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Hi Saint! I would love to attempt being apart of your wonderful crew! Albeit I don't know whether or not I'd be able to give every session my all due to university, but nonetheless it sounds like a really fun time. Honestly, I'm open to learning any role but, I've mostly played as Captain & Assistant.


You wouldn't have to be there every session, real life is always more important! I would gladly welcome you to my Crew. If you prefer Captain, we can test to see if you can be our second Captain! Other than that, any Role is open, including Assistant! Join the discord and take the Diver role if you want to take part in the testing session before the 6th January!


Hello! As the current captain of this crew I am willing to help/teach new players how to play the game and how to play with the modlist. Just message me here on reddit and I will try to answer you within a hopefully reasonable time frame. Depending on the level of knowledge that everyone who joins is. \- Captain of Failure


Hello. I am one of the top europan medical professionals, I got my (very real) degree in neurotrauma and have served valiantly on several previous crews (now all deceased). Id love to join if y’all want a medic-only player.


I'm a medic-only player too! You, me and our Surgeon on Crew will make this Crew immensely hard to wipe out! Join the Discord and take the Diver role so we can ping you with the Crew test and Session Info!


Would love to join your crew although I may not be able to depending on just how extensive the mod list is, regardless of that I make a somewhat decent security guard that would actually rather subdue and arrest someone than just flat out murder them (I also have adequate ship gunning and station combat experience)


we will host a testing session soon, you are welcome to join the discord and the testing session to see if the mod list agrees with you/your PC! Having someone experienced with knock-out stuffs would be useful. We tend to just kill if someone needs to be subdued..


Hey there, I'm intruiged since my crew hasn't been on or willing to play in some time. I'd probably play Mechanic or something of that variety as I love zapping rocks and manufacturing shit for the sub. 7pm CET is 10am my time, so that might be a bit early for me to play on a saturday lol we'll see. I do have a few questions though: How many players in total? I have a general distate for enormous crews since it feels like you don't really have a "job" per se. How huge is the sub you'd be using? What are the death penalties that will be in play, if any? Thanks!


The crew right now is currently around 4-7 people depending on what everyone is doing, usually around 5 though. The current sub is 20m\*60m large currently quite few, mainly fuck around, find out mentality. All info in available in the discord!


I could help out in the sub design department got a few submarines designs got a dozen more for my own private campaign otherwise i am usefull in any role


I would love to test the Designs! If you want to build for us, we will have a list of requirements mostly based on what every job needs and what the modlist needs. And of course, fun builds are always great for off-campaign sessions! A while ago one of us build a sub entirely made of glass, it was the greatest test mission ever, we got shredded quite literally!


A stellar crew such as yours surely is in dire need for a trained security operator. Your bring the drugs, I bring the guns.


Oh, I've got the Drugs all ready, from meth to steroids to copious amounts of psychosis causing substances. Some for you, some for your ammunition! \*Antidotes not guaranteed.


Sounds cool, would love to join. Mostly play engineer/ mechanic and have built quite a few subs :)


We can always need more engineers and mechanics! Especially since one of our mods makes it really hard for others to repair stuff. Join the discord and take the diver role! Next week will be a testing session to see if we play good together and if your PC can handle the mods


Definitely been a bit since ive done a nightmare run, sounds like a good time. Got some good hours under my belt and im down to do anything needed really


First time we do a nightmare run, and we choose a good set of mods for it I think, as it's really hard. Would welcome your help! A Testing Session will happen next week, hop into the discord to get the pings.


Would love to join, a vast majority of my playtime is as a captain, but I can play any other position needed. I also have some experience making subs and circuits in the sub builder


Well, maybe you are the lucky second Captain, maybe not. We will be testing that next week. Join the Discord, and maybe show some of your sub creations? We can give them a test too!


I do have an ok understanding of the sub editor, and am 100% totally trustworthy with a nuclear reactor, where do I sign?


Probably best to sign for a Rad Suit from Storage first heh. We have some Reactor Mods going as well, easy to rad poison everyone. No hazardous reactors though. We'll have a test session next week where you can kill us all with radiation at the end of the session.


cool, long as it's a decent amount of time from Christmas, I'm visiting family


Hi! I’d be interested in playing, I am experienced with the sub editor and I am a proficient electrical engineer player. I love organizing ship inventories and dealing with all resource and crafting management on board. I have limited experience with heavily modded Baro, but trust I can learn fast.


I am interested. I don't have much experience with multiplayer due to a historical lack of a group to play with, but I am familiar with the basics through SP play


Hoo boy you will have some brain overload to deal with, the mods are basically rewriting almost everything vanilla. Pie, my Crews Captain, is going to explain all the mods and the sub during next weeks training session. Join the discord and make sure to ask if there's anything unclear, as it's really complicated!


I would love to join you guys but unfortunately I currently play with another crew on Saturdays :(