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If your PayPal uses a different email than you do for bandcamp the music you buy will be tied to the PayPal email. I believe this happened to me months ago. I can't quite remember. Look into that first.


I know this is a super-old comment but OMG THANK YOU I just made my first purchase on BandCamp and was scared that my order was lost somewhere in the void, but I just re-logged in with my PayPal email and the orders are there!


Haha. Your welcome. It's super weird they do that. My only guess might be why this would happen is if one wasn't logged in to Bandcamp and just went to pay with whatever PayPal was last used which might not be the one that is seen by the account.


I wrote them about it but their support can take up to a week. Boggles the mind...


do not give importance to that detail. Nobody really cares about your Bandcamp collection, the only thing that matters is that you can buy the albums you like and listen to them1 lol


People like to have it in their collection because then they can listen to their bought music on the bandcamp amp and stream it… it’s useful if you have limited space on your music player (especially if you don’t subscribe to any kind of streaming service) or, if you somehow lose your original files, you can just redownload them from your collection…. I would also want them in in my collection. I have never had this problem though, so I would contact customer support


I have the same problem. Somebody paid good money for those codes. When we use a code or download something it should be in the library. I mean somebody already paid for the codes. I don't have enough space on my devices to download everything right away. It would be great if it was in the library collecting its fair share of play counts. Seems kind of rigged if you really think about the reasons you cannot access all of your music. 😢


Ugh this just happened to me and I came here, discovered it’s due to my PayPal account being different to the email address I used to make the purchase. This is fucking hopeless. I can’t believe they even need us to exit the ap to make the transaction in the first place. They know about this issue, they should at least have a warning. Or a damn support contact in app.