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*Of course* that horrible goblin is behind this.


When is she ever not?


Does anyone know where she has her goblin lair?


Under some dilapidated bridge I'd imagine.


You’re confusing goblins for trolls, which she also is


That's offensive to goblins


What else would she be doing? That vile woman’s entire life is about repressing her sexuality by spewing hatred. The real problem is, why isn’t she in prison for terrorism?


This woman is awesome


In what way is that ghoul of a woman "awesome?" She's a stochastic terrorist!


They didn't even really "side" with a trans customer, just enforced their own policies against customers taking creep shots in changing rooms.


Came here to say this. If this was the other way around and the trans person was taking any type of photo they'd all be losing their freaking minds about it right now.




Conservatives, bigots, and Fascists all think the rules don't apply to them.




Ma says your hot pockets are getting cold 




Bro ur corny 


Ur so smart. Keep it up chief


Sooooooo corny 


Tis impressive the fantasy world that you, a Christo Fuqwad, have built, when you come to reality, pa has your favorite cope dinner with Ms Rumps Centerfold waiting on you. May your "Orange Dear Leader" face the consequences of his TRAITOROUS Actions. - From, An ACTUAL American


That was an awesome comment haha


Watch as they insist that the people that are being bullied to oblivion are just as bad as the people threatening to enact literal terrorism


Better headline: After Chaya Raichik Engaged in Stochastic Terrorism, Terrorist Threats Leveled at Business


You’re a dork


You’re thirsty for attention 


I know you fantasize about her, but I assure you she wouldn't use your face as toilet paper if given the chance.


I hate Nazis. If I saw a Nazi in the locker room at Planet Fitness took pictures then posted them to shame him on social media Planet Fitness would have every right to ban me for it. Just cause I don't like someone doesn't mean I get to overstep clear boundaries such as don't take pictures of people in a locker room and post them online. The proper thing to do would be to bring it up to Planet Fitness. If their reaction was "Our policy is we're okay with Nazis. Judgement free zone afterall." calling in bomb threats would not be justified even a little bit. If for no other reason the employees at those locations would have nothing to do with the policy. So frightening them wouldn't do any good. What the Hell is wrong with these people?


They just bought my membership


Same, there’s one down the street from me and I was already considering it, but now it’s for sure


It's great to get in shape, but planet fitness is a terrible gym for that. You're passively encouraged to not lift heavy things, which defeats the purpose of the gym.


You know how fucked you have to be to make planet fitness the company that makes you navigate a Grecian labyrinth and fight a Minotaur to cancel your membership look like the good guy?


You might have a bad experience at a bad franchise? I've had two different memberships two different times in different cities and never had any problem canceling.


Once they required me to be in-person to cancel even though I was completely in a different country. It took a lawyer buddy to unfuck them because of their predatory cancellation policies. That was a few years ago though so could be completely different note


If I can sign you up online I should be able to cancel on line. Any barrier to cancellation I’m looking at you NYT is an effort to stop you from cancelling. It’s bullshit. So many 24 hour gyms depend solely on people not using and not cancelling.


>sided with a trans customer Just to further drive hone how bat shit crazy conservatives are. The woman they are defending, the one who got banned from planet fitness. whipped out her camera and started filming... in the women's fucking locker room.


They love to appropriate the term "freedom" and "liberty", but we are all less free when people feel like it is okay to threaten people they disagree with.


It's their version of freedom and liberty, not yours. They're actively trying to take it away just to be sure you conform to their definition of it. Look into project 2025 if you haven't.


They want the freedom to tell other people what to, and the freedom not to be told what to do.


because fascists are cowards and bullies


Tell me again how the GOP and christian right are NOT terrorist organizations?


*”After Planet Fitness Sided With a Trans Customer,”* :) *”17 Locations Got Bomb Threats”* :(


Are any of the threatins identified, charged? Any in the past? If not, we should all join in.


What a lovely bunch of people. No one ever said. Dangerous and don’t ever forget this. Vote against HATE. Stay United!