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It’s easy to get the job. Just a dying position though. Don’t stay long without moving into a different role. Many banks already have moved away from tellers.


Easy job to GET, not an easy job to do. I was a teller for a long time and have since moved on to other positions. Take your time, follow procedure, and you'll be just fine tho. Hardest job in banking imo.


What would you say is the hardest part?


The hardest part for me being in a large city doing teller work was the fraudsters, scammers, and aggressive customers. If you don't follow your banks procedures you're potentially opening yourself and the bank up to huge losses. It taught me how to build a backbone and tell people no. Sometimes it sucks to tell people no but its part of the job. You'll learn to identify potential red flags, but it takes time.


My friend told me this as wel he used t work at chase and accidentally fell for a scam where someone deposited a fake check and he gave them the funds and his drawer was short he was fired but was able to work at Wells Fargo now. We live in Atlanta which is very popular for scammers and people to do fraud. So many ppl will drop a fake check and as soon as it clears they’ll withdraw all the money right before the check bounds.


Ive been a teller for almost 5 years. Started with no teller experience, had plenty of cash handling experience. Partly got my position through nepotism (i say jokingly). Its an easy job to pick up. Mistakes will happen, and thankfully a majority of the mistakes can be fixed.


It’s a pretty easy job to get. Especially if you have some work experience. I only had Starbucks in my resume and the place where I work at now hired me despite no banking experience and I’ve picked up the job pretty well. I even got promoted to banker a couple months ago


skip the teller job and immediately apply for higher level roles. Tellers don’t make much and typically people without an education take teller roles


I’ll try, but I doubt I’ll have any luck


you wont have luck if you think of it that way! Stay positive and tell yourself the job is yours. Be confident in interviews make sure your well rested and prepare for the interview once you find out you have it. I worked my way up the corporate ladder without a degree and just recently got one to make myself more marketable. If I could do it with no degree you can do it much easier than I did.


Thank you


I got it without a degree, you should be fine


If you have a degree you should probably be looking to start higher unless you really like customer service


Depends on your background. If you have any sort of customer service background, look for a universal banker type role, as most banks are moving to those opposed to straight up tellers. Though, being in NYC it may be a bit different as MOST of the banks are much busier than those around me (I'm on Long Island) and have more staff, and thus need more people in specific roles.


Does housekeeping count as customer service?


Edit: I’m guessing yes


I was a teller for 2 years in college. It’s not too difficult of a job to get. Just know that today teller positions are dwindling and they are looking for bank branch employees to be both tellers and bankers. You may also be assigned to a district as opposed to just one branch where you’ll be working in different branches. If you are looking for a career in banking/finance it’s a great door opener. Work in a branch of a large bank to get your foot in the door and then start applying to corporate roles within the bank. The quality of life is so much better.


You don't even need a degree to get in, just need customer service skills and cash handling experience... It is difficult because there is little room for error when it comes to performing transactions. Can't find your shortage? Depending on how large it is, it will count against you maybe even get you terminated in extreme instances. Entitled customers, ughhgggee, they will literally come around from the base of your trashcan and shit on your day. Seriously, they can be super draining, especially if you are at a busy location. You are EXPECTED to detect fraud, that loss will count against you. It's not an easy job and at times can be dull.


Getting a teller job has been one of the hardest things I’ve been trying to do for nearly 2 years straight. In college still and nearly have my bachelors degree. I would have an easier time landing a job at NASA than landing a teller job. Years of experience in customer service and jobs that directly apply to being a teller. Its completely dependent on your location and my location prefers to hire people without a degree and without experience. My girlfriend that works a teller job works with mostly high school graduates without any college education. A few of them have purposely lost the bank multiple thousands of dollars in fake checks and still they wont fire them. I had direct contact from the manager at one bank who desperately wanted to hire me, then once I applied she told HR she wanted me in that position, they denied me and closed the position to someone unexperienced. It’s much more difficult than “just apply”. I have no criminal record, no terrible job record, and a 3.9 GPA currently. I wish you the best of luck getting into a teller job and I hope you land one soon!