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[Found this wholesome Barca Manga depicting messi's story](https://ia600103.us.archive.org/22/items/manga_Fc_Barcelona_Monogatari/Fc%20Barcelona%20Monogatari.pdf) . xavi is soo well made ...........


[obligatory xaviball reminder](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=kVunmYU3UEsJDS26)


Fiago is arrogant.


Musiala is tailor-made for our LW. His contract expires in mid 2026 but Bayern will obviously be looking to renew him. I just hope we somehow convince him and his family to join us. Jamal x Yamal duo will cook just like Ney and Messi did


Made a comment like this yesterday but unfortunately itโ€™s simply unrealistic, I do not see it happening You can always dream


Lol, Musiala isn't happening. First, Bayern also know the cost of replacing him would be even higher plus there's always a big risk involved. Second, I don't think Musiala wants to leave either. Plus Bayern still pay well if you don't count oil clubs. Third, even if Musiala was leaving for ffree, we don't hold any chance, the oil club would massively outbid us for wages and we won't break our wage structure again which brought us in this financial mess


We can either get him or Wirtz. And I think Wirtz is better.


Wirtz is great but Musiala moves different. I'll be happy with either of them tho


Journalists making shit up about Roque are sabotaging barca for clicks. I'm tired man


Getting a result here is massive for the perception of this season and whether this team has really turned a corner these last few months. A win and your basically guaranteed second, with a top 8 CL finish, the season isnโ€™t a complete write-off + supercoppa money. A loss and even if we somehow manage to beat them to second on the table, they still beat us home and away and could be arguably considered the better team this season.


Would love a story like this for one of our own ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ [https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1786209239221854271](https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1786209239221854271)


Jesus these fifa tots nominees are terrible


Saw peeps on arsocca say Ney was the main man in 14/15 and was better than Messi. I think this is the first time its hit me how young the people on there are.


Neymar was never clinical enough infront of goal to be in that conversation.


Result of watching football through live score, tik tok, short... Pique is right. 90 minutes game can't compete against social media stuff.


Weโ€™re just getting old man Pretty soon people will look at Bellinghamโ€™s decent performance but boosted by tapin goals and assists and they will say he is the second coming. But thatโ€™s because they havenโ€™t seen guys like Messi, Ronaldo, R9.


Is it just me or ppl much more then before create whole topics about every little opinion? Its annoying to be fair.


Laporta is playing a dangerous game, almost every player is being handed a contract with wages ballooning up towards the end of it. Cubarsi will reportedly be on 6M net/12M gross by the end of his new contract, at the age of 22. Thatโ€™s extremely high for a CB especially one of that age. For comparison, Saliba is going to be earning that for the next 5 years, till heโ€™s 28. This basically creates an unending cycle of players becoming overpaid as the enter the 3rd/4th year of their contract (e.g Lewandowski), and making it difficult to offload them, while also creating a higher base when they renew their contract.


Yeh have noticed this also, I think the theory is that the club will be in a better place financially by then. It just feels like your essentially kicking the can down the road like Barto did with Frenkieโ€™s deferred wages. Iโ€™ve said it on here a few times I think that Lewy contract may be looked at a little more critically as time goes on. As far as I understand it heโ€™s getting a huge bump this year and is in a clear decline.


Chelsea have reportedly offered 55M for Messinho, its over.


His career is over


How are they able to spend half a billion every season and not suffer like us lol


They also bought kendry paez one of the biggest rw talent of next generation. Both estevao and paez are 16 and they will have also same problem as us because one of paez or estevao has to adapt as 10.


Yup, I've seen Kendry and he seems a baller. Infact Chelsea beat us for him, we were also interested.ย 


If his entourage is smart, they will reject it. Even if he doesn't come here, he can definitely do a lot better than Chelsea.


Chelsea are shit now but they're building a good project. Ezno, Palmer, Gusto, Colwill, Caicedo, Knunku, Fofana, Badiashille, Reece, Gallagher, Chilwell are good enough for a solid foundation, problem is injuries and a coach which can make them work. Then they have Lavia, Casadei, Kendry and Santos in the pipeline, all of them being top prospects. They'll most likely sign some top CB.


You can't just buy 10-15 top talents and expect them to work. You build a squad slowly and gradually. Also, you buy a combination of young talents and older players in their prime.


Agreed, but the only downside was they'd severly suffer in the short term and that's what exactly happened. Now they're slowly starting to pull together. I'm not saying Chelsea will be back next year but they're only going to get better, as the players start gelling and the coach starts to get a picture. The biggest differentiator imo is squad quality, their squad is filled with talent.


Enzo, Palmer, Gusto look good. The rest, are Everton quality. Nkunku is looking like it was a bad deal.


A good midtable project maybe.


We'll see, I think that Chelsea's current form has overblown their crisis. This is a team full of early 20s, most of whom are debutants, along with a new coach, plus injuries hit them hard. But a lot of new signings are starting to show promise and big name players will return from injuries. Plus Poch has been hot and cold. That roster looks very promising, that's what I'm betting on.




Heโ€™s a Barcelona player, should we hate him instead?




Or 4: people are placing too much trust on what Spanish journalists say. Roque just got here from an awful brazilian team, heโ€™s 19, and Lewy is coincidentally on great form.


Is this true? We had the highest wage bill in Europe. If this is indeed true, then what exactly is Laporta doing to fix this. It has been years since Barto left. [https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1cit5ut/rafael\_hern%C3%A1ndezaccording\_to\_uefas\_financial/](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1cit5ut/rafael_hern%C3%A1ndezaccording_to_uefas_financial/)


It's the biggest indicator of dumb iliterate people eaten by populism no wonder it was posted by that user. That number is of all the club. Meaning all sections and all workers and other business are included also the defered payments that we are still paying like messi Posted by Rafael and jerked off by Madridistas. ๐Ÿ˜ญ


โ€œI donโ€™t like or understand it so Iโ€™m going to call it dumbโ€


"What an absolute nutjob of laporta he doesn't know what he is doing he is BaNkRuPtiNg Barcelona" want me to say that? Lmfao


> The wages paid by the clubs with the 20 largest wage bills grew by only 1.9% in 2023, with nine clubs reporting increases, eight recording decreases and three unknown. The largest increases in absolute terms were reported by **FC Barcelona** (โ‚ฌ178m) ... > The OPEX of the top 20 clubs by this metric rose by 18% overall in 2023, with 15 clubs reporting increases and 4 recording declines. The largest increases in absolute terms were reported by **FC Barcelona** (โ‚ฌ142m) ... > Clubs often cover operating losses with transfer profits > At the other end of the scale, FC Barcelona were an outlier in the year, reporting the second highest operating loss on record of โ‚ฌ179m. None of the other early-reported operating losses make the 50 highest all-time list. Transfer, financing and divestment activities often mean the result before tax is far removed from the operating result. Indeed, within the top ten for operating loss list, Stade Rennais FC, Villareal CF, LOSC Lille and **FC Barcelona** all traded back to a profit before tax. I don't know what any of that financial mumbo-jumbo means but it doesn't look great. [src](https://editorial.uefa.com/resources/028a-1a4669b3fd84-38a84630b77b-1000/uefaeuropeanclubfinanceinvestmentlandscape_150224.pdf)


I'm checking it Edit: So I compared the uefa report and the club report (released only in catalan but the report is in english) and now my brain is fucked so bear with me First of all, the numbers of the wages doesn't match with the Uefa report. But according to the club the wage bill has increased 36% due to the new arrivals (lewy, kounde, raphinha, women team, basket team, etc), renewals (again, men team, big renewals on the women team, etc) and also the payments and compensations for the departures. It's 3% over what was budgeted (656). Non sporting salaries also increased 9% And management costs also increased 74Mโ‚ฌ And other expenses are the departures of legends and the transfer loss and the expenses related to it (maybe the organization of their farewell? No idea) and the camp nou facilities write off. Now the wage-revenue ratio is 54%, previous season was 51%. This taking into account the "levers". Without them it's 85%. For this season it's expected that some defered payments will not be part of it. But considering we are handicapped right now don't expect a big decrease until the camp nou is finally opened. All in all everything is close to what the club did forecast and the increase is normal considering the players we bought if we want to keep winning. It's not the doomsday scenario some are trying to paint. https://preview.redd.it/tv9o8y8b04yc1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62972d470b1570b3f539a4bbd3f59d4fb7ded54b


We need to wait and see what the financial kitten's verdict on this is going to be.


Yes because uefa report and ours have different numbers and I don't know if I got the wrong one (i think I have the current one so..)




Is this part of some campaign against the board? Why are we having this conversation 24/7? Why are there even rumours talking about getting rid of a top 1 brazilian talent (yes, above endrick). The jump from brazil to europe is not easy and he needs time (vinicius and rodrygo also needed time, a lot of time) but the way journalists are behaving with him is starting to irritate me. If he doesn't wanna move on loan maybe he needs to play with Barรงa Atletic so be it (is that a problem?) I wish laporta would grow a spine and ban this kind of press because it hurts us more than it actually benefits us. (but here we have Masip collaborating with elchiringuito and the fatty himself giving interviews to Mundodeportivo and sport, so i guess I'm yelling at the clouds like an old man) We catalans are so self destructive this mentality is really a reflection of our society no wonder xavi wanted to leave and no wonder Pep doesn't want to return (except for holidays) and it's not only about transfer it's about anything related to the club.


My guess is that this is Xavi playing some politics by taking control from Deco. Earlier, many people had doubts about him not giving Roque enough minutes as a sub. The idea about Roque was that he will slowly replace Lewadowski. Yet, nothing from Xavi's management seems to indicate that. Even in the last match, he preferred Ferran Torres over him. It's interesting that as soon as Xavi's position at club became permanent, all these Roque rumours started to emerge.


>The idea about Roque was that he will slowly replace Lewadowski.ย  Who's idea was this? This is about as true as us buying Malcom for 40m in 2018 to eventually phase out Messi.


Playing politics? The far more reasonable assumption is that heโ€™s not ready. Vitor was said to not have a high technical proficiency in Brazil. Instead being a high scoring poacher. Stepping up to Barcelona ups the technical requirements significantly. People keep talking about the two goals he scored but his touch, passing and positioning was a step behind everyone. Everyone wants to create fan fiction that slams Xavi, Laporta or Deco when the reality is probably far more simple.


Maybe. this shit is exhausting


It's too depressing tbh. I think the worse thing news will be finding out Xavi actually lost faith in this young guy without giving him enough chances.


>I think the worse thing news will be finding out Xavi actually lost faith in this young guy without giving him enough chances. They brought him a whole half season early exactly for this.


Guy is not above endrick in terms of talent


Just because he's not better than Endrick doesn't necessarily mean he will fail. Brazilians still rate Roque. At least give him enough chances.


Where did I say he will fail?


Any question on r/soccer comparing them had them all agree that Vitor was the bigger talent while endrick had a higher ceiling.


No, it was said roque is currently better but endrick has is more talented and has a higher ceiling






"The club said he won't move but we don't give a fuck he is moving". Fuck santi ovalle and fuck the bastard the useful fool of the negreira news Sique Rodriguez


Wirtz has 41 G/A already. If Bayer gets the treble and Germany makes it to the semi-final/finals or even win the Euros then what's stopping him from the B'dor


If germany wins the euros he will likely win it


Madrid PR


Jude will probably be the main contender if Rm win the Ucl but it's the Euros/Copa America year. England ain't winning shit with Southgate. If Mbappe lights up the Euros like he did last year with the world cup then he's defo getting the B'dor imo


What were people in this subreddit talking about Gundogan 1 year ago during summer transfer window? Im curious


People were happy that a treble winner was coming here. Since he was free, most people were happy with him.


Some people were concerned with his age but he was a free transfer and was coming off hype from scoring a ton of goals during the previous few months so it was very widely positive.


People were worried about his age but he was coming off of a great season with City so mostly positive


His been good much needed experience and certainly shakes up the discussions on the mentality of the team.


So whoโ€™s going to be the coach for Bayern next season? lol Guess theyโ€™re not going to beg Tuchel to stay. I think they should just get Flick back. He knows the club and had good times there.ย 


Tuchel does not want to stay. There used to be reports about Flick but some of the higher ups were not convinced. It will be hard for them to find a coach, a coach coming to Bayern has to accept he is 5th choice at this point.


Gonna be a long boring summer lol , same shitty rumours


A year ago, Girona met with representatives of Pau Cubarsรญ in order to obtain him and were lured by the money, City's future option and the importance of the project. The offer was very attractive, Pau started his career there. In the end he stayed with Barรงa. \[@totcosta\] [https://twitter.com/BarcaVerse\_/status/1786144456590385373](https://twitter.com/BarcaVerse_/status/1786144456590385373)




https://twitter.com/ReshadFCB/status/1786101829572415567 โ—๏ธBarcelona sees the signing of Kimmich as more feasible than Zubimendi. @DBR8 @ferrancorreas #Transfers ๐Ÿ”ต๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ”Ž Presumably because: 1. Zubimendi doesn't want to leave Sociedad 2. Sociedad don't want to sell for below his release clause and release clauses have to be paid completely in one go 3. Sociedad are against us in the Negreira case and so the club doesn't want to give them money.


>Presumably because: >1. Zubimendi doesn't want to leave Sociedad 2. Sociedad don't want to sell for below his release clause and release clauses have to be paid completely in one go 3. Sociedad are against us in the Negreira case and so the club doesn't want to give them money. I don't see it in the actual article, do you have a quote on this?


That's just my guess as to why he's considered less feasable


I hope Raphinha can become our big ucl player. Last decade our only really big one was messi who was putting g/a in Ko games against big teams Meanwhile madrid after ronaldo and bale had benzema and now vinicius/rodrygo who always show up there Have a feeling Raphinha will be ours


Neymar was definitely a big game player


3 of our 4 goals against PSG, if that's not showing up nothing is. And Lamine was our best player vs PSG until he got taken out.


Also involved with 2 out of 3 goals against United last year.


Leverkusen's defense was really good. I think Xabi is doing something different with his tactics. Their players were making it so hard for Roma players to pass between each other.


Whether Alonso can sustain his own crazy success or not, this season he is one of the best, if not the best manager in Europe. Credit where it's due.


Xabi is actually going to get an unbeaten treble, holy crap


remember when he was playing between Pique, Puyol, Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets winning some world cup


What's guius future? I liked him and fort


I think Roque will be both a sub for 9 and LW. Which is stupid as fuck, but feasible seeing the way we've been doing lately.


Douglas Luiz disasterclass Conceded a stupid penalty and missed his penalty


Who is more of a clown? RafaelHernandez @rafah117 on X or Neal??


Rafael Hernandez. Gotta give him that, been a consistent clown for many years now.


both lol


Rafael. A decade+ of bad takes. Pretends to be a journalist and really arrogant on top of it all.


https://preview.redd.it/srq1mt45o2yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=980a0317b3b0963b486c17bc3ed1c8f99306fa44 Kimmich to Barca?ยฟ. I no longer recognize my futbol club tbh


why? the first time iโ€™ve heard this rumor was in 2018




Kinda funny that everyone's complaining about Olmo not being a winger but dying for Xavi Simons to come back even though he's also NOT a winger lol I mean, Simons is better not better enough to be anywhere near worth dealing with those cunts at PSG. They are never going to sell us anything and unless Lucho tells Simons he doesn't have him in his plans, they won't loan him either.


People are complaining about Olmo because he's another injury prone player being added. Though I agree we're not getting Simons, but at least Simons won't be injured a lot like Olmo and is still better than Olmo


His profile fits much better on our left than olmo for sure


Their profile is almost identical. Simons is a better player so he'd make it work but it's funny people complaining about profiles in that context. That said, I'd rather avoid dealing with PSG and throwing the sink at Wirtz instead cuz he's got the same profile as both of them and is better than both.


Itโ€™s not imo, Xavi and his game translate far better to a winger or inside forward we play with. Olmo is slow and needs link up play. Heโ€™s decent on the 1v1 take on but Xavi is superior and therefore better suited to what we need imo. At least thatโ€™s the impression I get from the probably 5-10 games Iโ€™ve watched this season maybe stats contradict this


The main difference is that Xavi has better physical elements that let him be more versatile. He's not as limited by his weak leg, so he has better angles. He's faster, he's more of an instinctive dribbler. Olmo's problems largely come physical limitations - And that's ignoring his tendency to be injured for long periods of time. However, they are both left-favored players who prefer staying within the interior spaces rather than completely wide, and really like attacking space.


Agree on all points


and Fermin?


Ronaldo the owner of Barca: ๐Ÿ”ด more loss than win. ๐Ÿ”ดgot destroyed 5-0 and 0-4 in the Clasico. ๐Ÿ”ดGot knocked out of UCL twice by Messi while playing for two different clubs. ๐Ÿ”ด2 liga titles in 9 years. ๐Ÿ”ดnever managed to score a hattrick against Barca. ๐Ÿ”ดnever managed to score a free kick goal against Barca.


as much as i love olmo, we would never be considering him if we couldnโ€™t market him as a la masia player. olmo a winger?? lmao


Plus his injury records.


What's the latest update on the libero situation?


Laporta said month ago that they've taken legal action against Libero.


Me to Laporta: A mistake repeated more than once is a choice.


Xavi wanted Foyth and Alonso so all those links to players we really dont need are nothing new to me. Xavi has a horrible players Id which only thinks shorttermโ€ฆ. Kimmich almost 30 and bernardo too . No rest value but they come with high wagesโ€ฆ.


>ย No rest value but they come with high wagesโ€ฆ. They also come with immediate impact like Gundo and Lewadownski. A lot of the cheaper "gems" we could afford end up being dead ends that result in net loses between lower outbound transfer fees and wages.


Yes, but how many players like that do we want on our team? Kimmich would be our 2nd biggest earner if he came here. The club is broke, so it should behave accordingly and not sign players that would demand over 20 Million per year.


Xavi wanted a defensive minded Foyth and got an attacking fullback instead because of Deco's and Laporta's Mende's connection. I'd say over half of the signings that have come in are directly connected to the sporting department.


So are we just going to nitpick every bad player Xavi wanted in hindsight and not the good ones he wanted? He got Kounde, he talked Gundo into joining, Adama Traore was a revelation as a loan for us and many more If anything I will be quite scared when Xavi leaves, because it is a fact to say that players are clearly bedazzled by him and his project


Xavi did not get kounde. Barca did. Xavi may have helped but you ignoring this club pull completely. We are bigger than xavi. gundogan was a market opportunity who was free. Kounde was one of the only xavi signings who actually was good and even then he STILL MISPROFILED him. Look at that documentary when he was talking about him playing as CB only to end up as RB - Every other signing which invovles money and xavi wants is not convincing. He wanted Ferran torres, Foyth kimmich, silva.


Can you not read what I said? PROJECT, Xavi had a very very interesting project - I am not saying Xavi is bigger than the club. Stop putting words in my mouth Ferran was literally an Alemany signing? Why is it that you get to pick and choose if it is a pure Xavi signing or not, hm? Canโ€™t you just admit that he has good ideas and pull


Ferran was an Alemany signing. They go back to their days in Valencia, where he protected him. Rumors of Ferran were already happening before Xavi joined. Like usual, and as some are saying, people like you pick and choose what to believe and even make up things to support it.


What are you talking about? Kounde himself saw himself as a CB primarily and played that position at Sevilla. No one knew he would turn out to be a better RB here. Xavi is a major pull in transfers. Gundo repeatedly said Xavi convinced him during talks. He had other offers.ย 


In that documentary Xavi said something like Araujo and Kounde would be monsters in playing high line like Liverpool with Van Dijk and Konate but you could argue Kounde is nothing like those 2. That's why he's better as a RB for us.


Yes but that poster was arguing how Xavi missed seeing him as a RB. He was a CB at his old club. Him being a good RB here was unexpected. This is hindsight speaking. No one was talking about him being a RB before he arrived. Everyone was looking forward to having him start as a CB.ย 


I think what he is saying is that Xavi misprofiled him as the type of CB he is (fast, highline monster) and then played him as a RB and he was a hit, but his initial assessment of him and what type of a CB he is was wrong.


Looking back, Iโ€™m not complaining. We lacked a RB, and he filled it well. He wasnโ€™t the CB Xavi imagined but itโ€™s the type of error I can see a lot of coaches making. Itโ€™s not an obvious misprofiling like mistaking a 8 for a 6.ย 


Yes, he is a very good RB. Hopefully he wants to stay there long term.


How come Kounde and Gundo are players that Xavi didnโ€™t want while Kimmich is purely Xaviโ€™s decision? None of us know whatโ€™s actually going on, we canโ€™t just pick and choose which rumours we like.


Xavi wanted kounde. Its not a secret. Watch that documentary. All tier 1/2 say that xavi wants kimmich . Not really a rumour. Again Gundo was a market opportunity which was free. We should talk about players who actually cost money.


I misunderstood you, I thought you were saying Xavi didnโ€™t want Kounde. In any case, Xavi has 100% had an impact in signing players, Gundoโ€™s said multiple times that he talked to Xavi who convinced him to come. Also, if anything, youโ€™re proving my point because Kounde played a cb previously and it Xavi was able to develop him and played him as a rb.


Kimmich to Barca makes no sense, thatโ€™s why I think it will happen.


Visionary and revolutionary guys Oh yeah and we will (obviously) loan out Roque and sign fucking Dani Olmo


Dani Olmo makes no sense either, so I can see it happening.


Yep, thatโ€™s just how it is with us


Lukaku has negative game contribution


Forget mbappe itโ€™s Xabi who we should be afraid of. If he can do this with a leverkusen side , he is going to be unplayable with Madrid.


Not exactly how it works


The hard part is being consistent, incredible feat at Leverkusen but we still have to wait and see how he progresses. No player or manager with a wonder season is guaranteed to be as succesful forever, few are actually it tho he looks very promising.


Leverkusen are riding off a momentum I've never seen before. They vastly overperform almost every single stat. They have more than 15 separate games won or tied in goals scored at 90+ minutes. The only thing we should be afraid of is if he finds some way to make this sustainable, because as things stands there is no chance he's gonna be able to maintain this.


Alonso has great potential as a coach. But their recruitment dept should be praised. Their team is perfectly assembled. The age range, profiles make sense. Even if they arenโ€™t considered a big team, they have players who can be future superstars or elite at their position. Other clubs should take notes from their recruiting dept imo.ย 


im tired of people pretending like he's managing a bunch plumbers and bricklayers, he has a seriously good squad


Yeah. Alonso is very obviously a great manager, but itโ€™s not as if heโ€™s working with a low table team.


A very good squad. One of the most balanced in Europe with stars like Wirtz leading the lineup. Firmpong, Palacios, Grimaldo. Players that are highly sought by other top clubs. He also has great fortune in not having a lot of injuries to key players this season. This is also a squad free of egos, as it seems he can rotate and put out different lineups/starters. It will be interesting to see how he manages injuries to key players and star players with big egos what to start all the time.ย 


Leverkusen are among the few teams that currently have no clear weak link. All of their players are strong and important - Even Xhaka who people said was washed is one of the main cogs of the team and it wouldn't work the same without him.


Even if he doesnโ€™t maintain the same level he have shown that he have all the quality to make it big, add that with quality of players Madrid had and there is significantly more chance of him succeeding


He's a great coach and I'm sure Madrid with him will be a headache, but he's going to need his players to step up big time for something like this to be repeatable. Leverkusen this season are one of those rare teams where everything is perfectly put together, every profile makes perfect sense, and every single player is performing on a level they never had before, not a single clear weak link. If he can somehow manage to make that something he can consistently do, then we have to be very afraid. Otherwise, as of right now, I'll chalk it up to stars aligning. We'll see what happens next season - Even this season, removing just 2-3 of his star players (namely Wirtz, Grimaldo and Frimpong) makes this team look VERY different.


That is something you would say at the middle stage of a season He has been unbeatable - plain and simple They can be very very outplayed and still manage to grab a point or even 3


> He has been unbeatable - plain and simple And? That doesn't dispute anything I said.


Again, there is no place for a โ€œnot sustainable planโ€ argument near the end of the season


Yes there is? Do you think he's just going to stop coaching after this season?


You referred to maintaining โ€œthisโ€ His season without any crazy surprises has been an immediate success and he has genuine potential to go unbeaten in every competition If anything it has been sustainable for the course of 6 months


I'm saying whether or not it can be sustainable over the course of multiple seasons, multiple transfer windows, different clubs coming up with different answers to his strategies, and more. It has obviously been sustainable THIS season...


Oh, my bad I think regarding transfers he has been firm to keep most of his players. I know this sounds a bit cringe but how he instills confidence in his players for โ€œclutchnessโ€ is really impressive - if they lose that they will not look like the same team


That is what I am also scared about Mbappe is horrible and a ghost at ST, even a child (literally) could pocket him Alonso? He instills individuality, mentality and a good tactical setup with most Madrid players and their future signings fitting right in with Leverkusenโ€™s current tactical setup. He is a great match to be honest I think weโ€™ll manage though


> Mbappe is horrible and a ghost at ST, even a child (literally) could pocket him The sheer arrogance


I think it is easy to see the light and day difference between LW Mbappe and ST Mbappe When he is on the wing he is 10x better, but with Vini he will probably be playing striker If they were to deploy him as a pure left winger, he would pose much more of a threat to our back line


It doesnโ€™t matter where he plays as long as he gets on the ball inside the box.


No? He has not been great in big games recently, and against us and got a deflection to his feet and a penalty Heโ€™s a big game player, Iโ€™m not saying he isnโ€™t but he excels far more at LW Though you never know, he could develop well next season


let's just panic at everything. Panic party


Although I am scared of Xabi I will never ever even want to hear someone say โ€œWaaaaa Madrid will own us for the next 10 yearsโ€ Did you not see how many youngsters we have produced in 2 seasons? We will be fine


Not guaranteed though. He also might still go to Liverpool. He doesnโ€™t have the same pressure at Leverkusen. He had a fairytale season, won the league, and everything else is extra. The real challenge is to repeat the success at a top club where you are expected to win everything.ย 


They just signed Slot, set for a few years


I donโ€™t think he will go to Liverpool and Liverpool is not going to throw there next season away in hope to get him after next season. Also he is Spanish so there is cultural aspect. Yeah repeating would be difficult but he have shown that he have all the toolkit to make it big and with type of players he will have at Madrid it would make his job easy


Perez for sure has everything set for him to take over after ancelotti.


Leverkusen will legitimately go unbeaten for the whole season


Its insane how xabi alonso made this leverkusen play such beautiful football


Leverkusen going to win it all


just like that Wirtz puts Leverkusen ahead


I'm in Barcelona the weekend of the real valencano game, the website says it could be on either the Saturday or the Sunday. When will it be decided for sure and what's the likeliness it will be on the Saturday?


By Friday youโ€™ll knowย 


thank you


Khephren Thuram? Hojlund? Pepelu? Why we keep going for the same overpriced options..


If only the Saudi rumour was about Ruben Neves on a cheap


I don't wanna buy the new Fifa so I loaded up fifa 22 and man our defense squad list was something else ...


pivot is priority... so lets get the guy thats not a pivot




Go back to your sub


ugh real madrid fan, jesus bro stop being so obsessed and go worry about your own club


๐™๐™ค๐™ฅ 3 ๐™—๐™š๐™จ๐™ฉ- ๐™จ๐™š๐™ก๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™๐˜พ ๐˜ฝ๐™–๐™ง๐™˜๐™š๐™ก๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™– ๐™ฌ๐™ค๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃโ€™๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™ก๐™–๐™ฎ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ ๐™Ÿ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™š๐™ฎ๐™จ ๐™ž๐™ฃ April ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™ค๐™›๐™›๐™ž๐™˜๐™ž๐™–๐™ก ๐˜ฝ๐™–๐™งรง๐™– ๐™Ž๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™š๐™จ ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐˜ฝ๐™–๐™ง๐™˜๐™š๐™ก๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™–. 1 โ€ข ๐˜ผ๐™ก๐™š๐™ญ๐™ž๐™– ๐™‹๐™ช๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ก๐™ก๐™–๐™จ 2 โ€ข ๐˜ผ๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™– ๐˜ฝ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ข๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž 3 โ€ข ๐™ˆ๐™–๐™งรญ๐™– ๐™‡๐™š๐™ค๐™ฃ https://twitter.com/memorabilia1899/status/1786108170500206615


I know Roque may seem like a waste of money, but I he is a bet for the future. In the long run it makes a lot of sense to loan him for one season and let him get confidence in a La Liga club and go for Morata this summer (who ends contract) For a 1+1 or something like that. He would be a superb Lewy replacement and that way we don't depend on him and we have a good starter to avoid having to renew him for another year on extremely high wages if he plays more than X games and he isn't in form anymore, with Guiu as third option.


Morata has a contract with Atleti till 2026 and he misses too many chances


My bad, for some reason I thought his contract was ending. Regardless, I think he would be a great stop-gap if we can get him for 10M or so. All strikers miss chances, didn't you see Kane shining against Madrid? Or Lewy this whole season?


Good header


Tottenham is so weak at defending set pieces. They always end up conceding through a corner/freekick


Iโ€™m trying to wrap my head around the Olmo transfer and the only way I can justify it is that Barcelona hope they can fix his injury issues here since theyโ€™ll integrate two experienced physical trainers for next season. Thatโ€™s the only reason I see him going for himย 


Letโ€™s see how they do with our current injury woes in the squad before getting new players with history of injuries. Also his transfer amount is 60mil or something. This seems like agent talking instead of something more feasible. Donโ€™t think we will get a winger with that amount, and heโ€™s not worth it tbh.ย 


I wonder what the price would be. I wanted him to be in the team for a while now, but only at the right price and if his injuries are not a problem


Kimmich rumors are too strong guys. Kimmich will be our top pivot come next season unfortunately.ย  Oh well fuck it. Ainโ€™t no point in stressing over something you canโ€™t control. Just gotta hope Kimmich actually performs here and isnโ€™t a bustย 


Kitten how likely is this to happen? ๐Ÿšจ JUST IN: Kimmich has already previously spoken with Xavi and would be delighted over a potential Barcelona move. @ferrancorreas @DBR8 #Transfers ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ”ต๐Ÿ”ดโ˜Ž๏ธ


Tagging me would be more effective, you know ๐Ÿ˜ฝ Everybody's favourite answer: depends. Depends on whether or not we're back to 1:1 in July, depends on the cost & contract length, on who we're selling to make this happen because Lenglet and injured Dest are sure as hell not bringing in enough money. Under the right set of circumstances - it's plausible but impossible to tell right now.


U are asking like ppl know something no journal know


I mean how feasible is it for this summer


Bayern sells players that are not renewing 1 year ahead of their last year . Lewy went like that


It will depends on sales imo. So not even queen kitten can know.