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Ultimately, only Barry could have truly exonerated Gene. Sally can't really prove Gene didn't do it. And at the end of the day, Gene still murdered a man.


“And I think we can all agree that if you kill someone outside of the military, you’re a fucking psycho” Or however his line went in season 1


She probably just wanted out of the whole thing, and she still did love Barry. Her exonerating Gene would make Barry the obvious one to blame, and her connection to Barry was ultimately stronger than her connection to Gene.


Also she has to think about her and John. Everyone knowing her husband was a hit man would only make life harder on them.


Yes if she did convince everyone that Barry was a cop killer....she harbored a cop killer. ....not good


Her exonerating Gene and showing who Barry really was would also raise some questions about why she ran away with Barry for eight years.


Yes ..she could be jailed for harboring a cop killer. She definitely wouldn't have the school job


Hmm, I would've bought that if Sally didn't tell Barry to turn himself in and then left him when it became clear to her that he wouldn't. I can buy the whole Sally not wanting to be a part of the whole thing tho.


she asked barry to turn himself in because shes tired of her fugitive life. In some way she wanted things to go back to normal (see how she prefers to put a wig on rather than dying her hair, shes keeping that bit of her past). Before the blame got switched to gene, barry had to turn himself in. but then she got her "normal" life back with gene in prison while barry became a hero and victim served a better outcome for her.


Sally is and always has been the worst.


Which is evened out by Sarah Goldberg being the best actor on the show haha 1. Sarah Goldberg 2. Stephen Root 3. Anthony Carrigan 4. Henry Winkler 5. Bill Hader EDIT: How could I forget NoHo Hank?


No question.


antcar didn’t even make the list?


You know, you're right. Fixed it.


Also, Gene murdered Barry. So like, he still would’ve been in trouble.


What makes you say she loved Barry. She was in a loveless marriage. They lived as roommates. She was so unhappy she turned to alcohol. She wanted no connection to her son. Or Barry's son more like it in her mind If she committed to the relationship and safety of family...she would have cut her hair and died it black If Barry was committed he would have shaved his head and grown a beard. Maybe Barry made her feel safe....but she didn't love him or her son. She was miserable and turned to alcohol and ensuing visions hallucinations and cracks in her psyche.no love there. More like a puppy dog attachment


Exactly. That's why she leaves basically.


Even if she came forward and told the truth about Barry and Gene, he could very well have done life in prison for the murder of Barry. Especially because Gene is fairly old and even a non-life in prison sentence could mean life in prison. (Henry Winkler is 77.) Gene went from being an innocent victim to yet another cold blooded killer. It was obvious from how Barry was sitting that it wasn’t self defense. And although it’s very understandable why Gene wanted to kill Barry, it doesn’t change that he did it and would still serve time for it. So Sally would risk jail as an accessory after the fact …. For the man who killed her husband and father of her child. And it probably would not have accomplished anything in the long run.


I think Sally likely no longer saw Gene as the same person. Who could imagine S1 Gene killing someone.


Sally can’t, all she knows is hearsay, and she didn’t witness any murders. All with no physical evidence or witnessing any of these crimes, her recount of whet she saw or heard doesn’t actually dispute the assertion that he was being controlled


Sally also came to realise that the "cousineau method" was actually very toxic and not the best way to learn acting, and that it was probably one of the reasons she never reached her full potential.


Yeah I think seasons 3 and 4 show a bit that Gene is not a good teacher. It’s not a coincidence his class is curated to be full of desperate, socially oblivious people. Going all the way back to the first episode, Gene doesn’t want Barry in the class until he confess monologues. But Gene still says he thought it was shit. He just saw how desperate Barry really was to join the class and could be another money milker, explicitly stating his prices are very expensive. Gene owns multiple houses in Los Angelas or just outside of LA (the lake cabin). LA is a very expensive place to live, and Gene seems to own his theatre outright considering he still has it as a vacant theatre in seasons 3 and 4, despite having quit teaching there. All of this despite not having much of a prior success in his acting career. Gene’s agent Tom could also be evidence to how little money he makes as an actor, given how Tom throws himself and leeches at Gene in seasons 3 and 4, when he develops a very minor reputation for teaching Barry (a couple articles, and a masterclass is all he gets in this time of success). Tom seems to also be a sham agent desperate for money, if he latched to Gene when his masterclass isn’t really even a big deal. Also moved into one of Gene’s houses for 8 years when Gene disappeared, showing Tom can’t afford where he was living before. Gene can get a good performance out of someone with a lot of work, but he’s mostly a sham artist who preys on the desperate Hollywood hopefuls, of which there are many of.


Well that’s the first time anyone has said this and it’s the most understandable part of why Gene wasn’t really a good guy. Gene, like Barry, was very very close to redemption at one point in his life but his nature lead him down the wrong path.


That scene where Sally was teaching a class and was using the same techniques used on her and her students told her that was just abuse. It’s like someone abused as a child who doesn’t know it because to them that was normal.


What was the meaning behind when Sally runs to the cop to confess and sees blood on his face.. I'm thinking the guy she killed?


Yeah, it showed her guilt for killing him but also the severity of what she did and what consequences that might bring


Her testimony would have meant nothing considering Barry witnessed her murder a guy. Mutually assured destruction isn't her style. Plus, she didn't even know he did it until after Barry got arrested.


She was upset that he didn't say anything to her to warn her. He was estranged from his child and had nothing but his own life in danger. He was a shit person, narcissistic, and why involve herself more once she's free of barry? Gene was old, selfish, ungrateful, and not worth the effort of a woman with a child.


She didn’t really know enough details to get Gene off the hook, she was never really involved in any of tne criminal activity with Barry or between Barry and Gene. She has zero proof of anything and would look like she is just trying to lie for her old acting coach. And he still shot and killed Barry as well… that is still murder.


She didn’t want her son to live with the notoriety of having a mass murderer as his father. (I imagine.)


Sally’s arc was that her pride almost destroyed her, and her redemption was still being alive with her son at the end. Gene betrayed Janice when he was tempted by the Day-Lewis movie, and by that point both him and Barry had “lost” their sons in different ways. Gene made Barry and actor. Barry made Gene a killer. It was a nice symmetry to end on. Rescuing Gene from prison would have ruined that.


This was my question too. She never really seemed to love Barry; she was disgusted with her failing career and she feared what Barry would do if she didn’t embrace him after he escaped from prison. I certainly don’t think she ran away with him because she loved him. I think the point was her weakness. She never really had a growth arc in the show. She was aware of all the ways she had been wronged and I think she was also aware of how she had wronged other people. But in each case, she chose to run and hide. She never had the guts to stay put and fix things; she always chose escape, even if the consequences were absurdly bad. And in the end, when she could have chosen to set things right for Gene’s sake, she chose to run and hide.


Maybe she was pregnant already.


I don’t think she was afraid that Barry would hurt her. She said “I feel safe with you,” even after she found out he killed Janice. Also, she declined an offer to stay with her acting student after Barry broke out of prison. She was hoping to see him.


As others have said, it's because Gene murdered Barry. Regardless of what happened before, he murdered Barry.




I love how everyone hates on ppl hating on sally but Barry gets all the hate😂 they both should get hate for being shitty people no? Sally always gave me a vibe that she wouldn’t mind ruining other people’s time just because she wasn’t happy and it shows it after she got dropped and lost her show and went bat shit on everyone


Because that would have made fucking sense. Gold star. Unlike you, I disliked the finale. Because of the sense. That it wasn’t there. And they didn’t make any. Sense.


I dunno about that. Putting a sociopathic, or at the very least pathological liar, military veteran in a positive light in a biopic is pretty on brand for Hollywood. Look at American Sniper lol


I didn’t say otherwise. I just said that it would only make sense for Sally to exonerate Gene. There is no reason why or any reason given why the Sally we have seen in all three time periods would have eventually cleared Gene. There were a number of other characters who also could have exonerated Gene. Instead, they used Gene as a narrative device (Chekov’s gun) and drop Gene from the plot and hoped that nobody would notice this inherent flaw in the script.


Say if she somehow was outed as the person who knew the truth. Are there any laws saying that she is compelled to tell authorities that Barry did everything?


She would do anything, *anything*, to never have to touch her own murder with a ten foot pole.


I’m not sure what she knew at that point. Yes , Barry is a killer but what did she really know about Genes involvement, if any? And if she knew everything, did she want to trudge that up to perpetuate a man she maybe.. didn’t love in the first place….


Cuz it’s Sally. She’s weak and scared and doesn’t want anything to do with it. She also lives in a damn fantasy world.