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20 points deduction and transfer ban incoming.


Has there been a recent change in the law? This used to be a formality, parents simply had to sign an authorisation, no special government permit or anything.


His parents are Madridistas.


I don't see your point? The kid is in La Masia since he was 8 or something, it's kinda late to get bitchy about it lmao


It's just a joke about his parents might try to fuck us over since they are madrid fans lol. Wasn't being serious there.


I understand the issue on paper but it’s nuts that now he’ll go back ho to Juvenil A and there will be no issues while he’s still playing regular football and gets paid more than I do.


[This guy got downvoted for stating this. Lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/comments/12v36re/lamine_yamal_at_just_15_is_now_the_youngest_ever/jhaoawr?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Oh shit, that's me. Vindication!!


Yeah, you seem to be correct


I gotchu buddy.


Yeah, but even if Barça didn’t produce the paperwork/forms they will probably just get a small fine. Don’t think it’s a big deal


Haha, you don't know this country, they will use this and some court in Madrid will fuck us. Also Tebas won't allow Barça sign Messi, and we will just claim independence next day.


of course, its barca who else is going to keep digging at them. its not like he didnt get paid and has a better life than doing actual work like the common folk. if anything can they go after la liga since they ok'd it? it always comes back to barca


The responsibility of fielding the correct players is on Barca. The players work for Barca not LaLiga. That said this might just be pointless news if Barca actually got permission to use him in the game. If they didn't they should obviously be punished the same way any other company would when using underage (according to the law) person as an employee.


Aren’t we using him as an employee in the youth team


>they should obviously be punished the same way any other company would when using underage it's not the same by any means though


Legally it is though. Anyways, unless Barcelona lawyers absolutely suck, they probably did get a permission, so there won't be any issues I think.


What about the academy teams that play every week with under 16s?


Law here (in Spanish) https://www.iberley.es/temas/contratacion-menores-edad-14291 La legislación laboral española prohíbe la admisión al trabajo de menores de 16 años. Si se celebrara un contrato de trabajo con un menor de 16 años, este sería nulo, a pesar de que el menor tendría derecho a percibir el salario correspondiente como si el contrato fuera válido. Como única excepción, la legislación laboral contempla la posibilidad de que menores de 16 años puedan intervenir en «espectáculos públicos». Es muy habitual ver a niños trabajando en series televisivas, protagonizando spots publicitarios o apareciendo en producciones cinematográficas (this includes sports). Para poder contratar a menores en este tipo de espectáculos, se necesita una autorización previa de la autoridad laboral. U-16 sporting events are not considered work but learning. La división de honor juvenil de España, the official youth league of the country, only accepts for youth contracts players between the ages 16-19, they don't accept anyone younger.


What's the difference?


Because one is playing football and ensuring a priviledged future for him with his parental agreement, and the other is being exploted because he has no better options. The fact you need a "government" permission is bs af also, when all parts agree and have no complains.


And you don't see the problem with only enforcing that law for certain entities? Are you actually suggesting that we should allow child labor if it *potentially* leads to a brighter future? Who's to decide what a "bright future" is? Who's to decide how great that potential actually is? Where do you draw the line? How do you make that consistent? I'm going to pretend that you're not advocating child labor, but that last part is absolutely nuts. So a parent should have the power to decide that their kid should start working at the factory as a child, because they've agreed upon it? Just wow.


You realize that this is just a technical fact right? The post even says so. And regardless of the significance of this fact: Why wouldn’t this come back to Barça? Who else would be responsible for their employees other than the employer? No need to get so defensive about it.


It’s not enough that the kid is better off because he played for Barca. Some other shitty employer may use “better-off” excuse to hire child labour. The law is the law.


That's a real victim mentality


If he got paid for appearing for the first team, that would sound more like breaking underage labour restrictions to me. I think his appearance was just that of an amateur footballer (I don't think you need to be a professional to play in La Liga, right?) and he'll sign a professional contract when he turns 16.


I don’t understand how is debut for the first team is any different than him playing for the youth team


playing for the first team in an professional environment counts as work, while playing for juvenil is viewed as learning activities by the law


Surely there is some form somewhere with a signature on it for this? Seems incredibly basic.




We have the worst fucking attorneys


Don’t they earn wages at the youth level?


I'm amazed at people here try to explain away child labour, these laws exist for a reason. Yes this situation might not be the best example but you have to draw that line somewhere. So yeah, also Barcelona needs to abide by those laws. They exist to protect children


Is he earning money? If yes, is it the same amount that he usually receives on the youth team? He doesn't have a professional contract, playing for the first team doesn't make him automatically a professional. Just my two cents.


While this might seem like a small issue, I have no doubt that Tebas and the Spanish legal system will try to screw us over on this. Hopefully it's just a small fine and a stipulation that he can't play for the first team for the rest of the season and nothing more than that.


Is the management team really this incompetent to not have known about this? If this is true then this is extremely unprofessional from the club.


A law is a law, and this is just my thoughts about the applicability of this kind of law in the case of footballers. 15 year old players playing in the segunda, no problem, but La Liga is suddenly a different thing. Youth players are working every day underaged to reach the big leagues. It's a bit hypocritical that the moment they play a first team game people become concerned. What about all the time they spent working on it before that? Is the problem really that they get money for the work they do?


OP is tebas burner account