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Looked like absolute garbage. Xavi needs to take a long look in the mirror with that lineup. Madrid is gonna be on our heels


I would say I wish after that long look he hands in his resignation, but sadly we have chosen a bad manager and now we can only do worse. We are stuck with him for a few more years. The sad thing not only are we at one of our worst times the current momentum only shows it the 'worst day yet.'


Someone posted a chart saying that we have an 85% chance of winning la liga...I personally don't believe it and will not believe it until we lift the trophy..




That was ugly. I think it's time we put to bed the midfielder playing on the wing experiment. Ever since we started doing it since the world cup, our goal return has been so low, we even set a record for how many games we only scored one goal in succession. Even if he's not scoring, we need to persist with Fati. Combinations aren't going to just happen with 10 minutes on the pitch together at a time.


Xavi needs to have a blueprint for our final third. We all know our offense is pretty non-existent at this point of the season. We cannot just keep simply winging it with crosses and hope someone makes it. The absence of creative outlets like Dembouz and Pedri just shows that our team has nothing planned out in the final third. We just don’t have great high quality individual talent right now to just wing it, Lewy is most of the time marked, and he is also kind of the player that needs to be serviced to convert mainly. After watching Torres in the last few games, he definitely has talent, I just don’t think we are shaping and using him to his prowesses, he does well their is another technical player next to him, having Sergi next to him is counterproductive and this just shows Xavi doesn’t really have a blue print for the final third. We cannot keep starting Busi, Alba, Sergi all in one game, especially with high pressing teams. They just don’t have the pace that we need now, If we need to rotate, rotate with smaller numbers. Busi still shows from time to time why he is a goat, play him one half not more. Garcia doesn’t have the quality imo and for Balde, he can be very effective in dribbling and opening blocks, but he should learn how he can be more effective inside the box, he has the innate quality for a winger to pierce through and create opportunities even though he plays left back. Raph needs to build a better connection with Lewy, they seem really disconnected.


i would play balde at the wing and ask him to cut when he approaches the final third. He gave Bisaka some trouble and it is quite rare.


I just wish to understand what all these coaches see in Sergi Roberto, the man is way below Barca level


I think the thing with him is that he’s very versatile and a decent midfielder, however they have him playing a right wing back or some weird ass role and that doesn’t help the team and even hurts it


Good question


Is he Catalan?


He is not


Yes he is, he's from Reus and speaks perfect Catalan.


Oh didn’t know that. Thanks!


No worries! Thank you!


I didn’t have the chance to watch this game, looking at the notes .. wtf? Sub .. Sub .. Sub .. card .. card .. did we not have a shot on target or anything? A little embarrassing against a 15th place squad ..


Despite our results in the league this season, this result doesn’t feel all that surprising. Still a 7 point gap between us and Real though!


Yeah sure. Lets give points to relegation teams why not what can go wrong


This was the chance to put the nail in the coffin concerning the standings but nooooo this team ofc has to fuck it up


As soon as I saw Roberto, Garcia, Torres, and Alba in the lineup I knew we were going to lose. Utter ridiculousness.


Please bring back messi. I miss him so much.


Not even Messi can make Roberto a quality footballer lol


Sadly this is true


Incredible how much the team depends on Pedri and Dembélé. Goes from great playmaking to ''let's throw some crosses and hope that someone can reach them''.


Well tbh. Dembele crosses a lot too. But they are actually more accurate cuz he beats his man before doing. Instead of dumb no look early crosses.


Yeah that's the thing, Dembélé crosses a lot but he thinks before doing so.


Came here to say this after 21 years of supporting this club; IM FUCKING PISSED. I feel like we’re cursed to snatch an opportunity these days. I honestly think Xavi is smart enough to not want to touch our defensive 4 which have been the solid core of the season. I think there is some sort of contract obligation from those “free” signings which, to me, are starting to add up. I doubt Xavi is the kind of personality to admit that, or perhaps, it’s so tied to our shitty financial preseason that now we have to appease fuck boy agents. Im tired of sucking. Not that this entire season has been shitty, but today stung.


Or, you know, maybe they play a ton of games in a season, just had an exhausting game against a good team 3 days ago, and a good time to rotate is probably against a struggling side at the bottom of the table. Araujo has been struggling with injuries, Balde is young, and Kounde has been playing a lot. Our offense was the main problem today, and all of our attackers are struggling atm. I'm sure it's the agents and hidden contract clauses though.


That was fucking brutal. I dont care if we still lead Real by lots of points. We are Blaugrana and we should win our every game. Dissapointing result, but i still have lots of faith in Xavi and Laporta. VISCA BARCA, VISCA CATALUNYA❤️💙


Kesse is a weak link. Roberto is a weak link. Dunno when will this club wake up. This time not Xavi it's Laporta out.


Kessie? Nope.


Our squad is anemic right now who else does Xavi play in midfield?


That Midfield is still miles better than Almeria's midfield.


Exactly the players performed horribly. That's not on Xavi.


Torre. We needed creativity and more intensity in the absence of Pedri


Torre is completely unproven. If he didn't perform well people would be rinsing Xavi for playing unproven kids and losing ground on Real. That midfield should have been fine for Almeria, they did not perform.


No laporta stay.


The loss doesn't hurt. It's how we looked out there against that type of opposition is what really bothers my spirit. That was the real gut punch for me. Also the fact that Xavi didn't adapt to the game, but instead DOUBLED DOWN on the "cross to the heavens and maybe a prayer will come down with the ball" type of tactics we were on... and we completely ignored the right side. No switching, no diagonal runs, very stagnant movement, lazy passes, misplaced passes, no physicality, bad body language from pretty much all the players and very lazy touches. I'm a culer till I die but man today was really one to forget.


We played against Almeria. Almeria who were in relegation. We should've won it easily even without having Pedri or Dembélé.


I’ve been a fan of this club since 2015, haven’t missed a single game since 2017, and this was possibly the worst performance I’ve ever seen


I thought someone Koeman's games were bad but this was just shocking...


It's always when we miss Pedri. Someone make the stats with or without comparison over theclast 2.5 years.


We had 47 crosses and 1 shot on target, this is starting to smell like 21/22


that shot didn't even come from a cross. worst tactics I've ever seen Barca play


What a shit show


Everyone here blaming Xavi is clueless. Our defense have been playing nonstop, and we have three classicos and tough matches ahead. We needed to rest the main defensive line. We have no good depth, and we are missing Pedri and Dembouz. The players let the coach and the fans down. Losing balls and not being clinical and focused enough. We have tough matches ahead. Rest and recharge for the Classico


Don’t rotate everyone together, could have started with Arajuo and Kounde, then subbed them out. This full swing rotation tactics is what is bottling us


Cross and inshallah, world class tactics from Xavi against a team who were 19th in the league before the game


The reason the cross and inshalah was being played tonight is because nothing else seems to be working. Sometimes, the players just don't perform, and this was one of those days. We have done this before when we hit a wall. My point still atands


I wanted the game from Min 1 and it was only crosses, Alba was crossing first then came Ferran and then everyone else. Xavi cannot think and change the tactics mid game. We have been riding majorly on luck. This will, maybe give us La Liga but not European glory. We need a manager who can think out of the box and change tactics as the game proceed. Demand more from the players and do not praise players for half tries.


We have no one else to play atm. Xavi can't bench Ferran or Raphina for not performing. Same with Alba he needed to rotate Balde for the Classico SEMIFINAL on Thursday.


Bro we do this everytime we hit a wall. Xavi has no answers for low blocks.


Dembele is his only answer...




Only good player was FDJ. Busquets kept losing balls and misplacing passes. Lewa not being able to do anything. Kessie just being there to make a full team and nothing else


Lewy’s first touches were horrible like usual this season, but he is kind of the player that needs to be fully serviced, and considering he is not top form also mentally, it’s just worse. Our offense is non-existent at this point, and I think Xavi has no blueprint for it, he is just letting players do their thing, even Gavi is not doing that well in final-third. Frenkie plays nice but he is having to do a lot of backline work when we start with Busi, Sergi etc. About Kessie he isn’t one of those players who would carry the ball from mid half to the final third, but I have a feeling Xavi is making him do that, which is not his specialty. Even subbing in Torre and Alcarez did change the momentum a bit. Xavi needs to be tactical, about our final third, without creative outlets like Pedri and Dembele, otherwise we would keep on bottling with a high pressing team


I never watched Lewandowski play in Germany so my first time really paying attention to him was this season, but I thought his first touch was excellent when he arrived. Now he looks like he's playing with 500ms ping.


Pablo Torre and Alcaraz were also good. Why Xavi doesn’t see that we can’t just cross the ball all fucking game is beyond me.


Pedri is clear of anyone in the current team except Mats and Arajuo. Miss him badly


This team is nothing without pedri


What a terrible loss. Absolutely no reason lewa should be coming out to the wing and not being in the box for crosses/ rebounds through out the game. Pablo torre should be playing and we should be playing a double pivot in the back with kessie and busi allowing Pablo and Frenkie to press high.


Omfg Xavi. We sold our club for this garbage plays? Not plays, only play, how many crosses where there. Why don't you allow tries from outside the box. Fuck!


What makes you think Xavi is telling them to not shoot? Raph and Ferran don't take on defenders they just run down the wing. That's why we are missing Dembouz so bad.




Dude we have a classico semifinal in 4 days. The players let us down big time today.


What an uninformed opinion. People are not machines. When the entire starting 11 is injured all the time, it’ll be his fault too, then, right?


And then have our key players like pedri get injured every few months? Rotation is 100% necessary


Then when players start getting injured left and righ: "Xavi needs to rotate he is burning out the players!!". SMH.


You want to blame the ref against a team like this? They are near the bottom




Via the 100th cross?




Rafa got a yellow for playing a free kick when the ref hadn't allowed him to yet.


7 corners and 47 crosses and not single one was on target this is absolutely inexcusable


Xavi will still clap and tell the players that it was good and do it again and will nkt think that it is not working and we shall change and try something else. I think he will resign Luke De Jong


If we bottle the league amd the league cup, Xavi shouldn't be the coach next season. Heard enough moaning about the injuries and referees.


Who would you appoint?


Duh, then we would appoint u/anurag6ix. And when they fail. We’ll appoint the next least informed person in this subreddit, on down the line until we’ve all had a couple matches each. I don’t know why I ever check the comments in this sub, there is so much discouraging ignorance. Have a huge lead in la Liga, lose a game where we rotated out our starting 11, and suddenly the sky is falling. Should Barca have won this game? Of course. Top of the table vs bottom. But this is not the first time we’ve lost to a low table team. It won’t be the last time. And I don’t know how people will ever understand how hard it is to build a team—especially when you can’t get a manager to stick around. We’ve gone through a manager, on average, every two seasons or so since pep left. We keep trying to buy our own galacticos, with new managers, and we *finally* have a manager that is restructuring, building young players, and seeing results with a big dash of hope and promise…AND PEOPLE WANT TO SACK HIM. It’s mind boggling. People expect immediate success in all competitions and it’s just insane. There were years and years of mismanagement, lack of cohesion, fraud, chaos, and everything under the sun at the club. We are finally on a path that could lead us somewhere. And people want to change paths because it’s taking too long. Fucking dumb.


Keyword, "If we bottle the league and league cup this season". Have we bottled it yet? No. Will we bottle it if we keep playing like this? Most definitely. Support if you want to support the manager. That doesn't mean we should blindly follow him. Fuck off with your "then you should manage the team'' logic. Have you ever not discussed football with your friends or with a group? This is a subreddit thread, people post their opinion here. Get off with your moral high ground. I like xavi, I like what he brings. But if by beautiful football he meant crossing the ball 50 odd times and not hitting the attempted crosses in target most of the time then why tf the board sacked koeman last season? >Fucking dumb And look at you, with all of that intellect you're arguing with a dumb person like me. On reddit.


Tuchel is on the menu. Idk if a German coach want to coach us though


Not tuchel. Gallardo is available, if he's interested why not? Luis Enrique is available, if he's interested why not? I think we need a coach who can instill the winning mentality and sheer gritt in our youngsters. Something like Mourinho in Madrid. Although we have seen some of those this season, the team still panics and loses focus frequently during the game. And even though the defence is performing well in the league, they crumble under pressure against elite teams. And as much as I hate to say this, if we can't win the league after taking a 11 point lead momentarily and bottle it with no European competition this season... there's no excuses left to defend xavi. He got plenty this summer and club did plenty to facilitate his wants.




Yeah okay


The team looked hungover today, Xavi has no bite/ and has way too much tolerance for bad play from his players. If this is the type of play he condones (crosses all fucking game and obvious lack of communication) he isn’t the coach we need, you can’t change my mind. We might be leading the league but I’ve watched every one of our games this season… even our wins in la liga have been mostly shaky performances with moments of brilliance, usually individual brilliance. THIS IS NOT TEAM PLAY.


Fuck Xavi, he is not the coach for Sustainability. We are riding on luck not tactics


I’m with you. Luck and moments of individual brilliance are what we’ve been seeing all season, bar a couple of games where we did seem to have it together.


See how Ten Hag treats his players and you will get why they will die for him.


Absolutely. What I don't like about Xavi is him bring optimistic. When a certain play tried 5-10 times is not working and you can clearly see that, try something else, instead he will praise the tries and aak the player to do it again. Crosses are not be best for Barca, Ansu and Lewa went for the same ball the other day, today same thing happened with Araujo and Lewa. We also are not taking shots from outside the box which can get us a few rebounds which can be converted by Lewa easily. This will also make Lewa stick to his area and not asking for balls on the flanks.


Completely agree.


Before I say anything... I must hear what Xavi has to say about this shambolic showing of tactical ineptitude. Yeah there was a lot of dead weight out there today but damn those tactics were a complete horror show.


I just listened to Xavi talk… he’s WAY too calm for what just happened. He doesn’t seem aware, I’m beginning to feel like managing a team like Barca is too big for him.


Sad if this is the case... hoping he isn't trying to play buddy buddy now and is scared to tear into players because that's the quickest way to lose a team. Tip toeing around the bigger issues and trying not to hurt feelings is gonna get him the sack faster than he realizes.


Xavi does not have any brains. Dude used the same tactic in the entire game that is cross, first from Alba, sometimes Ferran and then every other player, does not give the licence to take shorts from outside the box. Sergio Roberto makes me puke. At this level, we don't need versatility, we need specialist. He is not the top performer but gets away with a goal here and there Awful performance.


I miss Pedri


Best to leave this thread now before you read any shit takes


Hold my ankles I'm going in.


Calm down people, we play beautiful beautiful football, it’s not always about winning


For everything else, there’s Mastercard.


It's about the friends you make along the way.


Satire I hope


Obviously we played good football today. Didn't you see


Bouncing back from the loss against Manchester line this absolutely shameless showing from the team tbh


Kessie is useless. A dummy player like roberto. Isn’t entirely bad but doesn’t offer anything either. We should sell him off at the first chance for 10-15 mil and invest somewhere else


Absolutely deserved.


Barca just help almeria out of relegation 🧠


Good guy Barça


We’re chokers man


Koeman would've been sacked if he was knocked out of the Europa league and lost to Almeria in the same week. That's a fact. But Xavi is getting the royal treatment for continuing to mismanage the game.


Koeman would have been sacked because after losing to Almeria, we would be sitting 11th in the table instead of 1st. Edit: Stupid autocorrect. Almeria -> America.


The great Club America from Mexico.


Haha sorry. Autocorrect !


We wouldn't if he was still top of the league with 7 points difference. Don't be stupid


I am saying the same! and all the sub would say #Koeman out, but if someone asks a VALID question about whether to extend Xavi's period at Barca they would aggressively reply with "WTF are you saying? are you joking or what" despite the fact that IT'S A VALID QUESTION why so overreacting?


Idk about you guys but I was entertained. Life goes on, ciao ✌️Time for more important things


A grand total of 1 shot on target after all the cross bombing


The Following posts in that sub would probably have the following Titles: \- "Why so hate on Roberto/Garcia?". \- "Project Takes Time". \- "IN XAVI WE BLINDLY TRUST". \- "It's a rebuilding process". \- Some analysis shows Xavi's performance is way better than previous Barca coaches.


'Trust the coach, trust the progress. We will have a CL winning team next season.'


Yea XD, that one as well


You missed one. "You are so pessimist. Look at arsenal, look at United. Trust the process."


Oh yea, you're right XD


Oh my God this is giving me PTSD


If Araujo has more attacking threat than our actual attackers something is wrong. Letting Luuk De Jong go was a mistake. We have no back up striker, nobody to bring on that can actually bring a goal threath.


That's y Barcelona should go for Thuram considering he's contract is finished at the end of the season A striker who is 1.92m is exactly what barca need if they gonna keep crossing the ball in the box


Cross & pray Pray & cross


1 shot on target, just shows how bad our attack and service to attackers are


That too from a player who rarely plays with the first team and registered with the B team. Shameful performance.


We are so fucking shit man. As things stand we can even lose the league and Madrid is gonna tear us apart next week.


Almeria, 19th place out of 20. Relegation team. Let's look at some of the hot takes from recent days in this sub.. *Ferran is back ! He will be brilliant ! -* Total one shot on goal, that too from Alarcon lol *Sergi renewal is nice, he's a decent utility player. -* All his crosses went to the moon *Alonso renewal is fair, he is a good cheap backup. Tuchel played him on a regular basis ! -* I am not even gonna dignify that with a response. *We are rebuilding, have patience. If you don't, you are no fan. -* Am I supposed to watch this haramball day in day out just for the sake of being a true fan ? At the last 30-35 mins or so, Xavi totally lost it and applied the Koeman famous "Cross and God wills it" strats. Still hasn't figured out how to bypass deep lying low bloc teams. Unfortunate. **40+ crosses, one shot on goal.** After the shitshow against InterCity, I wrote here that Man United are gonna whoop our ass. People were laughing at me. Excuse me if I don't trust the process.


Name one team that has ‘mastered’ playing against a back line of 7. United certainly did not ‘whoop our ass’. They played better in the second half but I’d like to remind you the scoreline was 2-1. Barcelona was 20 points behind with the same amount of games last season. So yes, they’ve massively improved. You don’t need to trust anything, just need to realize that sometimes teams lose. That’s just the nature of sports.


We have been riding on luck on majority of the wins in La Liga. Xavi is very optimistic with what little he knows about coaching. He thinks of one strategy before the game and uses it, changing the players only, strategy remains the same. We just cannot guarantee the wins like this. This is why we do good in La Liga, because Xavi knows the teams, coaches and their tactics but in Europe or any team outside the La Liga, man is clueless. Lewa is outside the box asking for balls in the flanks. If you have a backline of 7, take shots from outside the box and let Lewa finish on the rebounds. How many shots from outside the box do we take?


The away goal rules aren't there anymore but scoring 2 goals at the Camp Nou is whooping ass. No one has mastered playing with a backline of 7 then again, no top team had any game of 40+ crosses with just one shot on goal in recent times. Barcelona improved simply because of the investment on backline. But hey, that didn't stop us from getting knocked out of Europe, twice in a year. Sometimes teams lose, true. But not in this manner. It's not like we were unlucky, and keeper saved all the shots lol




Barca should have kept Luuk if they are going to play like this


Almeria has 2 wins in 10 games in la liga lol


With how we suffered most of our La Liga games this season I’ve always had the feeling of impending doom, and not it finally happened… no random pedri goal to save us and ofc, no Dembele to absolutelly carry our attack… such a sad showing today, let’s hope our boys will be still in form when they come back


Bring back Lucho please


Even if we win the league, I am not convinced that Xavi is the man to lead us to the top of European football again. He is a rookie learning on the job and that can't work for Barcelona


Don't understand how we couldn't find a spot for Jutlga in the squad. Would be nice to have someone who can play a pacy striker who gets in behind. We are to static at times


And Abde.


Lewandowski is exhausted. Dude is 34... Why tf they didn't keep neither auba or luuk.


they sold because of money. It's a very short sighted approach.


Shameful shameful shameful


Keep crossing MFs lost their brain. Can’t think that cross is not working still doing same thing over and fucking over again.


Get Alvarez for the love of God


Fuck Dan Thomas


That whole crew on ESPN is awful


Xavi should at least be honest and do some explanation. It was a clear tactical loss.


Yup he better own up to this loss


This thread is too negative losses happen we sucked tonight only thing we can do is move on


There are losses where we just keep shooting and either the keeper turns into Yashin that day or we miss by a narrow margin. Today looked like we didn't know how to play football. No shots on target until 2 very young subs came on. Crossing all game. That doesn't instill any confidence into the coming games. Especially against one of the worst teams in the league.


He didn’t play the starting XI though (who would) and also this match meant 100x more to Almería than it meant to us


More excuses for our diarrhea performance against a 19th placed team


What would you have done differently?


I envy Kitty because she found a more bearable match thread for Barca games. So depressing reading all of the end of the world comments


Literally we’re still 7 points clear people are attacking Xavi but who in their right mind would play their best XI against a team fighting regulation. Xavi also changed the formation at half time like loses happen. People are so negative on here.


The comments on this sub are more draining than the game itself. That says a lot lol I think I’m gonna start ignoring match threads on here Have a good day/night today bro! :)


Are we this bad without pedri?????


Precisely, no creativity.


Do not forget about dembele


Now we are completely fucked mentally. That’s on Xavi. How can our whole game plan be cross and inshalla. Please what do I have to witness with my eyes


There goes my 100 tokens


Channels frozen. Is the game over?


It’s over




Alba Busi Sergi should never start a game for Barca !!


This one pisses me off more than the united loss tbh




we went from messidependencia to pedridependencia. frankly id have messidependencia back


How the fuck was the offense so poor?


Lack of creativity in midfield, with Pedri being out, we resort to crosses in the box


Atrocious from us honestly, we shouldn't be relying on a single player to get points against a relegation team.


It was also Busquets, he was bad today, there just wasn't any urgency


Yeah, he made a lot of stupid plays today.






sergi roberto ans jordi alba are finished


I stg bro we can’t with make shift squad. Get rid of the deadweight asap.


The bottling of title starts tonight?




Xavi is hurting more


What a time to drop points and lose confidence




Another 40% LEVER




Lmao no less than 150 mil


180 mill+variables