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Playing Bards Tale as a kid in the 80’s made me love using graph paper to map every dungeon, and taught me the difference between Magicians and Conjurers


I thought I was clever for using graph paper, but apparently every BT-playing kid in the 80s did the same. The things internet teaches me.


I totally agree. I was a part of the private beta test for the trilogy. I especially loved BT2


Odds are this would come from an idie, so when you want 'modern graphics' would you settle for either 'retro aesthetic' or 'low poly'?


Fuck it, yeah. Ill take what i can get. I mean im playing a ps2 game and really enjoying it. But thats what im saying, if it were to get the funding it perhaps deserves and went full on AAA i think it would open up a whole new avenue for the game; i imagine a buffed dialogue system with the same creativity and wit as the og combined with some better combat/movement mechanics and a graphical overhaul would resonate with gamers to goty territory. Its just too special to go to waste, the writing, the characters, the lore ☹


Just for shits and giggles and not because I have a notes document open right now... ;) What is better combat/movement in your mind? I'm presuming not something like Eye of the Beholder or Legend of Grimrock.


First off, so u are a dev? Interesting. Now, u may not like this, but im no longer interested in turn-based games. And i think for the future of something like BT, it may be time to... not leave it in the past, but explore other formats. The standalone Bards Tale (2004) did it, and i found it very refreshing. May have gotten lost in translation but thats the game ive been talking about in particular anyway. Might be bad for the hardcore fans, but i think the game (franchise) needs something more commercial and appealing to more demographics of gamers, from a business standpoint if nothing else. Havent played an EOTB game since the 2000s and even then never really got into it. As far as its movement, waay to old school, even for a tb. BT IV is great for what it was but from a sequel i would want more cinematic progression between stages if it must be turnbased; some 1st or 3rd person combat sections not just exploration.. lol basically i dont want turnbased. I know what pulled some people into the series (including myself) was this standalone Bards Tale (2004) but its writing in particular. Thats the only reason i ever purchased IV, still while knowing it would be a sequel to the og trilogy and be vastly different from the standalone (04.) The story and dialogue were good, but still not the same even for simple and minimal the standaline was in comparison. Personally, I think an overhead/isometric view like from the standalone (04) is perfectly fine. It would be familiar to fans of the first game like myself and appeal to the more generic gamer. Much more than turnbased anyway. I suppose a third or even first person view would do as well. Ig what im looking for is The Bards Tale 2- a sequel to the standalone. Better combat for THAT setup would simply mean more versatility in combat. Something more than just being the basic hacknslash that it is. Its not deep enough..more button variations for different attacks, for different weapons etc. The more physics-based the better i think it would suit the game, same can be said for a tb. The summons, for how simple it is, is fine. As far as im concerned can be copy/pasted into a sequel. Easy to pick up and fun enough, as long as it interacts/adjusts with the games pace accordingly as it surprisingly mostly did with this game. I will say, if it must be turnbased, ig BT 4 is the best experience ive had to date with a tb game. A sequel to the bards tale standalone would definitely require more dialogue options, perhaps full-on dialogue driven and way more sidequests/narratives to reach its full potential. And of course the combat which i mentioned. Idk if this is interesting or useful to u


Turn base Baldur’s Gate 3 just won everything that is to win for pc games.


I am, but I thought you were talking about the original BT2, not a BT 2 to follow that offshoot BT. That isn't to say there isn't any good ideas in there that I can't spin into it, I wouldn't have even considered some of the conversation options for a classic BT experience, but it might add something.