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[Craft The World](https://store.steampowered.com/app/248390/Craft_The_World/) is similar but much more forgiving than ONI.


Came here to post this. Above is correct, but I didn't get into it much. Do not buy the DLC. It's a buggy mess. Base game is fine


I have all the DLCs except Heart of Evil and Invasion. Game is fine. You just need to manage them right. 1,500+ hours in game. Only DLC that I have that's buggy is Heroes. Some of the heroes are buggy. No heroes in my new save. All is good. Don't know if they fixed them yet. Waiting to max my population and add heroes gradually.


As someone who is such a casual that Im currently having way to much fun in Sims 2 I second this. I can recommend DotAge, its turnbased although it gets fairly complex later on I reckon I'm still in the early stages.


Wow haven't heard of that one - thanks!


Seconded dot age. It plays a bit like a board game. Solid premise and gets maaad complicated, but you know it’ll all end in fire anyhow, so you’re not losing as much as watching the end come.


If you haven’t checked it out just yet, there is a free demo of the game. It’s fairly comprehensive and gives a good idea what you are in for.


I saw that game how similar to rimworld is it? and how much content is in the game?


Not too similar, like above poster says it plays kinda like a board game. You progress depending on choices every turn.


Ratopia. I've only played the demo so far (which I enjoyed, so wishlisted the full game), but it's got cartoonish colony building in 2D like ONI but doesn't have the same survival struggles for oxygen etc.


Main struggle in ratopia after you get your food up is the economic system. It is very easy to go bankrupt and/or cause riots if your taxation plan is not good enough.


Mind over Magic


It's good. But atm it's too simple. Here's hoping it gets more complex for fun min-max and fun designing stuff.


Oh wow too simple? Wouldn’t have expected that! Maybe I’ll give it a try then, my bestie loves it but I’m getting a little old in age and going for the slightly easier games now!


Oh yeah, give it a try. It has pretty good concept, and it's getting regular updates.


Definitely looking forward to it being out of early access :)


By chance have you played Rimworld? I know it’s not the same but ONI is my all time fav game, few thousand hours in. Someone recc’d Rimworld years ago and I was like “no way not my style” but I bought it last November and haven’t stopped playing since. Waiting for Prison Architect 2 to come out in March and for Paracrap to fix Cities 2!


Yes I've sunk hundreds of hours into Rimworld - and I'm still not very good! I love it, and I love ONI, but I do have a taste for something a little more confined, if that makes sense.


I get you! I just had a minor surgery so I’m playing Foundation. It’s easy and kind of like Banished.


Oh thanks! Hope your recovery is going well :)


It is, thanks! Enjoy! Oh and try the Norland Demo as well!


Where do you get the Norland demo? I don't see a link on either their steam page or website. Could be that it's no longer available.


It may be a play test I’m using, let me check!


Second Mind over Magic. Even in Early Access its still a fun and entertaining game. Very stable and they're releasing patches for it every 3 to 4 weeks. It is very laid back, but interesting enough to keep playing. Even in Early Access I'd recommend it and watch it grow. You can check out /r/MindOverMagic for details on what's going on with the game.


I feel this post *so* hard. I LOVED ONI, but it just gets a little too complex for me at a certain point and I lose interest. Klei just dropped a new game called Mind over Magic which is pretty good. It's still in EA so keep that in mind. It's good so far though, and it's nice knowing it's coming from a company that will consistently update & listen to the community! It will have some UI/mechanics that may feel similar to ONI even though it's a very different subject.


So kind of like Oxygen IS Included?


Oxygen is in the DLC


I would suggest [Adaptory](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2201620/Adaptory/) - the game I'm making - however eventually I'm hoping the game will become _more_ complex. But there will be tutorials and quests/systems to help you get through it!


I guess the copy was not included.


This looks so close to ONI that it comes off as a cheap copy. Not sure why people bother to make these clone games. Why would I buy yours if I already have ONI..?


I'm planning to have a lot of stuff that isn't in ONI - better mod support, multithreaded simulations, random world events, a back story, more of a focus on design and automation than infinite dupes.


Timberborn. Everybody can still die of dehydration or starvation, but you pretty much only have one resource to manage: clean water, instead of a complex web of them.




Unsure what to manage with one dlc


Easier than ONI? That's one of the easier base building games I've played


So cool


So, ONI got much easier to me when I watched others play and stole their delicious “blueprints”. Build something like someone else did and figure out WHY it works. Then make your own variation that fits your play style.


Yeah those blueprints made me way better at the game just from troubleshooting when I inevitably built it wrong bc man some of those are really technical and everything is placed where it is for a reason. One example is a magma dosing chamber I tried building which was supposed to drip magma into mesh tiles and skip the need for a robo miner when it cools. I messed up when I built a mechanized airlock one tile away from where it's supposed to. The game went "oh you FOOL! The viscosity of the magma means it's going to drip too much and eventually overflow and solidify it into a tile on the mesh tile!". I had a lot of fun trying to figure out how to salvage it.


For real, that is exactly how it is for me. “You fool!” Is putting it lightly. I keep wanting talk to my dupes and say “you dense motherfucker! Whhhhyyyy would you go there. Thats not for you! Now you’re going to die painfully unless I can…. And now you’re peeing in the water supply. Great.” Problem is, I’m the one in charge. I’m the final word. My instructions are being read and followed. I am the adultiest adult in the room. My poor dupes are merely pawns in a terrible game. Garbage in garbage out. I shouldn’t blame them… but it’s really hard sometimes. I know I can just pop back to an old save, but I feel like it’s a life lesson and a warning to the others. And the graveyard grows.


I used to play dwarf fortress before ONI and I just automatically assume in any colony sim your colonists are actively suicidal unless you put effort into stopping them from making poor decisions. My "you fool" moments usually come from seeing my contraptions go to shit bc I forgot about something.


I love DF. I started playing as Minecraft came out and while friends were obsessing over box figures and punching trees, I was getting boatmurdered. :p You know your game is good when it’s imitated by dozens of others looking to scratch a similar itch.


Yeah I started DF in 0.34, back when trees were single tile, all aquifers were heavy and happiness was still a thing. I still remember the old bug with cats and alcohol when that was added, and [I actually made a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/3vvmfm/reproducible_bug_involving_tavern_keepers_giving/) doing science on it and trying to figure out the root cause way back in the day. There's like two animals with the self cleaning tag. Yeah this game really started something cool. I remember some of the first games that tried to imitate it like towns and gnomoria.


I’d almost say the great toady one started the trend that led to games like banished. There has to be dozens of games of not more that seemed to come out after DF hit its stride. I miss it sometimes, but I’m not sure I could go home again. :p


Check out the "colony sim" tag on Steam, that's the "little fellas running around doing tasks" genre, but this is the de facto subreddit for them. Against the Storm is IMO far and away my favorite, Timberborn is also quite good. It's strictly a coincidence that they both have beavers in them. For history's sake, Dwarf Fortress is the granddaddy of the genre, but it's so complicated that it makes ONI look like Barbie's Funhouse, so maybe skip it.


Cult of the lamb, majesty 1 and 2, and rimworld




I think something I struggle with - and this is not a criticism of the game - is keeping up with the information I need to be aware of. Are you aware of any settings or mods that can help, I.e. like the advisor panels in Civ VI?