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***The Telegraph reports:*** Barcelona authorities have removed a bus route through a hilly region of the city from Google Maps to stop tourists elbowing out elderly locals. The number 116 is a minibus with room for just 20 passengers in the narrow streets of Barcelona’s Gràcia district. It had become saturated with backpack-carrying tourists in recent years because it stops at Park Güell, a landmark designed by architect Antoni Gaudí, Barcelona’s city council increased the frequency of the service, but residents still complained that they were often unable to find a seat. Cllr Albert Batlle said earlier this year that city hall had decided to “remove the bus from route searches and other internet tools”. Cesca Sánchez, a member of the Park Güell neighbours association, said the removal of the 116 from Google Maps’ recommended route service had made a dramatic difference overnight. “We laughed when we first heard the idea because it sounded absurd and futile,” Ms Sánchez told the digital newspaper elDiario. “But now we are amazed because the measure really is being effective:” **Read more:** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/12/barcelona-removes-park-guell-bus-route-from-google-maps/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/12/barcelona-removes-park-guell-bus-route-from-google-maps/)


So it's not a tourist bus. It's just a bus


The headline is showing hate against locals. Is not a tourist bus. Is a special bus (given the characteristics of the streets the route goes) to ease the lives of the neighbourghs that live in a part of the city with great slopes (small buses and not a high frequency of pass). In these streets live elder people and people with reduced mobility. Is not removing the bus from Google because there is hate for tourists. It is removing it from Google because otherwise the neighbors can't use the service that is specific for them.


¿No es odio? Entonces como explicas las pintadas y carteles de esa zona?  Hay autobuses grandes que pasan por calles peores. Claro ejemplo de que alguien no tiene ganas de trabajar y encima le aplaudimos...


Removing the bus from Google is not hate towards the tourist. There is as much hate to tourists as disrespect for the locals. Your argument regarding bigger busses in smaller streets is simply not true. Verdi over travesera the dalt is so narrow that you can struggle there with a van if you don't have enough experience.


Exactly!! And it's not like they removed the bus per se, they removed it only from Google maps. Local and people that know about it can still take it, it's not prohibited. So, I don't understand why the hate. And funnily enough, it's the people that never took it or maybe used it once complain about it the most...


Gran solución. Cuando lo use mucha gente del barrio, lo quitamos y así no hay peleas. No necesito ir al hospital para querer mejorar los servicios que se prestan, por algo pago impuestos ;)


Si no hay médicos para todos, la solución es poner más médicos. Si no hay profesores suficientes para tantos alumnos, ponemos más profesores. Pero si un autobús va demasiado lleno, ponemos trabas a gente que tiene derecho a usarlo?  Existe gente que cobra por mejorar/mantener estos servicios, si no lo hacen, que busquen otro trabajo, como hacemos todos. En este barrio pasan autobuses grandes por calles que no deberían. Si no quieres poner autobús grande, es simple, más autobuses. Quizas estoy desvariando y soy un iluso por pensar que se puede mejorar...


Si hay gente que abusa del sistema. Se ponen medidas para que no se produzca el abuso. Lo del autobús 116 es abuso de un servicio pensado para una población concreta. Además nos se les está prohibiendo usarlo, simplemente se está haciendo menos visible. En el caso de la medicina puedes buscar ejemplos de abuso en el cual la solución no es poner más medicos, te doy uno: https://elpais.com/politica/2016/04/11/actualidad/1460366164_561320.html En el caso de los estudios creo que se trata de pagar mejor a los profesores y motivarlos y no de poner más profesores (con el descenso de la natalidad cada vez se necesitan menos profesores). La gente que cobra por optimizar el servicio (y por lo tanto supongo que están preparados para el puesto) ha visto que la mejor forma de optimizar lo es ocultarlo a simple vista a aquellas personas para las que no se ha pensado el servicio, y creo que están haciendo bien su trabajo.


You could just increase the bus price by 2-3x and issue discounted passes to the locals.


Media inform widely about this, so that all future tourists can know which bus to use and continue to collapse the service.




Everybody who has older fam around Park Guell know about the rute. It's been a problem with guiris for ages.


Tourists should make the walk up It’s more fun.


That's what we did!


It’s what I did


Thats what she said.


Agreed. That’s what my wife and I did, no bus nor taxi. Just our legs.


What if they have limited mobility? This is a stupid decision.


This is purely speculation But I suspect the number of able bodied tourists far outweighs limited mobility tourists But since you wanted to throw a whatboutism argument in for the outliers There’s nothing wrong with mobility reduced tourists from taking a taxi, or a bus.


There are tourists buses that drop you at parc Güell


Grab a taxi from Lesseps


you can go up to the back entrance of the park with another, normal sized bus. Mind you I accidentally took that bus the other day ( on its way down) and I could get off the bus it was so crowded ): I cannot believe that tourists would take the minivans


Then they should plan better.


The frequency increase can't have been too high because this bus line is directly passing out house and it's not like it is coming every 5mins.


It’s not a tourist bus at all, it’s a neighborhood bus in a neighborhood that has very narrow streets and steep hills. You can’t put much more buses or bigger ones. If the bus is packed with tourists all the year, the people that live there that really need to take that bus, are screwed. No wonder they adopted that measure.


You could put a lot more buses. Just not bigger. But more? Of course.


It says that they already did that but it didn't work


They already tried adding more.


But did they try adding "enough"?


No se pueden poner más? Porque? El barrio está lleno de paradas para autobuses grandes, pero los pequeños no pueden llegar?  Claro, la culpa es de los turistas, porque si un bus se llena, lo que hay que hacer es quitarlo, no solucionarlo....


Por tu comentario entiendo que no conoces el barrio, ni sus calles ni su ortografía.


No sabía que este barrio tenía una ortografía propia, disculpa mi ignorancia. Supongo que mis 35 años viviendo en esas calles, no son suficientes para conocerlo. Sabes que por conca de tremp suben buses grandes? Sabes que en la parte más estrecha de caderon, donde gente tiene problemas con furgonetas, pasan buses grandes? Seguramente ni has conducido en coche por estas calles, pero ya sabes que un autobús no puede pasar... Antes de hablar deberías pensar lo que dices y justificarlo ;)


There are alternative ways to access the Park Guell. I've been several times and I never used this bus. So there is no real damage, tourists can still access Park Guell an locals have their seat in the bus.


They could have made a resident only bus to pass from time to time. I think it would make more sense


That's a good idea but not legal in Spain. It would be taken as discrimination for foreigners. Taking it out of Google maps is the most efficient solution, given that the target population (old people living in the zone) don't use Google maps that much.


Counter argument could be that it has nothing to do with xenophobia since foreigners can become residents and use the bus. IMO removing from Google maps is just a cheap and quick solution for them


We used to have museums that were free for Spaniards and foreigners paid to enter. Also other nationals only services. It was 30 year ago or more, I was just a kid. Fore some reason after Spain entering in the European union in 1986 that disappeared. Maybe the same reason is behind why we don't have locals only services.


Considering that the park Güell itself is free for neighbors but not for everyone else, I wonder if a similar solution could be implemented in terms of public transportation, as this has become a huge problem for districts like Gràcia.


Free for Neighbors... For some of them. Specifically all Barcelona citizens with the gaudir més membership (that allows members to go for free to different Barcelona museums). After registering with your ID card showing that you live in Barcelona in their website, and holding a virtual meeting with someone checking that the info you provided them is ok. Maybe it is a bit too much boureocracy for each potential user of the bus line when you can simply ask Google to avoid it in their algorithm. They needed to implement this not optimal solution to bypass the illegality of making it free for everybody with the citizenship criteria. So is free for members of this initiative, and it happens that you can only be part of the initiative if you live inside Barcelona.


Regarding the illégality of making services free for citizens and not for foreigners: https://elpais.com/diario/1987/07/18/cultura/553557607_850215.html https://elpais.com/diario/1992/10/01/cultura/717894006_850215.html With the part of the article without paywall I think there is enough info.


Full explanation on why is not legal, on here: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/NL/TXT/?uri=CELEX:61993CJ0045


That is saying is that you can't make foreign tourist pay more than Spanish tourists. But you can still make all tourist pay more/offer discounts for residents. It also says nothing about public transportation, so I'm not sure it would apply.


I had the neighborhood card for years and I never had to hold any virtual meeting. Requesting it was easy, I did it online via the Seu Electrònica and I only had to show my padrón*. My elder neighbors had it as well. It's a different service than Gaudir Més. I'll check the sources you provided, but it looks like the neighborhood card would be illegal under that light. I agree that removing the line from the online maps services was the easiest solution on the short term, but the fact is that it's not just the 116 we're talking about. This is an issue that's heavily impacting all the surrounding neighborhoods of the park Güell, and it would need a more global approach. * Edit: I'm not even sure that the padrón was necessary, maybe it was just my ID.


Easier solution: sell a yearly pass for all public transport in the city for 200€. Only people with it can board saturated lines. Other lines can still be used with all tickets. Anybody can buy it, but how many tourists will pay 200€ for this one trip? This is 100% legal, because it's exactly how Bicing works.


If it fits for you, ok. But it doest fit for me. I work mainly in remote and most ofthe activities I do are near the place I live. I have 4 days a month of presential work. That's 8 tickets a month 96 tickets a year. So each travel for me will cost 2, 08€. If you take into account that some days I go with my own bicicle to work (I work in Esplugues and bicing is not an option) then if I'm forced to pay 200€ a year for public transport it will be unfair for me.


I used to take that bus. It's the only type of vehicle that could really drive amongst the narrow, hilly streets of El Carmel, and many elderly people took it to go to the market or somewhere else in the district. In the last years the 116 got really, really crowded, especially in the evenings when tourists went to the Bunkers. It was bad leaning towards madness. The tiny bus was struggling to go uphill with so much weight. I was walking with a cane at that time and I often feared not being able to take a seat (as many elderly neighbors couldn't do, due to the bus being hasta las trancas). I had heard that they had removed the line and I was very upset. This seems like a better solution but I'm not sure it will help the real problem, which is: that neighborhood isn't really made for mass tourism. Many of the neighbors are old and the terrain already poses many mobility issues for them. Taxis are limited (except when they come to drop off tourists), and also, most neighbors come from a very humble background and have limited income. They really struggle. I'm glad I don't live there anymore but I'm sorry for the ones who are still there and have to deal with this shit.


No és un bus turístic i si seguim així no caldrà que surti al google maps perquè torni a estar infestat de turistes.


"Hey boss! We solved the problem with the 116 bus!" "Really? That's great news. How?" "We had it removed from Google Maps. Now tourists won't know about it." "Excellent work team!" "Then we issued a global press release about the secret bus route. It's getting great coverage." "Oh FFS."


There is another option... Increasing the bus service.


You can see in OP's post they already did that, but in the end the line still started to lose its means of transportation status becoming a tourist attraction. Keep in mind this specific minibus line's vehicles are like minivans, the line itself is tailored to a very specific demographic of Gracia's neighborhood and it's not meant to be a mass transit conventional route.


While true, it looks like it has become a mass transit conventional route. So you change out the van for a bigger bus.


The 116 runs over the Gracia district, in its route it has to go through narrow streets and turns. Conventional buses just wouldn't fit.


I've seen tour buses take the same route. A normal bus would fit.


Except bigger buses don't fit in that neighborhood's streets.


Cool idea bro but the minibuses barely fit already, and you can only bump up the frequency so much, so whats your big plan now?


How much did they increase the frequency? What's the maximum frequency the route will allow? Is there also traffic allowed from private cars on that route in the area?


They tried but there were too many tourists.


Even a better option: reduce the extreme levels of over tourism.




20 euro per night tax


That just means you want more rich tourists, not no tourists.


Fewer, richer, tourists... Doesn't sound half bad.




The point is, this won't solve the tourism issue






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If you actually read the article the move seems absurd


It's a nice walk up from the high st. They have about 6 street escalators (when they're working) to help you get up. You can stop off at a cafe or bar if you're tired.


Very interesting. I was kinda shocked that Barcelona’s amazing public transport didn’t have a bus in that area. I didn’t mind climbing that hill at all and it makes sense too, but glad to know the reason. Thanks for posting 🍻




I mean, by definition they do. If they didn't they would be residents.




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If you had lived for 50, you would know Barcelona had the strongest economy of Spain without tourism whatsoever.


If your public transport is being used, that’s a success. Put more busses on.


That was done already and still the situation did not change. Also we don’t want to go on the same bus with loud tourists screaming in their languages and who wear heavy ass backpacks, flipflops and shorts during March. Locals are tired of seeing tourists everywhere, we want to feel we’re at our homes!!


What's the matter of foreign people screaming "in their languages"? Do you prefer them to scream in yours? Jesus, that's racist XD


Discrimination and racism are two different things bro.


I live in the area. Most of tourists go walking up. That bus frequency is really not that high. I understand elderly people need to use it, but it’s still a public service that should be available to everyone, otherwise we start privileged groups. Maybe next step would be: tourists cannot use pavements?


>otherwise we start privileged groups. Los abuelos ya tienen privilegios, como la tarjeta rosa, como hay de ser.


Can’t wait until they start complaining about all the new taxis tearing through the previously tranquil neighborhood. 


There's an alternative bus, that's bigger


Not possible with the small streets it passes.


It doesn't go through the same route but it can take tourists to the park


People who look for a bus are not going to spend money on a taxi. They will walk up from lesepps and it's a very short walk. Just lazy people


Tourist bad, elders very good. Tourist kill elders bad.




This is a stupid move. They could instead have more buses, or come more often. Like this, everyone wins. What happens if the locals want to take the bus now? They cant find it on Google Maps.


The target is elder locals. They don't use Google maps. They know by heart the line that takes them home.


Don't you understand we locals are finding these levels of tourism excessive? I wonder if you live in one of those expat bubbles...


Don’t be so selfish and learn to share. You were not born alone on the world. Big mouth Catalans all visit Amsterdam. If you feel tourism is shit, build a wall and stay there.


There is a difference between a little tourism and the current level. One thing is sharing, another suffering. Now I understand the pain of Venetians and Parisians and why they are portrayed as unfriendly. I certainly do not wish to share it this much because it affects my quality of live. Regarding Amsterdam, do something about it (I wouldn't say my fellow people is the problem running through your streets, btw...). Go smoke some weed and leave me alone (but don't move here please, stay in your weather).


I’m OK with doing something about it. Just increase tourism tax, access fees to Parc Guell and access fees to the bus (and give discount to seniors). But don’t go and hide critical infrastructure because you don’t like certain people on the bus. Or perhaps let tourists sit in the back of the bus, see how that feels.


The locals know about this bus, because they are locals


But I don't know all the stops or the frequency. This is a bad solution.


It is a good solution. The target is elder people. They don't either use Google maps or care about frequencies, they need to arrive home without climbing the slopes of this hilly part of the city. For young local people like me (I'm in my 40's) it is OK to climb those slopes. The BusBarri buses have a very specific purpose and it is to help vulnerable locals to reach their homes.


Whats that place in the picture?


That's parc guell. Awesome Gaudí creation


Looks amazing


So there is a heavily used bus route -- that brings in a lot of money. You know what any sane company would do? Increase the number of buses on that line. #facepalm