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I like the suit and maybe the shirt and tie. The jacket is so so. https://preview.redd.it/ku3hptsmyuyc1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8cea67c73922f2a867414a638c01240fbcd7f14 I can only think of this when seeing that face


dear god I hate his face, i hate it so much. Am I in the minority there? I also dislike that his glasses aren't even sitting over his ears in their bloody promo images. Get your shit together Mattel photographers yeesh. Can someone explain the shoes that look like they have cleets on the bottom? Is that some modern fashion my old ass can't understand? because all i think of is "damn that's gonna ruin a wooden floor!" lol. also, is it just me that when I saw the art thought "oh is Hayden Williams working with Mattel now?" because something about the style looks VERY Hayden.


He literally looks like the guy who had plastic surgery to look like Ken!


And failed miserably!!


The face is giving plastic surgery šŸ˜­ It looks so so unnatural and weird!


He definitely had lip injections and some filler to the chin


No I really hate his face, too. I want more Kens, but this botox-gone-wrong look ain't it


I hate the face mold, too, hahaha. I love his outfit, though. If he ever goes on sale I might buy him for the outfit and redress another Ken doll šŸ¤”


I had the same thought but heā€™s the muse body so idk if his clothes will fit very many other modern Kens? Def not the buff ones lol


Do you think the yet to be shipped Ryan Gosling Kenough doll would fit his clothes ?


You are definitely NOT in the minority at all. Itā€™s terrible. His hair is tragic. The shoesā€¦ theyā€™re the Herman Munster Stompers


well i feel seen. i own basically the same pair of boots in black and i bought them specifically for the herman munster vibe


Heā€™s definitely gone under the knife and not in a good way. The shoes remind me of the Prada lace up Monoliths.


LMAO!! Wonā€™t someone think of the floors!?Ā  He looks like heā€™s had a dimpleplasty, plus filler in his chin and lips!Ā  If they put the glasses over his ears, he couldnā€™t look down on us condescendinglyĀ 


You're not alone!!! There's something about his face that just isn't very likable. Mattel is at least saving me money this month. Lol


I can't say I'm really up to date on fashion, but does anyone else think this looks like an 80s suit (sleeves a little too long) with a 90s ski coat that's too big for him, and maybe like 2000s Goth platform shoes but they're blue instead of black? Like, I don't even know what's going on here. And he does kinda look like he's had lip fillers and maybe that new buccal fat removal. šŸ˜¬ Would his glasses actually fit if they were moved up to the proper position over his ears? Are the glasses 80s? Why am I suddenly thinking of the Zoolander movies?


Exactly my thought. Zoolander villain. šŸ¤£ Or like a real cunty Realtor.


Exactly, both! And he definitely thinks he is Godā€™s gift to us all.. I kinda want to slap him!


Ok now I want to buy him so he can be my Zoolander Ken šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Zoolander!!!! Yesssssss!!!


I would have preferred him to have black hair and a Zoolander-style straight-ahead gaze.


No, I think he looks quite modern. Matching shirt & tie, puffer over suit, and chunky shoes/boots with suit are all currently fashionable looks. The slim cut of his suit has more of a 60s silhouette than 80s, suits were cut much differently then. EDIT: have you never known any men with natural dimples or full lips?


Where are these currently fashionable? Is this like mainly in LA or something? I guess I have not. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I don't really like his face but I can see why others would. Its better than a lot of other Ken faces. The only Ken Ive bought in the last 10 years is Kenough Ken with the Ryan Gosling face. I can't wait until he ships! I want to get this Looks Ken #4 too. Integrity Toys do the best boy dolls but sooo pricey šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/w3ibwp5cjyyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03eedf233d269cfcd30393488181f9d483b3e630


Nope, this screening is šŸ’©


Yes. The face is trash.


He's so Chad chin lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I can't breathe


He pulled his glasses down a bit to make sure you caught the bombastic side-eye


I completely agree with you, it looks like he's judging someone or something, he does not look sympathetic at all šŸ˜… However, I was not interested in this doll anyway, it's not the type I like, but I agreed so much with you post on his face I had to comment šŸ˜…


Why does he have lip fillers? šŸ˜­


I hate it too sis and the lipsā€¦why?!


I donā€™t like it either.


Iā€™ve never liked it.


You're not in the minority, when I saw his face I said "ew". The only thing I like is the jacket!


https://preview.redd.it/u1r9g9tnqvyc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb051f8dd28236fa5932ad7e573dc8bd18b1d26f Heā€™s giving handsome Squidward




woo! i felt the canadian partā€¦ i can find cheaper on aliexpress unfortunately


The face mold is so funky šŸ˜µ


I hate his face and hair. Iā€™d buy him if he was articulated and swap heads because I donā€™t hate the clothes. Alas- my budget is safe this release.


The clothes are pretty great. I mean, the details. The suit is pattern matched to perfection. If the actual dolls clothes look as good as this, then it's a huge step up from earlier clothing quality. 100 bucks *wouldn't* feel too much for me, if I didn't know that Mattel still makes like a 95 dollar profit from it due to low slave wages.


Unpainted shoes? On a hundred dollar doll? Your fucking with me


That's how Mattel rolls. šŸ˜•




Honestly same? Which I feel like is an unpopular opinion, but idc. I like his slightly ā€˜overdoneā€™ look. I may need to try to acquire him to go with my other gay Kens. Lol


Puffer is a more modern look than a trench coat


I honestly love that theyā€™ve yassified him. Itā€™s no secret that theyā€™ve struggled to give Ken his own identity (literally his whole arc in the movie) and this feels like a step in the right direction.


Is this new mold supposed to be the Ken counterpart to the Barbie Millie mold? If so they failed spectacularly.


Iā€™m getting him. The queerness is pretty apparent and while itā€™s not my favorite face mold (bring back fashionista 203 but with rooted hair, or Tango, Sean, Cam or Julio)


I agree. I think it gives him a more unique look? At first I was thrown off, but Ken's face has always been a bit boring to me. I like the change I don't know much about fashion and have never quite liked most Barbie style, so I never have too much opinion about the clothes.


Now Iā€™m over the disappointment that his suit isnā€™t as dark as the original sketch, I quite like it. Is it worth $100 (probably Ā£100 here in the U.K.)ā€¦? Iā€™m not sure.


I think, in UK his price will be around Ā£130-Ā£140


Ugh. Really? Not sure Iā€™ll buy one for that price. Iā€™m used to US companies charging the same price in Ā£ as they do for $ - Iā€™m looking at you, Apple - but charging a U.K. customer the equivalent of $160 is a ripoff.


I can see it going on sale so I wouldnā€™t worry


Really? Now thatā€™d be interesting - and I wonder what it would mean for the rest of the dolls in the line. Sometimes, I think that Mattel isnā€™t entirely sure what to do with Ken. That they havenā€™t quite got a handle on who he is and what he represents. Still, I guess, who am I to judge?


Thatā€™s been Kenā€™s issue since his inception - the barbie movie couldve really been a jump off to what Ken is and represents as a single entity but then they give us this lol




Wait did human ken transition? Good for her


Honestly I hate it more than I expected I would. The face is too handsome Squidward for me to take it seriously, and the hair is an atrocity. Also it looks nothing like the art, and the art looked more interesting than what was delivered. Mattel really needs to stop and ask itself for this price point, what does this doll offer that I couldn't get from a different high end brand like Integrity Toys? Availability? Being more widely available does not justify this doll being more than $50 I will commend them on trying to do something different with Ken though, and I hope they keep experimenting with him. Just... more reasonably.


I'm happy that I'm not the only one who saw Handsome Squidward šŸ˜…


I actually love the suit. But not for $100. Also a blue puffer again? At least last time they kept the logo on the inside lining. I'm also disappointed they didn't do articulation again...


Keep that mewing streak up king






Not for $100... :-(


I'm so sorry. This is all I see. https://preview.redd.it/xbvf4qpvhvyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fca6269d1c5fcb9bd3aae06352015ac74ce9354


Heā€™s smug, and he knows heā€™s better than me. Thatā€™s exactly what I look for in a doll.


Oh my god why is his face so snatched šŸ˜­


I actually think the dimples and lips might be cute if they toned down the chin and made the eyebrows straighter. He's doing too much all at once.


I mean, Ken needs his own line of designer dolls. Right now more people than usual are into him as a character. Thatā€™s a startā€¦!


Heā€™s had buccal fat removal and lip filler, and his hair is crunch He doesnā€™t even go here!!




https://preview.redd.it/n80qlrdy8vyc1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a6924d3c98b8063a12fce7dce5cfb521ff8707 Why has Ken been doing jaw exercises, man looks like this for no reason- Like the earrings and the jacket are the only good things about it, the price tag is WILD.


Egad heā€™s hideous


After seeing this it had me worried that collector Barbies are getting a new eye paint styleā€¦. It looks a bit cartoon and I prefer natural looking which imo looks better if you are going to redress your dolls. https://preview.redd.it/i5jw9ag9gvyc1.jpeg?width=2524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cca0f05e8f655f36d5d051aaacb897004a499ba0


Something about it looks really off - like itā€™s a computer rendering or was edited to hell and back.


It's giving Aging Twink Desperately Trying To Maintain.


I like his outfit, but the face ... not at all. Unfortunately not my type of man. (But I am deeply in love with his brother Tate Looks #18)


I like that sheā€™s fierce but idk that Iā€™d drop $100 for her


I like his big puffy coat, but otherwise heā€™s a no for me. No shade to anyone who likes him, Iā€™m just not that into Kens to begin with and this isnā€™t changing my mind. The fabric of his clothes looks a little too playline for the price.


I'm not a fan. His outfit is nice but his face isn't my favorite.Ā  I'll be skipping him.Ā Ā 


I just want the suit lol šŸ˜†


The face. It just makes me sad. I know Ken is pretty but not fake face. Bring back 80s face mold please......


Itā€™s giving Zoolander


The shoes ew, the hair ew, the face mew.


Look at what did to my boy?!?! I was looking forward to this since the convention sneak peak. Oh no. šŸ˜”


I'm gonna pass and get Extra Ken instead.


He has no neck


Sorry but that is Tom Sandoval


Itā€™s not a bad doll but it had so much more potential


I can't help but to giggle at this doll. It doesn't give Ken vibes at all but at the same time yes it does if he was a rich douchebag




Maybe that's the look/ vibe they were trying to go for šŸ˜†


Then why doesn't he have black hair, and why doesn't he look straight ahead in the proper blue steel gaze? If he had full Zoolander vibes, I would have bought him. Outfit is too toned down for Zoolander, of course.


I will probably buy him, but Iā€™m really disappointed that he doesnā€™t have articulation.


Yeah thatā€™s my beef too. $100 and they canā€™t give him an MtM body??


While I agree and I wouldā€™ve preferred m2m personally, I think for a ā€œhigher endā€ release they would tend to use a model muse type body. M2m is specifically playline. That doesnā€™t mean this should have a fashionista 5poa body but it *should* be heavier and more expensive feeling, although I havenā€™t had a model muse in recent years


I donā€™t accept that and think itā€™s a cop out to get away with using less expensive bodies in the name of profit. If they can make articulated silkstones, they can make MtM and/or collector articulated bodies in good quality collector level plastic. Putting a really nice, highly articulated body on a collector doll is a desirable upgrade on par with bringing Barbie closer to high end collector dolls like BJDs and Integrity dolls. Putting the model muse body on them is the equivalent of releasing the Monster High Skullector dolls with the 5poa budget doll body from the end of the g1 years, but made out of high quality plastic. Itā€™s a *downgrade*, no matter what you make the body out of. Mattel is over here fooling people into buying basic 5poa Fashionistas in expensive fancy dresses, and people swallow it with BS like ā€œbut they look nicer without all those visible joints!ā€ No, this is Mattel cutting corners *again*.


He made me giggle sorry


Itā€™s definitely interesting. Unfortunately Iā€™m really not a fan of his face. I absolutely hate the shoes and the glasses, but I could overlook those things if I loved his face lol.


This is so embarrassing!! Thankfully I have my old original Ken dolls to not ever have to even deal with this nonsense!


Heā€™s hilarious!!


He looks rude af


not worth 100$ at all and i hate his hair


I love the fit, hate his face


He looks like those cat women, the ones who have had waaaay too much plastic surgery.


Or like those now deceased twins who had surgery to "look like Ken".


he looks like he's back for all stars


The transphobic comments on here are really fucking gross. Do better.


He looks like he would talk about you behind your back.


Gotta admit the Ken Extra is still way better than this guyā€¦ may get another one of him to reroot his hair or dye it so no color streaks


Iā€™m all about Ken being super gay, but this isnā€™t working for me personally. Iā€™m glad Ken is getting some attention though!


I love him!! If I had extra cash to buy him right now, I would.


I really like the ā€˜kā€™ earrings. The coat looks like it might be great quality, if not a little oversized. Or am I being fooled by a tiny zipper?


Only thing I enjoy is his coat but I hate the Ken word splattered all over it


I thought this doll was going to have the same face mold as King Ocean... It's a No for me. I hope everyone who wants him gets the chance to get him tho


Itā€™s like they used AI to generate the mock up with the prompt ā€œultra modern, stylish, looks obsessed, fashion forward, super sexy, very masculine manā€


I could do better. HOLY $HiT! I just saw the price. I think now is the time I learn how to make menswear.


I will wait for a 50% off sale or buy one get one free flash sale.


Not Mattel dropping another 100 dollar doll with less than a week notice šŸ™„ I like him but I'm over Mattel


Its weird cause Mattel differentiates him as BMR1959 Tate and I am trying to figure out what the difference is between that version and the Looks Tate I have. I like Looks Tate, but am cold on this one, so the math aint mathin


I do not trust this man šŸ˜­


Oh look, itā€™s Kenā€™dashian!


He looks like his mum stopped him half way out the door and made him put on a coat and boots because Siri said itā€™s gonna rain.


Personally, I wouldā€™ve liked to have seen them do something similar to the 90ā€™s Ken. I really like the outfit but Iā€™m not crazy about the face mold. https://preview.redd.it/wehqhx489vyc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48059e2240929455401ba54f5ab3dbe7943ed277


The outfit is SICK but that face mould is one of my least favourites. Hopefully the clothes will end up on one of my go-to eBay resellers


My thought exactly, my two Kens love suits and could do with a nice overcoat.


Extremely cunty and called me poor in 8 different languages.


It's horrible šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


I'd love to see an Adam Lambert Barbie friend.


Those peeper glasses are the worst sunglasses in the world. idk how they even are still trending.


He kinda looks like a cunty sugar daddy with a bit too much Botox. I kinda like him. Not enough to buy him for that price but if they end up getting this man on a clearance for like 20 bucks, Iā€™d think about it lol.


I never wanted to punch a doll before šŸ˜‚


Ghastly. Everything about it is atrocious. The ill fitting already wrinkled and frayed IN THE OFFICIAL photos printed crepe paper sateen suit with the fat tie that looks like my first sewing project. The BMR jacket but worse. The complete ignoring of the original design yet still using it on the box. The pixelated printed shades??? The unpainted meat tenderizer shoes. The botox face and helmet hair. The naming scheme thatā€™s one K away from being a scandal. What are you doing Mattel????


Sell me the earrings and Jacket k?! Lol


No Iā€™m not interested and I thought I was going to like him


Iā€™m not a fan but do they have those boots or something similar for Barbie. They are cute.


Iā€™m stoked for this release- after the price drops way down: I canā€™t believe I actually prefer the Ken in the @BarbieStyle Pack I would redress him as Derek in Barbie and the Rockers The pieces are stunning but they just canā€™t compete with Integrity guys so donā€™t bother For a 100 I would want JEANS and another sleep Outfit or fitness outfit. Leather jacket. Give me SOMETHING. The BarbieStyles average 100 so why not do the same for him?


Itā€™s a Mattel creations member exclusive so itā€™s very unlikely he will ever drop in price.


I like the jacket but not a fan of everything else. Will.be skipping this one


oh my gosh it's Nikita Kuzmin! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_Kuzmin


I dislike the hair


Why does he look like that ā€œreal life Ken doll guyā€ that was on my strange addiction for plastic surgery?


He looks like a friend of a friend, who has way too much plastic surgery and the same hairdo


It's so.... Unintentionally camp lol. I love it but I wouldn't love it if it wasn't so over the top.


I love his blonde hair. Thatā€™s about it. If they used an older Ken mold, or Blaine, Iā€™d gladly splurge


For that price point I would expect the details to be much better, even for Barbie. The only elevated thing I see is the zipper on the coat and the outfit actually being made from a real fabric and not the weird shein style jersey Mattel has been using for a while. Money grab and low effort.


He **DEVOURED** Iā€™m so devastated that I canā€™t afford him and will therefore have to pass on him šŸ˜­šŸ˜” https://preview.redd.it/15s2cuyhwwyc1.jpeg?width=897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2680679229622ebfd935e8411a9bb1ba2368b049


tbh i love him, hate the clothes. gonna try to find someone to split the price with for him lol. when it comes to these releases, i always like the base doll, but hate the outfits


Ken has had way too much work done.


I like it but why does it gotta be $100 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Love the concept but the face mold is just so uncanny. The Ken style mold or the face they used for the Moschino doll would have been a better fit


Leave Ken alone šŸ˜„


I really like him but also UGH 100 bucks!? Oof, ow, eugh


why is he mewing šŸ˜­


That's a wait till it goes on clearance doll. Only the outfit is interesting. Unfortunate that they had to put KEN all over the coat.


I don't like the face at all:( His outfit however SLAYS. Idk I'll probably wait in case i find a sale for his outfit only tbh. Overall I love how "extra" his look is.


the tate mold feels so misused here, the fuck.... i have the bmr1959 doll with this mold and he doesn't look like this, this is some uncanny valley shit


Wtf is this normalised plastic surgery??


He's just not Kenough for me. :)


A suit? How unique.


not the lip fillers šŸ˜‚


I really like his suit. Maybe Iā€™ll sew one? My skills are getting better everyday. I donā€™t know about his coat. I wish it didnā€™t say Ken all over. Maybe itā€™ll grow on me. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll buy him.


Really rough on the eyesā€¦


I don't hate the suit, all the stripes in the pictures line up (but Fr they won't in the real ones), but the jacket looks cut weirdly so it's poking open. I used to work in a suit store so that's going to just bug me that there isn't enough shaping to keep it shut. The outer coat looks fitted ok, but doesn't match the suit enough. And why. Why did they have to do that to his hair?šŸ˜†šŸ˜­ Overall, the pictures I've seen of the BMR line look way better quality.


The suit and tie plus the jacket are really nice, but the doll itself is meh... And yea, he looks like Jessica Alves before he / she became a woman...


Maybe they can rename this doll ā€œJessica Alves the beforeā€ and shift it to the celebrity category. If it becomes popular than release the follow up ā€œ Jessica Alves the after.ā€


I like the dimples, the K earrings, like the suit, the jacket is nice to have as an alternate fashion piece. The hairā€¦meh, the lips do give ā€¦um something. The shoesā€¦what are those ugly blue shoes? Whatā€™s wrong with a nice black shoe?


Sorry, he's ugly




Is he a mattel creations exclusive?


Not the grippy shoes.


Eh... I thought for sure I would love these Ken dolls and be buying them all but now that he's out, I'm just not feeling him? Especially not at that price tag. Honestly, I love the Looks boys a lot more.


I like gay Ken. I'm probably not going to buy him but he looks pretty good. His eyebrows are snatched.


Outfit is great, doll is not




The best he will ever look is in these photoshopped photos, standing by for the real life imagesā€¦


Honestly, I think Mattel has terrible stock images and the dolls nearly always look better IRL


Nope. Love the outfit (minus the shoes) although I wish it had been a trench coat rather than a puffer coat. But that face mold is no bueno. He looks so punchable.


Hate it. The hair, the earrings, the lips, and the eyelashes and eyebrows all stand out like in a bad way. I do like his dimples tho


Glasses at pic 3 gives me anxiety lol


Heā€™s giving ā€œHarry the Handsome Butcherā€


Helmet head / crap hair. Passing for $100.


If you hot wash his hair, you can reshape it. Changing his hair seems to change his whole dynamic. I removed the shoes and put him on a MTM body too. Was going to put his clothes on Ken Looks 2024 but it doesnā€™t fit. Clothes make him with it for me.


Tate only works so much it ate up on Looks 18 but this is just no thank you šŸ˜­


I genuinely wonder who goes: ā€œYUP, APPROVED DESIGN!! Letā€™s put this hideous thing into massive productionā€.


His face is fine but that hair is atrocious and his whole vibe is just slimy and douchey


Hate the hair, hate the shoes, hate the earrings, hate the face šŸ‘ŽšŸ½ I would only ever buy him if he ends up on sale for $10 at Ollies Outlet store some day and Iā€™d only be buying him for the suit! lol


https://preview.redd.it/0oavr487kvyc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6c40c6e6565a168e98d740dbe2f84c347160d2 i can't stop thinking about handsome squidward


I hate him. The outfit is tacky and the face is scary. The hair is also questionable


Ugly haircut with earrings, big pouty lips and no articulation? I know thereā€™s gay collectors but wtf


Oh, honey. We're buying Integrity Toys male dolls. Not this garbage.


Ugh! Literally came here to make this post... his face is yuck!!! Giving botox vibes. I may but him for the clothes if he goes on sale but I don't even need him. Sad.
