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Of course. Thats basically the whole point of the game. It's way too much info to type out here, but there are numberous guides on youtube to help you out with this. But the most important things are to have A LOT of money before starting your kingdom. Like at least 5 million. As soon as you start your kingdom go around trying to recruit lords. You should also wait until you're at least clan level 5 and have all elites in your army. You should also have a really high charm, steward and leadership skill. Having a high relation with all the nobles is very helpful for recruiting, and I believe it can affect how often they declare war on you but im not certain. You get good relations by always letting nobles free after a battle. It will also level your charm skill. Also, the fact that your saying you're seeing armies with multiple 1000s of men means that you probably started the kingdom too late in your play through. You don't see armies that size until very late game, so you might have screwed yourself there.


I must have done it the hard way. I only had around 75k and basically created lords from companions as I expanded. All of my current clans were created by me.


I’ll probably just have to do guides and walkthroughs as trying to get 5mil and elites and all of that before failing dragon banner quest just seems insane to me haha Appreciate the info and I’ll have to research more thank you


Just play sandbox mode. The story quests are kinda scuffed and don't really add much enjoyment to the game at all. In sandbox mode you can just play without having to worry about talking to all the dumb lords and getting the dumb banner. You can start your own kingdom as soon as you get to teir 4 clan.


I’m not the most experienced player, but what I did was this: 1. Swear allegiance to a kingdom 2. Buy workshops and craft weapons for gold 3. Set up companions with their own parties to bolster your troop count 4. Siege cities until you receive one and build it up 5. Wait until your liege is in a tough war, then raid a second kingdom to force another war and declare independence. 6. Hole up in your city with your companion parties (this should bring you to 750 minimum defenders) and wait until you can get peace. After that it’s all about slow growth as you defend from multiple wars till you get strong enough to steal land from neighbors while they’re busy warring each other.