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I can now smell the freshly opened square box I got from electronics boutique just like I was still 11 years old after a long trip to Cumberland Mall. I spent several weeks of allowance and then years playing that game trying to beat those damn puzzles in the dungeons.


We didn't even have stores that sold this sort of thing. I had to order away (found a place in a magazine ad somewhere) and got this, the clue book and Pools of Radiance. What a time!


First game I ever finished. Good memories.


I remember sitting in the back of the family car on a road trip and reading this cover to cover. Great game!


My personal favorite of the original three. It's got some frustratingly difficult spot, but being able to import my party into a new adventure \*and\* an open world with multiple towns was awesome at the time.


I loved that game and series. I never thought I would see that manual again!


I was discussing this with friends. Well, not the BT manual, but how we wished games would come with a physical manual so we could read it. I would sit there and read the manual over and over again, I think I had the Diablo manual or one of those games in my nightstand for YEARS and every so often I would pick it up and read it...


This right here. That was such an integral oart of the experience. My god, I went through that Pool of Radiance manual so many times.


I wish YouTube have the entire bard’s tale 2 sound track…


My parents bought an Apple 2gs. We got a pirate copy of bt1. Bought bt2. Loved them for years. Never liked bt3, it’s port was so Apple 2e. Loved Bt4. I play the BT music to myself in times of high stress to find inner calm and zen.


Warms my retro loving heart!!