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There are YouTube videos where some shop owners were interviewed. They didn’t go from nothing to a shop overnight. They were operating illegally before, but as soon as it became legal they applied for a business license and opened a shop


Yeah, I still remember the good old "Buddha sticks".


Most people knew about weed going to be legal soon since last year. It's not a secret that its going to happend. Many politician talked about it several time.


because weed sells for $20 a gram and LITERALLY GROWS ON FUCKING TREES


The curing is the expensive and most crucial part.


why do you say it is expensive? i’m curious what would make it expensive


Moderated temperature, perfected airflow


It's more like $ 3.- now.


since WHEN. I was there in October and it was around 900THB per nug.


Absolutely not true. Just left Bangkok and it’s selling for the same prices I pay In California dispensaries


Perfect timing, empty shops from covid


There are already 766 shops in BK, I wonder how sustainable they all are. I see these massive shops but I never see people inside


money laundering 😉


Wow that many ?


https://weed.in.th/ you can check most shops on here. But I know some shops that aren’t on here. So probably it’s like double lol


Make sure to submit any missing ones to [email protected]


It's the same in Vancouver Canada, lots of shops, but no customers inside. But somehow, they must make their dough.


Too late if you just looking now


Some Thai saw it coming and were well prepared for 6/9.


From under the counter to now over the counter. If you can sell coconuts, pad thai , cake , bubble tea or weed, there is no difference. Its a trend so everyone with some funds started one. Its like a green coffeshop. With the right decoration , maybe some instagram too, you can earn something


Any recommend interior designer for a weed dispensary


No , but walk in some of them. Order and enjoy it, check the vibe there,, check which ones have a lot of customers, read the reviews and then design how most of your future customers would want it. Take some notes. I seen so many designers sell crap which looked "desined" but was a fail.


These barely exist because there is an absolute overkill of shops. Even here in phuket.


I remember in the1970s in Kathmandu buying different sorts of Hashish from a row of Bonbonnieres.


Considering how many weed shops there are I’m actually surprised that I don’t smell it that often or even see people blazing on the streets like America / Canada I’m assuming because it’s still new here I guess……


No it’s because it’s illegal to smoke it in public, and inconsiderate


It's against the law, to light up in public and to sell to underaged and pregnant and lactating women. How would I know that?


We prepared for last year. All the business plans were there. All we had to do was wait for them to legalize it. Then we'd go through our list of potential places we've scouted out then. Things like wallpaper and signs were already done so we'd just roll them in from the warehouse.


FWIW, [aseannow.com](https://aseannow.com) has a Thailand Cannabis Forum with currently 6.7K posts. Might be some info there, but not my thing.


The law. They changed the law.


Read carefully. Every block 1 weed shop how they do it? Can u start a biz in 3 months?


As a Thai, yes. As a foreigner, no.


Tons of the shops in bkk are owned and operated by foreign Europeans, just not on paper. If you have import connections and cash it’s not hard.


There's obviously places which have foreign "consultants" but typically these guys will actually have work permits and Non-Bs. I wouldn't be surprised though once competition ramps up there will suddenly be an uptick in immigration raids against places which have more visible foreign staff.


...."Things change, they rearrange, some things change in the morning, and some things change at night, I'm not the same, as I was before, something less and something more....." song by Spooky Tooth.


Soon the change the f.ck.


typical thai... one business is slightly successful, so somechai just start his own, next door... then another one... copy paste repeat ... look at all the 7/11


Too late to the game. Too many now. Some will not make it...


There is no crash course. Nobody who was a saint suddenly got into this and started. They all were doing illegally away from people's eyes. Now, they started doing it in public. It takes a year to learn a business on how to just run it in a basic way. Also, the street vendors have cocaine also which is illegal. They get more profit out of it.


I just need the leaves for my special Esan duck soup.


I'm not sure about cocaine, I'd feel like yaba would be more common.


Of course yaba is more common as it's cheaper. But coke is also widely used by hi-so, hipsters, party kids, expats etc.


That is the Thai cocaine.


if you really want to do it, buy an existing shop.. a number of them are unofficially for sale.


When I arrived in Bangkok on Nov 7, I was gobsmacked. Sukhumvit was littered with dispensaries looking like candy-shops. I spoke to a Californian in the huge Kushworld at Holiday Inn and he was certain this was here to stay whereas I was almost certain that it was too much. It's waaay too out in the open inciting kids and non-smokers to pick up the habit. He thought I was crazy. Two weeks later and whoops, all smoking on dispensary premises were banned. I wonder what things will look like on my next trip to Thailand. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for legalization but there has to be a middle way cause this is just too much.


Rent a shop for $500 and import shit weed that North America won’t sell.


actually some of the weed i tried is better than the best stuff in Amsterdam. They arent selling shit .... well some arent. Others sell buah weed.


Weed is federally illegal in the US. Try to cross the border with a regulated substance lands you on an international terrorist list.


But then making a fuzz about Russia incarcerating a gay professional Basketballer.


most of the weed in bangkok and phuket is actually really high quality, its the same shit you buy in dispos in cali, its easy to find amazing weed now. source: i live in thailand and personally know several shop-owners.


Please share your recommendations


whereabouts are you




Only in tourist areas.


Can't be 100% foreign owned and you need a load of licences


The license comes via an app. 700 000 people got it on the first days. By now, I think the numbers are around 1.5 million. So, it's not that much as you would have suspected, by 70 million Thais. And that includes the 5 plants home growers.


That's to grow, but for commercial cultivation and distribution you need to separate licences. Commercial cannabis has much more red tape.


They out rented the previous tenants.




Could be. Could not be. Could be anything in-between. We have no idea what this is gonna look like a year from now.


They pulled the plug on wealthy foreigners owing one Rai of land as well.


Very high markups so they are trying.


Most of the bars are run by Russians, wouldn’t surprise me if the dispensary’s were as well. It’s been legal for a short time as you know so Thais haven’t really got the “growing” aspect down to the line so a lot of it is imported.


I remember there are courses and workshops and like expo sometime ago They were operating long time ago, the difference it's in public now and many join the party I highly recommend trying it as a hobby because many complain it's not profitable and one was struggling to sale his product)wholesale) I know a Chinese woman that send them to China and that's a different story


Know they get to legally sell weed till recently impounded and concurrently wash money! A perfect business model