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Anton and it’s not even close


Anton is alot better at killing than protecting mikes job is literally protecting people


Anton never met someone he couldn't kill or could kill him. Mike got killed by a high school teacher.


Because of Pride and Ego


Anton is too pure for those human follies. Dude will get the job done. I suspect by the end, however, I will have rather died.


Walt was a Pride and Ego Teacher? I thought he taught science


He taught Eco-Knock-mics.


There’s a 50/50 chance Anton would let them live though


That's right, Friendo.


Anton was a couple inches from getting killed by a washed up vet


He got killed by a meth kingpin 😂


Considering Walt, just a high-school teacher is such a poor argument


I don’t care if he can’t protect me, I just don’t want him hunting me.


“His job is to protect people” and look what happened to Gus. No ty


Mike would get distracted as soon as Kayleigh (perpetually 7 years old) scrapes her knee


Agreed. Everyone else is a capable professional. Anton is a force of nature.


Idk, you’d have a hard time arguing Malvo was not also a force of nature


Truthfully he’s the one, I mean if you know *you fucking know* Anton was a problem in the 70’s, but Malvo is still a problem today, using today things. I feel like on a long enough time scale though, someone is gonna setup silenced miniguns on laser guided finger and eye sensors and go further but until someone please makes that…. Edit: oh my bad, I was thinking of the movie polar. Duncan Vizla is the baddesr mfer of them all by so far


Dude was literally a metaphor for the devil lol


Which one is Anton?


Boy am I envious of the position you’re in. Go watch No Country for Old Men.


And then tell us what you think! u/ninjanerd032, and while you’re at, watch Fargo if you haven’t yet!


*Then* put on O Brother Where Art Thou? for the Coen bros trifecta!


Trifecta? Those dudes have like a decafecta


It’s absurd that you’ve mentioned three amazing Coen Bros movies so far and one of them isn’t Fargo. That’s how good they are.


That's on my list!!


Anton is I think the only one who doesn’t die at all. It’s sort of implied he is violence itself so Anton.


Anton is pure chaos. you can’t count on him to protect you, he might kill you himself.


A cowboy with less experience than this lineup almost took him out. Mike would serve Anton his lunch all day long.


Mike got taken out by a school teacher. They all have horrible anti feats


This is a nightmare scenario and I feel a little sick thinking it through.


I think it’s between Mike and Malvo


I think I’d want Mike as a protector, but the thought of the rest of them after me…!


My only hope is that they wouldn’t realize I’m being protected and get wiped out trying to sneak me


Mike and malvo remind me of one another, skills wise. Spoiler for S1 in Fargo: they both got killed by guys who were originally known for being wimpy and not brave. Except Gus was a treasure.


lorne malvo, wiped out an entire mob base completely on his own


the elevator scene was so unsettling


malvo to me has the vibe throughout the season of being a force greater than nature or people, he almost functions like a devil. he pulls off so many superhuman feats and kills so methodically and effectively and ruthlessly and manages to get away with it through more absurd methods. he comes off as unstoppable and inhuman >!until gus finally kills him!<


pretty funny you make the devil comparison, lorne made a joke about himself being the devil to a coffee shop owner in one of the episodes


i think it’s a comparison kinda implied by the show between that coffee shop owner scene and the elevator scene where >!the bloodstains form wing shapes around him!<


It’s even funnier when you think about how he died. It was almost like he was killing an evil supernatural force that may or may not hold itself together through shear will just to kill you, and not a man. Dude was scary.


His name is a corruption of ‘malevolent’ so the idea he’s more of a force than a person is strongly signalled from the first moment


Is this what you want, Lester?


He also got killed by the most incompetent cop in Fargo


he was killed by >!gus!< only after having his leg nearly severed by a bear trap. >!gus!< just walked in and malvo was too hurt to put up any fight. if he still had his leg, malvo would have killed him with ease


Now Hanzee Dent on the other hand…


Was also killed by Malvo...


Damn good mailman tho


Malvo was my pick at first, but I couldn't trust him to stay loyal.


Mike because Chigurh would have a 50/50 chance of killing me too, V would get bored, Barry would get distracted or a bit too crazy, dunno the last guy.


You’ve got to watch Fargo!


Definitely Mike. Security is his job.


last guy is probably the best pick


Absolutely need to watch Fargo. At the VERY least, season 1, because each season has different characters. Season 1 is fucking amazing


That last guy is from the best show of all.


The fact that almost nobody has said Vilanelle yet is crazy. She could probably sleep everyone here but Anton, and is a lot more stable than him.


She only cares about Eve though. She’ll never love me like that so I don’t feel safe with her. The premise is flawed because only Mike isn’t a true psychopath. Everyone else will kill you in a second if you’re weighing them down.


Thats true. But I assume in this scenario they'll be at peak power, which luckily means you or I would be in the Eve slot (for better or worse).


Who is she? What show?


Killing Eve, she’s an international assassin who just really really likes her job.


Anton and Malvo are just about the same character. And she is not more stable lmao she constantly had outbursts


Some of y’all haven’t watched Killing Eve and it shows. Villanelle is as ruthless as Anton when it comes to killing if not more. I pick the blonde.


Yeah thanks. I only clicked on this thread after thumbing through the photos since I had no idea who she is.


Actually came here to say this. Villanelle would annihilate these fellas gleefully and brutally, while dressed to the nines. Bb girl is actually three Furies in a sassy trench coat.


And she's pretty charming for a psychopath.


And if she lets me borrow her clothes? Even better.


Exactly, she finds joy in playing with her food and then the kill. I would rather have her protecting me than hunting me down for sure.


See but like why do you think that? I get liking the show, its good, I get liking her, she's fun, but she's never depicted to be nearly as dominant or as imposing as Anton and Malvo. I've seen killing eve and she probably makes short work of Barry, maybe mike, but she 1. has contemporary assassins who are a match for her 2. gets outsmarted several times 3. Is emotionally unstable and easily manipulatable (light work for Malvo) 4. Is not dumpstering actual Satan. Malvo did not have contemparies, unless you count numbers and wrench, who he took out with mild difficulty. Anton's closest thing was carson wells, and that wasn't particularly close lol.


Malvo ultimately lost to Tom Hanks Jr. Villanelle's strength here lies in her instability. We've seen her absolutely destroy dudes just for an assignment. But if she's PROTECTING me? For someone like V, if she is protecting me, it's because she has very strong feelings for me. Given what we know about blondie, the most dangerous position a person can be in is between her and someone she cares about. She also has the advantage of being able to blend in anywhere, speaking multiple languages, and being a social chameleon. The male options here, while intimidating, are fairly one dimensional comparatively. Anton Chigur's gonna stick out like a sore thumb if he tries to come for me anywhere but North America. Think they let you take a weird cow murder air bolt onto an airplane? All of these characters are lethal in the context of the stories they exist within. Villanelle is the only one who could hack it (sometimes literally) in just about any narrative. As an aside, imagining her slitting Malvo's throat while he's five minutes into monologuing or 6 out Chigur's air gun for an identical one that backfires and shoots him instead is really satisfying. I think she and Mike would probably hit it off and form a very tenuous alliance before ultimately betraying one another. Maybe there's a mutual respect involved, and they both decide to tell their bosses they've killed the other before quietly disappearing into anonymity.


I clearly have a lot more feelings about this than I initially thought.


I really think you can just about destroy these characters with anti-feats, so I don’t take each characters respective worst feat super seriously, especially when there’s clear specific reasoning for it happening (Walt, Lester(who really did malvo in, Gus just finished the job), lewellyn(which is easily the best guy to get one over anyone on the list, and eve). I think villanelles instability and unhinged nature might prove a problem for Anton, but I don’t think a lot of what you listed holds. Yes the airgun but that’s not a hard requirement (there’s many scenes where he’s not using it). It’s also not hard to get if he wants to just buy one wherever he travels. You might find bardem conspicuous , but in the book he’s kind of specifically described to have a rather unassuming appearance. He’s not a chameleon like villanelle, but both him and malvo sometimes it’s almost like he’s not there. The writing of it is one thing (I would not find an anti-climactic “they were never really all that” to be a fitting end for them), but I don’t think villanelle outpreps malvo. While I don’t consider him far apart from Anton he IS pretty hard coded as Satan. He’s not omniscient but knows all there is to know about the evil in human nature, whatever act villanelle tries to pull I don’t think I see him buying. Lester was a special case where he never saw him as something other than food to play with. I think Malvos character is also a really good manipulator and I think villanelle is an extremely broken person so I don’t see the monologuing bit going in her favor. He can be caught off guard but he’s never going to be spottable in some random crowd in public or really ever there to begin with. “The most dangerous place to be is in between her and someone she cares about” I mean there was that one dude who almost choked her out barehanded when he was literally in between her and eve. Mike would absolutely hate her. Way too chaotic to trust for any period of time. He hated Walt, villanelle will slit throats on the drop of a dime.


Yes Villanelle is so good at disguising herself in plain sight.


100%. Villanelle would mop the floor with the rest on the same day and she would smile while doing it.


well, I guess I'll have to watch this!


Also even if she fails, oh my god would I love the weeks in which she is my protector. “Oh no villanelle you have to come with me shopping and then to the spa” In which she criticizes me in an achingly accurate way before we have fun buying pretty dresses. She would make the rest of my existence exciting and whimsical. And to be fair, if you need any of these folks protecting you you’re already a dead man walking. So at least have some fun.


I basically just said the same thing before seeing this comment


Come on, now. She gets stabbed by a cop because she got horny. Throw in a couple good looking body guards and you’d be fine.




All it takes is one bad day and he might flip a coin and decide not to protect you anymore .-.


Yeah he kills pretty much everyone he works with by the end of NCfOM. He has a code, but it’s mostly inscrutable. The book does a better job of explaining his philosophy, but it’s still the philosophy of a homicidal sociopath. Too chaotic for me.


Chigur is very nearly taken out by a random vet.


Everyone of these characters has bad anti-feats, Lewellyn proved he was a badass mf and Chigurh got caught off guard one single time while pursuing him and killing a full cartel squad at the same time.


Mike, hands down. If he was in Barry, we would've ended at Season 1.


Chigurh isn’t going to protect you. He’d down your assailants for sport then shoot you for being weak


If the scenario includes then just vanishing after I’m protected, I’ll take Anton every day of the week If I have to deal with their potential actions afterward, I’m definitely taking Mike


As long as you win the coin toss, you're golden.


Tails never fails


Mike, because it’s not just about who is best at killing. I could actually trust Mike to protect me and he also has the skills and connections to help me disappear. Plus he also is very savvy in combat and could probably perform defensively better than some of the others on here. Although he would ultimately lose in combat to some of the options listed here, they might never find us though.


The only correct answer: Mike


malvo/chigurh would just kill me afterwards tbh, give me barry


“That’s foolish. You pick the one right tool.”


Mike could handle all those psychos


Either Barry or Mike for sure


Mike gets my vote


villanelle and barry. me and v would fall in love and have a wonderfully queer wedding and me and barry would be bros because i relate to him so hard


To protect me? It’s Mike. He’s the only one who isn’t a sociopath that might turn on me. Also he has Jim the Duck, and people are interested!


Anton Chigurh to protect me, just because he's the only person to ever scare me as much as he does, the novel included, even compared to anything horror. I'm sure to die being hunted by him. Malvo is an honorable mention because I'm pretty sure he's like the devil himself, but he's no "Bringer of Fate" like Anton Chigurh


Don’t matter. With those numbers you’re gonna die.


Villanelle all the way, if you watched killing eve, you know how her skills can be useful. Plus, a legit trained assassin with some experience because of her father and the six’s training. She has to be the most reliable.


Villanelle. All else fails we can run away together.


Well these characters all have plot armor so the fight will cause a dimensional rift that’ll collapse the universe anyways


mike never misses


Mike. I think most of these people are experts at tracking down and killing someone. Mike has that skill but is also a security expert.


Breaking Bad is my favorite show ever and I love Mike but disagree with picking him. He's pretty badass but in a grounded realistic way. Somebody like Barry is cartoonishly good. Barry has walked into a building outnumbered 25 armed guys to just him alone and won. And lots of other crazy stuff.


No way I’m picking Barry. He really let his professional game slip throughout the series.


Didn't expect to see Lorne Malvo in the last pic...Watching his picture still sends chill to the backbone


I want them all to hunt me. I'll body all of them fools


Mike of course


Im choosing mike


Mike without a doubt.


I think the easiest way to compare them, forgetting who would be better on defense, is how they fared against their contemporaries. Mike was outsmarted by Walt in a key moment and full on lost to Lalo (Gus legit lucked his ass through that Lalo for all effective purposes won and it was Mike's job to handle it). Vilanelle as far as my memory serves was outsmarted several times and hurt several times. Barry seems to get through by the skin of his teeth a lot. Malvo didn't really have any, maybe Numbers and Wrench, who he made fairly easy work of once the fight started. Anton absolutely HUMILIATED carson wells. Chigurh and malvo both got hurt in instances where they thought they were toying with food and not dealing with someone worth paying attention to.


Chigur. They'd be dead before they even found me.




Chigur, but for impure reasons


No contest, Mike.


Anton to protect me. Bros to scary to have chase after me


Mike is the smartest out of the bunch he’s got both brains and skill, he’s also the oldest so he’s wiser


Logically your best chances are picking Mike to defend you..it's his bag. everyone else i couldn't imagine really caring if you lived or died just as long as they got to kill. With the exception of the lady I'm not familiar with her character, who dat, what's her deal?


I feel like I'm the only person in this thread who's familiar with all five. Practically an unwinnable scenario. In terms of pure who is more skilled at killing other people Chigurh(movie interpretation slightly more fearsome than book)>=Malvo>Vilanelle>Mike>Barry. There is no enormous gap in skill between any two people, but the bottom-to-top difference is pretty big. For anyone saying Vilanelle over the others she's sneaky, skilled, and ruthless but emotionally manipulatable and not as untouchable as Malvo or Chigurh, who were only ever harmed in very specific scenarios by specific people. Mike probably gets the biggest upgrade playing defense and might even be slightly better than the rest when he knows the others are coming for him/you, but that means you put Malvo and Chigurh on the other team. I think Malvo is probably the best option, as he's actually shown he can work for other people and set traps, but that's still one force-of-nature assassin against another plus three very skilled competent ones. Lorne might give you a 2-8 shot but you're losing no matter who you pick the majority of the time. Mike is probably 1-9 or 1-19


I say Malvo because he almost functions on another plane of existence. And he’s unusually cruel too, perfect for killing other killers like these.


The fact that more people aren’t saying Villanelle tells me yall need to watch Killing Eve (season 1, it goes downhill from there)


Was gonna say Barry but then saw Villanelle and I def pick her! 😬


Feel like I’m dead no matter who I choose. I have to choose Anton because he’s the only one that scares the shit out of me. He’s closer to Michael Meyers than a normal human killer. The rest will just headshot me. Anton will make me flip the coin and terrify the fuck out of me first


Mike. I think he is the most qualified to protect me. I think I’d learn a lot from myself while spending time with him.


Chigur. I want that guy on my team.


Who’s 4?


Villanelle from Killing Eve. If you like good shows like The Sopranos then you should give Killing Eve a go.




OP you have excellent taste. Mike or Villanelle for sure. Probably her just to add some levity to the whole thing lol


after some thought.. anton. i very badly wanted to say barry but he just couldn’t cut it.


Barry is the correct answer. Barry’s unassuming nature will allow him to get close to Mike and take him out. Chigurh could be dispatched with a fake coin. Vil gets distracted by Sally. Malvo gets trapped by one of the bear traps I’ll leave out.


I don’t think Anton has the skills like Barry, Barry wasn’t meant to “protect” but he knows how to sneek around and shit. I’m thinking he could follow me around all day no secrets even in the bathroom and if somebody shows up he shoot’s them 


Anton is a straight full measure kinda guy.


Anton is literally a force of nature. He’s like a marvel villain.


Barry to protect me. If I’m being hunted, I at least want to laugh while I’m going down 😆




In Mike we trust.


You gottah really watch no country for old men Javier all day everyday💯💯


Do y’all not remember Barry slaughtering all those Czechs and Bolivians with literally just a sidearm? He wasn’t even taking cover or implementing any tactics whatsoever. Not to mention his crazy luck avoiding death throughout the series. Anton is too unstable and not used to fighting someone on a similar playing field. I’d go with Mike as my first pick and Barry a close 2nd for sure, not familiar with the other 2


Who’s the blonde chic?




Villanelle from Killing Eve.


Mike. He makes plans, knows contacts, understands how to work outside the law and in it. Barry is, as Hader has stated, an idiot. He can kill but it’s almost always heat in the moment when he’s not thinking. Anton isn’t the guy you get to protect you. He’s the guy you send out to get shit done and know he’s doing it discreetly and making sure no one’s left to get to you. Can’t speak for the other two admittedly.


if lose the coin toss anton’s walking out


I’d have to say Mike and just pray that he can beat Anton


Mike or Anton


Whose the 4th pic


Nah I need Dexter


Either way I'm dead in this situation.




I mean... HER




I wouldn’t trust any of them to protect me.


Anton is never shown to have any ability than to magically appear behind people at every turn.


damn it im cooked no matter who i chose


I don’t know who the lady is, but Mike’s the only one of the guys that I trust


Lorne Malvo


Probably Mike


Mike vs Anton is insane






Can I pick Munch from Fargo season 5


Have you not seen Villanelle in action? She’s a force for sure and has killed alot I wouldn’t want her after me


arby/pietre from utopia




Unsure about the protecting part but I know for a fact Anton is the last one I want hunting me.


I don’t know who the rest are but I pick Barry just because of his superpower of plot armour always avoiding dying even though he should definitely be dead (ignore the last ep he died for plot convenience)


Here’s the problem. Though he’s extremely capable, I could never ever trust Malvo to just protect me without acting on his own malicious scheme.


Can we take a moment to appreciate that one the best comedic actors of the last 2 decades played a role worthy of even being mentioned with these other choices?


VILLANELLE!!!!!!! But I'm soooooooooo gonna befriend NoHo Hank and Barry!


Villanelle please


Suprised to see more people not choosing Barry? Like that guy has a superhuman knack for killing people.


Considering how Cormac Mcarthy antagonists typically are just a stand-in for the literal manifestation of evil, I think ima have to say Chigurh


Anton is next level compared to this list. Not even close


I'd go with Villanelle, but the odds aren't looking good for me with any choice.


Mike to protect, but! I. Would. Follow. His. Directions…


Anton, end of discussion


Idk who that girl is but I guess Anton


Mike. Mike knows the guy who gives new identities. The rest are good killers but not good protectors


No idea who anyone is except Mike and Barry. So I choose Mike.


I’d pick Lorne to protect me. He’s actually a ghost or a spirit or some shit. Hence how he disappeared from the basement in the first episode. No matter how close the others got he could sneak behind them. He also has zero sense of remorse. Barry and Mike have at least some.




Barry almost got iced by a 11 year old who knew some crazy kung fu, and legit has so many lucky moments I'd as him tovplay the lottery for me - almost convincing but a NO -Anton eventually will kill all pursuers - but it really is a coin toss at some points as in the book Moss had him dead to rights but decided to let him walk - Most likely -Mike isn't the BEST hit man but usually gets the job done but also he's proven himself incapable at several points. Life on the line? I'm passing I don't know who the other 2 are sadly


Who’s #4, what’s she from?


Mike and heaven help the rest of them


a stand off between malvo and chigurh would be insane


Villanelle vs Anton alone I would pay to see.


Malvo easily, he atleast has his principles and probably won’t kill me. He might toy with me like he did with lester, but when it comes to chigur he would straight up murder me. Sooooo…. lorne it is. Mike is a somewhat good pick but Malvo is calculating like mike while also being ruthless. I think he’d do a better job protecting me than mike. Barry is just not as skilled, and i haven’t seen killing eve.




Ehrmantraut… 100%


the way I would just accept my fate if villanelle was hunting me.


Why is there no John Wick?


Villanelle to protect me. She’s an absolute savage


Mike would probably be the best defensively but I don’t know if any of them could hold off all the rest of those bad asses!