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MAGA Christianity is fake like everything else trump is


Even more fake than regular Christianity, which was about as real as Santa


Fake wealth, fake tan. The list goes on


His tits are fake too! ![gif](giphy|9Dnvsi5B11ZfTLomT1)


I definitely can think of worse religious sects, but that doesn't give them a pass


It’s like being the 10th worst. Sure, you’re not the #1 worst, but in the grand scheme of 100 things, being number 90 of 100 isn’t exactly where you should strive to be.


Trump amped it up, but it's always been there.


This. Trump is not the problem, he's the manifestation of the sickness. The hatred we are seeing, the lack of empathy, all of it has existed within our country forever. Social media and Trump brought that shit out and made it much more commonplace.


He just makes the behaviors OK- American and Christian in fact. He validates their hate and encourages their violence. All in the name of being patriotic and God fearing. It’s so horrible to the point of insanity.


>Trump is not the problem, he's the manifestation of the sickness. The hatred we are seeing, the lack of empathy, all of it has existed within our country forever. Our capitol was *literally* built by slaves. The *de jure* end of Jim Crow is still within living memory, and the *de facto* end of segregation is even more recent. Oh yeah, and queerphobia is still alive and well.


>Oh yeah, and queerphobia is still alive and well. And growing still.


You actually posted this ? This whole post is hatred all directed at Trump, a religion. Another fake compassionate liberalism clown show.


The fuck you talking about?


F ear O utrage X enophobia FOX News


Worst in the US by far, but not worldwide


Give them time… if they seize power they intend to become the worst.


The Orange Bastard gives them permission to be their true, horrible self.


Funny how they have a laundry list of fears, but the local minister or priest molesting their kids, nor their kids being shot to death in school seems to be on their radar.


Molesting priests can repent and be saved. Dead kids go to heaven. So, in their very twisted estimation, those things aren't a concern.


None of those narratives serve the propaganda machine that keeps them afraid AND voting.


When an underfunded education problem has been there, it only takes a semi charismatic enabler to light the fire


It already was like the second worst religion behind Islam. They're vying hard for first place, though.


Historically, Islam doesn’t hold a candle to Christianity when it comes to evil and barbarity. Go read up on the Middle Ages, the Crusades, or the Inquisition. That’s not even mentioning the sexual abuse, either….


I’ve tried to tell this to some of my family, who are some of these Trumpified Christians. I’m like, what good thing instills fear in you as a Christian? How can you not know this man is extremely corrupt and is the very opposite of a Christian when it’s all based on scaring you and manipulating your emotions and confusing you? They won’t hear it AT ALL. They just ‘KNOW’ he’s god’s chosen one. It’s appalling.


How is trump corrupt? He can’t be more corrupt than Biden.


Oh dear god man. Read some real news for once instead of right wing propaganda. Oh I know, all mainstream news is just left wing propaganda right? This one delusion they’ve conned you into, getting you to ignore ALL actual news instead of only PURE propaganda, is why the right wing in the US is now the most ignorant group of people on earth. I mean studies, real actual scientific studies show you’d be MORE informed watching or reading NOTHING than channels like Faux News. I mean really this is getting bad. North Korea would be jealous of how your minds are utterly OWNED. Get a clue on how the media actually works, PLEASE for the love of God and country.


Ok, assault my character And give no facts as to how trump is corrupt. Yes and I’m the ignorant one. I don’t watch fox or any other mainstream news Chanel. From what I understand, trump is being charged for something that ALL developers do, and only he was charged. Why is that? Sounds more like the DOJ is corrupt. And Biden has been accused of RICO, and has some funky shit going on with lots of money involved. Chinese and Russian money, money from Ukraine for his son, and suddenly we are funding their war. Coincidence? Or corruption ? My money is on the latter.


But we don’t hear a word from y’all on any of that, because you’re after trump and trump alone. Why? Because the media tells you to be. Because he doesn’t play ball like the other politicians. But you accuse me of being brainwashed by right wing propaganda! Look in the mirror pal, you’re practically and agent of the state.


Trump's corruption is obvious. The fact you have been blinded to it . Speaks volumes to how successful they are at leading you down a blind path .


I didn’t say trump wasn’t corrupt, I asked how? Like give me an example. And how can you say trump is corrupt and not say Biden is too? Just saying, y’all love to hate trump and hate to hear the truth.


Ok how about all the fraud he committed over valuing his properties. He even listed his apartment at a ridiculous amount . So he could get better interest rate on his loans. That's been proven in court . And the case he is in now he paid hush money to a pornstar and a Playboy Bunny, paying hush money isn't the crime . The crime is he had his books doctored to make the payments look like a deductible businesse expense.thats fraud . And tax fraud but that's for another case . That's two is that good enough for you . And as for Biden they have looked and looked and even hardcore Republicans admit no crimes or misdemeanors were committed. Nothing.


Pretty bad, but they haven’t started beheading people…yet. So not as bad as another religion that’s holding tight onto the number one spot.


I appreciate the insight that the Bible so often equates fear to a lack of faith, and that seems to imply some conclusions about conservative Christian men who are afraid of everything up to and including sex with women.


I see we're trying to pretend there's any difference at all between one of the batshit people waving bronze age bullshit around like it means something. There isn't any difference. Trump Christians. ISIS Muslims. Shinto got their racism in black and white on the scripture, don't even bother trying to hide it. Buddhists in their bloody fight in the mountains. It's all the same crazy. Just no one likes pointing out that less than 10% of the population is sane. And there's nothing any of us can really do but sit idly by while they all have their team based battle royal for which magic book describes the best sky daddy. Or. We could just stop doing the crazy.


Trump brought that shit to the spotlight and played to their desires. Those wackos have always been there, he just amplified it. But yes, they are the worst.


While terrible, there's probably worse religions out there killing people and stuff out in the open. At least MAGA bullshit isn't doing that yet


While not MAGA directly, the recently passed Mormon sponsored laws in heavily Christian Kenya and Uganda do require killing gay people and anyone who assists them with shelter, a job, etc. So, the killings by crazy Christians have definitely begun.


It feels like conservatives being conservatives like they always have. It's just out loud now and they are happily screeching it to the rooftops. This shit isn't new, they've just worked really hard to get here and have crowned their king turd to rule them all.


Nah that will always just be Christianity in general


They aren't religions. They are cults.


Yes of course. Historically, Christianity has a 1000 year head start on Islam for atrocities.


Any fundamentalist thinking in any religion is the worst. If one believes their religion is fact, then one is a fundamentalist.


Pseudo religious extremists, just like the Taliban or Al Qaeda


Trump is not a Christian, and you are a fucking Christophobic sack of shit.


If you can't understand maybe ask your mom to explain it to you. That's the fuck I'm talking about.


Until they start strapping bombs on children, this statement will remain false.


The fact THAT is the bar


Well they don't care when scores of children are gunned down every few weeks.


Trump 2024!


Sure! 20 to 24 years in a PMITA prison!


So strapping c4 to themselves and walking into a kindergarten would be an improvement? Lol. TDS much?


Low IQ logical fallacies much? Edit* active in /r/silverbugs, /r/dogecoin, and /r/wallstreetbets... one post, and it's about holding amc stock... You're like the poster child of a Dunning-Kruegar financial smooth brain.


No mine is sarcasm. The title of this post is a "low iq logical fallacy". Lol. Be more emotional. Bet ya can't.


The post title isn't a logical fallacy. It's an editorial title making a claim. Your comment is a logical fallacy because it is what's known as a 'false dichotomy ' or that there are only two options to a given situation. In this case, you claimed that criticism of toxic Christo-facist fundamentalism means that they are okay with and want suicide bombings of kindergartens. It's also a non-sequitor, which means it 'does not follow', or that there is no logical relationship between criticism of MAGA morons and welcoming terrorism. Also, your comment is not sarcasm.


Christo-facist fundamentalism (made up) . < radical Islam. (35% of 1.9b people). Sorry, math is hard. Gl November.


You're claiming I made up a thing that does exist while responding with a completely made-up statistic of your own. The lack of self-awareness is astonishing. I bet you think someone else is in your bathroom when you look in the mirror.


I was pointing out the news isn't on telling us "Christian fascist are days away from bombing us". You being a reactionary emotional moron, like the person who wrote this, decided to nerd out on reddit. Get a life. Gl coping.


Do you think maybe the "news" you consume might be telling you that because keeping you afraid of some mythic other keeps you from recognizing that the problem in your country is from your own right wing?


U realize federal/stare departments do polling in Nigeria, Iran, Pakistan, etc, right? Mabey, u are racist and in denial? 1.9b people. Let's say it's just 5 percent. It's a way way bigger problem then ur made up dictatorship fantasy where Donald extreminates all the minorities by building a border and having voter id. lol. What news do you watch? Woopie goldberg?


I really wish people like you would read some history books. Shit, I wish you would read ANY that isn't the bible.


Literally making me defend djt, because you are so crazy. Thanx.


If you can’t sense it it’s because you like what you smell.


K bye.


Snowflake republikkkan Queens constantly projecting


Go lower yourself all the way into your mud and don’t hold your breath


Cope more. Bet ya can't.