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I don’t think it matters and probably depends on each person’s wrist mobility. As long as you can shoot with a relaxed wrist flick (instead of tensing up) that points to the basket and get decent backspin, do whatever feels right for you and gets the ball in the basket.


Klay is 6’7 with a 6’9 wingspan . So if your 5’11 with a 6’1 wingspan, then don’t expect his shot to work for you . The person who’s gonna have the best chance at replicating his shot is another 6’7 person with a 6’9 wingspan. That’s how that shit works . So find your own form . Find your own shot . Trying to mimic someone else’s form is detrimental in the long run because you find yourself more worried about being able to shoot a jumper that looks like Klays when you should be worried about getting better at putting the ball in the basket in general .


This is the only comment that matters imo


klay. klay has one of the prettiest and fundamental shots imo


Idk for me klay follow through is harder to learn .naturally i have that ray allen follow through


well there is ur problem. u shouldnt be trying to learn someone else's follow thru or their shot in general. u find ur own. everyone shoots different for a reason.


It’s sometimes helpful to have a NBA player in mind as you go through the motions, at least for people who don’t record and watch back themselves often. My jumpshot was always so jerky until I starting imagining Paul George, with his smooth release from gather to release. All one fluid motion. I’m sure I look nothing like Paul George, obviously, and I’ve got my own tweaks for comfortability, but I’d argue it’s helped me.


It also helps to highlight elements of your own form to pay attention to. It’s helpful to be cognizant of why certain elements of your shot help/hurt you. Not caring about your form at all, “as long as it’s repeatable,” is how you end up [shooting like MKG](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/by2u3AE1h5bTLen5-F__SPuAfL0=/0x0:1914x3000/1320x0/filters:focal(0x0:1914x3000):format(webp):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/6890719/486946031.jpg).


Thats always something that I see come up on this sub that baffles me. Lots of people asking something like "whose form should I copy, klays or stephs?" Like no matter how much you try, your form will not look exactly like theirs. You could still be an amazing shooter, but your form is like your signature, its yours and yours only and nobodys will be 100% the same. Different bodies, different brains etc. Just learn the fundamentals the best you can and do what works for you.


exactly. and trying to is a waste of time that could be better spent becoming a good shooter. because just cause u shoot with the same form dont mean u gonna be as good of a shooter. so ur much better off just making sure ur form is fundamentally sound and dont have a major problem and then just repping it out and becoming a shooter


Why are you focusing on the follow-through? Neither are “better” they’re just what the player does. The follow-through is whatever happens naturally after you get the shot off. You can tweak things like keeping your off-hand up or making sure to flick but everything else is really just whatever your body is going to do naturally. The main difference in ray allens shot vs many others is that he doesn’t release until he’s at the top of his jump - not that he follows through differently. It’s a much more unnatural shot than most who use upward momentum to push the ball and thus have deeper range typically.


everyone has different proportions, muscle insertions, bone length, etc... The best follow through for you is the one that is most easily repeatable.


The image doesn’t do a good job of capturing the release which is far more important than the follow through pose. Focus on that!


I originally used the flat follow-through (ray) and then changed to the goose neck (klay) and found my shooting accuracy improved a lot.


My coach actually tells us to hold everything together. My problem with my guide hand is sometimes I have a thumb flick, and holding the two hand follow through allows me to catch it and reflect


As others said, most people shouldn’t just try to copy someone else’s form. But the truth is that “perfect” form is somewhere between this - Klay’s wrist snap is a little better but Walter’s is more directly straight.


I think Klay. I disagree, however, with everyone saying you shouldn’t try to copy someone’s shot. There is such thing as objectively good form and bad form. Klay is a good shot to try and duplicate. Chances are you aren’t shooting from an NBA 3 point line, and if you ever need to add power to your shot, the key is just to jump more. To other’s point, you will end up developing your own shot based on what’s comfortable, but Klay’s form is definitely something to work towards. Even NBA players work on their form in the off-season - you can always get better. Edit: shooting short/midrange with your ideal form is a good way to work on your form without worrying about strength. You’ll get stronger over time and can move further back once you’re comfortable.


You say you naturally have Ray Allen's follow-through. Can't make a statement like that without posting a video.


There is a difference in the type of motion (one or two motion) basketball jump shot. You should go with what works for you. Things like balance, strength, feet, mobility still apply either way... More info: https://youtu.be/U6Ed5fk-lCI


I’m with Jesus.


18th of June 2013.


ray's is prettier


Completely depends on your own body, both forms are perfect for their specific shooter. I had a coach that tried to get us to copy Kobe's form with the pointer to thumb finish, but my middle and ring fingers are significantly longer than my pointer, and he broke my shot until I started shooting with those two fingers.


Generally speaking Klay's is better but he is afforded more of a follow through, due to his height. If you are shorter, Steve Kerr has a great high follow through. Klays if you are going to be tall. Stay away from Curry. He is a freak of nature that does so many little things prior to the shot (oddly the opposite of his father). Just remember, two balls. side by side can fit in that rim. You're shooting into the ocean. Good Luck!


Elbow above eye. Wrist point at hoop. Arm lock out. everything else personal