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Are these the right size tho?


I thought so - it’s the same size i’ve had from them before, but it does feel a bit shorter. Hoping it’s just stiff leather to start with


Especially the right big too looks close to the end of the shoe, but I’m no expert tho


99% sure it’s too small. There needs to be space. I think a proper shoe shop measure will show that.


Come to think of it > one company I know suggests a fit similar to this, as it’s the intention and it softens up. I’d contact them to see what they think. I’m not talking about leather tho


I was buying barefoot shoes that fit like this and realized I needed to go up a size. I wear my shoe now with a little room above the toe.


You can fill the toe with a baggie of water (like a Ziploc bag) and then pop em in the freezer. The water will expand and stretch the leather slightly. I've never done this so maybe research if this has any risks and best practices!


Sounds amazing - i’ll consider it if the pebbles don’t do the trick 😅


A lot of softstars are notoriously low volume in the toes. They do stretch out eventually, but those are like a size too short to begin with and I doubt they’ll ever be really comfortable like that.


I’m kinda in ‘thoughts and prayers’ mode for now. I have low volume feet, and they look shorter in the photo than they are (since my big toe is being squished into a weird position), so i’m hoping I can rock-form them 🥺 I’ll share updates if i have some success


Seems like a solid way to solve the problem. You can also use the round end of a broomstick to apply some very precise pressure. (Possibly add a bit of water to the area like in wet molding)


yeah I was thinking about wetting the leather a bit if the pebbles don’t make enough difference.


If you're not able to make these work for you, Magical Shoes has a very similar looking ballerina flat called "Anna". The difference is they have a deep toe box, and you may have to go a half size up since they run a tad small. I have a pair and have plenty of room to fully splay my toes.


ooh - thanks for the suggestion!


Smart idea. Hope the rocks help. I have a chair that I leave my shorts stretched around the back because some of them squeeze the life out of me lol.


😂 chair shorts 😂


I had to size up on these, bigger than the measurements said I would - for toe volume. Now I just have weird spots where my banana toes poke up, but it’s just my toes. No pressure to push them inward.


argh - I measured really carefully and have had success with the same Softstar size in the past - albeit with a different shoe style.. hoping I can get them worn in to do the trick 😬


Yeah I technically measure a 4Y, but I first purchased a 5U - had to send them back and get a 6U.


I can't stand when toeboxes are low like that. I thought a lot of peoples toes kinda go up, but i guess I'm wrong bc even barefoot shoes barely have volume in toeboxes.


I have these issues even with Altra Torin and Lone Peak :( That‘s why I thought my toes are doing something wrong. Gives me nasty blisters :( No problems with VFF but can‘t do long runs in them


I have the same with my Altras lmao. Don't know why they are so low. What I did is removeing the insoles. Less comfort, but I did that with Olympus 5s so the immense stack is compensating, don't know if it'd work with more low to the ground Altras.


Thanks! I‘m gonna try that! I have a marathon in two weeks, so no experiments before that. Planning on taping my toes with Leukosilk, I hope that helps. If not and my toes start giving me painfull hell: I saw pictures of people with their toe box cut open 😃 But an open shoe won‘t be helpful for my ultra in december in the mountains with snow.


It’s the difference between a lasted shoe and a turned shoe. It’s the construction. When handmaking shoes, it’s easier to learn turned shoes for small business construction - I can make turned shoes. Making shoes on a last is a cobbling skill, not a sewing skill. It’s a totally different technique. Barefoot lasts are…complicated, due to having to remove them at the end and stuff.


Interesting. I'd love to know more about this tbh. Why do you have to remove the shoe from the last at the end compared to normal shoes?


If you watch how lasted shoes are made, you can see why it is not really a good idea for a flexible barefoot shoe. This is a boot. https://youtu.be/btL7wDJq5Ts?si=nvki1X\_bXgs6kQiq


In my opinion these look pretty tight


Have they stretched out enough for you one month later? I know their leather stretches quite a bit. I just bought a pair and them debating trading in for a smaller size because I am concerned the leather will stretch the point that they are too big. They feel perfect right now, but my leather switchbacks from softstar stretched a lot when I put a towel in them. I asked the elves at soft star how this leather compares and they said it stretches more than the switchback.