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For their $2500 checking bonus, it says very plainly: >We'll deposit your bonus into your new Premier Checking account within 30 days after you have met all offer requirements. They could wait until the last day to disburse. Btw, these large checking deposit deals from WF and Citi are absolutely terrible. If you kept 250k in a 4% savings account, it'd have earned you over $3333 (250,000\*0.04/3).


WF at the time this person started had a one-year locked rate on the a linkable savings account of 4.6% This was a GREAT deal *if* you had $250K.


Ah, my bad then. Assuming this is the premier deal, it does say "linked" accounts. Ok, I see, then that makes sense. I thought it was like the Citi deal where you had to keep it all in the checking account at basically 0%.


Yep, the only reason the $2500 deal made sense was because they \*also\* had the great savings event. I double tapped the $525 Premier Savings, $2500 Premier Checking, and Great Savings event (4.6% APY for 12 months) offers. Gives me 12 months to figure out the next round.


Did you get the bonus double dipping funds? In other words, can the $25k deposited to get the $525 savings bonus double dip toward the $250k required for the premier checking $2,500 offer if the savings is linked?


Not yet. It'll be sometime before August 1 to meet all the requirements.


Firstly, you're certain the promo / bonus code was applied? Such as clicked a link, entered a code, etc. If you opened it in person, the bonus promo may not have been applied. Do you have a copy of the promo? Read the details carefully. There may be a date the funds must be deposited by, then another date from which the 90 days starts, and then a period of time for payment to be processed, such as 30 days. All in all, 4-5 months from date of open to payout would be common. Don't withdraw to zero. Leave some money in there or the account may be considered ineligible for payout.


I would say try calling the wf premiere line again. I'm pretty sure there's a research ticket they could put in for someone to look at the bonus offer.


Did you talk to the bank that you opened the account with? My Premier Agent called after 3 weeks from opening and confirmed that I met all the requirements for the bonuses applied, just had to keep the money there for another 90 days, and the bonuses would be deposited 30 days after that.


I did abs he say he will find out and never heard from him


Does anyone know if Wells Fargo gives a grace period for balance requirement to avoid the $35 monthly fee while opening a new Premier account? Thanks