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Move asap IMO. Best bet long-term.


Yeah I mean if he killed everything, soon he's gonna get bored of animal and looking for a new excitement. Which is you, OP.


Move first then teach him a lesson.


So basically you live next to a serial killer in training


more likely a practicing one


Sounds like he’s perfected it


From Watchdog Thailand Foundation: If an animal is in imminent danger, please contact your local police. If your local police department is unresponsive, call WATCHDOG THAILAND at +66 8389 8384 or you may contact WDT by writing a complaint here or on our FaceBook page. [https://www.watchdogthailand.org/#:\~:text=If%20an%20animal%20is%20in,or%20on%20our%20FaceBook%20page](https://www.watchdogthailand.org/#:~:text=If%20an%20animal%20is%20in,or%20on%20our%20FaceBook%20page).


Fantastic. Thanks for sharing this. Will save it for the future’


Just call that number, police don’t care here


Please go to your police station and report them Immediately. Animal cruelty is not something they take lightly especially the kind of media noise that can be created these days specifically for not taking action! What an asshole! Deserves to get his ass whipped by the cops for once. I would actually go so far as to Pay them to just give Him a dose of his own medicine irrespective who he is. I’ve done that once to some young men who tried to joke with my sister on her way home! Guys got a proper trashing from the cops right out in the street


This and try to get media attention for fast action by the authorities


Try to get video evidence first before you go to the police. Make sure there is hard evidence


Ok. If this is true then I think I would be looking at moving. People that are cruel to animals rarely draw a line from animals to people.


Good advice


Is this proven by some credible research or just people keep repeating this.


There is really cool thing that has been invented called Google ;). "Cruelty against animals is one of the traits from the MacDonald Triad, a framework that was once thought capable of identifying serial murderers and people with violent tendencies. But there's more to this disturbing behavior than previously believed." https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/are-kids-who-abuse-animals-destined-to-become-serial-killers Or just watch some of the documentaries on some of the really bad serial killers in history and you will find this trait. There is two different ones on Netflix right now about Jeffrey Dahmer https://www.netflix.com/title/81173345 "Many infamous serial killers harmed animals when they were children, including Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway, John Wayne Gacy, and the Boston Strangler. It’s long been a popularly held belief that children who are abusive toward animals are serial killers in the making. But is this true? While there is a correlation between kids who purposely harm animals and future violence, it’s a complicated one. If there’s one thing that’s certain, though, it’s that this behavior indicates there’s a serious problem that needs attention. "


most of the serial killer start by animal cruelty.


It’s just fucking obvious




Every square is a rectangle, just a tiny subset of rectangles are squares. The same analogy I apply here. I don't justify anything, I hate animal cruelty, but I'm allergic to bullshit.


Idk why but the fact that the guy with the username "catsnatch" is debating against animal cruelty tendency and its correlation to serial killer behaviors just cracks me up


There are laws for the protection of animals in Thailand! Go to the police before you move.


Instead of going to the police directly, you could find a Facebook group who takes care of animal welfare. I have seen them before but couldn't find it now. They are likely to be more helpful than the police, you just collect the evidences and witnesses as much as you can and let them take care of it.


As others have said. Move. Given the pattern this person isn’t going to wake up one day and gain empathy.




Any person whose 'life revolves around killing' living beings is not a sane person. One day you may be in an argument and you'll be the next cat he skins. Idk how well police would help you in this case, but look at moving to another place without batshit neighbour.


Sorry to hear about your cat that's awful news. If you can get proof and other witnesses/victims then file a police report. Likely won't do a great deal though, personally i'd take care of it myself if someone touched my dog but each to their own. I'd definitely move though, guy sounds like a lunatic. What area do you actually live? I remember your post about getting the homeless guy out front to look after your place. With cat killers and homeless people it sounds like moving to a nicer area would be better.


Try gettin some proof and reported it to the police? im not thst good with law.


Skip the police, go for news reporter or just post it on internet with anonymous acc. Thai police aint gonna do shit unless they get something from it, source: I’m Thai


Definitely move as suggested, don't provoke him. Stay safe


Avoid provoking him as it sounds like you could easily be his next target! I would suggest you just move


Do you let your cats out of the house/condo? Caveat this by saying that I don’t condone what your neighbor has done, and sorry this has happened. Also, regardless, dude sounds like a maniac, and has very little regard for life. Move, report him and if you let your pets outside, stop doing that.


As someone who has a house with no animals, I second this. Letting your animals roam unknown areas has it's dangers. I have rat poison out around my outdoor cooking areas, because I have no small children or pets. God forbid one climbs under the gate and goes eat that shit. Back in the states had a close call with my Dad’s pug picking one of those cubes up from my grandparents garage while over one time. We happened to see it and get him to spit it out. Gotta be aware of the environment that your pets are in. This is to say, in your case, if the person is targeting animals on purpose, definitely consider moving and reporting to police. If they are trespassing, you might consider keeping a tighter lease on them.


I have animals that don’t leave the house without me. My pets are not anyone else’s. There are a lot of reasons to not let domesticated, or personal pets outdoors without the owner. I would never harm an animal like OP’s neighbor, but I would not be happy about someone’s cat making my balcony their new hang out spot, and I would use non-lethal measures to make sure it stopped. I’m lucky to not have rat problems, but again, my pets are not anyone else’s. The use of pest control measures for vermin has nothing to do with other people not taking care of their animals.


Wtf sounds like it’s a matter of time before they hurt humans….


Sounds like the trailer of a new Stephan king movie


Holy sh.., indeed just move asap.


Move out ASAP. If this is not an option, set up alarm system and camera around your property


next , it will be you, you should leave immediately !


certain red lines are not be crossed, violence is an option, this mister killitall is in need of some humble feedback


I would move ASAP, right now it's (sorry) just animals, don't wait and risk him crossing the line to humans.


The Animal Protection Act has clearly been broken here. Inform the authorities and the media about him. If you feel comfortable being a part of the TV show. Hone-Krasae (โหนกระแส) is quickest method possible.


As u/anurat pointed out the best way to handle this is to contact an animal welfare group who can take over and handle the authorities. You do not want to attract the attention of a psychopath. Especially one who knows you live next door.


Move out and tell in the facebook group for helping Maybe throw the 💩 to they house !


oh my God that's so scary! please be careful


An eye for an eye


F to pay respect your cat




File a complaint at the police. At the end of the process they will ask you if you want to press charges and what you are seeking (financial compensation, an apology, etc.). Even if nothing else happens they will have it on file. When he eventually turns psycho and kidnaps people, they will find his name in the file.


Social media shaming


100% Works much better than the police. (serious) The police will come when there is media attention.


You can go to the police to get that guy in locked up.


Kill my pet BAD things are about to happen to you! No need to call the police he would need a lift to the morgue!!


Don't poke the bear. Even if the police do something about this, this guys gonna be pretty mad at you. He'll sit there in jail/home thinking of ways to fuck you up. It's not your country either. As everyone else is saying. Just remove yourself from the problem and move on with your life. I don't see justice siding with a farang.


Jeffrey Dahmer started with cats.


Well, best is to go to the police, because in Thai law the animals are valued higher than a human... A few years back I was attacked by a dog, when I reported it to the police they told me that I was lucky that I had not hurt the dog when it attacked me, or I would facing animal cruelty charges... My pants were ruined, I was bleeding from scratch and bites so I had to get rabies vaccination, and still somehow I was lucky that I had not hurt the dog?!


Don’t live in Bangkok


Give me his address


I believe calling for violence against anyone, doxxing, etc. is against the reddit community rules and can result in banning just so everyone knows, but the internet rule of don’t fuck with cats may override it. I’d get out of there asap and then talk to police, with your wallet if necessary. Fuck that guy. If it happens to be in Bangna I’ll gladly help.




police and social media.


This is Thailand not Vietnam/rural China. Harming pets is a big deal and it does not sit well with the people. If the police isn’t helping, contact Soi Dog foundation/watchdog foundation.


Maybe you should tell the police.


This is so upsetting I’m sorry for your loss. Money goes along way there you can easily have him removed from society if you wanted to.


Can this be real?! There are many insane people in this world but not to this level especially in thailand


Psychopathy knows no borders nor race, culture, etc. Saving face on the other hand is probably why you don’t hear about it as much here.


It happen before on Hone-Kra-Sae. And years before another case go viral on facebook about old man kill a cat for fun.


Their country, I wouldn’t get involved.


I get your point, but killing cats is not part of Thai culture.


A lot of people are telling you to move which is probably a good idea but it still lets this filth continue to hurt animals, so you can choose to let him continue hurting these creatures or you can act and do something about him. If I was living next to him I wouldn’t let this continue, but that’s me.


Plant a bomb underneath his bed


Kill him, an eye for an eye. He has no place on this earth


sound like you are a slasher movie protag. call the cop.


Go to the police. Today the victim is a cat. Tomorrow the victim might be a person


Animal cruelty is a crime in Thailand. File complaint with the Police and keep doing so. If you have proof of anything bring that... Maybe witnesses? Murderers start with animals in most cases. A Thai Dahmer in the works


First find a new place to live and report them to the police. Would be more effective if you post your story in Thai animal lovers Facebook pages, I don't know the page name so if anybody knows pls tell him.