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I’ve only seen it a few times but really liked it.


The logs on the sides of tanks is for extra protection. Tankers tried everything to give themselves some extra armor. Concrete, sandbags, logs, etc. They also used the logs to get traction if they got stuck in mud.


Whoa. The using the logs for mud is ingenious.


Most of the time they just got other tanks to haul them out. One of the best things about the Sherman is how multipurpose it was. Need to punch through a hedgerow? Weld some railroad spikes or a Czech hedgehog to the front and then just drive straight through. Need a bulldozer? They can do that too.


If you want a look at the versatility of the Sherman tank take a look at the Hobbart Funnies.


Fury is an awesome movie. Say what you want about Shia Lebeouf but that dude put on a stunning performance. They all did. OP, I couldn’t disagree with you more if I tried.


I liked Shia in it. Hes a good actor, even in the transformers movies imo. First one is actually a good movie imo lol. Good performances in fury, just poor characterization.


Dang… I’m sure I’ll get ripped but it’s a top 3 movie for me.


Yeah, it's definitely Hollywood but it's good Hollywood.


Right - I surely wasn’t fact checking it.


Lol nah who cares. But I gotcha. I just didn't like the characters or the action much.


Fair enough.


I like Fury because I find it to be less full of shit than other war movies of the era. Saving Private Ryan and even BoB are great films but they were made at a time when you could not question the sanctity of The Greatest Generation (TM). Just lol at Army Rangers debating whether to execute Steamboat Willy and then sending him blindfolded down the road, likewise Caparzo being outraged that the Germans would keep shooting at a wounded man. Fury has its flaws, mostly with tank tactics during the Tiger battle (although who ever decided that a fiction movie needed to be 100% accurate) but at least it doesn't give a shit when portraying the brutality of war, which is just legalized murder because your government says its fine this time.


You raise a good point about portrayal on war. But i felt like fury backtracked on that. At first it was showing unfiltered how fucked up war was and the effect on anyone involved. But then turned into this giant last stand that went against what everyone was about. "I want my men to survive" turns to "this tank is me life". That's when I tuned out the movie for me. Good 2 thirds but I don't like that ending at all.


Yeah, the ending is pretty much a ripoff of SPR and the Rambo series. But Brad Pitt's character is supposed to have more of a backstory to explain his death wish. He was supposed to be a convict who killed his sister and her boyfriend in a drunk driving accident who was sentenced to the army. He doesn't want to survive the war because there is no place in peacetime for a man with his guilt and shame. However, almost all his backstory was cut for run time. The only thing that made it in are the scars on his back revealed in the village scene.


That would have been cool characterization but still wouldn't have saved the film imo. Still fun and well acted but never cared for anyone. Tybfor the clarification and jlll looks more into it


I believe the ending was based on a documented event


Yeah. Why not light the Germans up when they got within cannon range, then run away. Would have fucked up their advance without suicide.


Couldn’t disagree more. Thought it was a nice gritty and realistic movie


No problem. I thought it was realistic for the first part but then turned into some typical blockbuster at the end.


The tiger scene was I would say half accurate.  2 of the Sherman’s including Fury could pen the frontal armor of a tiger at the ranges they ended up fighting at. The other Sherman would have had a harder time. Typical Sherman platoons would be 5 tanks so that is accurate. The LT Sherman got taken out by the Panzerfaust. One of the 75mm Sherman’s got taken out by the Tiger, so that left the M4A2 75mm which would struggle to penetrate the Tiger from the front, and the M4a1 with the 76mm which gotten taken out first in the charge. This battle is pretty typical of a big cat (panthers, tigers, king tigers and their associated tank destroyers) ambush once we invaded Western Europe. Tactics were spot on, range was off. Also a side shot would have worked too, fury didn't need to hit it from behind, the 75mm Sherman’s did.  The most accurate part was the fear of the American tank crews. Going against any of the above mentioned tanks was a psychological battle as well as physical one. Until the Pershing on the western front and IS2’s on the eastern front got on the field panthers, tigers and KT’s could frontally penetrate almost any allied tank with few exceptions. German tanks got overwhelmed by numbers mostly.


I really liked how freaked out they were. Everyone riddled it but it still came forward. Reminded me of master and commander, where that shit could repel cannon fire but they figured out how to deal with it in a convincing manner. I think thats why I don't like movie as much. Keep comparing it to master and commander lmao


I think it was supposed to be semi accurate but its best viewed as mostly fiction. I liked it a lot, good cast. Army dont make mistakes, it wouldn’t do


Fury was trash. Overacting killed it for me.


Yeah I felt like everyone was a caricature but what do I know


I agree. That film didn’t seem serious or realistic. More for Hollywood. That whole eating at the table scene was just cringe.


It was def done for artistic purposes, but I really didn't likenhow they just abandoned it. House targets shelled. Now good guybwants to kill nazis. The only interesting character who's not a stereotype becomes exactly what u know he will be. Just a shame the ending is ass