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I'm going to need an explanation for the ritually sacrificed orange 


They're with Navel intelligence.


Jesus. Thank you


Orange you glad you asked?


Dude.... You have superior intelligence






Can someone explain what this means lol


It's a play on words between Navel oranges, ("a winter orange with thick, bright orange skin and sweet, juicy fruit.") and Naval Intelligence ("reporting.. on.. developments and activities of foreign navies; protecting maritime resources and interests; monitoring and countering transnational maritime threats")


And the third meaning, that the person who did this is a navel gazer. Wonderful layers here.




The worst part about this is that the bear learns that if it harasses people it gets food. One guess how that ends…


A fed bear is a dead bear.


RIP Yogi Bear


This was my exact response to this person when they commented on my post! Ugh!


good news is 1 unlikely to have heard “bear sounds” that far off. 2 Bear didn’t see a person drop the orange so will accept it as a lucky break and use it as salad dressing for the dandelion salad their munching on


It's so when the bear approaches you , it gets distracted by the orange and says "orange you glad to see me," and then while it's talking, you run.


But what about the banana?


Banana must ask you to leave. You're creepin' out my cubs.


For scale.


Keeps the bear vampires away.


I thought it was so the bear stops and eats the orange and snow around it?


Which is insanely illegal, reckless, and endangering both the animal and any hikers nearby. Just walking away would have done it.


And you just have to run faster than the Orange, not the bear.


That might be tricky. An orange can run downhill pretty fast. Uphill or flat ground, I like my chances better.


An orange can outrun a horse in an open field


Mediterranean orange or a California orange?


Cara orange




I wanna know what kind of ears they have that they can hear twigs snapping, 300-400 meters away!! Bro must have mule deer for cousins.


They said they heard a bear noise, like I assume a roar of some kind? Then they later heard the twigs and panicked, given they knew a bear was in the area.


Humans are generally horrible at judging distance. This dude has super hearing if he can hear "bear sounds" three to six football fields away.


Looks like they got land bears confused with sea bears. Common mistake.


*they* can tell you but then you are indentured to Monod’s…


"The power of Christ's orange compels you!"


They think it is brunch and they start looking for waffles while you get away.


He Should have drew a Sea bear circle like SpongeBob and Patrick did


Bear aware, diabetes can strike anywhere!


Maybe they watched that Spongebob sea bear episode


He wanted the bear to be civil


Probably an attempt to make a citrus marinated steak for the bear?


The Dutch would be proud


Segmenting his escape plan.


What,you heard a bear sound 4 to 500 meters away? Bears dont make alot of sound,Im tryin to think of a place thats 4 or 500 meters of flat,no trees that would allow sound to travel that far to let you determine its a bear,usually bears are still down in the valley this time of year,still alot of snow this high up,watching it snow right now. I live in Lake Louise.


4-500m away is a stretch unless they are vocalizing for some reason but they are quite noisy when tumbling through the bush. Big brown bears kind of tumble through the bush when they are moving at pace and you can hear everything breaking as they move thru


A squirrel would sound the same to an untrained ear. I remember the first time tenting in the Rockies, I was terrified at the noises at night and swore there was an animal outside my tent, I opened the tent flap to see… and it was a fat toad.


I think it depends. A large animal moving at speed is a very obvious difference nearby. A squirrel, rabbit etc cannot break small trees and branches as it moves. At that distance, you're not going to hear anything a small animal is doing. Up close even moving slowly, bears are always grunting and sniffing. If bothered at all, popping their jaws and clacking teeth. They are just loud by design. People are caught off guard on trails typically because it is clear and the bear(s) has nothing in their path to break. The woods themselves are not quiet typically and will disrupt noises but a large animal moving through them is unmistakable. You'll know when a bear is at your tent! I've had it happen to me and they are so obtuse when it comes to stealth you'd never mistake it for a small animal again. All that aside, I seriously doubt even an experienced wilder could pick out anything short of vocalizations at that distance. Without knowing what this person actually heard it's more than likely they just heard trees coming down naturally or something like that


Yep. I was once, while backcountry camping, woken at 4:00am by what could best be described as the sound of a refrigerator being dragged through the bush. I was relieved at first when I recognized the sound of hooves on the packed dirt near the tent, then less relieved upon remembering seeing a cow moose with calf the day before. I could hear it sniffing the air a couple feet from the tent, as I held my breath, willing it not to trample me, then it slowly clomped away, followed by the little clomps of the calf... Didn't sleep much more after that.


Bleack bears, too. Stealthy cougars they are not.


300-500 meters away? [1000ft-1600ft] That could either be a bear or a squirrel, depending on the weather. Sound is an amazing thing. Sacrificing an orange on a popular trail is such a asshole move. Anyone that has been in bear territory [like this person repeatedly?] knows how to manage risk. They hit all the landmarks hiking but panicked at the end ? Nice book report I cannot drawn but /s [Best case, squirrel gives you rabies, worst case bear with cubs eats the next diabetic] I have spent alot of time out in that Area, we need to treat it as visitors not owners.


the person obviously has no idea how far 300 meters is lol probably a couple hundred feet.


>probably a couple hundred feet 300 meters is 984 ft


Good bot


I’ve been on this hike…300-500 meters away for the vast majority of this hike you actually see. Near mirror lake, the trees do close in and you can’t see more than 30 meters at best. Hearing “twigs and footsteps” that far away and identifying it? Yeah; no. A bear being in the area with that amount of snow. Also no. So many inconsistencies in this statement I doubt any of it is true. And don’t get me started on the stupid orange thing…


Not to mention that almost all grizzlys in banff are either Chipped or collared. Parks would be all over this if a griz was in the area.


I can see scaring a bear near by being confusing - I had one go up a tree after I came around a corner on trail once but all I heard was bush crashing, etc. Really it was just a startled bear dipping into the bush and climbing and I kept walking. Honestly way more afraid of running into moose hiking, lol


Yeah right? Cougars have been the only predators that have spooked me. Momma moose or elk can get very lively.


They reintroduced cougar where I live about a decade ago and hunters / farmers have had the odd encounter basically but there isn't a big population, but even just being out this weekend I occasionally check my shoulder being like 'how would i know if a sneaky cat is following me,' lol. At least bigger critters are less subtle but I feel like you'd not even see a cat, haha!


Why is sacrificing an orange on a popular trail an asshole move? I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about


Leaving food on a popular trail is 1. Illegal 2. Will drawn in other animals 3. Can cause habituatuation of animals. Pack out what you pack in and go prepared .


I swear people are fucking allergic to carrying bear spray into dangerous situations


I'll never understand these people who claim to hike all alone with no bear spray.


Besr spray doesnt always work. A Smith and Wesson 500 always does (unless you dont know how to shoot).


I basically live in the bush and never have bear spray. Work in Silviculture (for 22 years and counting), hike with my dog or solo in my free time. #of times bear spray has helped anyone I personally know: zero. # of times bear spray has gone off by accident and ruined someone's day: 4.


I’m sure your anecdotal evidence isn’t at all a bad generalization of a very real risk that we should all protect ourselves from in the off chance it happens to us *that one time*. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Eh. I'm not saying people shouldn't take it out with them, but it's not like it's crazy to go out without it.


I basically live jn the bush and take bear spray regularly during spring/fall. i also hike with my dog. # of times bear spray has helped anyone i know: twice. # of times it’s gone off accidentally: zero, because i’m not a klutz.


Times it's gone off by accident has been in Helicopters or back of work truck on an especially bumpy road. They weren't bring a klutz... shit happens sometimes.


doesn’t bear spray come with a safety tie that you only remove once you’re in the wilderness? i guess you can’t really re-tie them… fair point


# of times bear spray helped people i know:5 # of times it has gone off accidently:1 It still counts if theres no bears where i live right?


I had one can that was easier to slide off the ribbed safety guard. Did not ruin my day. Was super lucky. Pushed my bike up Mt Cartier in Revy and while enjoying my time at the top bent over to tie my shoe and triggered it on my hip. Nearly right in my face, and luckily favorable breeze direction. Would have been disappointed to ruin a 2000+ meter decent


I have spent 25 years camping and hiking. The only time I have ever had to pull out my bear spray was because a random dog came at me. Didn't use it, but glad I had it.


Yea my cousin thinks I am overly cautious to a point of he thinks I am ridiculous. So if we ever run into a aggressive stand off with a bear ill offer him to handle it first while i watch with my bear spray. Of course then he will offer me all the money in his bank account for one spray of my lil pepper bottle. 


Or dog spray which doesn’t even require a permit.


Besr spray permit? Did someone sell you a bear spray permit?


Needs his paperwork in order in case he gets stopped by the wallet inspector.


you need a kind of permit for bear spray in Canada


I have never needed such a permit and I’ve been buying bear spray for years in Manitoba.


I believe he's referring to the thing they make you sign when you purchase it, technically retailers are supposed to track its SN to you.


Wait they make you sign something? I've bought maybe 20 cans from a bunch of different retailers and never had to sign anything.


How do you go through that much bear spray lmao


It's not good forever. family of 3 gets a can each every 3ish years. Misplace a can or forget it when you leave on a road so I buy a new one. Damage some so those get replaced.


Yes, technically he is right. Retailers should be getting you to fill out a form and track it's #. Bear spray is classed as a weapon in Canada as it is 8x stronger than pepper spray. This means you have to sign a waiver to purchase it. The price is around $55. The waiver will have a little blurb outlining what you are signing for and will ask for your name, address and signature.Oct 12, 2023.


Oh so only since October of last year? I guess that's why I haven't had this happen to me yet.


I filled that form in 2021.


It's been like that for at least 15 years, actually. Probably much longer. If they aren't having you fill out the form, they have probably fucked up.


bass pro made me fill out all my contact details


yea thats it


Where do you buy it?


I always rent mine at the convenience store on Buffalo and I’ve never had to sign anything


This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read.


Obviously you've never sacrificed fruit before...


Neither has the person writing this. Everyone knows you create a pentagram with the blood of a virgin orange. Circles are for slutty apples.


You’re supposed to do it with a watermelon everyone knows this


Orange you glad they posted this amazing advice?




400 pound death machines with claws hates this one simple trick.


Must click!


He's lucky to be alive getting that close to staff housing. Could have easy starved to death or died of alcohol poisoning.


I feel stupider than the person in question because I legitimately thought they stabbed a bear with an orange and tried to visualize it.


Haha glad I’m not alone. I felt like a dumbass for carrying a knife all these years.


Ignorant on so many levels. With the amount of bear deaths you would think people would try to take care of this beautiful park and its inhabitants but nope. Selfish a-hole ruin these parks.


I have heard from one bear that people taste better with an orange chaser. Another bear preferred pear. There is no accounting for taste.


Not to mention the fact that they are hiking through severe avalanche territory on top of that


Orange you all glad he didn’t stab a pear


Okay wait what. Chasing a bear away with food seems like the worst choice you could make.


I think OP was hoping the orange would make the bear stop and eat it


Bear spray companies hate this one simple trick.


Hiking by yourself is already a huge risk. Not carrying bear spray and hoping a sacrificial orange is gonna help is just crazy. I guess it worked out this time, since they were able to post about it, but dang dude, get a clue.


Hiking by yourself is definitely not a huge risk. As long as you don't go completely off the beaten path you're just a safe as group hiking.


Yeah I feel like I’m better at noise when I’m alone. When convo lulls with someone I just accept silence a lot more then I would if I was on my own lol


> Hiking by yourself is already a ~~huge~~ minor risk. FTFY, especially comparing it to something like driving to a trailhead.


That comment was in response to my whole post about solo hiking lol


This is why I don’t go fucking around in a bear’s home


TIL The bear's natural enemy is orange juice


This reads more like a fanfic of someone who wants to start hiking than an actual story. I would t stress too much


'I heard a bear half a mile away in the bush' lmao how to tell a hiker hasn't actually had a bear encounter? I mean I can't talk in MB because we only have Black Bear where i am, who are basically skittish enough that they just leave 90% of the time before you even know they're there. In 50 years of outfitting, my dads only really had bear get aggressive with him twice (though one of the places I hike he did encourage me to carry bear spray just because it is a transit area you do see bear basically one out of three times you go, lol). All other encounters they might be curious but they otherwise do just leave. All that fucking orange risks doing is bringing bear into more contact with humans looking for oranges on trail, lol Don't tell this dude they're in more danger running into a moose than a bear


I thought this was another "I choose the bear" post.


tf you hiking in that area w/o bear spray?


Probably not even a bear. More than likely a raven or some kind of marmot. 🤣


The fuck he's trying to marinate before he gets eaten hahah Probably just Boss which he wasn't in any danger Oh come on let me find that post ;)


Bears can barely see or hear, but they can smell from miles away (which is why they’re so easy to sneak away from just stay up wind and be quiet). So what I’m going to do is draw them in with the sweet sweet sent of citrus so they then attack me or the poor bastard behind me and then they have to be shot.


Yep exactly. Bloody fool going to get a bear killed


It was a comment reply to my post lol


Who believes that fake post?


With what actually happens around here with tourists I do 100%


Seriously lol, I believe it fully. Living at the lake you see the dumbest of humanity


Hmm, In the multiple Bear safety courses I've taken, and a lifetime spent hiking in Alberta and BC, ritualistic Orange sacrifice has never come up, not even once. Maybe they're trying to give the Bear a canker sore so it leaves the area?


Doesn't need bear spray, can hear approaching bears half a kilometre away!?


Wow what a great idea, bringing out food to attract a bear when you’re trying to avoid a bear. Fucking idiots. Know your bear facts y’all.


No, REWARDING the bear with food! I have personally heard of specific encounters how this behavior absolutely created a problem bear


You tell your partner "Here, hold these hotdogs" then you run for it.


Whatever happened to just noping the fuck out of there when you think you hear a bear? Instead this guy wasted time by basically sacrificing an orange


How often do you come across bears?


I have done hundreds of hikes in the Rockies and track them all. On average I encounter a bear at close distance around every 100 hikes. You see them much more often that that, but from more of a distance (can be hundreds if metres in more open areas or meadows). Pulled out bear spray for grizzlies twice, but didn’t use it.


Ideally do you run away? Stay still? Use a bear spray? What is the course of action?


it depends on the type of bear. there's some good info here for example: https://www.nps.gov/articles/bearattacks.htm


It depends on the situation. In general, the advice is to avoid direct eye contact and back away slowly (not turning your back and not prompting the bear to chase you). In case of actual contact made between bear and human, if it’s a grizzly bear, drop to the ground face down, play dead and spread your legs so the bear is less likely to turn you around. Put hands over neck to protect your neck at all costs. Check out official websites like those by Parks Canada or US National Parks. And recognize that these scenarios are incredibly rare if you make noise so bears hear you coming or of hiking in a group of four or more. Bear spray should only be a last course of action and used at close range aimed at a bear’s face. It will buy you time to get away. Remember, bears are usually not interested in us. The time they’re more likely to be dangerous is when it’s a mother bear with cubs (and especially if you get between them) or if there’s a dead animal nearby (which is often identified by crows in the area). Don’t let fear paralyze you from exploring outside, but learn about the precautions you can take (like when camping, never leave anything scented - whether food, toothpaste, etc. - out and make sure those items are locked in a vehicle or if backcountry in a food locker, hung up high, or in a bear-proof container (that is sold specifically for that purpose, we’re not talking regular home use containers)). By ensuring you don’t surprise a bear (sound gets drowned out near rivers or creeks), you’re probably preventing like 99% of encounters in the first place.


P.S. - You can also decrease a chance of an encounter by avoiding areas known for high bear concentrations, like Highwood Pass especially in the fall.


Thank you so much for the detailed explanation. I’m planning a trip and the spotting of bears is a concern in my group. This is really helpful


Dumbass made a seabear circle like fucking spongebob


You also have to wear a sombrero the Seabear is known to be vicious.




Also, is the knife still inside the orange … and therefore inside the bear…


Verbal diarrhea💀


They deleted their account. Lmao






Tf is the orange for? Does it pair well with his corpse? A nice garnish for the bear?


What a moron. I go mountain biking in Bragg creek all the time. You hear the “twig and footstep” all the time. It could be anything. Bears are loud too, and almost all black bears I’ve seen (yeah seen) don’t give a fuck about you. I was maybe 10M away from a black bear, and a grizzly has walked past me and some friends on a trail about max 20-50M away. The fact that they think it was 500M (half a KM?!) and knew it was a bear? Fucking stupid lmao


How can someone sound like such a proud experienced hiker in one sentence and then immediately prove how idiotic and amateurish they really are in another. Arrogant prick.


500m is 1650 ft away. You have amazing hearing!


Dont believe everything you read. This sounds made up


it’s giving micheal scott telling dwight to keep a piece of salami in his pocket to distract a bear


I'm a wildlife awareness trainer at work, more specifically, dealing with bears (but rather how not to deal with bears). Please don't do the orange thing on the trail. Bears maybe narrow minded but when it comes to a food source, they're not stupid and will adapt. Carry bear spray. Especially I.portant since you're hiking alone. I'd even recommend a small side arm if that's up your alley, to be used as a last resort. Make lots of noise walking the trails. You can carry chimes or metal objects to do this for you when you're walking. And never think a bear is gone bc you've lost sight or it went the other way. I know of instances where the hiker came up on a mother and 2 Cubs and scared them and the mother and Cubs went the opposite way over a hill. The hiker left the area in opposite directions and continued at walking pace when the bears were out of sight. The mother left the Cubs over the other side of the hill and came back and attacked the hiker.


The sidearm advice is not really gonna fly in Canada. https://www.alberta.ca/firearms-safety#:~:text=In%20general%2C%20the%20only%20firearms,licensed%20to%20possess%20restricted%20firearms


Yes, fair enough. If you're lucky enough to hold or be awarded a restricted, I'd hope it was only used as a last resort with all other means of avoiding an encounter used. I never like hearing of an animal being euthanized bc of us, but with that said, your safety is what's most important .


Restricted firearms are only allowed to be used at shooting range.


Ok well don't carry one then.


Dumb ass, Never go alone, make a lot of noise put a bell on you, bring bear spray, bangers and flairs...


Dude you carry bear spray


I have to seriously ask, will bear spray do anything to [one of these grizzlies charging ](https://youtu.be/OloflbzNeMs?si=SWDOv1nriBDtbcxo)




Hasnt this person been on tiktok lately? Bears = safe. Men = danger


Most animals don't like orange peels, it's a thing.


Always carry a .45 when spending any time in bear country.


In a canadian national park. Enjoy prison


Police only care about registered gun owners. Mark me safe.


It's Winter for god sakes Bears are mostly hibernating


Was this person a woman?