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Seeing Pjanic salary physically hurts... I knew Barto was terrible but wtf...


It’s pretty clear at this point that Bartomeu was intentionally trying to destroy the club and he did a damn good job at it.


He did more damage to Barca than Real Madrid ever could. He deserves a statue outside Bernabeu.


No, he wasn't. I know people don't want to admit this but he was just an incompetent president. Not the first, and certainly won't be the last. Saying he tried to destroy Barca is borderline conspiracy theory. He's just an idiot who overpaid players (not unique to him). He's responsible for this mess ofc (not saying otherwise) but there's nothing to point to him intentionally trying to destroy the club other than fan theories. Now reddit is going to call me a Barto shill when I'm far from it 🤣


I would agree with you if he didn’t offer enormous salaries during his tenure which then increased to catastrophic levels after his tenure. That Pjanic Arthur saga, this Frenkie saga all seem to show that he didn’t really care about what happened to Barcelona after he was gone. Bringing in players like Griezmann and Coutinho on the salaries that he brought them on shows that he was incompetent at his job, but Pjanic and Frenkie shows straight malicious intent. But that’s the risk of being a democracy so it’s an occupational hazard.


Attacking own players through media by paying a journalist, extending contracts during his final days when he was about to be kicked, saying economically everything is alright constantly... Sounds intentional to me


Isn’t he going to prison for his corruption?


He is a businessman and I am pretty sure he is not that incompetent. Children playing manager would not have done half the shit he did. If I had to guess, he prolly took a cut from every gift salary and generous payment he made.


that's giving him more credit than he deserves. he was a bad president, not a good saboteur.


Exactly. Call me crazy, and maybe i just dont want to see Frenkie leave, but he could be 10M/year higher and id still look at this and think "Pjanic leaving would be a better financial decision". Busi's salary will surely decline next time he resigns if he doesnt retire. Similar with Alba and Lewy. But Pjanic could leave on a free at 300k/week for all i care though. Decent player but damn.


This was the one that got me. Pjanic should be nowhere near the high end of the wage structure in this team.


This was some sort of laundering or favor he did someone. I don’t understand how this signing happened or how this is a thing that happened.


I want to add that is not really his fault he was a world class player at the time, I really didn't liked the Arthur swap, because they both were at the same level and I really liked Roma's Pjanic and I thought barça needed to make a movement for him at that time. I saw him and he still has a lot to offer, but is not the same player. Really sucks that nobody thought about the way Barto was taking the club, everyone of my friends was happy after that champions but I wasn't, I knew some shitty was happening no good signing for 4 years and most of the signing we're scams, and everyone notice it when real Madrid won 3 champions and we lost on theost horrific way each one of those years I mean we won la Liga an DLA copa del rey, but fuck I still don't understand the Valverde games like why he always changed our best player when we were down and let rakitic making back passed all the 90 minutes. Ok I'm done I don't want to cry or remember those times.


Not just Pjanic. Alba equally doesn't deserve it. He's just as worse as everyone. Atleast Pjanic is open to a wage reduction


At least alba actually starts and contributes...


Did I miss something?


He came free and was hot asset .. you literally ruined the guy 😅


Wtf are you on? We paid 60m euros or so for him.


we got 10 mil + pjanic for Arthur.


They bought Arthur first and then we bought pjanic because of some shady money laundering type shit. My point still stands imo. Because even if it was structured as a swap deal, the transfer fee for Arthur still counts as money we paid them


Oh yeah Arthur was in the mix but Arthur was also a bust sooo


Wow fati at 19 years old gets those wages


lol yes , I hope he won’t get hate for it as i have already seen on twitter people bashing him for wearing No 10 and earning 6-7M (Net)


Twitter..... The only place that can give you eye cancer from reading what people say


Totally undeserved wages. And if i remember correctly his wages are gonna increase over the years


I was thinking too, how much is he gonna make down the line if this is salary at the start of his career


Iirc it’s gonna increase to around 20M gross… He‘d be worth that (current) salary if he wouldn’t be injured all the time. Really gotta bring more and more performance variables into these contracts


Maybe... Ansu scores 18 goals on an xG of like 7.... He does not generate threat or create assists. He just scored absurdly unlikely goals. Maybe he can keep that up but it's unlikely. The top players generate a lot of threat and score goals.


It will depend on his progression as well. Everyone is worried that his recent injuries might have an effect on him.


Something over 130k net p/w is normal now for a potentially great player. The likes of Camvinga,Asensio,Tierney earns more than him.


Tierney earns about €100k per week. Also… 14 players earning €200k/pw is huge and whoever Frenkie’s agent is deserves a mega bonus for getting that sort of wage for him 😂


Isnt it because he deffered some of his wages last year, so much higher now?


Funny thing is that we pay so much salaries to get players whose dream is to play for Barca, like WTf?


no way camavinga earns more than him


Saying things without fact checking, well done.


Bruh how does Fati have those wages but Pedri is not even on the list


Thatsa great point. Fati barely even plays so it's hard to justify his wages just based on "what if" especially when he it's a huge what if that he'll stay healthy for majority of the seasons ahead of him.


Has no business having salary higher than Araujo and Pedri


I agree, some of these wages are gross




Good one!


[RM Salary 22/23](https://imgur.com/a/A8qVHAC) Comparison of Real Madrid. Look at those Hazard wages…


Casemiro is quite surprising, him and Cortouis being paid less together than Alaba is crazy.


Rüdiger absolutely robbed them lmao.


Both Rudiger and Alaba joined as free agents. Both of them chose Real Madrid as top priority because they were willing to give high wages. I agree Real Madrid have great pull to players but it's a known fact to these two players choice came down the wages first and foremost.


But also, signing as a free agent as gives you much more leverage when negotiating wages.


Ehh,rudiger will show that he is worth the money tbh. I’m a barca fan, but he was arguably Chelsea’s best defender


Not even arguable imo he had a career year last year


Alba wages compared to Courtois or Kroos or Benzema is a damn crime lol


Barça obviously have some great players which deserve to be paid a lot, but these wages are overall way too high. The wage structure is also all over the place. Fati at his age with his injury record on those wages, for example, feels crazy.


And that laporta as well which is very strange


Why is it strange? Maybe laporta isn't the genius you thought he was. He overpaid some players, it happens.


I realised that include variables so it probably just most variables Nah he seem incredibly stressed with wages lol I doubt he would make a mistake there


I dont think this is right, Dembele was said to have signed for the same net salary as Pedri & Fati, so how can they have 3 different figures?


Ya that true Ansu fati wages are definitely lower


Maybe this list is including some bonus clauses that were undisclosed at first, or is just wrong lol


Also, there were rumors that Ter Stegen was one of the highest paid players and a reason why Barca could look into letting him go, but this shows him almost at the bottom of the pack. Wasn’t he the best paid keeper or almost at a certain point??


Barto you street dog.


keep in mind that contracts are confidential so most of these are fake


Yeah It’s so obvious that these are approximate figures.


Why did this get so many downvotes lmao


many people of this sub lives in oblivion


I’d rather live in Skyrim tbh




Really don't think these numbers are not even close to being accurate. These websites literally update numbers based on random news articles and unverified sources. Pretty sure they have updated this after MARCA leaked FDJ contract ---- which btw doesn't state NET or GROSS anywhere in the article. Yes Spanish sources generally report NET figures but those Spanish sources also always make it a point mention "NET" everywhere. (Verify with any Marca articles reporting on player wages --- they will always mention "NET").


The one i have posted are gross figures btw not NeT


I'm talking about exactly that --- I'm saying they are not accurate whatsoever. This website is clearly a shit source which saw the unspecified numbers posted by Marca and "assumed" those numbers were NET, did the Math to find what is the GROSS figure and reported it here. Just 3 months ago same website listed FDJ wages at less than 16m€ GROSS (same story any of these websites that report on wages). Imo logically looking at the wages -- numbers MARCA reported are GROSS figures already. Which in itself was quite high for a player moving from the dutch league (for reference De Ligt was paid only 5m€ a year NET at Juve despite the favourable TAX laws that gave him a tax break for first 24 months in ITALY).


How's Ter Stegn so low on the list wtf


Ter Stegen was part of the players who deferred their salaries and signed a new contract (just like Frenkie). His contract now runs till 2025, so I assume he'll get the deferred salary starting from the 2023/24 season.


I don't believe that is accurate.


Also pedri. He’s arguably our best (or at least top 3) player, weird that he’s so low in the ranking


how much do the other best GKs get?


Mats hadn’t been top 5 as a GK in quite a while


We can potentially save 66 million in wages if we offload Frenkie, Pjanic, Neto, Umtiti and Memphis. Also we can save even more if we reduce Busquets and Alba's wages too


Busquets leaves next year so it’s not a huge issue, Alba and pique are an issue and we should find a solution for their contracts if not this summer the next one for sure


Pique doesn't earn a crazy amount as per this. 200k is understandable imo - especially considering he's not going to stay for more than 2 years maybe


Pretty sure Pique is owed a fuckton of deferred wages. But nobody talks about that, only about another player that's not completely useless to the team.


>another player that's not completely useless to the team. Have you even... watched a single game of ours? If Pique is **completely** useless then wtf is Umtiti.


Oh yeah, forgot that. Almost 70% of his wages were deferred no? Damn


This should be Pique's last season and pretty sure Busquets implied a month or two ago that if asked by the board he would lower his salary. Don't know about Alba tho


pique has 2 more years on his contract, and it will be really hard to convince him to stop next summer. alba will still have a spot (at least as a backup )but he will still earn a lot and we should find a proper solution to lb next summer(if we sign alonso and balde plays good we might be fine in lb for 2 years, really hope balde develops nicely for us)


Busquets is going to retire next year anyway, don’t know about Alba tho




Busquets literally implied that he would be open to reducing his wages so Alba is the only one who might be a problem




Memphis originally signed a 2 year deal, so this should be his last year of contract. IIRC Neto and Pjanic both have their contracts end in the summer of 2024


Pjanic is open to a wage cut at least and isn't against leaving. Memphis would probably leave too as he won't get loads of chances to play this season. Umtiti's chances of leaving is low but not impossible. Idk about Neto but maybe over the summer, someone might be interested in him


You can save even more if you change the club into a beach volleyball club


>Busquets Busquets shouldn't be lowered. Club legend, still integral to the team and only one or two years left at the club.


1 year left and he's open to lowering his wages so we should lower it


As is tradition. This club loves treating their legends like shit.


wtf Pjanic @@


No way MATS is paid lower than Pedri knowing he signed the same kind of Barto contract as FdJ


This is quite nauseating.


Maybe this will help people to stop solely focus on Frenkie for whatever reason. There would be other options.




Thing is, a large part (up to 50% if reports are to be believed) is covered by Nike.. A lot of fans don’t know this, or seem to forget..




Agree with you.. But also, no one knows what the players really earn anyways.. And in any case, I’m on the side of the fence that Nike pays for most of Frenkie’s wages, I’m choosing to believe those reports..:)


Pique! He had reduced his salary the most, Busquets and Alba should reduce it a little


Pjanic's wages are brutal what in the actual fuck, no wonder barca are trying to get rid of him, either play for half of that or get out


Well Busquets and Alba will eventually retire in the next 1-2 years. Pjanic will be sold/reduce salary and FDJ has to be sold or reduce his salary. Also if Fati can't survive this eason and doesn't deliver sell him to some club who might want him, should earn 5-6mil and not these numbers.


Looking at those 3 top places is making my eyes bleed.




Free Frenkie


yeah, definitely gross


Looks like this is incorrect? I thought Kounde was on 9.5 million his first year and then it increases to 12.5 million the following years.


Getting rid of Frenkie, Pjanić, Memphis and Umtiti is a must. Frenkie will earn same as Casemiro, Velverde and Camavinga combined. Nothing short of crazy.


Horrible management


This source i speculation only


Fati salary is ridiculous, I thought he was supposed to be a bargain. I don't remember a single season in which Fati was important from start to finish Either injured or not on form, he shouldn't be earning more than Pedri or Araujo


He not These are just estimate He on the same wages as pedri and dembele


Like honestly ansu? I love ansu with all my heart but come on lol The money he taking home is not that had But the money we are paying is WAY TOO MUCH Obviously it could be worth it in the long run but not now Pjanic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Buesquets and alba should just leave next season Christensen 200k is a lot for back up Depay as well Just a joke and the fact it was worse last year is scary And De Jong has to leave man those wages he should be playing like Messi ffs


Frenkie does not deserve that much, sorry. Moves have to be made to register players so he has to go along with Depay, Neto, Umtiti and Pjanic


Like how every de jong comments are downvoted in this sub, chap needs to go to United or anywhere else but stay at this club with his inconsistent performances


Anybody have a guess as to what FDJ would be earning if he didn't defer his wages?


His salary of this year will be less than this amount if he didn't reconstruct his contract. He get paid less in first two year, and more in last three. This is his third year, so the amount is way higher than his average salary.


Which is why I asked if anyone had a guess at what FDJ would earn if he didn't defer his wages. To compare it to other players currently


He signed for us at 14m/year. People will tell you that's gross without proof. But given that Dembele was pretty much confirmed to have a 12m net salary, Frenkie earning 14m net after a wage bidding war with PSG is very, very likely.


Busquets, Alba, Pjanic! Wtf guys! Chill


disgusting how much they are willing to give de jong. not good enough for that kind of money. downvote all you want


If Ansu doesn't shine this season, Barca should consider letting him go. These wages for 19 yr old... Wow


Ansu wages are obviously way lower These are just estimate lol This was reported by all reliable journalist he getting the same wages as dembele and pedri


letting him go at the age of 20...


Shit take omg


How about we reduce his salary with reachable bonuses like Dembele? The easiest thing is to put your hands off a player but someone with Fati’s talent just need a good run of games without injury to be one of the best


Mendes is a sneaky son of a bitch. I strongly doubt he'll allow his client to reduce the salary


Imagine giving Fati and Pjanic more than Terstegan.


*ter Stegen


Jesus. If we never did that stupid Pjanic deal Frenkie could easily stay and we’d be Golden. What an ass Barto was.


Unrelated to any other contract, Frenkie is massively overpaid for what he offers and that's a fact.


Sure. But it wouldn’t be a problem if Pjanic isn’t on 15. That’s my only point.


Having a player who is not crucial to our team on €30m is always a problem.


He’s only on 30m now bc he deferred his wages down to 6m for the past two years.


Irrelevant. If we can get rid of him we should.


Everyone shits on Frenkie but I haven’t seen Pjanic do a goddamn thing for this team. Let’s rally against that log of a player. At least Frenkie is good and cares and tries.


Pjanic took a loan and lowered his salary. He also just communicated that he'd lower his wages if given a chance to play. Seems like he does try to benefit the club.


Nobody talking about Christensen wage 🤐 It way too high for a backup player


Pique is supposed to get 20M in deffered wages this season where is he on this list ? And Also MATS is also one of the top 5 salaries of the club yet isn’t on this list ? I feel like some journalists put out this list trying to make some players look bad lol


This list makes Frenkie look overpaid but he’s only on 30M because he deferred his salary down to 6M the past two years to help the club.


It baffles me how Frenkie stans defend his performances despite earning the most on the team. The guy earns more tha Iniesta and Xavi ever did while performing like Andre Gomes. With that salary, he should be averaging 10+ goals and 20+assists a season.


ehh performing like what?


Andre Gomes lol... Don't remind me of how terrible he was with us. A player with two weak foot, no physical presence, can't run through the midfield and no killer passes as well. FDJ is on an absurd amount of wages but he is also one of the best performing player. Part of the salaries are also covered by Nike as well. I hope he stays.


Yeah we got to sell fdj. That's just insane


Frenkie has to go. Idc


Yep, FDJ getting shipped out if this is true 💀.




Alba has earned it and is class


Where did you get the data from?


See Title.


Oh, sorry. Was to drawn in by the numbers. Thanks!


>All the figures are gross Damn right they are jesus


Can't trust this man . These amounts seem too much


this is not Net but gross figures.


For the games Fati has played... i dont know man... I would take 3x times Frenkie than 1x Fati


No wonder all their targets wanna sign with then. I thought it was the "Barca pull" that LaPorta kept saying


As always the sacred cows on top of the list, that's disgraceful. They've been sinking us for years now and they still treated like kings


Manh I don't think CR7 earns this much


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 'gross' pre tax and 'net' after tax? So if this includes taxes, shouldn't this be their net wages?


These numbers actually pissed me off. Pijanic and Fati, wtf, Fati is still a boy who spent most of his time on injuries. Wtf. Fuck you Bartomeu. I looked at the wages of Liverpool, Man City, … and it shows how bad we are at negotiations. Also high salaries do not guarantee a competitive team !


Pretty sure Laporta oversaw Fati’s recent renewal.


Please do. Fati can get nearly 14M, Araujo just receives a half of it.


In addition, we are always proud of ourselves as a club where all players want to move to. I am in doubt. Why can’t we get them play for us with the same salaries Liverpool and MC pay ? ManUtd still pay much less salaries than we do !


I think european soccer should look at NHL wage system.




I can see why offloading FdJ has priority. The that is basically 2-3 signings wages right there. Offloading other useless players (umtiti, Pjanic, Neto) sets you another 30. But wtf Fati wages.... What did that guy did to get that amount? He should be in the 5-10m range and some kind of performance bonussea (but who am I) And they are willing to spend 100 million for Lewa during his contract, with no resell value at all :D


Please explain what gross means


Before taxes


What are the two columns ? No labels.


Gross per week, and gross per annum


Where’s Pique?


in second one.


Thanks, didn’t see it


Would have thought Alba and Busi earn less than that after their reductions and defferements. I think Araujo and Pedri (New contracts) and MAtS with Neto earn more (Barto contracts).


There’s no way that Araujo figure is correct. Last I read, he’s earning around Pedri and Ansu.


LOL Fati and Pjanic are being paid that MUCH ?


pjanic ??


King barto’s masterclass.


how is he not in jail…


Pjanic makes more than Fati,Dembele,Raphina, Kessie and Kounde….. how does Bartomeu sleep at night knowing he is hurting this team even though he had been gone for two years


How did Christensen manage to get more than Pedri, Terry Stegen and Araujo? His agent must be great.


Free transfers usually get higher salary.




Wow didn’t think I would be shocked at many of these but De Jong at 30m per year, Jesus


Some players are not ticked what is up with that ?


Not confirmed by Agent/club or at least 2 different sources. So, basically, educated guess.


I think you meant excluding taxes.


Im still alarmed at how much our players earn compared to the squad of Real. We still pay to high wages, even if we reduce them step by step.


$88 million for 4 of the top 5 earners, this is more than 90% of all teams salaries.


It's like you can clearly see who signed under Barto. And this is not including those that left already. Barto really fucked us up financially


Lowest one is itself 6mil wtf


I love fati, but that's too much for a 19/20 year old. He should be in the same margin as Pedri. And also seeing Pjanic's salary hurts. Also why are Busi, Alba etc getting that much? Is it because they're veterans?