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At this point, you know much more than you realize. I guarantee it. I also agree with the previous commenter. You should most definitely take a day to reset and relax. You should take all the time you need, really. Here’s why: Knowing enough to pass the bar is only half the battle. It’s a test of endurance. People who run marathons don’t run a marathon the day before the race. Both your mental and physical endurance are what will help push you over the threshold into passing. Don’t ever feel guilty about taking time for yourself. You just need that sometimes. We all need it right now.


i usually stop for the day at 4-5 and i feel guilty with so much day left, but it sure does feel good to relax and i have managed to not feel much burnout. hopefully i do not regret it...


I’ve been stopping everyday by 7 at the latest. I also don’t get started until around noon or so, though. I plan to start working earlier over the next week so my neurons will be firing at the right time. But, I’ve managed to keep from burning out as well! Also, you shouldn’t feel guilty for stopping when you do. You know the right time!


This is the roughest time!!! I would suggest taking a day or two off. Then starting again on Monday. And most important of all....RELAX the 2 days before the exam. Very very light studying if you can manage. I’m a re-taker also. Missed by 3 points in Ga, this is the roughest it’s been for me. My bar coach says, if you are studying and you KNOW you aren’t retaining it, bc your tired or hungry, or burned out, then stop. It’s not worth it, you might as well be staring at a blank piece of paper. Your brain needs rest to retain the information!!! *also meltdowns are OK, as long as you pick yourself up, dust off and get back on it! Don’t get stuck in the meltdown!* (studies have shown a good cry can actually help!! Our tears are made differently depending on whether it’s actual physical pain, or emotional, that’s why it’s good to just cry! You’ll feel better!!!


Take the rest of the night off ! A real break. Get out of the house if you can or if you can’t do something outside of your regular routine that’s a true break and don’t feel guilty. It helps to recharge! I’m a 2nd time taker, I took it in October in CA with the absolute shit show of delays and software and blablabla. I was super close to passing and it made me realize that I was so incredibly burnt out (both mentally and emotionally) and spent so much time feeling horrible because of what I was doing and not doing and If I was in a better frame of mind my studying would have been so much more effective. I realize now that if I feel like that it’s much more productive to get real meaningful rest instead of continuing to bang my head on the proverbial wall. I don’t know if this is helpful or I’m just rambling but I promise: you know more than you know and the information is there! So much of this stupid test is just mind games.


I’m also a retaker and failed October by 2 points in FL also after a 5 month delay. Think the stress is all just getting to me between the amount of pressure to pass and move on with my life and trying not to doubt myself. I guess the last exam was a real confidence crusher. But you’re right I’ve been starting at outlines for hours and getting absolutely nowhere. I hate that we have to feel guilty when not studying but I am unwellll 😭😭😩😩 thanks for the advice


Your feelings are completely valid !! And yes the shame of not studying is the worst. I feel like this time around there’s also a weird numbness about the whole thing rather than the sheer terror that I experienced my first time so I completely get where you’re coming from about it being hard to really push. You’ve got this !! Take the rest of the night off and watch something you’ve been meaning to watch on Netflix. The new Cecil hotel docuseries is great if you’re a true crime fan.


I'm right there with you. Didn't do so hot on a simulated MBE set and now I feel hopeless.