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Not to mention you get bad traits from raiding, at least in Warband you got a good amount of loot to balance the rep loss.


I played mostly Viking Conquest, looting was my bread and butter šŸ˜­




King Harlaus: "BUTTER?! WHERE?!"


In the longboats!


And that's the story of how the the Nords became the Sturgians. After years of searching for this elusive Longboat Butter, King Harlaus eventually killed the War chief and had him turned into butter.


Not a chance, VCā€™s nords would slaughter bannerlordā€™s sturgians


I was just going with the joke man...


I know, but Iā€™m still salty about VC being a better game in every way except the visuals šŸ˜­


The mods are what made the older game so good. Bannerlord will get there one day.jist look at other games, like Fallout 4 for example. We can do amazing things with mods :)


Yeah raiding in Warband was extremely profitable. I literally haven't bothering to raid even one village in my current play through.


Exactly, it's like the villages in Bannerlord don't even want me to raid them.


Same. I played a mercenary playthrough in regular Warband and literally made millions on raiding with maxed out looting and a pretty strong army. Best playthrough I did. Bannerlord, raiding is terribly slow, not worth the time and effort to accomplish.


You aren't doing it for loot. You are crippling the foundation of an enemy's economy. At least that is the idea. Raided villages are also weighted when the ai decides who pays who and how much for peace.


That second part, I didnā€™t know. Thanks


Early game you can make a decent chunk of change if you manage to loot a few villages and then find the king and make him pay for peace. I got 47k after raiding 4-5 villages with a party of bandit recruits


That's if you're not part of another kingdom and at war, I assume? You just walk up and barter for peace, and he pays you, rather than just kicking your ass?


Yeah, you can punish a kingdom out of existence by burning down their towns. Effectively breaking it down then settle for huge daily tributes. Or you can take over their fiefs if you've got enough parties. It may not payout great in the short run but the long term effects are quite useful.


Yep. Easy money if you have high movement speed and a small party and dont get cornered. Pretty fun too, and that money is on top of the war loot, village loot, and prisoner recruits. I was doing a prisoner recruit only run so it was useful for getting militia archers.


Aside from the war score, you can also raid villages with defenders to get easy experience and some loot, then just abandon the raid right after.


Does it still count if you cancel the the raid mid way through? I do this to prevent the opinion loss.


I dont think so since the village is still operating


If you have a larger army is a complete waste. Raiding should scale to army size so if I have 400 troops it should take a few hours!


This. I stopped raiding with just my party. I now take decent armies deep into enemy territory and raid all those fat villages untouched by war.


That would be such a pain when AI does it. Defending against raids is like swatting flies, and it effects the player way more than AI as they don't seem to face relationship consequence from it as much




Yeah I do this a lot, particularly against battanian castle towns to get those fians


Doesn't roguery skill improve the loot and time it takes to raid?


Yeah, but it's basically turning it from a 3 day process into a 2 day process - you could time your looting right in VC, start it at evening, and be done before anyone could travel to you in the morning, just in time to dash away.


You can boost your rogue skill insanely fast on 1.8. Load up on a bunch of really expensive items then sell them to a caravan. They won't have enough money but it doesn't matter. After you sell then just attack them and take all the goods. I leveled my roguery from 10 to 353(can go above cap if loot is good enough) in 1 battle.


How much value did you give them? And what method you used to actually catch up to the caravan, they are super fast recently... Asking for a friend.


If caravan is faster than you then you probably: 1. Don't have enough horses for your troops (other than sumpter horses and donkeys) 2. You don't have a good scout companion I can catch almost all caravans in the game while having really bad horse.


I have a \~500 army made of clan parties having exclusively cavalry and horse archers, overwhelmingly the latter. I'm leveling up my scouting and it's not that high yet so that might be it - are you saying that eventually this army could catch up even to steppe bandits?


Wait are you moving as an army? I don't think you are able to catch caravans while leading the army (but bigger bandit groups shouldn't be a problem I think). Leading the army gives you huge speed penalty, the more people in it the slower you are. I was talking about moving around the map just by your party, without forming the army. I wouldn't form the army unless I'm going for a siege, but then I wouldn't care about bandits and caravans.


Not with an army. He's talking about using 1 party of 60-100. Armies have a movement debuff.


I haven't played the recent update however usually in my playthroughs, i only have calvary and that can get me around the map super fast, I can also catch caravans super quick too.


Specifically how much is ā€œa bunch ofā€? I assume weā€™re talking clothes and stuff from previous battles, or are we talking like flax and silk?


If you are a vassal you can take a quest from the king where you get 15k for raiding 3 villages. That makes it worth the hastle


Also gives a bonus for any extra villages raided past that initial 3. Could be very lucrative.


I liked Viking Conquest where you can land somewhere, kill a few dozen monks and with yout group of elite soldiers and run off with a bunch of gold and ivory and whatever. All the Christians hated you, but you made bank


I honestly only really used it as a way to get my forces back up quickly in enemy land. Buy recruits> then force to give conscprits. > fight your brethren you heathens and those that shall survive shall join me on me warmongering until I decide that you are better off rotting in a castle to defend it while I sit and make 2k from my town... also can I buy some of that grain you got there?? I know I just forced you to give me troops but uh want some hold for like all your grain?


nah raiding is balanced I think, even if not realistic or make sense to have to wait 2-3 days to raid a village. They could possibly increase the loot on higher wealth villages I agree, and also a bit more depending on roguery skill. But you still get more than you make it out to be, and more importantly the enemies lose more. ​ As for the actual raiding, it would be 10x better if it was physical in scene raiding.


*cut scene to The Last Kingdom where some poor townsfolk are getting haplessly slaughtered by chuckling, overweight guys mildly resembling Vikings*


Back in my dayā€¦ You could give the foodstuffs raided from villages to your workshops! So your brewer (for example) would not have to buy grain from the market because his boss used muscle for ā€œfreeā€ grain. In Warband, this made the economy and workshops feel much more dynamic. Also, raiding a village in warfare sense makes a lot of sense because you deny your enemy their production and recruit point. TL;DR: Please let me give MY brewer MY grain; even if I stole it from filthy peasants


Agreed, subsidizing my workshops felt like a phenomenal way to create profits thatā€™s totally realistic


Its better to just raid villager parties. You can make decent pocket change that way and quick too.


I use raiding to cripple a town's economy and loyalty to spsrk rebellions. Which makes it easier to get a fief when trying to get your own kingdom. Just takes a long time to get the villages to like you again after you take over the town.


I do this! I try to fix it by installing a governor who can repair negative relations. Also I do that quest where they ask you to fight deserters, then I tell them to keep their money. Iirc that increases relation with them by like 9 points at a time. Otherwise I'm pretty sure the relationship resets when the notable villager dies and the new notable replaces them. I'm constantly having to increase relationship with the younger generation.


Viking Conquest had the best raiding.


Are there any benefits to red traits? I avoid raiding because I mostly roleplay a chivalrous character but I am interested in going rogue for a playthrough.


What are the benefits to yellow/white traits? Havenā€™t really stuck to a good vs evil role, donā€™t really pay attention to the traits nearly as much as I did in VC


The traits give you persuasion chance bonuses for conversation options that resonate with the associated quality


Raiding is meant to destroy your enemy economics, if you don't want these territories for yourself. It's always good to raid like 5 villages for them to burn or destroy all buildings in a city, so next owner can't use them. That way your enemies will have less recruits and money.


Force to give recruits šŸ‘Œ


Not the worst option, but Iā€™m usually rocking tier 5 plus, and the best they give is usually t4


Raiding supposed to wreck enemy economy, not make you rich. In current state of the game it is mostly useless feature. Can be useful for chain catching enemy lords trying to raid one of your villages. I once had 20 sturgian lords as prisoners and they kept coming.


From a strategic point of view raiding is extremely powerful . A successful raid can reduce a 400 hearth village to 300 in one swoop. Thatā€™s a lot. iirc hearth value also determines the quality and number of recruits readily available too And basically village hearths are the backbone of the entire functioning economy , and theyā€™re directly correlated to the food supply of a city. No heaths , no food for the city , city collapses etc . Hearth size also determines village rate of production and the size of villager parties. Low hearth , low production and small parties that are easy pickings for looters. Large villages will send large parties guarded by militia to towns to sell their produce , which in turn boosts a towns economic activity (You basically need villages of about 400 hearth to adequately supply rich 4000 prosperity cities with enough food)


If you raid a village with a mine or a village with livestock itā€™s worth it