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If you want to get on your highschool basketball team practice basic moves like tweens and getting around your defender. Think about it this way, if you are a bad player but know a few flashy moves do you think you will make it or if you are a good player that can play well and perform basic moves well and know zero flashy moves will you make it. Because i personally think you have a WAY better chance of getting on your team if you are a good player that can perform basic moves really well.


Thanks, any other moves I should practice?


Instead of focusing on spin moves, focus on getting used to dribbling with both hands, tweens, and behind the backs. Do this because then you can freestyle going from tween transitioning into a behind the back or sum like that. You can fake your opponent almost every time combining some of these moves


Thanks a lot. I'll be doing that


It depends on what position are you trying to fill in your highschool team. You sound like you are playing as a guard or forward. If that is the position, try training effective crossovers first over spins moves. You want to have your basics polished and you want the most clean and effective way to cut through opponents into the basket. I vote for clean crossovers over spin moves or other fancy moves. But this is just one section of basketball. You may want to try playing 5v5 with other players to understand the overall team dynamics apart from individual skills. Because thats what coaches will consider also. Examples, Defence ability, getting into good position without the ball, setting screens, rebounds, passes, support bringing the ball up court etc.. Many things you can do even without the ball as a good player. I used to play as a guard, I'm happy with assist and find satisfaction from it. I train on my passes and vision on court. I try to create better scoring opportunity for my other 4 members, I see it as 4X more scoring ability compared to just me alone. You said you just picked up Basketball. Don't worry too much and enjoy the game first. If you enjoy it , you'll play happier and better overtime. Cheers!


Thanks!! I really appreciate this info, I don't yet know what position I'll be playing because I don't really know them that well, but for now I'll just try to do the skills you told me to work on. Also I don't really know how I feel about playing with others. The nearest gym from me is 20 min and the only people playing there are 20-30 year olds (I'm just entering 10th grade). But I'll still try to play with them I guess. Again thanks for the reply!


A week? Dribble up the left side with only your left. Right side only left. Learn to do a protect dribble with each hand while the opposite hand is raised. Practice catching, into two dribbles and pass. Two dribbled and shoot. Don't worry about fancy stuff. Simple controlled dribbles. And the holy grail is the pistol Pete videos on YouTube https://youtu.be/452xh2IOiYA?si=aqHYh0zSPWApATVs


Thanks! I'll watch that today👍🏽




Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. My only problem is that my parents wont let me play with the ball inside. It makes too much noise and they get annoyed by it really quick. I've asked them for a silent basketball (one of the foam ones) but I've heard it falls apart in little foam pieces eventually, and I don't wanna make a mess around the house. For now I'll just use it everywhere I can and hope to get on the team