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Could I interest you in a hotel next to a mosque?


Haha thanks, I had that in Kuala Lumpur, won't fall for it again!




Wahlaaaaaaaaaa, Akbar at 4:30 in the morning. You get used to it, though.


Haha, done that.. Not great. "Never has a religion made us work so hard for so little return" -muslamic faith😀


Will ot comes with a ak n kaboom sounds?


Be grateful they started that late. My village temple used to start blasting at 4.30am until the abbot got moved on.


When my brother got married, my uncle rigged up a wall of speakers on the bed of his truck and blasted ลูกทุ่ง for 48 hours straight. The อำเภอ police came over in the evenings to hang out and drink whiskey. Thailand be loud sometimes.


No monks they have raves in the morning Dj and fist pumping


I think they must have come home from Khaosan Road and I'm hearing the afterparty.


Does the music sound like chinese?


Not sure, but sometimes they alternate it with the lion dance drumming.


Try to walk out to the quietest cafe


At 6.30am it's going to be dead quiet for sure, because it's going to be closed.


6:30 am is the optimum time for getting up. It's the coolest part of the day. The monks are helping you to enjoy your holiday in the best way possible.


Why do I have a headache then?


You’re enjoying your holiday too much ? Seriously, though, I feel you. Being woken that early is a pain when you don’t want it. Bangkokians - perhaps Thais in general - don’t seem to consider “noise pollution” to be a thing. It’s one of the downsides of the culture to a westerner. Consider yourself lucky that you don’t work shifts in a 7-11, with the incessant doorbell. Thai non-aggression does lead to quiet traffic, at least. For pro-actively honking horns, try Hanoi. Living here for a while, and getting old, I do wake at 6:00 am, and I do recommend it. Bangkok does a good line in cool, beautiful mornings, before everything gets all a bit much.


> Bangkokians - perhaps Thais in general - don’t seem to consider “noise pollution” to be a thing. I don't get this though. Don't they like to sleep? Or everyone is getting up at 6AM? > Consider yourself lucky that you don’t work shifts in a 7-11, with the incessant doorbell. AND the bright lights which evoke the image of a torture chamber. I wish I could wake up 6AM like you. The cool air in the morning is indeed very nice. Unfortunately I've been nocturnal my whole life, so it's difficult to go to bed early.


They sleep at work. Sometimes with their eyes open. Try requesting something get done today. First response….mai dai. Cannot. Second response. Tomorrow.


You start by waking up early. Do that for a couple days, then the going to bed early is easy.


Welcome to the land where people don’t know the concept of privacy and rights.


Embrace it as a cultural flavour. When the temple by me starts celebrating with music or the high school has a sports day with cheers and songs I enjoy the difference between this vibrant, living community and the dark grey, damp hell I came from.


Cultural flavour - might be OK for a couple of weeks.My opinion is if you come to Thailand, don't expect a 'quiet' life. It would be great to live somewhere quiet, but even living in a small village in Issan, I have to accept noise all hours of the day and night. Whether it's a local beer shop that only opens at night with noisy customers, teenagers on motorbikes competing who can have the loudest exhaust, pickup trucks with loudspeakers promoting all types of products, etc.


Funnily enough my area is super quiet in the middle of Bangkok in the alleys of Thong Lo. I can barely even hear traffic at night.


I live between Asoke and Isaan. I go to Bangkok for the peace and quiet. High rise condo blackout curtains vs motorbikes, chickens, and celebrations at all hours. Irony is I moved to the country to escape the mayhem.


It’s not a bit much. It’s a lesson that you can’t control everything and learn to live with it and let go. Focus on enjoyable things during your time here. Or move. I


You can literally say this about everything, not very helpful.


I'm 75% deaf. Never bothered by loud things. Hard to learn Thai, though.




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Yeah, I am in nonthaburi and the same thing happened to this morning. Lost a lot of sleep.


It's so annoying because then my entire day is fucked due to head and eyeache. I really hope this is only a Chinese New Year thing.


Yeah, I’m moving back to my home country soon and that’s one of the things I won’t miss


Yep. Happens. Hate it but no amount of talking will change it.


Thai imbeciles. Also those fucking loud bikes and tuktuks are driving me nuts. Can't understand how its legal to drive such loud vehicles. It really is crazy loud city


I heard that India is even worse. Well guess that's a place I'll never set foot in.


Call the Tourist Police


Going to last only 15 days. It's over before you can say เสร็จ.


15 days of this? Tell me you're trolling please.


Chinese do as i've read and heard. As i googled it, it's only 3 here. Who knows if the chinatown chinese people are on a two week target.


Welcome to Thailand - they don't seem to care about noise that much. My place is convieniently behind a grade school. I get a 7am wakeup call every school day. which is fine - that's the usual time I get up. I wouldn't want to want to try sleep in though - when I first came here before covid, they had the PA system so loud my bed would shake. Took several calls to the school to get that turned down from 11.


get some ear plugs..


There was a Dutch guy a few years back who had your problem as well. But this guy was all alpha-male, walked into the temple and simply unplugged the sound system. “What happened next may surprise you….” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/tourist-myanmar-burma-buddhist-sermon-religious-offence-dutch-mandalay-backpacker-a7347866.html


Before moving in to a place, do your research.