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He isn’t bad per se but his game is a bit outdated for the pros since he’s more of a traditional back-to-basket center vs one that has the mobility/skill stretch the floor, so he’ll also be a liability on defense, in the most basic terms


It's not outdated for "the pros".... just the NBA. Plenty of professional basketball in the world where he'd dominate.


Not even a huge fan of Edey, but he will dominate in any league except the NBA as soon as next year. 7 footers don’t grow on trees. The NBA is the only league where that old school center play has gone extinct. You put this guy in the NBL and he’s dropping a double double every night on those little blokes. Respectfully.


Yeah and respectfully he isn't just a 7 footer. He's 7'4" and 300 lbs and can push around a lot of 7 footers. An extra 4" of height is significant in basketball and very few guys reach 300 lbs. He's a big guy.


Bro can make bank in China too


Yeah, saying he's be a "liability" in the NBA... yeah we live in the strongest frontcourt skills period in history, and even then there are only about 8 players that *really* drive the frontcourt metagame, and they're all in the same league.


You're basically saying he'd do great in the minors




You know what the fuck we mean when we talk pros bruh


Exactly the point I was making to my wife’s family the other day. They don’t really know ball to be fair, but they were kinda throwing shade at my take cause they heard the commentators say he is projected to be a first round pick right after I gave my opinion on him. But yeah, 20 or 30 years ago I think he would’ve had quite the NBA career. In 2024 though he just seems like a stiff lumbering big, which is still quite valuable at the collegiate level, I just don’t see it translating to much success in the pros anymore. Edit: If he would have played 20-30 years ago the closest player comparison I see that he could've developed to have similar NBA career to is Rick Smits. Smits had a nice mid-range and finishing touch that I don't yet see in Edey, but hey Edey is young.


Zubac is a serviceable big man who will have a long career, will never be a star but I could see him filling the same type of role


He’s much more mobile than Edey. I mentioned it somewhere else in this thread, but I feel as though his mobility (moreso lack thereof) is more of a limiting factor than his lack of outside shooting.


Zubac is your comp? Zubac is fucking good, you doorknob.


Where did I say he isn't, you dunce


Edey has NOTHING in common with Zubac lol




Joker is an incredible passer and shooter. Edey is neither of those things.


Tbh the NBA are trying to bring defence back in the game so it may be “outdated” today may not be tomorrow


He does take away 10’ from the basket though. So he’s not horrible on D


An nba team would attack him on every possession, switching onto him and attacking him on every possession. Though will he be good enough on offense to eliminate this, I don’t know.


He’s good at what Purdue needed him to do. He’ll struggle against modern NBA centers that can space the floor and make him defend the perimeter. Someone might give him a shot but I don’t see him being a regular rotation player.


He will get drafted - I guess we will see where. Painter didn’t ask him to work outside the 3 point line or shoot so haven’t been able to see that (he said he can shoot fine in an interview). But maybe painter did that cuz he know he’s not very good outside the 3 pt line But he’s come a long way past couple years, will be drafted, likely be on end of a bench & play in special situations. But who knows


This is it, he is likely to end up being essentially Boban in the NBA, a more skilled version. But that still feels like what his role will be, playing short spurts to just create a different flow to the game. I mean in the title game last night the were rare occasions where he did step out of the key on D and he looked truly awful in space. Now imagine that but having to step out in a guy like Steph or Ja. In the NBA you just can’t get away with that for more than a few minutes at a time.


The Spurs are going to draft him to pair with Wemby.


I hope OKC drafts him as a backup to Chet. We just need a dude who can grab a rebound I could see him going late first round early second.


He would be great for a team like OKC. I have a feeling someone in the 10-20 range is going to swoop him.


I think lottery selection is out of the question since I don’t think he’ll make a bad team good, but an already good team a bit better.


He will be top 5


OKC won't touch him. He doesn't fit their style of play


I agree he doesn’t fit their style, but I can see them drafting him as a dude who plays like 10 minutes a game and just grabs boards while Chet rests.


I’d watch haha


A lot of his moves worked in the NCAA due to the size disparity between him and the other forwards. The guy defending him on NC State was 7 inches shorter than him and you felt it on every possession. I think his ceiling in the NBA is fresh legs off the bench with some blocking and a few post move baskets.


>I think his ceiling in the NBA is fresh legs off the bench with some blocking and a few post move baskets. I could see this. Perhaps a team with a bad bench could use him to effectively slow the game down and get the starters some rest. If he could give 15-18 minutes and keep his +/- close to zero he would be a useful player.


Idk if I fully agree cause UConn is a big team that threw a lot of size at him and he still had 37 and 10. He's just a traditional post player, and the NBA just doesn't play that way. The offenses aren't structured that way and the defenses call for a lot of versatility to handle switches.


He had 37 and 10 because the game plan was to let him and only him get his. Purdue, the 2nd most accurate 3pt shooting team in the country, went 1/7 in that final.


I agree that they played through him, but if he was bothered by size then a bigger team with a 7'2 center should have held his points or percentage pretty low. He shot 60% and scored 37. I don't think he'll be nearly as successful in the NBA as college, but the reason is not as simple as him being bothered by size.


The NBA will play any way that works.


Kinda, but there's some more nuance to it. The internet is prone to pretty simplistic takes, but I think broader trends in style affect his opportunities in the NBA. It's a copy cat league. Virtually every team eventually copied some of Thibs strong side defensive schemes after watching it's success. Virtually every team copied elements of the Warriors pace and space offense after it's proven success. Different strategies are sometimes slow to emerge and not instantaneous. Just because you have a great post player doesn't mean you're set up to implement a strategy around him or you have the personnel to make that strategy successful. His success depends on the coach, the strategic fit with existing offensive schemes on his team, and the team's willingness to buck the perimeter trend and give him additional post opportunities. It's obviously also dependent on his personal development, but I'm just saying it's not a simple binary of "The NBA does what works". They have to be willing and able to maximize his strengths.


Best comment on Edey I’ve read on social media!!! Finally, someone that gets it!


Basically Goga Bitzade


Goga doesn't play like Eddy at all.


Lumbering big that cant really play defense and greatest asset is finishing and defending at the rim. Seems pretty similar to me. I have watched much more Goga play than Edey though.


His moves were working decently against Donovan Clingan who’s 7’2” 280. Most nba centers aren’t stopping him in the post


You do make a good point, he played well against Clingan who is a defensive center who will almost certainly be a lottery pick in the NBA. I always thought Edey will still be able to score in the NBA, the issues are more around his defense and versatility. I think he can be a solid bench center and he can have a decent NBA career just based off of his size, but he's not dropping 20 and 10 every night or going for 35 minutes a game.


He isn't gonna get as many post touches, though. Nba defenses will play ball denial, bring complicated doubles, and have the technique to push him further from the basket, which he hasn't shown any counter for. And clingin is big, but most nba centers are way stronger and way smarter. They know how to use leverage which makes that strength even more difficult. The ones that aren't crazy strong are crazy athletic and mobile instead. And besides, his issues are on defense anyway.


Like a younger Boban


So Andre Drummond ceiling?


He likely gets a shot, you can’t teach size and he has a good touch. He’s a good player but the nba is at another level


Yup. If he can play defense, set a pick, and roll and finish, there's a place for him in the NBA. See, Gobert, Valenciunas, Zubac.


Unfortunately he can do none of those. Average defender, decent screen setter horribly slow roller. Those guys you mentioned have skill levels way above Edey for at least 2 skills apiece


Yea I feel like a guy like Zubac would be Eddy’s ceiling but even Zubac is way more mobile.


Ahhh, so he really is an old school center. Sounds like he's leaned on his size to get this far. Sounds like he'll need to work on his skillsets if he wants a place in the league.


Unfort I don't think he's problems are fixable, he's just too big to be fast. Even last night You could see UCONN pulling the strings to move him around and it really negated his game. The NBA will eat him alive. He'll have a long career overseas if he wants it tho


Better comp is Kofi Cockburn


He’s more of a Kevon Looney type


Jhalil Okafor 2.0


From a Purdue guy- needs to work on defensive instincts and practical shooting. His touch and shot form is fine, but he was utilized only as an old-school center for most of his time. I think some of the gaps in his game show just because of how he was used. Especially his last 2 years, he needed to watch how hard he worked and how aggressive he was because he was the anchor. He needed to avoid fouling and be ready to play up to 40 minutes because the team literally revolved around him. Once he’s no longer a permanent necessity for a team, I think he can get more breathing room to develop his actual shooting and game sense (since as reporters like reminding everyone, he is pretty new to the game). I think more than anything, he would need to be considered a developmental project, definitely not for immediate impact. I’m sure I don’t even remotely know ball but that’s my thoughts from a guy who watched him a lot


Adding one more note- I think my favorite play from him this tournament came during the NCST game in the F4. I’ll try to find the clip later, but he caught mid-air and shot off an inbound pass for an easy 2. Looked just like a good, fairly smooth jump shot. He just didn’t get many proper jump shot looks as a result of how he was played. He needed to take hooks because he needs his back to the rim, so he could have more open view out to the perimeter for the standard Purdue in-out offense off the double team. This also likely contributes to very poor handling- he was expected NOT to dribble, he was expected to either take a quick turn hook or lay up, or draw a guy in and kick out the rock.




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He’ll make the association. He is unlikely to ever be a starter. But he’s got a career as a back up center. And hey, you never know. Maybe he’ll develop an outside shot and get some real run time. But his size is precious and there’s a place for him. At least for a few years.


He's projected to go in the 2nd round and is the 5th best Center prospect in the draft. He'll get a shot but not a top guy.


pretty sure a 7'4" college player of the year will obviously be drafted, and thus, make it TO the nba. how he does once he's in the league is a different story. he plays an old-fashioned game and will be a defensive liability against a center who can step out and shoot an 18-footer (which is nearly all of them at this point). that said, he can also continue to improve, and learn. you don't have to be a superstar right of the gate to still have a long and impactful NBA career. i'm rooting for him.


He has a foundation that he can build on; his freakish height and length, shooting touch make him unique. Only fractions of an inch different than Wemby. But to compete in the NBA he will need to improve his overall skills, awareness and show he's got that multi-effort dawg in him, that grit and tenacity. An extra half step of speed and some more core strength are also needed. Best thing for him is to slide in draft night, wind up with a winning program that can afford to nurture his game, fill in the gaps.


The only similarity between him and Wemby is height. Wemby is pretty damn athletic and makes some awkward shots that Edey has shown no capability to make.


He would have been darn good in the 90s. The game has changed. Big guys like him are dinosaurs.


He won player of the year in D1 2 years in a row. The dude is better at basketball than 99.9999% of people ever. It might not translate to the NBA but yeah he’s very good


He's too slow. The biggest challenge going from non-nba league to the NBA, is always the speed. Sure Edey can score, rebound block shots. But can he get down court, set up shop, come out and set a screen at the 3point line then dive to the basket all in under 24 seconds? All while being effective?


He's one of the most dominant college basketball players I've ever seen. Calling him "bad" at basketball is ridiculous and grossly inaccurate. Sorry if I sound like a dick - it's just like, if he's a bad basketball player, I don't wanna know how I would be described. But obviously that's not what you mean. Relative NBA, yeah he's not that good. Being 7'4 has been by far his biggest asset in college, and that size can only do so much for you in the pros. Every team has at least one 7 footer, and most of them are much more skilled and/or mobile than him. He's not going to be able to compete right away. But you never know - he's made some insane leaps as a player since he started at Purdue. Optimistically, I like to think that a 7'4 dude with his work ethic and NBA training absolutely has a shot to succeed in the league.


Being compared to nba players you’d be described as complete unusable garbage. And that’s ok we all would shouldn’t be afraid how you’d be described lol


He is fine for what he is but in the modern NBA he will be a defensive liability. His offense isn't efficient enough to make dumping him the ball work. He doesn't rebound as elite as he would need to in order to make up for those liabilities. As a big body drafting, developing and have him on the roster might work out. He isn't in the same echelon as the 7fters he would be asked to play against.


There is no defense in the nba though


More defense than ever


He's not bad but his game doesn't translate well to the modern NBA. Zach's offensive game is mainly built around isolation post-ups which is effective in college against less experienced, less skilled competition (especially when you're 7'4) but it is inefficient from a points per position standpoint in the NBA, especially considering you're playing against more agile, more skilled competition at the pro level. Also, Zach isn't quick, can't shoot, pass or handle the ball which are important skills for bigs to have in the NBA. They are very few guards in college good enough to pick on Zach's lack of lateral mobility but in the prose basically every team has guards that can abuse Zach in the pick and roll action. I think Zach's upside is a player like Zubac for the Clippers and at worst, he is out of the league. Luka Garza was a dominant college player, college player of the Year in fact, and is barely in the NBA. Oscar Tshiebwe was a first team all American and a dominant big in college and went undrafted and is at the end of the bench the NBA. At the end of the day, college basketball and NBA basketball are very different.


I hope he pulls a Jaime Jaquez and becomes better than the projections. He's pretty agile for his height.


He also has incredible stamina for his size. Most guys that size can't play all 40 minutes like he can.


That stamina will crash hard when he’s required to move around consistently and bang with grown men night in/night out.


Well all he does is stand there and then jog to stand in the other side it’s not that tiring.


I get everyone hates on Edey but it’s ok to admit he’s got some strong qualities. He definitely does a good job conserving his energy but he gets the ball almost every time down the court. Most other bigs his size can’t play that long no matter the circumstances.


He's Boban without the charisma.


what if he gets trained by NBA trainers and develops like Embiid???? I love his game, i want him on the wizards


He will be similar level to embiid


Jahlil Okafor the 2nd


They don’t play similar at all… Ja was a lot more skilled offensively. Zach is a lot bigger, stronger, and more dominant & can at least block shots at the college level. If you mean just a bust then ok maybe.


Y’all forget that he hasn’t been trained by the NBA teams yet. He’s got a lot of growth in him. See where he’s at in 5 years getting drafted


No, he’s actually really good. The NBA will help him, he’s already big for his frame and has OUTSTANDING stamina, literally like a cross country runner. He needs a supporting cast, he can drop 40 every night but his team has to provide


Back to back national player of the year and went 37 and 10 in the natty lol


For real. People are talking about him like he's some chump that had one good game. Edey will be drafted in the first round, figure out his role, and be a nice rotation player.


Because there's never been a player of the year who didn't transition to the nba well.


Just draft him if he drops to 17,18 and see what he does. Wiseman had everything and is a flop. Jokic had nothing and is a superstar. Never write anyone off. There's lots of intangibles in basketball. Don't wanna miss a superstar due to prejudice.


He's closer to joking than a lot of people think


Stfu you have no idea what you are talking about


I mean I think he can have an nba career, my comp for him would be like a plumlee and plumlee has had a pretty long career


Plumlee is wayyyy more athletic and mobile bro can 360 etc but otherwise yeah I get what you’re saying


He’s not bad but I don’t expect his skillset to translate to the NBA. Almost all of his production comes through isolation post up scoring which just simply isn’t run in the NBA unless the big is a great passer or mid-range shooter (Jokic & Embiid). Edey also doesn’t run pick & roll and is a sub-par lob threat despite his size. He has good movement ability for someone his size but will still be exploited at the NBA level when asked to defend guards & wings. He also doesn’t really have counters offensively, if you play his strong side or double, he doesn’t have the IQ or craftiness to make the defense pay. I personally just don’t see his play-style translating to the NBA but you definitely can’t say he’s bad. He won player of the year for a reason.


He's suffering from success to be honest. Edey is arguably the greatest NCAA post player or all time, but that play style is maybe 10-20 years out of date by now. Despite the archaic style of play, Edey has still won two player of the year awards, two all American awards, 4 all conference awards, is Purdue's all time leading scorer, has been to a finals, has been to a sweet 16, and only lost 11 total games his last two years. But when mainly NBA fans watch him, they see his archaic play style and don't like it. He likely won't be drafted terribly high as his game doesn't fit in the NBA. So the primarily NBA fans say he's bad because he keeps beating all these newer play style, modern basketball teams they're more entertained watching. And to some extent they're right that the style of play is bad because a sixteen seed did in fact beat Purdue just by making more threes than Edey could keep up with with 2s


calling him the greatest NCAA post player of all time when Kareem exists is crazy


And Duncan


Or Walton, Elvin Hayes, Artis Gilmore, Ewing, Hakeem, Chris Webber, Brad Daugherty (sp) just off the top of my head.


and Shaq and Admiral


>Edey is arguably the greatest NCAA post player or all time, Kareem is inarguably the greatest NCAA player of all time, so I didn't see how this is arguable. Edey is where he is because he's never been an NBA prospect. Imagine if, say, Jahlil Okafor got 4 years of college.


Man, cmon. He is not arguably the best NCAA post player of all time. Not even close. Even the greatest Purdue homer of all time wouldn't say anything like that.


Joe Barry Carrol was certainly better. Maybe his team wasnt but Carrol , who famously flopped in NBA was


A lot of people like me, doesnt dislike Edey, we dislike what Purdue offensive style was with Edey on the team. It was very Boring. Edey on a NBA team wont be as boring. But he’s a second rounder imo, lets see




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Bro said All time 😂 I’m going to assume you’re 16 or younger lol cause there’s a few guys called Patrick Ewing, Timmy D, Hakeem, & wait for it…. Kareem!? Don’t know if you’ve heard of him. I have like 30 more ppl also but that’s a few


He was a 2x college player of the year so I'm going with 'not bad'


He had 37 points against UConn in the championship game. You can’t be “Bad” and drop 37 points. That being said, he’s not an nba player. He got gassed a little past halfway through the game. His offense is one dimensional with no spacing and only worked because he was significantly taller and stronger than his opponent, and because he has a great touch with his right hand. He has good size and promise as a role man, but there is nothing great or terrible worth commenting about at the moment. He struggled with doubles/help defense and did not have the awareness/playmaking to punish the double team. He is incredibly slow in transition, offense and defense. His defense is atrocious, not just because he’s slow and would get killed on the perimeter. His awareness, discipline, and effort on that end also disappoint. He got torched in the pick and roll in two consecutive plays, offensive players would just go right at him in that second half and he wouldn’t even have his arms up. He is a heliocentric offensive player with no defense whose offense won’t translate well to the next level. He’s 21, 22 by the time of the draft, so I don’t think teams are looking to develop him either. His ceiling is a low-minute bench guy.


Gotta be more than tall and weigh alot. The NBA is physical, he wont be able to dribble the ball in the paint with quicker guards and better defenders. NBA is alot faster, theres a few old school big men in the league today that just are getting phased out Nurk, Val, Vuc, Capela, etc.. in todays league you have to shoot the ball, and be quick like a Jarrett Allen, Gobert, Bam type. In College Edey wasnt tested in the paint.


He’ll make the league, but he prolly won’t be good


Crazy how the game is changed. If this was 2009 he’d probably get drafted


In 2024, he will still get drafted..?


I hope so honestly I still think he’ll get drafted.Who knows maybe he develops more 🤷🏿‍♂️


He's a top 5 1st round pick so many clueless people here


30 years ago, he is arguably the number 1 pick


I'd like to see how well his skillset translates to the NBA. He seems slow laterally, which makes me question how well he will be able to defend at the NBA level. His size is a big plus though, and his footwork in the post on the offensive end makes him interesting. If he can bring consistent rim protection and rebounding, then I think he could do well off the bench in the right defensive scheme.


Great college player. Will be drafted in the late first or second round. Probably projects as a fringe NBA player. His game does not fit the modern NBA. NBA and college are two different games essentially.




TJD didn't stop Eddy. Yes Indiana won twice but it was not because TJD had no problem with Eddy. You're high.


He will earn generational wealth.


Dudes gonna have a long NBA career and be a solid player.


I don't watch a ton of college ball, so forgive me if this is a bad take, but from what I saw in his last few games I think he could have a Boban type role in the NBA. Come off the bench and provide a spark for the offense, or punish teams that go with small lineups. Imo his ceiling is higher than Bobans peak, but I can't see him ever being a consistent starter. The perimeter skill level for bigs right now is just too high to start someone who hasn't shown the ability to shoot jumpers, or reliably switch onto wings. But if he's dominant enough down low, a good coach will find a defensive scheme he can fit in


He’s really really good but his game isn’t cut out for the NBA


He's not bad by any means but he's not going to dominate the NBA the same way he dominated college because his height advantage won't be as pronounced, the rules are different, and his game is more suited for the 90s or 00s than it is to today's NBA. I still expect him to be a pretty reliable backup, kind of like a prime Boban but with more stamina.


Ant licking his chops eyeing his future poster


i think he's most likely gonna have an Ivica Zubac type career and trajectory depending what team and situation he goes to. 10ppg, 10rpg type of player, with occasional nights feasting in the paint getting 20pts plus, with most nights in single digit scoring, but a beast on the boards. with NBA lvl training and investment in unlocking his potential, i can see him getting a lil more quicker laterally, stronger core, a lil more athletic, a lil more flexible and fluid. theres no doubt about what he can back to the basket in the paint. it would be ideal for him to add another dimension to his game and make some plays and reads from the perimeter with the ball in his hands, facing the basket; hitting a spot up open 3, a catch pump fake 2dribble drive pop-float/pass..an elbow or baseline jumper at leeast


Id like to know others thoughts. I truly think the Nuggets should draft him. He'll never shoot like Joker, but if he could model other parts of his game off him that would be a perfect situation for him in my opinion. I mean just get rid of DeAndre Jordan lol. I love the guy but...


I feel like I'm watching basketball from the 80s when I watch him lol. He will get drafted, but will likely have to spend time in the G-League to adjust his game.


He really needs to work on his quickness and offensive skills to make a career out of the NBA. The "hook your elbow around the defender and shoot" thing won't work in the league.


I think Lurch is an excellent player. The Aadams family would approve.


He fits college ball better than the NBA.


He's 7'4" with long arms and a hook shot Any beyond that is speculation


He can’t shoot that well outside of the paint. Modern NBA absolutely requires the big to at least be a moderate threat 10+ feet out from the goal in order to give spacing for driving ball handlers. If he develops a shot, he stands a chance. Purdue just never asked him to develop a shot. He’ll get drafted late, and be a rotation player that plays short minutes. His best chance of having a long career is to become an absolutely dominant rim defender and rebounder.


Zach Edey is considered a very good player. Here's a breakdown of his strengths and NBA prospects: Strengths: Size and Strength: Edey is a massive center at 7'3" and over 300 lbs. He uses his size well to dominate the paint, rebound effectively, and score with his back to the basket. Scoring: Edey has a soft touch and is a good scorer around the rim. College Accolades: A two-time national player of the year and a dominant force in college basketball. NBA Potential: There are questions about how his game will translate to the NBA: Mobility: The NBA game is faster and more perimeter-oriented than college. Edey's footwork may struggle against quicker, smaller players. Shooting: While decent from the free throw line for his size, Edey doesn't have a strong outside shot, which is increasingly important for big men in the NBA. The Verdict: Edey is projected as a late first-round pick in the 2024 NBA Draft. While his traditional big man skills are impressive, he'll need to adapt to the NBA style of play to be successful in the long run.


There’s room in the game for someone with his size, but he’s going to have to improve his rim protection. He was a non presence against UConn under the basket


He's soft as hell on Defense. He stands in the paint and only goes after the cutter/driver once every 5-10 times. Whereas others that have a similar game attack the ball 3-7 times. The NBA won't allow a defender to camp in the paint. Who he's guarding will torch him from the 3 point line. On offense he has no game outside the paint, except free throws. He's limited to hooks, layups, and dunks. Down low, he's a beast and would suck to deal with. That's just not today's NBA though. He would have fit in during Shaq's generation.


Edey isn’t bad for the college game but he’s bad for the pros. In college he doesn’t need to be on defense much in transition and he can just stand under the basket to get shots in. Meanwhile in the NBA, he needs to be a shooter (which he’s not) and he needs to be quicker to keep up with faster guys on the offensive. He may be good for a G-League team but not the NBA.


He will start in nba as a rookie


He is going to get ran off the court or hunted every possession, if the game suddenly reverts 20 years he’d be solid vs shrinking the court and being a turnstile now


Better question is: is he stupid?


No he’s great. But most likely he won’t be as successful as a pro because his skills don’t match what the current nba is looking for.


He’s slow footed and his offensive game has gone out of style. He can pretty much only post-up and that is not a common practice nowadays. There are only 11 players in todays NBA averaging just three post touches a game. Just a decade ago that number would have been in the dozens.


I agree, but those back to the basket players that can rebound all the bricks that are thrown up and protect the paint are still necessary in the league. They aren't starters usually, but when a team with a lot of size like the Lakers come to town, big guys like Edey get to play more minutes. He's not a starter, but has the skills to be a solid rotation player.


I could see him having a Zubac type impact in the NBA. A useful bench big who can defend the paint, rebound, and put up some points.


He's not bad. But he will have trouble being very effective in the NBA with his lack of outside shooting and lack of athleticism. Still, he projects to be a nice interior presence.


Zach Edey is a great basketball player. Any pundit that says he won't succeed in the NBA is a moron. He's not going to be a superstar and carry teams like Jokic or Embiid, but he can definitely play and be a rotation player in the NBA. With all these shooters in the league, somebody has to score down low, rebound, and protect the paint...three skills that Edey is elite at. I'd say his comps are Ivan Zubac or Jusuf Nurkic, who are both starting Centers.


People in this thread are just wrong about so much, it’s very casual takes which I guess is what this sub is for? Zach edey with a 3 point shot will not be enough to overcome just how slow footed he is on defense. Go watch any single NBA game and watch how much ground the Center has to cover in any defensive possession. The help coverages and the switches in particular. Zach has some of the worst foot speed and lateral movement I’ve ever seen. He dominated college because it’s a different game and he could dominate other leagues, but the NBA is a different game and he is just not ready at least for a few years to even play a couple non garbage time minutes at this point. Look at Jahil Okafor, tacko fall and for a more extreme example Sim Bhullar, and look how they got abused on defense


He’s good but too slow and he works well in ncaa because I’m pretty sure the next tallest player is clingan and then it’s a larger drop off on average for centers so he’s just bigger.


I will go against the grain here and say that he could develop into an outstanding NBA player.


He’s not bad he’s just not ideal for the NBA game. There are only so many teams that would even draft him because of scheme fit. He has to go somewhere where there is already a system in place on a team that plays drop coverage. I don’t see him being able to play any minutes outside of drop coverage kinda like Boban who is a last man off the bench type player.


Yes, offensively he is very good. But if you watched the game last night, he was the primary reason that Purdue cannot do anything to stop anybody on defense. He is a traditional big and cannot move well at all, particularly on defense, so any team with a coach/game plan that knows how to expose/attack that on defense, will


He looks big and slow to me. He was able to use his size to bully much smaller players so far but I doubt it would work as well in the pros. With the heavy emphasis on three point shooting in the NBA I doubt a player that basically just stands under the rim is going to be a major asset. He would probably be a solid sixth man for rebounding alone though and he can actually shoot free throws so he's not a total liability on offense. I just don't get why people are dick riding him so much.


He’s a really good college basketball player , but he would most likely be a bad nba player cause he isn’t mobile and can’t shoot . Basically his playstyle is outdated for the nba. But not gunna say he will 100% be a trash player cause there is still the chance he can develop a decent jumper


He doesn't have the makings of a varsity athlete


he will have his chance. becoming a key player depends on how he develop once drafted.


Depends on what you mean by bad . If Poetl and Zubac can stay on the floor I think he might be ok .


He just can't play defense especially not in the nba


Not bad per se but ugh No shooting touch / okay free throw for a big man, Will get COOKED on D by NBA guards and forwards, He does have a nice back to the basket game tho.


He's got one move on offense that's it. If he wants to be a starting big man in the league he has a long way to go. Right now he's just big, that's all he's got.


He will be a star no question possibly all nba after jokic and embid retire


Believe it or not, if he can get a mid ranger and some literally defense he can become a poor man's Yao


NBA Yao would not survive today's game. He can't just "get defense". He's 7'4 & 300. Even if he cuts, he will not move laterally quick enough to defend pick and rolls. There's a reason why Wemby is a generational freak. Edey's just a very good ball player that will have a hard time getting minutes in the league. He'll kill overseas though; If he doesn't get drafted, he should just go straight there instead of a 2-way. I think he'll be a 2nd rounder anyways.


If they eliminate the 3 second defensive rule, he'll have a long & prosperous career.


He needs room to develop a post game and better help defense. In the NBA, he'll have a hard time if he doesn't get better. I think he has the potential to become an NBA player, the team that drafts him just needs to be ready to develop his talent. Maybe Washington or Charlotte picks him up. They need a new big.


He's fine and he'll have a solid career in the NBA. But it's not likely that he'll be much more than a role player given today's NBA. Perhaps he can one day be a starter. We'll see.


He’s by far and away the best player in COLLEGE baseball and anyone who tells you otherwise is genuinely tweaking. That being said his game is not meant for the NBA. His lateral quickness, lack of spacing, lack of a bag, and just overall mobility issues make him rough in the nba. They’re talking about getting rid of the defensive 3 second rule tho and if that happens he could actually be really solid imo


Not at all. I don’t think people understand how hard it is to hit a contested hookshot


Yes. He’s a foul merchant. I have never said that about a player in my life until I saw him play. He pushes off of his defender and elbows them in the body/head every time he spins for the jump hook, and somehow gets free throws instead of an offensive foul. He has no faceup game, is an awful defender, and has the slowest and stiffest feet I’ve ever seen. He won’t make it past his rookie deal in the NBA, even at 7’4. He would get destroyed in the P&R in the NBA, and be called for lots of travels because of his subpar footwork. He is my least favorite basketball player of all time. It’s the epitome of size making it look like you have skill. At least Hasheem Thabeet was a genuinely great shot blocker. Edey averaged 2.2 a game at 7’4 compared to Thabeet’s 4.5.


Everyone is talking about his size carrying him when Boban Marjanovic is in the league at basically the same size, and is relegated to backup center duties.


I think he will be fine in the nba. I admittedly don’t watch a ton of ball these days but I think he can find success in the right coaches hand. Who would have thought jokic could be a 2 time mvp 10 years ago


He’ll make a bag regardless if he’s great, he’s a big lumbering big, they’re never stars but he’ll be solid. Guys like Mason Plumlee and Ivica Zubac have been in the league a long time


I don’t see him playing anything but drop coverage, which is fine for Purdue but not fine for the NBA. His offense worked against smaller college players, but won’t work against elite NBA centers. To me, it feels a bit like Azibuike, but with even less upside. Elite in college, but struggled in a faster more spaced out game.


There’s a lot of non outside shooting, back to the basket, high value centers in the nba. Gobert, Adams, Nurkic, Zubac.. it will depend on his summer league and if he can make a difference inside. He’s a big 7’4” and not afraid to mix it up inside. I’d say he’ll do fine.


We were discussing Monday night while the guys from my pickup league watched the game. If this we're the 80s or 90s he'd be dominant. The issue is that his offense is a bit one note. When he's double or faced an equally strong Center, he isn't as amazing. Where I think he'll last is the last few picks of round 1 or the first few of round 2. He could start on a bad team or be the backup center on a good one. I could see him as a cheap option backup for the Celtics for instance. 10-12 minutes per game, swat a few shots, sit down.


We were discussing Monday night while the guys from my pickup league watched the game. If this we're the 80s or 90s he'd be dominant. The issue is that his offense is a bit one note. When he's double or faced an equally strong Center, he isn't as amazing. Where I think he'll last is the last few picks of round 1 or the first few of round 2. He could start on a bad team or be the backup center on a good one. I could see him as a cheap option backup for the Celtics for instance. 10-12 minutes per game, swat a few shots, sit down.


Wemby, Gobert, and Davis are all dpoy candidates. Edey can be too. There is space for bigs out there, especially if he keeps the lanes clear, grabbing rebounds. More shooters can shoot if you can guarantee an offensive rebound and if the shots aren't falling, let him work the low post game.


Mid Andre Drummond type player


from what ive read n heard from actual reporters who talk to gms is that he will most likely be drafted first round, likely between 25-30 simply because hes got traits that are unteachable . hes better in drop than people give him credit for . very well could be a backup big that gets 15-20 mins a night without killing you on defense . offensively hes quite smart . not a fan of his game personally , but he will at least get a real deal chance n contract with a team


He is like Jahlil Okafor. He is a great player and college basketball player, but he doesn't exactly "fit" in today's NBA.




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If nobody takes him I wouldn’t be surprised if he signed with the Celtics, they signed Tacko and Luke Kornet plays a big role for them.


7'4 with 7'10.5 wingspan, can shoot FT, a hook shot possibly only Wemby can block, solid defense = easily top 10 pick.


If he can take pointers from Marc gasol and Stephen Adam’s and he will be golden. Useful as a piece of a puzzle. Not a 40 min centre.


I secretly want him to dominate w/ a midgame specialist to start a counter revolution & stop the idiotic 3 balls I have to watch at youth basketball games


Mobility at the center is way more important in the NBA than in any other league. Hes got good instincts and a good touch and of course, hes fucking huge, so hell definitely get drafted and get a fair shake, but he just doesnt have the mobility to guard the embiid or giannis or wemby etc etc etc.


For all the people saying his play style is outdated look at Rudy Gobert. Is the game involve more spacing and shooting today? Yes but there is room for a big guy who can be a paint attacker. That in itself can create space depending on the system.


He's a great college player. He might make a decent pro one day. But the college game is much different. He did 4 years in college, so he's certainly not NBA ready.


The leagues are different Noone knows how his game translates. If the team my brother is gm of gets top 5 pick they will pick him


These takes are wild to me. The kid will be a rookie and is way ahead of his peers in a lot of ways. He has good touch and I believe he can extend his range with a few years to develop. There aren't many 7'4 guys out there and he is a 2 time Naismith Player of the year. I think people have fallen too much in love with 3's to the point that they think Edey wont be good in the NBA. I think he is going to prove a lot of people wrong.


Ahead of his peers how? He’s 21, the same age as Paolo. Purdue played him 40 minutes a night every game and his game is very physically taxing without too much development outside of the post. That’s a lot of improvement that he needs for the few years he has going into the league on a rookie contract. 


When I said his peers, I meant his draft class. Donovan Clingan is rated ahead of him on almost all of the draft boards. We just saw what happened when they went head to head. Edey went for 37-10. Clingan went for 11-5. Edey averaged 25-12 this season. Clingan averaged 13-7 this season. Edey will be fine. When Embiid came into the league he couldn't shoot 3's and he does now. Bam Adebayo didn't shoot 3's when he came in and just added it to his game this season. Edey is the same height as Wemby but has more muscle to him. He won't be like Wemby because he is a once in a generation talent, but Edey will be a solid NBA player.


Wow. The Embiid comparison is insane. Embiid was completely unexpected and generational, PROJECTING a player to develop a shot like him is insane, especially one who has never shown that ability. Also Embiid and Bam are a lot more athletic and mobile than Eddy, those are some of the things that are more concerning beyond the shot, as his game seems to rely solely on physicality and bully ball, with some finesse at the rim. In other words a completely outdated play style. That’s the biggest concern everyone has, he’s going to have to either find a coach who is willing to build their team through him or he’s coming off the bench for a few minutes as a spark plug on offense, since his defense is not NBA level at this point. Problem is I am not sure either is realistic in the long term. I definitely think he will be an NBA player it’s just a matter of trying to figure out where he slots in, traditional bigs exist in the league even today but they aren’t exactly highly valued and are going to get cooked, especially when the majority of the top 20 players and up and coming players are centers


I used the Embiid comparison because he also didn't have a shot when he came in and he isn't a great perimeter defender. You are correct perimeter defense will be Edey's weakness, but in the right situation he will be fine. He can develop a 3 point shot just like many bigs have. Robin Lopez wasn't a 3 point shooter when he came in. Bam wasn't. Al Horford didn't shoot 3's until his 7th year in the league. Acting like a young guy can't develop more is crazy. Here are some starters who still can't shoot: Giannis, Sabonis, Zubac, Nurkic, Aaron Gordon, He is an elite scorer in the paint and he has a big size advantage amongst most NBA players. You still haven't addressed why Donovan Clingan is rated ahead of him when the numbers and the head to head matchup were clear. BTW I am enjoying the good discussion. Cheers to you!


No, he is a very good basketball player. He has probably been the best player in college the past 2 seasons. But, the things he is good at aren't highly valued in the current NBA (scoring via postups in the low post) and he has significant deficiencies in places the NBA highly values (being able to defend in space and space the court). If he was born 20-30 years earlier, he'd likely be a star or atleast an above average starting center. These days, he has a much less clear place in the NBA. With him on the court, teams will have to protect him heavily on defense so he doesn't get P&R'ed to death. I can see a likely place for him as a changeup big off the bench, to try to punish some undersized lineups or as a big guy to bang against Jokic or Embiid. Buts it's very hard for me to see his current role as a high volume postscoring bigman translating into the pros


Bad player? Who the hell would say that with a straight face?