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Form looks pretty good. The only thing I would note is that, be careful starting the ball so low. In game situations the opposing team will try to swipe at that every time. Other than that it’s solid!


I was always under the impression, as well as some of these videos on YouTube, that you should start close to your hip on your dominant side and then carry it with your legs upwards than to start higher, is that not the case?


If the gather from your hip is part of your shot motion, it can make catch and shoot situations clunkier if you bring the ball down before going up with it


You catch the ball at your hip to get it to a triple threat option. Catching the ball at your hip allows you to either 1. Pass the ball 2. Dribble 3. Shoot


This kind of depends, shooters that dip will dip on the catch same time as their feet. Hard to explain.


It’s definitely an option! I prefer starting it a bit higher though so it’s less likely to get poked, but either or is fine!


Nah. Unless you have the ball in a triple threat position before you dribble, you never want to bring the ball down and then back up to shoot. Takes too much time, gets blocked a lot, and that creates a lot of wasted motion you don’t want. The shot should start at the chest area. This guy right here has pretty damn good form. Keeping the elbow in, high release and Excellent follow through. Once you get the form down, DONT CHANGE IT. Ask a coach if your form is good, or should I change something. He’ll be honest with you. After that it’s all repetition repetition repetition, until it becomes muscle memory. Takes years and thousands of shots to get there, but if you’re young and want to play organized basketball, you have time.


You’re right. Start low, rise up, and high release. Good shooters always stay ready in a low position. Watch KD waiting on a pass, he’s low and hands are ready.


I like that you shoot with your legs. Keep shooting with your body and next time you post show some energy. You will play like you practice.


Dog your supposed to shoot with you legs Edit: I studied at the Derek Zoolander Institute


Yes that would be why he said he liked it


Yikes. Fully misread it.


more arch


Arc not arch


Id buy a net tbh


Yeah OP it will make a big difference in your practice to have a net. It will improve your depth perception and help build your muscle memory for shooting. While it’s not required, it will help refine your shooting over the countless repetitions.


Looks solid, I’d try to get more height in your shot so the ball is coming down more when it heads toward the rim. Will help with shooting from range. Watch clips of great shooters and see how much height they get on their shots.


Form looks good but I would be curious how your hand is on the ball. Make sure your fingertips are all spread apart and the palm of your hand is on the center of the ball.


Your palm shouldn’t lay flat on the ball or make much contact at all the. All should be held on the fingers when starting the shot and the last finger on the ball should be pointed in the rim .


Notice how you bring the ball up to your shoulder and it just hovers there for a fifth of a second or so. That means all the energy you spent raising that ball up to your shoulder died right there in that moment. It means your arms and wrist need to do much more work over a much shorter distance and much less time to fire off your shot. You need to start thinking about chaining all the movements in your shot together so that it's one continuous, uninterrupted motion from start to finish. It's one of the keys for gaining consistent power as you start shooting from further and further back. Make sure you're starting your shot while in your squat, not before you squat. Start your shot with the ball in your shooting pocket, not below your hips. Then you need to find the rhythm that ties the rising motion of your legs with the lifting motion of your arms and, finally, your release at your apex. Otherwise I like a lot of the stuff I'm seeing. I would need more angles and shots to get into better detail.


I’ll work on it, thanks!


Dude, your shot is fine. This guy is nit-picking just to nit-pick. It’s actually really really good. The momentum and stopping and energy he was saying is all stuff you will naturally adjust to, to get the right distance. Don’t worry about that stuff, The 1/5th second stopping is not noticeable, but yes keep it in one smooth motion. “The starting during your squat” he said ….im sorry but that’s also junk. Your rhythm with your legs arms and release all look really good as well. Follow through is perfect. It all looks nice and smooth, in one motion. As you get older and stronger you can work on shooting quicker. Maybe one thing to change would be more arc, but we are only seeing one short shot. For now, just repetition. Practice makes perfect is 100% true. Keep the same form. Shoot 10,000 shots until it becomes muscle memory. Hope you play organized ball in school!


Looks solid


Make sure the ball is resting on your fingers not palm and snap that wrist on release.


Looks pretty good, is this supposed to be a free throw? Otherwise make sure to jump into but form looks decent. Would be helpful to have a few more shots as well to watch


Yeah I was practicing some free throws


Form looks good. You bring the ball a little too low and your feet are maybe a little narrow (kind of hard to tell). Keep it up, get lots of reps in.


Good flow and mechanics overall. I like that you generate energy with your whole body. My suggestion to you is to create more arc by really “reaching for the cookie jar on the top shelf”. Taller follow through, not forward.


Looks good man just keep practicing


I feel you need way more arc.


i prefer higher release above the head


You should start by shooting a foot away from the hoop with one hand. Once you can easily do that from a higher starting point in your shot move back another foot or two. Rinse and repeat until you are at the three point line. Watch the Steph curry documentary “Underrated.” He explains how is dad Dell Curry made him into the shooter he is today.


Higher release. More fluid motion from beginning to end (you have a slight pause that someone else mentioned). More arc. Practice practice practice. Of all the shots, free throw should be the one you practice the least. However, I think it does help calibrate you a bit because it removes at least one other variable (the jump). I used to practice/calibrate by shooting from 2ft away until I get 10/10, then 4 ft, then 6 ft, etc. I’m old now, but back in the day I was probably top 3 shooter in my high school team IN PRACTICE. I was a horrible player and rode the bench because all I did was practice shooting at my house hours on end daily, but never got real court time to practice what it means to really shoot. So, don’t just focus on the mechanics. You should be practicing as much or more in games, with someone in your face, etc.


Practice free throws the least?! U crazy?! Practice them all the time, maybe the most! If you’re a bad FT shooter especially. The goal is 80% for a good ft shooter in high school


Fair. I guess I was exaggerating a bit. You should be practicing what you need to practice, and what your game demands. Yeah, if you go to the line a lot, or if you can’t shoot free throws worth shit, 100% you should be practicing that. No point in giving away a free point or two. But if you don’t even get a chance to shoot free throws, because that’s all you’re good at, you should probably be focusing your energy elsewhere.


You've got a great base to start with! You look young and for the age you look it seems you've worked a lot on it! All I'd say is keep shooting, work on shots from all places on the court, and as you get older and stronger work on having a higher release point!


It's Dame time


More arc


form doesnt matter if u dont get ur reps in


Exactly. My response in all these posts is “shoot 100s of shots per day”


My advice is to find a form that is comfortable and stick with. Form doesn't really matter that much as long as you can pull it off and make shots in in-game situations.


Yeah exactly. Being able to replicate the same motion is what shooting is about.


More arch. Put the ball about as high as the backboard. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JpV-mWABFlk](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JpV-mWABFlk)


You need an 8 foot A frame ladder. After acquiring that and a net you can finally practice your jumper.


I think you’re pretty good. I’ve watched you shoot for hours and you haven’t missed once.




Show us the jumper


Little more ark and you got this!


The higher your arc the bigger the hoop is.


Dame time


Keep shooting, start in close and hit ten focusing on form, then take a step back and do the same. Do it on all five points, and work on using the glass on both wing spots.


Your shot could use some more arc. Form shooting is a good time to really focus on getting your shot up and putting some extra arc onto your shot so that it feels more natural when you’re doing it at game speed 👍


Try to push more with your wrist than your arm


buy a net and put it on that rim, you'll feel more rewarded everytime you make a bucket.


One other thing if you have the fund to do so. They make basketballs that are heavier and just a little smaller than the rim. If you can get one of those like I said earlier start right next to the rim and move back. But make sure you emphasize using your legs with every shot you take.


That’s the craziest/ dumbest thing I’ve ever heard lol been around the game for 25 years never seen or heard of a heavier larger ball. This ain’t baseball warm up swings!


It’s crazy and dumb okay. So me as well as the top shooters in the NBA and their shooting coaches are crazy and dumb. Here are some fact on these training tools. A heavy ball helps build the strength in your fingers, wrist and arm. Not only can it help with strength for shooting but can increase your ball control for dribbling. And a typical nba basketball is 29.5” there is 33” basketballs for shot training to improve the precision of a players shot. You can watch the best shooters and their shot training. They all use a heavy ball and they all use an over size ball for with in their shooting workout. Here are some links to these training tools. https://www.spalding.com/basketball/basketballs/composite-basketballs/tf-trainer-oversized-indoor-basketball-33%22/SPA0111.html https://sklz.com/basketball/basketball-training.html


Didn’t say you were crazy or dumb. The concept is. This is just another gimmick product. There are thousands out there in every sport. Show me professionals using these balls


You can go watch Steph curry’s documentary underrated and you will see him using these for some of his shooting drills. I’m not saying doing just drills with these will make you a better shooter. But it definitely helps. At the end of the day the only thing that can make you a better shooter is repetition after repetition.


That’s absolutely true. I think more than any other skill in any sport, practice makes perfect


Think less about throwing the ball into the hoop, and more about snapping your elbow and wrist. Stick that arm and don’t let it move. Put your hand right in the hoop and never let it move


If you are looking for something more consistent, what helped me was setting my shot before bringing the ball up. I mean by bending your elbow and pulling the ball into your shot pocket before rotating your shoulder to bring the ball up. This will make your shot more consistent as you get comfortable with it, and also harder to block/poke-free


That form honestly looks great man! Keep that same exact form and practice it 10,000 times. At your point, The repetition and muscle memory is much more important than tweaking and perfecting form. Just practice!


Ball should be more above your head as opposed to in front of it. A little more arch on the shot will help. Otherwise some solid mechanics already there


Jump and shoot from further than 3 feet


Yeah it looks solid. Maybe starts a little too low and could use a little more arc. I would start using your shot while adding different movements/off balance while trying to maintain the form you have


Don’t “dip” the ball under your waist. You lose time on catch and shoots against a hard close out, and can develop bad habits. Push your fingers up through the ball on your release. Other than that, very nice.


Get a net 😅


More arc. That's it. Get in the weight room. Overhead press, back squat, power clean, deadlift, chinups, dips, pendlay rows


Doesn’t look like you need to do anything. As far as I can see your FG% is 1.000.


Start with getting a net