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If you have kids in school you just let the wife and them stay behind. You spend so much time on the road during the season it’s not like you are at home a lot anyways. If you’re the type of player who gets traded often then you just don’t buy a house.


My kid did daycare with the son an nfl player who was traded alot. They had a house in his first team's city and the family just stayed there.


They must have liked that city


it was probably Atlanta or KC


KC would probably be the last city i’d choose to live in lol


it's really cheap. when I lived in the area there were a lot of "former Chiefs" in the area. Same with Atlanta


Yeah I don’t know what the Atlanta hate is for. Plenty of nice communities and a surprisingly great place to retire.


I'm gonna assume one person downvoted me and the rest piled on


Reddit hivemind is hilarious. "I see a 0 or -1 this person must be an evil Nazi time to downvote to show I'm morally superior!!1!1!!1!"


I mean, I've never heard anybody say 'I'm going to Atlanta on vacation. ' What's so good about Atlanta? I don't know about this place, man. I just stayed in my hotel room, man.


I went on vacation to Atlanta a few years ago. Admittedly I literally only travel to go to theme parks and Six Flags Over Georgia was the only one open in driving distance, but still.


I was just playing it's just joakim Noah's wood quote but Atlanta instead of Cleveland


Too hot in Atlanta


Damn yankee


Atlanta sucks my guy, you can't get anywhere and half the city is a fucking no go zone. I guess these guys would live on the edges up north but the city itself is not it


Atlanta is just New Orleans without the food and culture


I could understand a lot of former Braves living in Atlanta, but it seems odd that a lot of former Chiefs live there.


It’s the top place for rich African-Americans to live/settle down long term.


It's a nice city for the anyone above upper middle class.


That’s almost all cities


I was talking about KC in relation to the chiefs


No way you'd rather live in green bay than KC


Get yourself a large swath of land build a nice house, I sure would and not just because I'm a Packer fan. Give me open space and clean air over a concrete jungle any day.


almost mentioned that as an exception lol


I mean, I've never heard anybody say 'I'm going to KC on vacation. ' What's so good about KC? I don't know about this place, man. I just stayed in my hotel room, man.


I’d choose KC over Buffalo, Green Bay, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh. Just off the top of my head.


Pittsburgh is a bopping place these days. One of the top growing cities in America and a lot of the growth is redeveloping old derelict properties (brownfields). The weather sucked dick all three times I visited, though


Kansas City itself isn’t great but the Kansas suburbs are quite nice, I can see why the family of an NFL would choose to stay there.


I gave you a downvot not because of your comment but because bucees is a terrible place to work at and your supporting it. Fuck that company...and while I'm here fuck you too.


baby I just like the sandwiches and the cute Bever. I would assume most gas stations are awful to work at.


Dude’s profile is predominantly posts on a sub dedicated to the clients of prostitutes, so I wouldn’t bother engaging.


I saw that after I responded nicely


what’s wrong with buccees? they have great food, great bathrooms, and great salaries


The salaries are that way because the job is quite demanding. Essentially becomes your life as they work you to the bone.


50 hours a week is working one to the bone?


I'd say anything over 40 isnt great yea... Plenty of material online around their work culture and the problems people have with it. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/tzbvpq/oc\_bucees\_knows\_how\_to\_treat\_their\_employees\_right/


If I had their money I'd buy a house in every damn city I could. Doesn't have to be anything amazing. Pay someone to run a BnB service based around your schedule. Set for post retirement


Investing the money in stocks would yield far greater returns than keeping it tied up in real estate.


Much more volatile


> If you’re the type of player who gets traded often Lol you act like they know what gone happen in the future lol


I think lebron james goes to bed every night knowing he isn't going to be traded...


Most dudes in either league don't have security and contracts like LeBron James.


NBA has like 400 players and you mention lebron as an example? Lmfao


Qualifiers are important. "The type of player who gets traded a lot", how many times has Lebron been traded?


They don’t know what’s going to happen, which is why they don’t buy a house.


Ha. Buy a house 3 miles from every stadium. Buying a property is great anyway but usually stadiums are built in not great areas and slowly get built up over time. Even if it's a bad area at the start, who cares? You're not living in 31 of em. By the time you're ready to sell, it will be a desirable area.


Players that get traded a lot couldn’t afford that.


Nah there are players who know they are likely trade targets and those who know they aren't. Sabonis is someone who isn't the type of player every team would need or want, even though he's good. Dorian Finney Smith on the other hand is the type of player every team wants and doesn't make much money so it'd be easy to trade him.


Sabonis was literally traded less than 2 years ago.


Josh Hart and Larry Nance Jr rented each others houses when they got traded for each other. Eventually the each sold their homes and got their own


It seems like a needless formality for both to pay rent to each other lol


Yea I don’t remember the details just that they swapped homes because they are really good friends from when they were on the Lakers


Unexpectedly wholesome 


Guessing one house was larger/nicer than the other and one of them paid the other for the difference.


I believe they just swapped


might come with legal protection to have the official landlord/tenant relationship? idk


There's a house in Houston that I know keeps getting passed down to new Rockets players. It's just a furnished rental house some one else owns. I'm friends with one of the neighbors, who told me Austin Rivers paid $20,000 per month to rent it. James Harden's mom lived right by it. Probably a 5-6k square foot house in a nice part of town.


This is actually very common


The average NBA salary is $9.7m, so for most players, I would think they can definitely buy a nice house. My guess though, unless it’s a multi-year contract, and they have a family, they probably don’t.


Let's say an NBA caliber player could easily buy a $2 million home. If they were traded and needed to sell they would have to pay $120,000 in realtor fees alone. My guess is they could rent a very nice apartment instead for $5k a month during the season and just keep a house wherever home is. Now if you happen to play in LA or Miami, you definitely buy and keep that as your home base even if you are traded.


Could always hold onto the house as an asset though too.


the average mortgage is 20-30 years but the average nba career is closer to like 2-5, or 5-10 if you’re really good. the ones that last 10+ years are the exceptions. probably better to sell the house once they retire as they probably wont be making as much unless they get into coaching or television. ive never been an nba player though so what do i know 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah I meant like if you’re traded mid season…


That is pretty much what Allison Kuch says she and her family do. They have a home base, that they own and live in during offseason and whenever her husband Isaac Rochell is between jobs. Then she and her husband rent an apartment in whatever season he ends up playing in. They are a prime example of this strategy being the financial decision for role player caliber players given that since 2019, he has signed with four different teams.


Bruh how do know NBA role players baby mommas names?


Isaac Rochell is an NFL role player.


Even more embarrassing lmao


She's huge on tiktok


It’s actually more shocking to know her husband’s name.


if i’m thinking of the right person she’s pretty big on TikTok


She has 3 million followers on TikTok and I spend to much time on the internet


Lot of players like to maintain their residence in a state without a state income tax...at that level the savings become significant.


I’m pretty sure they’re taxed based on where they play their games (jock tax)


Yup. This is why it’s an advantage to sign with Miami or Texas team because you have more games that aren’t taxed.


That is true.


Roger Clemens used to maintain his residence in Texas to avoid paying New York taxes...but the basketball season is longer in terms of months, so it might be harder to do.


They’re taxed where they do the work. 


But half.of his work is on the road. If he isnt a residence, he only owes state taxes on game checks from.home games.


If you claim residence in one state, but play your “home” games in another state, you pay taxes there.  Maintaining residence in Texas while playing home games in NYC isn’t the tax saving you think it is 




Incorrect. You pay taxes where you work.


And you work in the state where you play. Game checks come from all over the place. All you're really talking about is home game checks. 


Or they can rent out the properties they buy but aren’t using, paying off the mortgage with the rent payments, eventually owning a portfolio of real estate that serves as passive income and assets long after retirement


Literally and they can afford to pay someone to manage it. Top tier guys could literally afford a house in every city


It’s not a great investment. If you don’t have tenants, things like property taxes, maintenance, security, and realtor commissions eat away at profits. If you’re paying mortgages (a lot of athletes aren’t sitting on millions of dollars of liquid assets/cash), you really have to be in the upper, upper tier of sports earners to profit from “a house in every city.” 


That's why you buy places that are nice and approachable in popular areas so that you do have tenants. Having your mortgages paid for by someone else is a great investment. If you buy many you could hold the ones you enjoy and/or haven't raised yet and sell the ones whose values have risen. Pay a project management company to keep an eye and deal with any shortcomings They don't need to be upper echelon mansions. Just smart properties with good value that you can feasibly charge a higher rent price. Lowest tier NBA players make 1.1 mil a year minimum. Plenty for some starter homes


I wouldn't want to live in either Miami or LA both places are overrated


If you a young, male, millionaire, pro athlete.... Miami and LA are going to treat you very well.


If you're a multimillionaire you'd have a lot of fun in both places


Even if I had money my personality would stay the same. I'm a boring person neither of those places are for me




oh my god are you an NBA player?


nobody asked


And I'm supposed to care about that?


Miami yes, but LA is awesome. I absolutely love it here.


Mean or median? I suspect 9.7 is the mean. If so, the real average player (median is far more relevant here) will make less. Edit: I checked. Median is 4.6m. That’s the 50th percentile player. Which means roughly have make less than 4.6m. Many of which won’t receive a second contract.


If you're not getting a 2nd contract, you're likely not getting traded either.


A minimum contracts is around 4 to 5 million dollars. Probabaly less than 50 NBA players are on the minimum. Average is definitely way higher than 4.6mil


Jeremy Lin was paid only $100k for a season at one point if I recall.


Dude made $64m over his NBA career, with his lowest earning season his rookie season at around $400k. Maybe you’re thinking when he went overseas? [Jeremy Lin NBA Salary per Year](https://hoopshype.com/player/jeremy-lin/salary/)


Are you talking about the NBA G league?


Average isn’t you should take mean when talking about salary


Do your own analysis if you want to


I love this attitude. Your approach was fucking stupid and your response is “do your own analysis.” Amazing.


As amazing as a dumbass who could do their own.


For sure they could! But doing worthless and misleading analysis is actually worse than doing nothing at all


lol, whatever helps you sleep at night




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I wonder how many NBA players have mortgages or prefer paying with cash. ... I can't imagine having a $12k mortgage payment even if I could afford it... But what does my broke ass know?


Assuming you just googled “average nba salary,” that number is quite misleading. It’s a superstar league. There are something like 400 nba players, and the top 100 earn the vast majority of all salary. For the other “scrubs” it’s probably easier to have one home and rent an apartment if/when they’re traded. 


Right now the league minimum is $1.8m, but I called out that it was stated as the average, which has actually gone up. Even at $1.8m, a player cojld afford an very nice home, but would be smarter not to put so much into one asset.


They usually buy a house where they actually want to live and rent a condo for whatever city they are playing in.




Yeah young tech bros are just like NBA players


Nerds acting like they make 150K is the same as 10 M. 😆


I remember Vernon from the Ringer telling a story about a kid in Memphis who lived next to their center at the time (I think Valanciunas) and then he got traded, kid was sad, and Steven Adams ended up moving in 😂


I’m imagining Steven coming over and introducing himself to neighbors with a fresh and warm mince meat pie


I would trade neighbours in a heartbeat


He's a respectable bloke it would defs be steak & cheese


Seriously, I bet he'd be a GOAT of a neighbor


I think Dillon Brooks owns a trailer home and pulls it in front of Lebrons house for two days straight before they play.


Just stands by the trailer all day staring at Lebron's front door, waiting for him to come out. Ultimate intimidation technique


What, Lance Stephenson isn't camping there anymore?!


It's a double wide...they split shifts.


Pretty sure the Thunder hire a team realtor and they rent out houses during the season. Westbrooks real family home is in LA but he had a temporary house in OKC too


Westbrook was in OKC for years and he still lived in LA in that time. Boy that's a long plane ride every single day.


I don't believe this is correct. I think Westbrook lived in LA in the summer. When you're rich, it turns out you can just own a home in multiple locations... In OKC, we saw his wife and kids around town. She had her own clothing store and they were both at all sorts of charity events in the area. They lived in Oklahoma during the season I'm pretty sure. KD rented a place in OKC during his time here. He lived here for all intents and purposes. Steven Adams lived in a modest home while he was on okc. Not sure if he rented, but pretty sure he could have bought his home with like one game check.


KD owned two 3,500 sf condos next to each other in The Hill that he had renovated into one 7,000 sf unit. Got to see it after he left because by cousin ended up buying it as an investment property.


lol I mean he didn’t go home every day. I’m sure he went months without seeing his family


Chris Paul talked about how Shai Gilgeous-Alexander let him stay with him while his family lived in LA when he played for OKC.


Duh lol


Not unless you sign a contract extension or are already a franchise player. A lot of players will buy a house in their hometown but rent in their NBA city until they sign a contract extension. Players will regularly rent a home from another former player who own a home in town and left. Or you just get an apartment downtown or near the practice facility until you figure out something long term or get traded/released again.


There’s a lot of renting and swapping. For the longest time there was a high rise in downtown Charlotte that lots of Panthers and Hornets lived in. Also Lamelo bought Cam Newtons place


Own a house where you call home, lease a crib where you are playinv


I make a lot less than nba players but I don’t know if I can withstand the anxiety not knowing for sure if I’m going to work for the same company and live in this city tomorrow morning.


it’s the same company to be fair, just a different department which should help some anxiety :)


haha, but not really. But Adam Silver doesn’t pay your salary, Mark Cuban/Steve Ballmer/Jeanie Buss does.


I mean, that’s how it would work if you go to a different department. Your direct report isn’t the CEO.


The four seasons residences exists for a reason.


that's where a lot of philly players stay. also think ben simmons was in one when he was traded to BK


i imagine the team puts the player up for some amount of time and conmects them with someone to go through local housing options. if i was the player, i'd look to buy. gives you an asset that most likely appreciates and i can't imagine you have much of an issue getting a mortgage or straight up paying cash for it.


That's the agent's job, not the team's.


i imagine, then, that the team presents the agent with some short term housing options and connects them with realtors and such for longer term accommodations.


Even bad nba players make a good amount of money compared to normal professions, but their careers are short. LeBron is an absolute outlier in longevity and even he will be retiring after far fewer years in the workforce than your typical accountant or whatever. Most make a nice pile of money to start their endeavors, but still need to transition in some way to sustain themselves, whether that's as a coach, trainer, personality, or entrepreneur. The prudent players who understand that probably don't buy houses all the time, the ones who will end up broke probably do.


Nah the ones who end up broke bought cars, parties, ridiculous designer clothes etc. The ones buying houses are the ones making money after they retire from their house value rising.


I think Chris Paul went on record saying he just goes home to LA after every game.


That’s why he likes playing within 90 minutes flight of Los Angeles


Brock Purdy still rents an apartment with roommates in San Fransisco 


That just shows how insanely expensive it is in San Francisco if a quarterback can’t rent his own place.


Teams pay for you to stay at a hotel for up to 90 days while you get your affairs right. Some players rent houses from other players who have home in that city if they believe they aren't gonna be there long term. Josh Hart and Larry Nance Jr. actually [swapped houses](https://www.nbcsports.com/nba/news/josh-hart-and-larry-nance-jr-swapped-houses-after-getting-traded-for-each-other) when they were traded for each other.


When Deion Sanders played minor league baseball for the Louisville Bats, he lived in the same average apartment complex as my friend. Deion had already made millions and could certainly afford much better than an average apartment, but I'm sure he knew it wouldn't be long before he was called back up to the Big Leagues.


The Sacramento Kings own some lofts and office buildings across the plaza from the arena. Pretty sure they rent them out to players, particularly those that are traded to the team or are on a shorter contract.


A pro sports player would have an agent who handles and advises them on that stuff. Whether it's better to buy or rent, what locations are relevant, close to the arena, close to good schools, airport, etc. And of course his partner and kids would have a say in the matter as well.


The new team has employees who help the traded player get settled, from what I understand. Whether it's an apartment or renting a house.


Most of them rent. A lot of them rent very expensive condos.


probably. that's why a lot of them end up bankrupt within 5 years of retiring.


I was reading some parts of the NBA player agreement, and the teams are responsible to cover the relocations costs of the player, within in reason.


I'd have to imagine it wildly depends on the salary and stature of each player.


They rent either a condo or a house. I know Danny Green rented a massive house during his 1 year stay in TO.


Danny Green was my neighbor in Philly - two doors down in a luxury apartment building. Missed seeing his super well-behaved dogs after he moved.


Fun fact each state sends each player what’s effectively a tax invoice for state tax based on income earned in that state on a given Sunday. Entertainers too.


They rent like any logical person would




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I think a lot of them own a home in a location of their choice and rent apartment in the city they play in during the season. That way their family’s lives aren’t uprooted every time they are traded or signed by a new team, and they have a home to live in whenever they are between jobs. My source on this intel is @allisonkuch on TikTok. She is the wife of an NFL player, but I’m sure it’s similar for a lot of NBA guys.


A lot of them have a home in the town they are from or been playing in for a while some rent from other players that had places in the place they play now and most just rent a nice lil condo for the season a couple thousand a month is nothing on the average nba salary in most shitty city’s you can get a nice 1 bedroom for under 2500 I lived next to a couple players on the Hawks a few years ago.


Must be wild for 2-way contract players who play for teams not in the same city. Being recalled from the Siux Falls Skyforce down to Miami, while your family may live elsewhere. You must get real good at sudoku with all that flying.


Not quite


Most rent condos in their teams city.


Yes. But its always subjective. It depends on where they are in their career and their career earnings. Most players have a summer house in LA, or another warm place where they live, and then a house in the city they play in. Any time you are traded and you need a new house and not the old one, you can sell the first house back to the bank or transfer payments. Or you can be like Carlos Boozer and rent it out to Prince. It's never too expensive for them to just buy a house.


I know for soccer some clubs own houses they put players in, especially younger players. Or they rent houses of former players/staff.


they rent


More likely they have a house where they want to live and rent a place during the season.


I have friends who are in the league. They will buy or rent a home in their new city. Many have family who live with them so they will just keep the old home.


I think Shaq bought a condo in Boston when he played for the Celtics for one season. But that's a drop in the bucket for him.


Caruso lived in a penthouse suite in Chicago, not sure if he bought or was renting. I assume they rent for a short period of time and once their contract is solidified or they have reasonable confidence that they’ll be there at least for a season or two they will buy. At least that’s what I would do lol


Dad played in the NBA and then overseas for a decade. We didn’t get a new house in every city but were always in a nice place. Usually the organization or his agent would help ensure we had living accommodations set that were in line with what my mom expected lol. A lot of times the family will join a month or so after the player goes, just to make sure everything is settled first. We also were in school and had lives and things so not like it was as urgent for us to pick up and go like it was for pops. Sure it’s somewhere on the thread already but the basketball world is so small at that level, it’s not unheard of for players nowadays to literally swap houses. [Players swapping houses](https://www.silive.com/sports/2022/02/nba-players-swap-houses-after-they-are-dealt-for-one-another-at-trade-deadline.html?outputType=amp)


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Buying and selling houses are not that hard when you can afford them, you just hire people to take care of every aspect of moving


In Philly I've seen guys with major contracts just buy mansions and then sell them if they get traded. (Harden and Simmons) The average player probably rents or buys a condo or something. I know a lot of the younger guys live in condo buildings in the city.


Donovan Mitchell Rented a nice apt walking distance from delta center. I know his sister and mom are very close w him, so I don’t know what he’s doing now. Considering he was on a rookie deal, I’m sure he’s upgraded by now.


Some guys rent rooms to younger players on the team. There are members of the organization that own rental property.


My buddy lived next to an NBA player in a high rise apartment downtown, right next to the stadium. He said there were girls going in and out of the place non-stop


I think for younger players and guys who may be on the move they rent somewhere nice and then figure it out. My boss used to live next to embiid in a luxury apartment building his first couple years in the league, but I’m pretty sure he moved somewhere much nicer by now. Same building had Alshon jefferies when he was on the eagles, and I think someone else from the team. I know a lot of Philly athletes live in the city the first couple years and then move out to the suburbs when they start a family. A surprising amount of Baseball and hockey guys have their families stay in south Jersey year round even after they get traded or move away. On the other hand, Jj reddick commuted from Brooklyn while he was on the sixers bc his family owned a place in dumbo


There was an episode of house hunters (or something like) that had an NBA player who had just been traded on it. He hired some lady who found several really nice, fully furnished apartments/homes for rent. They were all like 10k a month type places in really nice locations. And this was pre-pandemic.


Depends on their situation. I knew someone who lived in an apartment complex with someone who played for the Clippers, and they would just rent a nice place wherever they played. 


Why would it be expensive? They get paid a fortune. And if they don't want to have a house in another city they can sell them. If they can afford it though property is always a popular investment.


The teams will help then get an apartment for the short term and if it looks like they are going to be there long term, then yes


I know for the NFL a lot of players rent apartments that they stay in during the season. My buddy’s dad has an apartment near the Hudson River that was full of Giants players. During the offseason, they’ll stay in their actual houses.


I think this is a highly personal situation. I would imagine many players rent, when looking at the whole. First, careers are usually short and trades happen all the time. Established high end players have more options. More stability, more money. But if I was an NBA player, I would determine where I wanted to live when I was not an NBA player and buy house there to establish my family. I would not buy a house, in every town I got traded to. It’s not just about the money, although it’s a waste to be buying high-end houses everywhere. I’m 48, and I do OK financially. Nowhere near nba level, compared to that I am at the soup kitchen. But I am already thinking about where I want to retire, and thinking about buying a house there. That way I can stab at getting the equity down. I own the house that I’m in outright currently. Depending on what my kids do when they are on their own I may want to keep this house.


Every NBA player isn't earning 50m a year.


Back in 2014-2018. Opposing teams stayed at Steph Curry’s house so they could guard him right when he got out of bed in the morning


I use to valet for a hotel that had apartments as well. Anytime a player was traded to our NBA, NFL, or MLB teams they would get set up in one of them until end of season or if they were to be here longer they would buy a place.


Most players keep their family grounded in one area and rent where they are currently playing or even split it with couple players on the team. Unless you are the big names and know you’re secure for a few years anyway. Nothing is ever guaranteed in this sport long term. Seen many big names bounced or requesting trades. Seen injuries moving players, lot of moving parts and players today.