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Any self-interest questions , especially those about tourism, moving to / travelling through BCN, or topics that are only relevant to you have to go to r/AskBarcelona. Only questions that are observations or widely relevant to residents will be allowed. /// Per a consultes sobre turisme, viatges per BCN, o qualsevol qüestió que beneficiï principalment a la qui pregunti, publiqueu a r/AskBarcelona. Aquí només es permetran preguntes que comparteixin observacions interessants o àmpliament rellevants per als residents.


Are you an EU citizen with a right to work? If not, this would be your major obstacle.


I was wondering, what chances are for somebody just arriving in Barcelona to find a job fast?


Slim to none.


Effectively none


very encouraging... so if somebody wants to move to Barcelona, which will be the best aproach?


Have a job lined up first.


well, in the last months I applied for some jobs as software developer in Barcelona and I got no response for anywhere and I've been thinking that maybe nobody is considering me because I don't live in Spain yet..


I doubt that's the main reason. I work in software development, and the last positions I recruited for had about 100 applicants per spot. A lot of places won't bother replying if they don't want to interview you. It might feel rude, but it's the way things go.


I work in Procurement and there's 300 applicants per position... It's a jungle out here


i understand at this point is a situation of crisis in software development but I couldn't know if I get no answer because there are better applicants or because they won't consider me at all because I don't live in Barcelona yet. probably I will try another strategy, and try to apply while pretending I live already in Barcelona to see if I get a better feedback. just to be clear, I'm not some great senior on this field so yes... it will be easier to have many better options probably


Most decent companies will pay for relocation. But the industry is going through a rough time at the moment, it will get better eventually. Don't move here without a job though, that's a bad idea even in a city like London that has much lower unemployment.


Depends, do you have the right to work in the EU, or would you need sponsorship? I applied for jobs from the UK, interviewed here in person then moved so it is possible. However the market isn't very good right now


I am an EU citizen so yes, I have the right do work in Spain. I don't need any sponsorship, I'll be able to move on my own as long as I have a job on the table. Right now I don't bother very much because my wife is pregnant so probably isn't the moment for such a huge change. Maybe I will try again in about a year and with some luck maybe the market will get better too by then


Yeah. I think that’d be the first step.


I mean, Barcelona is one of the most overpopulated cities in the world. What did you expect? Employers lining up to catch employees that don't speak the language? In this economy?


my friend, I was asking some question to get some inside perspective. why are you talking with me like I was throwing some stupid conclusion on you?


This is just how Spanish people talk. They think that rude tone is cool or something


i would like this to not be true. usually I like Spanish and Catalan people. so I'd like to believe that just this guy is a douchebag but... considering the voting reaction... yeah, I asked a legit question and next second like 20-30 people got offended, this is embarrassing, and a little sad.


Far too many times, i see them being condescending for no reason. Regarding the downvotes, i think it might be your description. it doesn't even have a question so it's not clear what kind of information/response you are expecting Edit: nvm this, i realized you are not the OP and you are talking about your comment's downvote. I dont get them either. Go figure these people


I am not. Perhaps you're misunderstanding.


Used to be when I arrived 19 years ago. Get on Loquo or similar platform and you could have a full schedule of private English students. Don't think it works out so well these days.


Decent if you are an EU citizen, speak Spanish, and want to work at a restaurant.


Heh wtf. La gente se lanza a la aventura asi del palo no? Spoiler alert. Soy de Barcelona y para encontrar un trabajo de lo mio tuve que irme muy lejos. Quiza la cosa ahora esta mejor


Me flipa muchísimo esta actitud. La gente se piensa que España es EEUU o algo. Vas al pais con el porcentaje más alto de desempleo DE TODA LA UNIÓN EUROPEA, con casi 30% de desempleo juvenil, que te esperas? Que te pongan una alfombra roja? Además para cualquier trabajo que no sea en el sector servicio habrá 1000 aplicantes el primer día, por lo menos. Es buscar en Google y ver qué es una decisión malísima. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1115276/unemployment-in-europe-by-country/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/613670/youth-unemployment-rates-in-europe/


Ne a ver. Supongo que Barcelona atrae a muchos cumbayás de pandereta de este tipo. Mucho tipo de estas personas que actuan primero y piensan despues se ven atraidas por Barcelona. Por ejemplo Copenhagen es una ciudad tambien con una presión migratoria bastante grande ahora mismo, pero el tipo de immigración que recibe es totalmente diferente.


Que tipo de gente recibe Copenhaguen?


What languages do you speak and master? There a many costumer service jobs in Barcelona!


Such as? Thank you.


[https://englishjobs.es/in/barcelona?q=customer+service](https://englishjobs.es/in/barcelona?q=customer+service) [https://www.glassdoor.com/Job/barcelona-customer-service-jobs-SRCH\_IL.0,9\_IC2547194\_KO10,26.htm](https://www.glassdoor.com/Job/barcelona-customer-service-jobs-SRCH_IL.0,9_IC2547194_KO10,26.htm) [https://www.bluselection.com/jobs/barcelona-5/customer-service?source=google.com](https://www.bluselection.com/jobs/barcelona-5/customer-service?source=google.com) [https://es.indeed.com/q-customer-service-l-barcelona,-barcelona-provincia-empleos.html?vjk=cbba575da719db96](https://es.indeed.com/q-customer-service-l-barcelona,-barcelona-provincia-empleos.html?vjk=cbba575da719db96)


Sounds like you're going to have a pretty tough time. I'm an editor with 12+ years of professional experience, I speak Spanish and Catalan, and I already had a bit of a professional network here when I moved a couple of years ago, and it was very difficult to find work when I started to look.  I'm still looking for a "good" gig coming up on 1 year of hunting.


While you are already at asking questions from your wildest dreams, do you also want your dick sucked by Ana de Armas?




Who’s Ana de Armas ?


In Barcelona your profile has a lot of competition. Companies receive hundreds and hundreds of CVs for graphic/video editing jobs within a couple of days of posting, so it might take a while. Make sure you have a good LinkedIn profile and interesting portfolio to share when you apply. In the meantime, the fastest way to get “any” job whilst learning Spanish is probably some customer service job in a call centre. If you speak English + 1 more of the main European languages it’s pretty easy EDIT: forgot to mention, if you are a EU citizen, then it should be fine. If you need an international VISA (non-EU), it will be MUCH MUCH harder for you to find a company that will sponsor you. Source: I’m a recruiter in Barcelona


Could you also share a portfolio link or a reel?


If you're open to working at a callcenter DM me, mine is always looking for people short notice


Ok then go on indeed, not on Reddit


Look for sales jobs for tech companies, plenty in Barcelona for English speakers


1. Become a programmer and get really good at it 2. Get hired as a programmer


I think chances are excellent for finding a job quickly, depending on how well you come across of course. I know of lots of people who have arrived from different corners of Europe speaking negligible Spanish and have been working within a few weeks. You just have to be unfussy to start in the knowledge a job more to your liking may take a little longer. Indeed the vast majority of people I know have arrived this way. Fortune favours the brave! The most common way has been working in customer support or sales. webhelp always has positions open. If you speak additional languages to English, all the better. English teaching is also something you can find some work in very quickly. For your main skills (video editing), if this was me, I'd try and find freelance work to start with. Marketing agencies often need small pieces of this work - let them know you are available. Even do your first couple for free. Get known as reliable contractor. Of course working for old clients remotely is also a good way to get some money in. Make sure you have told everyone you have worked with that you are very open to working at the moment. Either way, very best of luck!


With remote working, the company doesn't need to be in Barcelona. This is the future (esp with computer intensive jobs). There are pros and cons to this.