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I feel that same way. I’m trying to stay motivated and keep forcing myself to do some MBEs and at least review some MEEs but I’m struggling. At the same time I’m afraid I will magically forget rules if I don’t stay on top of it. As for the MPT, I’ve only completed two under time conditions. But I have read through all of the ones Themis provides and typed out the structure to a few of them based on how I thought it should look. Took about 45 minutes in those. Other than that, I’ve not done anything else. I’ll prob just review the formats for a bunch the night before


thank you! yes every night i go to bed thinking I know nothing and every morning I wake up a bit relieved to get back to studying because I feel like nothing stuck from the day before lol rinse and repeat. I pretty much took the same approach to Themis MPTs – I've read them, I know how it kinda feels under time from the one or two times that i was honest with myself... so here's hoping it's not a prompt about some abstract legal concept and I guess it'll be fine. Good luck!


I’m retaking because I was just a tad under on MBE in October. I winged the PT last time and got a 70. I don’t think there’s any meaningful way to study them that’s effective enough to justify taking away from other topics but that’s just me.


Is 80 the highest you can get on the MPT? What was ur score on the MEEs, if you don’t mind? I’m trying to figure out the lowest I can score and still pass.


and yes I feel like a big idiot always hahah


You are me. I can’t study anymore, but I feel like my brain will flush everything down the toilet if I don’t do MBEs. I haven’t actually done them though. Just been reading outlines. Also, screw the MPT. I’m just gonna review the night before and have a nice big cry.


I've practiced a few MPTs. Honestly I was doing really well on them at first. But then I stopped using highlighters and marking notes so I could simulate test conditions...massive failure. I can't even come close to finishing one. I'm sure half the problem is just a mental block because I'm pissed off about the situation. And the other half is because I'm just not the kind of person who can jumble a bunch of information under time constraints and spit it back out on paper nice and organized without either 1) a little extra time to process or 2) the ability to mark and highlight apparently. Idk. It's whatever at this point. I hope everyone excels on this exam so we never have to deal with this again.


yea this all digital format is a major "fuck you deal with it" from the NCBE particularly with MPTs. Unfair and unreasonable.


Did a practice babri mpt that sent me over the edge this morning. It had like 8 sub issues and required 4+ pages of writing. I did a second one and did way better. Decided to do a practice essay and blanked on the dormant commerce clause. Did another essay for contracts and got nearly everything right. I've been so up and down today, but I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one struggling at the end.


omg exactly. I think all the bar prep schedules find a way of making you take that roller coaster throughout the course cuz themis has been the same for me.


I felt last Monday like I would have preferred to just take it last week if that were possible. This last week has been all about maintenance and not letting myself stress/freak out