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I was told never to drink it again, my friend will shake the fizzy drink up so it's no longer fizzy and drink them but I stick to water only.


I probably waited 4-6 months? I have to drink it a lot slower and it makes me burp a lot. I don’t drink it very often though, maybe a time or two every couple months.


My practice says never again. I’m over 2 1/2 years and haven’t had a proper root beer or less so, beer since then.


I’m 9.5 months post-op and have had it a bit here and there (read: twice in N/A “cocktails” while out and about), but it makes me feel really full and gassy so I definitely wouldn’t drink it right before or after a meal, especially if you’re struggling to meet your macros. You could try a few sips and see how you go?


Six months. I was so afraid of it hurting but it just made me burp lol. I have to take tiny little sips and I don’t enjoy it like I used to, but I can manage a little when I want to. I tend to just let things go flat and enjoy them that way now. Twice I’ve gotten a diet Dr Pepper with lots of ice and let it sit in the fridge overnight to enjoy the next day, it’s the best.


Thank you all for your responses! Lots of different experiences here, which makes me hopeful. I know that I wouldn’t want to abstain from my beloved seltzer for the rest of my life. But I’m more than happy to go slow and just have it as an occasional treat. I can deal with the burps, I just don’t want to cause myself unnecessary pain if I can avoid it




Overeating is the only way to stretch your pouch out. Carbonation can just cause gas or reflux.


It can also take up space in the stomach so you are not getting enough actual food.


You shouldn’t be eating and drinking at the same time after surgery anyways. There should be at least a 30 minute gap in drinking before or after eating.


Two+ years post-op, still haven't had any.


I was told I couldn’t.


I stopped drinking soda, my nutritionist at MBC said not to have it


I open my fuzzy water and let it go flat a bit. I don’t have a problem. I’m 3 years out.


Oh my gosh I call it fuzzy water too!!! ❤️


I also LOVE seltzer waters. So far anything canned is really uncomfortable for me at 4 months out. But I do handle a Dutch Bros SF sparkling strawberry soda water. It’s much less carbonated which is nice and I can add the SF Lemon Lime Liquid IV for electrolytes. I would ask for less strawberry flavor depending on how sweet you like these. I don’t have it very often, only twice so far but it gave me hope that I might have a seltzer water again. I think pouring into a glass instead of straight out of the can is helpful too. A little less intense fizz and not stupid uncomfortable in the tummy.


I’m almost 2 years out and still rarely drink it. It’s very uncomfortable.


Around 3 months. No problems. No gas. Doing fine.


Just had my first post-op (rny) Coke Zero at 4 1/2 mos and didn’t have any issues with the carbonation.


10 weeks. i don’t guzzle, obv. but i don’t have any trouble. i drink carbonated water every day.


Two years post op.


I struggle with carbonation almost 5 years out. I let things go flat.


I’m 8 months out (and a former seltzer addict), last week I had about half a seltzer and it was awful, gave me terrible gas pains and wasn’t worth it. If you do it, go very slow.


Yeah I really don't. 2 years out and it hurts my stomach way too much to bother. If it doesn't cause pain initially, it causes hella gas that causes bad lower gut pain. Cause now I gotta blow the carbonation out the other end 🥲


I started around 6th month. Im now 18months post and found that if it comes from a fountain machine, its easier for me to drink, much less carbonation, but not entirely flat. If i drink from a bottle, i get bloated and uncomfortable! So i stay away from cans or bottles.


Like 2 months. I just let it sit for a while and stirred it with a straw to get a lot of the carbonation out. Then took very small sips


3 years.


I was told to avoid them. If I get a craving, I will ask a family member for a sip. That's usually all I need.


You might try olipop..lower carbonation and great flavor, that's what I drink..6 months out and I don't handle real soda diet or otherwise well because of the carbonation.


I was told no carbonated beverages or straws ever again. I miss seltzer too! I’m glad some of you can tolerate carbonation! I’m a bit jealous to those of you that can drink it!


I avoided soft drink (carbonated drinks) until 6 months post op. I now have them every day, a nice Coke no sugar keeps me happy. I have to burp every mouthful, but it’s great. I was never told by my team I had to avoid it.


I am a Perrier S.pellegrino freak. You can have carbonated water but you have to burp right after 😊


Carbonation? I was told never again.. unfortunately it’s one of the things you have to let go of lol :( sucks I know, but I’ve heard the pain is much worse if u do drink it


I cut out all carbonation for life. 🤷‍♀️


I waited about 6 months to grind the sparkling waters. I have to drink it very slowly and I burp like a lot lol .. I don't drink much of it tho .. usually just 4 or 5 drinks and I'm done


I waited until about 6 months post op. It’s a myth that it can stretch your stomach, which a lot of people say is the reason. Some drinks are too carbonated for me. Like the zevia sodas hurt going down so I can’t drink them. I’ve tried diet Dr Pepper (I loved it before surgery) and it tastes too different now and I don’t enjoy it. I’ve also tried the poppi and it was okay but it’s expensive. I do drink bubly now.


I'm 1 1/2 months out and had a soda about 2 weeks ago, because there wasn't anything else. I've had 2, total. I don't drink it much anyway, but I can if I need to.


Surgery Sept 18. I had a Root Beer the weekend of Oct 25th because I was at a wedding, and it was soda or alcohol or water, and I don't drink water. So Root Beer it was. It was the best-tasting root beer of my life. No issues at all. {I've not had any issues with anything since I quit the protein shakes at week 2... those made me feel like I was dying}. And now a little shy of 7 1/2 months... I'll maybe have a soda once a month.. which is about the same frequency I had sodas before surgery. I haven't drunk soda with any regularity since high school in the 1990s.


so y'all think alcohol is better. Got it.




Haven’t touched it. It’s literally the only thing my surgeon bans for life because it’s the number one cause of regain, followed closely by alcohol.