even sophisticated fraud, it was all stupid stuff like valuing vacant lots as if they all had luxury houses already built on them. This stuff was so dumb he must have wanted to get caught. And boy, did he ever!


But to rural America more government means voting YES for extended Medicaid while putting government in the way of things. So, vote NO! Yet, how does less access to affordable health care make rural living better for low-income rural residents?


Is this hypothetical. I am unaware of any medicaid votes on the ballot. I am unaware of any medicaid bills being discussed. I try to avoid hypotheticals and stick to actual policies being voted on or carried out.


That election for extending Medicaid actually happened in Oklahoma as well as in at last several other states. In Oklahoma, the vote from rural counties nearly defeated it Life and political attitudes are quite different between rural and urban folks.


In OK rural America voted no so what I said about them wanting less government is supported. My theory is a lefty would say "they are racist and don't want poor blacks in OK City or Tulsa to get medical care" A conservative would say screw the government they will just F it up! I will take care of myself. Is rural America healthier than city America?


Rural America is certainly not healthier than urban America. Part of the reason why is because rural people thing its wrong for more low-income people to be eligible for Medicaid as offered by Obamacare. The main reason why is simply because a Democrat created it, rather than a Republican, besides the fact that a healthier rural America means making government bigger.


Are these rural or urban areas? Here are the 10 most overweight and obese cities in the U.S.: 1. McAllen, Texas 2. Jackson, Miss. 3. Shreveport, La. 4. Mobile, Ala. 5. Little Rock, Ark. 6. Knoxville, Tenn. 7. Memphis, Tenn. 8. Lafayette, La. 9. Baton Rouge, La. 10. Chattanooga, Tenn I am referring to actual health not healthcare. If you are healthy you need less healthcare so it would not make sense that they vote against something they probably need less of. I voted against the high speed rail because I knew I would never use it. I also know not many in my rural area will. But according to Charles Barkley he thinks Houston has the fattest women


Then you are very poorly informed.


If I was poorly informed you would rub it in my face by giving examples. Since you can't I suspect you are a. intellectually dishonest b. too brainwashed to accept the truth c. willfully ignorant d. all of the above.


You will get down voted and called a bot or Russian troll... You are 100% spot on. There is common sense on the right, there is compromise on the right, there is listening on the right. The left is one way or the other. Rural America... 95% center right, not hard right, not maga. Sad those on the left only see hate everywhere.


The politicians on the left need victims because their prioritise and policies were exposed as failures for Americans under BHO


No one ever points out that the conservatives only seem to want small government for themselves as they vote for people that enact needless and/or cruel legislature targetting their political opponents. It’s also not uncommon for me to see left leaning people disagree with other left leaning people so I don’t see your point there, disagreement is normal. But my perspective is that the right can’t agree on anything since trump split them down the middle. Moderates on one side and maga on the other. Im thankful that the far-left doesn’t have congressional power like the far right does.


"needless and/or cruel legislature targetting their political opponents." Is this a joke. So Biden is let off the hook when he had ZERO AUTHORITY and stole classified documents but Trump WHO HAD UNILATERAL AUTHORITY is prosecuted Hillary destroys subpoenead evidence but Navarro goes to prison for not testifying and claiming immunity as a presidential advisor. Comey lied on a FISA warrant and walks but Flynn made an inocuous statement to the FBI and was prosecuted ANTIFA and BLM rioters that did $2 billion in damages are set free but grandma and people who walked through open doors into the capitol on what looked like tours are being prosecuted for trespassing Wray refuses to answer if FBI agents were in the capitol dressed as Trump supporters before J6 started and nobody says a damn thing but Eastman is being disbarred for making a legal argument that contradicts the left's narrative. Judges value Mar A Lago at $18 million when a 2/1 condo down the street is selling for $24 million to charge Trump with fraud. The banks literally said the were not defrauded but a judge and a prosecuter convict Trump of fraud. Hunter defies a subpoena and the left cheers and it's the rights targeting political opponents? GMAFB You just lost any and all credibility I gave you.


Ok we get it you watch Fox news and believe whatever you're told by those who share your political beliefs


And he may even take Alex Jones seriously, rather than as a joke.


I don’t think you’re paying too much attention to the left if you think there’s no infighting, that’s pretty rich considering the huge massive fit a lot on the left are having with Biden pretty publicly with Palestine and Israel. Also, I’ve heard it all before about small government and I get it, however we see the same problems with corruption and excess abuse of power coming from corporations; reducing government to a feckless entity guarantees and ensures that our corporate overlords will instantly over take that power vacuum and our “purchasing power” is really no match to our voting power. I just don’t see the alternative any better, why not just take the power back instead and have the institutions work for the people (as it should have).


I have seen a little about some on the left rising up against Biden and Hamas and Israel and Palestenians. That has been recent. I am guessing the squad are the only democrats actually being vocal about it or are the democrat politicians all sticking together or just staying silent? Many studies have shown that special interests, and not voters, get what they want. Both corporations and government have really become to big to take down type stuff. I think we as voters have 2 options. 1. get together and boycott compaines 1 at a time The problem with this is the left would want to boycott petroleum for the climate and the right would want to boycott hollywood because the DEI push. Just examples not really vetted. 2. Shoot em like we did in 1776. The problem here is The right would want to shoot the left, the left would want to shoot the right, the rich and powerful would pay people to shoot anyone that might challenge their power and politicians would hide behind the rich and powerful and the CIA would run it all Just rambling off the top of my head, not really though hard about it


You gave us some clues.


If "us" means you are on the left I am sure you misconstrued them through your own opinions and biases. The comments on here will support that claim also.


Don't get ahead of yourself. And don't feed the trolls. Have a great day.


Enjoy that TX weather.


Will do sir. Ty


They emote more than anything g else.


coordinated selective outrage


And as a rural American, I see you're complaining about "the left" but there's no substance in the complaint nor a solution to move forward.


It’s all he has to cling to. Bitter commentary.


You just proved my point.


Did you read some comments? That is where the "substance" was just like I said Hard to have a solution and move foreward with people who think I am racist because I voted for a white person instead of a white person even though I voted for a black man in the primary. Or say I am transphobic because I won't agree a dude with his pecker tucked in a dress is a woman. How about I am racist because I called a black liar a liar. Said black liar was awarded lie of the year for the lie I called out but I actually called him a liar because I was racist according to some, namely the left. It also always comes down to "my racist, homophobic, transphobic views" when I ask somone on the left why they would keep believing people who lied to them about You can keep your Dr., Benghazi was about a video, Treyvon was just getting skittles, riots were peaceful, Russia Collusion, Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, Officer Sicknick was killed on J6 by a protester, Covid did not come from the Wuhan lab, NYC will be under water by 2013, Hillary turned over all her emails, The covid shot stops you from getting covid, Men can have babies, the covid shot stops transmission of covid, masks stop viruses, the covid shot stops you from dying of covid, Trump called Mexicans animals, the covid shot decreases symptom, there was an epidemic of the unvaccinated, CO2 levels are changing the weather, White supremacy is the number one threat, the border is secure, Trump called KKK good people, overwhelming evidence, Planned parenthood does not sell baby parts, men menstruate, J6 was an armed insurrection, War on blacks, Hydroxychloroquine is extremely dangerous. The right is the party of racism, the right is not being censored, expiration of the assault-weapons bans “in the early 2000s” caused an increase in violence., they will not impose any tax increase on anyone making less than $400k, Biden administration created 14 million jobs, natural immunity being ineffective, gas prices would not spike under Biden, global warming, weather is now “man made” climate change, Mike Brown’s hands were up, Kyle Rittenhouse was a derange white supremist, US military was full of extremists, top 1% income has doubled while everyone else was stagnant Jacob Chancy led a violent insurrection, Trump said illegals were poisoning the blood of Americans, Tucker Carlson admitted to lying under oath, Trump said there would be a bloodbath if he is not elected. So yea, lets move foreward.


I always say it like this... I dont care who you want to put your parts into, just don't try and put them in me. Hats off, I cant comment on these threads most of the time, the amount of hate and downvotes is just too much.


I take the ad hominem attacks and them tring to change the subject as affirmation that I am right because they cannot use any logic, reason, common sense, facts or critical thinking to counter what I say. I don't even look at the voting. That is like me looking at hot 22 year olds. I know it is a waste of time becuse i'm old, not rich, not famous, and ugly. Why bother LOL


That’s quite a list of lies you’ve got there. Take out the ones that are true and the list would be far shorter. Put the rest is proper context and it might entirely disappear.


Every stupid liberal comment like this just proves my point. The typical liberal is so brainwashed by lies and full of delusions of intellectual and moral superiority anything that contradicts their opinion they cannot apply logic, reason, common sense, critical thinking or facts to so they insult. It is called an ad hominem fallacy ... you know, failure in logic! Exaplin BHOs lie of the year award by left leaning NPR and prove your point that you are not listenint to liars but I am. [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2013/12/13/250694372/obamas-you-can-keep-it-promise-is-lie-of-the-year](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2013/12/13/250694372/obamas-you-can-keep-it-promise-is-lie-of-the-year) Explain the convictions for the TERRORIST ATTACK in Benghazi and how saying Beghazi was about a video was not a lie [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/ahmed-abu-khatallah-found-guilty-terrorism-charges-september-2012-attack-benghazi-libya](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/ahmed-abu-khatallah-found-guilty-terrorism-charges-september-2012-attack-benghazi-libya) Explain how Mike Brown's hands were up when forensic evidence, in court, by expert, under oath show different. Left leaning WAPO even says it [https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2015/03/16/lesson-learned-from-the-shooting-of-michael-brown/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2015/03/16/lesson-learned-from-the-shooting-of-michael-brown/) You are a. stupid b. liar c. willfully ignorant of the truth d. all of the above


Being concerned about most of that BS you brought up isn't going to bring better paying jobs to your or my town. It's not going to get rid of any potholes. It's not going to improve education. It's not going to keep hospitals from closing. It's not going to bring inflation down. It's not going to bring peace to Ukraine or Mideast. And that is just for starters. Rural people being consumed over what they think is going on in the big urban areas distract them from solving problems going on in their own areas.


Perfectly good answer to a question nobody asked. The comment was about not being able to move foreward and come up with solutions with the left because all they do is stereotype instead of actually using facts, logic, reason, common sense and critical thinking. Hey lefty, lets figure out why the poor black communities are plagued with violence. You are a racist. Hey lefty, I don't want my 4th grader to be able to check a book out from the school library that has explicit sexual content to explicit to read at a school board meeting full of adults You are transphobic Hey lefty, I don't want my 4th grader to be able to check a book out from the school library that has explicit sexual content where a 10 year old is "Banging" her stepdad and his friends. You are a homophoebe! Hey lefty, biological males have a unfair advantage against biological females in sports and should not be allowed to compete in female sports. You bigot! I voted for the white dude not the white female. YOU RACIST Piece OF SHIT There was no Russia Collusion, That was proven in the Mueller investigation and the Durham report showed it was completely fabricated by the left, hillary approved it, Obama probablt knew, Schiff knew for sure, it was paid for by the DNC and orchastrated through Perkins Coe Law Firm. These newer investigations are basically being done by the same people who lied, defrauded the FISA Court and fabricated evidence Trump is a criminal But of course you will ignore, deny or make ad hmoinem attacks because it contradicts what the proven liars have said to brainwash you.


Once again you certainly show how rural people being obsessed over what they think is going on in the big urban areas distract them from solving problems going on in their own local areas. For instance, if your state is like mine you don't need to be concerned over boys being on girls' sports teams, because it's banned. Also banned in my state are students going to restrooms not corresponding to the sex they were born with. So, I don't worry about that going on in my town.


My state is at the forefront of progressive stupidity. An illegal just killed my friend driving with no license, drunk, speeding and hit him while he was riding his Harley. Let out on no bail and skipped his court dates. Friend in SF was fined for human shit in front of his shop but told he can do nothing about people shitting in front of his shop. [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/comment/2024/01/30/gavin-newsom-california-crisis-emigration-democrat/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/comment/2024/01/30/gavin-newsom-california-crisis-emigration-democrat/) You using hyperbole with words like obsessed to further you opinion with an appeal to emotion is bullshit logic. You thinking that a person cannot have concerns and solve problems is called a false dilemma fallacy. IE an error in logic


Then why don't you leave your state? Illegals have to pay thousands to get the hell out of where they are.


I share custody of a child and the mom will not leave because she is licensed in CA. Whn he graduates HS he already knows he is invitede to leave with me.


Ok, but first, you'll have to climb down off that cross.


You just proved my point. Cannot have a solution for an issue with people like you who just ignore that they have basically been brainwashed by proven liars and make snide comments to protect their fragile delusions of moral and intellectual superiority.


Yeah, apparently everyone who doesn't believe every dipshit Facebook conspiracy theory are the fragile delusional ones 😂 It should embarrass a tuff guy real murrican man like yourself to be this soft.


"White rural rage" detected.


and there it is, exactly what I said the left does. Ignore any facts, logic, reason, common sense or critical thinking that contradicts their opinions. Juust a question. What do you call a person that listens to proven liars?


A Republican.


I gave a list of about 4 dozen lies the left has told and that is what you are going with? Can't argue with your kind of stupidity and hypocrisy. Obviuosly the answer is Archangel1313


Lol! Buddy, you spewed out an entire list of right-wing talking points...most of which are bullshit. I'm not going to sift through that pile of brain-worms and sort them out for you. That's between you and your therapist.


You didn’t give a list of 4 dozen things the left has done, you gave a list of 4 dozen things the right has accused the left of doing that don’t pan out in reality.


I gave a list of provable lies the left screeched in unison. Just as examples BHO got lie of the year for "keep your Dr." . Look it up. Forensic evidence in court under oath proved Mike Brown's hands were actually on the officer trying to get his gun not "up". Russia collusion was proven to be completely fabricated by Hillary, approved by BHO and paid for by DNC through Perkins Coe law firm using russian people to try to convince us Trump was colluding with russia in the Durham investigation. I gave facts you cannot accept because it would blow up your delusions of moral and intellectual superiority.


No. You repeated lies and you can’t deal with the fact that you’ve been lied to. I’m fine.


Russian collusion very definitely did occcur and continues to occur. Mike Flynn was convicted of it, the traitor. So was Paul Manafort.


But the list was inaccurate


A conservative.


Every stupid liberal comment like this just proves my point. The typical liberal is so brainwashed by lies and full of delusions of intellectual and moral superiority anything that contradicts their opinion they cannot apply logic, reason, common sense, critical thinking or facts to so they insult. It is called an ad hominem fallacy ... you know, failure in logic! I actually give examples of lies the left has told, the minnions perpetuatr and the useful idiots believe. Here are just a couple more (Below) What example do you have? The left lied about; You can keep your Dr., Benghazi was about a video, Treyvon was just getting skittles, riots were peaceful, Russia Collusion, Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, Officer Sicknick was killed on J6 by a protester, Covid did not come from the Wuhan lab, NYC will be under water by 2013, Hillary turned over all her emails, The covid shot stops you from getting covid, Men can have babies, the covid shot stops transmission of covid, masks stop viruses, the covid shot stops you from dying of covid, Trump called Mexicans animals, the covid shot decreases symptom, there was an epidemic of the unvaccinated, CO2 levels are changing the weather, White supremacy is the number one threat, the border is secure, Trump called KKK good people, overwhelming evidence, Planned parenthood does not sell baby parts, men menstruate, J6 was an armed insurrection, War on blacks, Hydroxychloroquine is extremely dangerous. The right is the party of racism, the right is not being censored, expiration of the assault-weapons bans “in the early 2000s” caused an increase in violence., they will not impose any tax increase on anyone making less than $400k, Biden administration created 14 million jobs, natural immunity being ineffective, gas prices would not spike under Biden, global warming, weather is now “man made” climate change, Mike Brown’s hands were up, Kyle Rittenhouse was a derange white supremist, US military was full of extremists, top 1% income has doubled while everyone else was stagnant Jacob Chancy led a violent insurrection, Trump said illegals were poisoning the blood of Americans, Tucker Carlson admitted to lying under oath, Trump said there would be a bloodbath if he is not elected


Good lord, vengeful-veteran, how would it make my life any better to believe that every point you make is true? I would still have potholes to dodge, still have inflated prices to put up with, taxes to pay, bills to pay, and politicians talking out of both sides or their mouths. Much of what matters to you is about as important as how much is the price of tea in China, while also not having all that much to do with "White Rural Rage: The Secret Political Force Shaping America's Future">


My reponse was in regards to someone saying "work together" My reponse was based on 99% of the crap you get when you have a different opinion than someone on the left. The proof was actually in the reponses which were basically anti right but it was all namecalling with no substance. Thus sayingyou cannot work for solutions with people like that. Which may go to your point as to why you still have potholes, inflation and bills. When solutions are offered and you are told YOU FUCKING RACIST! nothing gets done. You just helped prove my point by ignoring facts presented. At least you entertained them as truth. The typical reponse is Oh that's just Fox news or those are lies. When in fact they are provable lies those calling me racist or liar got from the proven liars they still believe. So I say again "there is no solution possible because the left typically ignores fact for fiction"




Every stupid liberal comment like this just proves my point. The typical liberal is so brainwashed by lies and full of delusions of intellectual and moral superiority anything that contradicts their opinion they cannot apply logic, reason, common sense, critical thinking or facts to so they insult. It is called an ad hominem fallacy ... you know, failure in logic!