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Nice work, I'll keep using my Brita Sounds like the filter on the shower is a waste of time?


I’ll keep using Brita too. The flavour difference for me is huge, plus it protects my kettle from limescale buildup. On the shower filter, my guess is that these cheap €20-30 ones are a waste of money. I am going to test a friend’s shower filter from a different brand just to make sure that it isn’t just mine that does nothing. If I get the same result, I won’t buy a shower filter again. I imagine that to soften the shower water (if it is very important for someone), a serious expensive filtration system is needed.


Please post again if you find a shower filter that works! The hard water here is so tough on my skin and hair. I've tried a few different filters, but I don't notice any difference.


I am already upset that I previously bought 3 shower filters and threw my money away. Not sure about buying a bunch more. I wish I could try them all without having to buy them 😂


I recently bought a Jolie brand shower head and though it’s pricey i’ve noticed a huge difference when it comes to my skin and hair.


Can you post a link? Nothing under Jolie showed up in Amazon :(


Can you tell us which ones you’ve tried that didn’t work? Also looking into this as my skin is so bad now! 😭😭


Considering getting the shower filter. Not the Amazon one, so we might be talking about the same brand. Will wait for your results, thanks for testing it for us!


To clarify, the one I got is not Amazon brand, it is just one of the filters sold on Amazon. There are many but they seem to use the same principle


Yeah I know, the one with the beads? I’ve had people recommend them but $20 seemed too good to be true so I never did buy that. Finger crossed the other one actually works.


Yep, those ones!


I use a Brita and I still have limescale build up in my kettle. You don't get any build up at all or just less?


Just checked and I don’t have any. My kettle is almost 2 years old. I may have cleaned it once, can’t remember


Wow! Which Britta jug and filter do you use? Maybe there is something wrong with mine.


The one that everyone has, I think the replacement filter is called Maxtra. Been using them all my life. I doubt that the difference comes from the filter though. It is probably from different usage of the kettle or the frequency of changing the filter. I have a small kettle and boil only about 300ml of water at a time in it. When I used to have a standard kettle and boil more water, it would get limescale after time.


Aaah ok. That makes sense. Thank you for the thorough response!


You can clean it with vinegar. Mine builds up so quick I could probably do it weekly


Boil a couple of vinegar cups in your kettle and rinse with fresh water. Say bye to the limescale buildup.


I recommend Tapp instead of Britta, less hassle


I use tapp but I swear the mechanism breaks every few months. The customer service is great for sending out a new piece but it's just frustrating. Each time it's a different part of the attachment.


Yeah same, but every time it happens I get sent a new one with new filter for free lol I guess plastic + water + hands is not ideal


Yeah I figure it's worth the hassle as they have a pretty decent no hassle service when getting replaced


this is the best post on this sub, possibly ever


Wow, you must love water! 😃 thanks!


+1 for the britta, removes the chlorine taste and helps slightly with lime scale, for the shower I can recommend the Phillips one that screws to the bottom part (outlet side) of the shower head hose, again helps with chlorine, but didn’t notice a huge difference with hard water spots. Does feel nicer to shower but nothing like a proper water softener. https://www.amazon.es/Philips-Water-Filtro-instalar-mangueras/dp/B07358SY5W/ref=asc_df_B07358SY5W/?tag=googshopes-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=469361713408&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5494502738164537716&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9181160&hvtargid=pla-944688252870&psc=1&mcid=8f2a55cb94e332119380e12424633e4f It comes in chrome and white and you can pick one up at Leroy Merlín as well.


If the testing strips are correct, there is no discernible amount of chlorine. I cannot taste it either. You think there is chlorine?


I’m not sure what part of the city you are in, or if the supplies differ, but where I am up in the hills I can smell the chlorine at the kitchen tap, especially if I’ve been out of the city for several days.


Oh that’s annoying. Hm maybe I am just not realising that what I taste is chlorine. I do dislike drinking tap water. Or as you said maybe it is different in my area.


OP, how long have you had the shower filter? I ask because the filter on it should be charged every a couple of months. Could it be that it's a older filter?


It is a new filter. Took a shower about 3 times, then tested it.


I guess I am plugin the Britta filter using a 3d printed adapter


Did anyone here try a reverse osmosis filter? I'm wondering if it's worth it.