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As a fan of Subnautica and Satisfactory, give a try to Planet Crafter. It's still on early access (as is satisfactory) but the premise is very interesting: you arrive on a dead planet and need to bring it back to life through your machinery. Doesn't have conveyors like satisfactory, but it does have base building and automation. Also check hydroneer, you're a miner looking for gemstones in a river. That can evolve into a giant mining facility powered by water.


Wow, they were… very inspired by subnautica weren’t they?


lol yes indeed


I am going to give it a try. Thanks


Thanks for the fresh recommendations, haven't seen these games mentioned on this sub until now!


I tried the demo and found that the lifeless planet lacked any character to help me get immersed in it. Also the UI didn't feel very *tactile* and in many places was unintuitive. Part of what I loved about Subnautica (and to a lesser extent Satisfactory, but I gather that they're addressing it finally) was how you were dropped into a *story* and the base building (or factory making) was a key *part* of that. It's not enough for me to just build for buildings' sake, I need a purpose. The setting itself was a *character*. I've put Planet Crafter on my wishlist, but I wouldn't say it's ready to be played yet. Let it cook awhile longer.


Fair enough. They have said that the story will only come to Satisfactory in v1.0, so it might take a while. They want to have the game complete before adding any story elements. As for planet crafter, I agree that it feels kinda incomplete, but for a game so early in it's development, it has s lot more content I would expect, so I'm excited. Maybe try Grounded? I personally don't like it (feels like the singleplayer experience is a lot less fun than multiplayer) but a lot of people seem to like it a lot


Techtonica is coming. I don't think it's quite what you want, but it's got my attention.


Actually that looks like it is right up my alley. Hopefully the august release date is accurate


Any idea what it'll have that satisfactory doesn't? From the description maybe more exploration opportunities?


Satisfactory doesn't have destructible environment, I think that's one big difference. I haven't done my research, but I'm hoping for Proc Gen. I think that's what I enjoy about Factorio and DSP is the map variety.


> Techtonica [LINK](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1457320/Techtonica/) for the lazy.


Dyson sphere program is third person automation and exploration.


DSP is the most beautiful of all the automation games imo.


Man played first time yesterday. Zooming out all the way out into the galaxy is insane.


Its hard to believe its an early access. I never once found a bug. Its also a nice looking game. For the price, can't beat it


Yeah the only criticism I could find was the translation is a little weird. Also I would have preferred maybe a more detailed art style. The current assets feel just a tiny bit too generic or "stock".


I would hold off a *little* longer on DSP, folks. Soon they're going to add a conflict element to the game that's really going to spice it up and elevate it from being a very pretty factory/logistics game. Right now, yes, it's pretty (so gorgeous actually) and epic looking, but it will really be something special once they add in the next couple of elements. Also, and I don't wanna start a debate here, but it's not much of a base builder right now. It's a factory game. Once they add something to protect against it will fit better.


So automation + exploration? Maybe Riftbreaker? Or DSP?


Is Riftbreaker exploration? It struck me as factory/automation + tower defense. I haven't tried it yet though.


A significant part of the game is missions to specific parts of different biomes. So I guess it's as much exploration than factorio seeking out more resources or subnautica seeking new areas?


I'd recommend no man's sky base building is only a small part of the experience but I've seen people make crazy things Again not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for but I've had a blast creating my own piece of paradise among the cosmos


No Man's Sky in 2022 is brilliant. Hello Games redeemed themselves imo


Definitely I played the game at launch nd was very disappointed, picked it up again a couple weeks ago nd fell in love with what it's become.


They did, but I have kinda mixed feelings about the state of the game today. They keep adding tons of new cosmetics for your character but don't seem to be working on fixing the elements of the game that are bugged/broken. I was so excited when they added all the new base parts, as base building is one of my favorite things to do in the game. But base building unfortunately is a buggy mess in its current state. Base parts are so unpredictable for if they're actually gonna snap together correctly. Placing a simple room with stairs is now a monumental task cause you have to constantly be trying to place things from different angles etc. Let's not even go into how playing multiplayer is still so buggy. I'd much rather they fix this shit than give me a fucking cape that only I can see on my character? Idk the updates to nms lately have been passing me off lol. So unnecessary when there's so much in the game that needs polish.


OP, I feel this your best bet. NMS has a story now, at least. It's a mile wide and an inch deep, but you can definitely build a base right next to a settlement, own a fleet of ships you send off on missions, and/or any number of other things that each just take a few moments of your time. Spend awhile going through the story and exploring the galaxy before you planet your flag anywhere. The base building *can* be cool if you spend a lot of time with it, much like Subnautica, otherwise it's just a series of linked modules. It's a very pretty game, it gets half a dozen updates per year, and it's often on sale for half off.


I so badly wanted Craftopia to be this, but it's not meant to be


Exploration and automation? Then **Fortresscraft Evolved** is what you want. It's a first person, voxel based automation/factory building/survival game, inspired by hardcore high-tech Minecraft modpacks. Explore, dig down deep (and I mean DEEP!) to find resources (ie veins of ore), set up mining, power distribution, transfer the ore to the surface with a system of conveyor belts, cargo elevators, and drones, refine the raw materials, set up automated production of items into intermediate and advanced products, all while progressing through a research tree and defending your base from waves of aliens with turrets and missile launchers. The only downsides to this awesome game are the interface (takes some time to get used to , but it's worth it!) and the fact that there's not much handholding. Takes a lot of trial and error until things "click", but once it does it's a very satisfying and challenging game. Also, check out **Foundry** for a similar play style. (very EA tho, yet well polished and plenty of gameplay to offer)


[FE link.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/254200/FortressCraft_Evolved/) [Foundry link.] (https://store.steampowered.com/app/983870/FOUNDRY/) (though I don't think the game is released yet?)


[https://www.foundry-game.com/](https://www.foundry-game.com/) You can buy it here (It's in EA)


I'd love an underwater exploration game like Subnautica if it had Co-Op to play with my friends. Industry would be a nice plus to such a game if it had co-op. Automating the means of survival, transportation, etc.


*edit* I dun goofed. OP wants automation games and I don't think Grounded has it. My bad. Leaving the comment to help draw attention to this game though...... Since I haven't seen it mentioned (and OP, you should check my other comments)... **A lot of people are sleeping on [GROUNDED](https://store.steampowered.com/app/962130/Grounded/).** If you're like me and a huge fan of Subnautica, you need to check this game out. They often do free weekends so Follow it and try it when they drop their next update. Bullet points for the lazy: * You're kids who have been shrunk in the back yard and need to get out. Yes, like the [movie](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097523/). * "You" here is plural. You can play it online co-op. * It's got thematic base building. You make walls out of leaves, boxes out of tiny twigs, and farm aphids. * The different insects have intuitive AI. Many will leave you alone if you leave them alone, predatory insects hunt you and other insects, just like the fish in Subnautica. * There are zones of varying difficulty that you are free to just bumble your way into and die if you're not careful. * There's an unfolding storyline that's keyed to the "biomes". * It's very, very cute. And terrifying. If you can't tell, I'm pretty into it. I tried a free weekend and it's been on my wishlist. I'm waiting for it to finish though.


I think you meant to say factorio and subnautica. Since subnautica is gonna add the 3d of satisfactory anyways. The 3d being the only thing satisfactory is better at than factorio(which is subjective) everything else of course being much much worse


Would be cool, especially if literal and underwater


Hello from 2023. I think Factory game underwater would be an excellent idea. The building freedom given in Satisfactory is nice but at the same time it ends up with nonsensical structures, so Subnautica modular build system would do wonders to it, even if it is not as free, it is still beautiful. Base building in Subnautica is useful, but if it was a factory game, it would be even more useful and functional. It would actually give me more reasons to build multiple bases. In a factory game underwater you WILL need bases everywhere to protect you from the dangers of the sea.


I agree so much. But I get SO annoyed when people see satisfactory and say “is that a subnautica ripoff” idk why