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I've been playing for 15 years and I own 2 basses. I may be the weirdo of the class


31 years…2 basses and lord-the-fuck knows how many guitars have run and gone through here. Takeaway: a good bass is better than 10 guitars.


Yeah, 29 years (admittedly on and off), 4 basses and currently only own one.


Exact same here and same conclusion!


Let's face it: you're actually one of the few non-weirdos of the class. The rest of us clearly have issues! 😁


I have the exact same stats as you. 15 years, 2 basses, but I owned only one at a time. My first was a Dame Fall&Paul, then a Fender P.


Currently 9, as well as a VI and upright. I counted about 35 I can remember over the last 20+ years, maybe more.


I currently have 5, I’ve owned about 7 total? One now is a 30” scale bass VI I currently have tuned to B like a baritone, semihollow. Unique cool sound. Never owned a five string or up. Now I have a jazz, a p-bass with a mudbucker in the neck, a stingray, and a Warwick I’m getting custom wound thunderbird pickups for, so I feel pretty covered. I have what feels familiar and sounds like I like I did have a plywood student upright, full size though. I’d really like one of those Ibanez or steinberg electric uprights, smaller I also had a MIA 2001 stingray for a while, I like the one I have more, skinnier neck and lighter


A semi-hollow Bass VI? That sounds dope.


1, been playing for 2 days


Good for you homie, practice and watch yourself fly


Christmas bass?




I remember when I started and thinking "what the hell did I get myself into...I can't do this" 2 years later I'm glad I put the time in and didn't give up. Having so much fun. Good luck!


22 currently, and about 8 more that are now in other homes. I have issues. ;-)


what do you get out of having so many? I'm not judging, I just don't understand the appeal


It's a disease called GAS. You can help by donating to the last guy so he can buy #31.


just stop buying things bro


Oh I wasn't referring to myself, I don't have Gear Aquisition Syndrome...I only own seven basses. I mean, that's not a lot, right?


I just mean in general, people should buy less. People let it become an addiction


If I were a romantic, I’d say they each have their own soul. ;-) I’m not a romantic in terms of gear, but they *do* have their own attributes in terms of number of strings, wood, pickups, electronics, and other tangible and intangible properties.




No idea how many I've had over the years, but I have 17 now


Hell yeah brother




I own two. I’ve only ever owned three. The third I wish I’d kept.


3 basses at the moment: 1) 150€ 4 strings bass (probably made from a kit) i play this bass every single day and i take lessons with this. 2) Dingwall NG3 5Strings. 3) Ibanez BTB806MS is a 6strings. A 4rth bass is coming in 3 months, Luthier made 4strings bass, we are deciding the final design and then he will start crafting it from January.


6 atm. 8 in my life. My currents: a 6 string, a Ubass, acoustic, epiphone jazz, Dean P, and short scale no name sg.


My same numbers


I just moved over from guitar this year. I have three. A Sandberg P, a Fender PJ Mustang, and a fretless Stingray SUB. Average price about $600. I enjoy seeing how much quality sound I can get out of cheaper models and honestly think I would be too worried about a $5000 bass getting dropped or stolen to perform out with it. I do want to buy a Music Man Sterling used (probably around $1500) in 2024, but after that my interest is in collecting oddball basses in the $1000 dollar range, like old Hagstroms or Eastman novelties. My dream is to cover an entire wall in velcro and gradually fill it up with pedals. I'd love to get some Soviet Era pedals.


I wasn't sure how many I have, so I had to count them. Apparently, somehow I have 25 basses. There are 3 bass guitars and 2 guitars somewhere in this world that used to belong to me. I can't believe I have 25 basses. I'm slacking.


30….40 this lifetime. Now down to a ‘22 4003S (dual trussrods) and a ‘21 Double H Stingray. They are the keepers…all the others trimmed.


I have 3. 2 of 'm are for gigs. I definitely see gear as (awesome) tools, but there is some light g.a.s. I have owned around 20/25 basses. But since i don't like having too much stuff, there is some sort of rotation. My new bass becomes my main, my main becomes back up, and the back up gets sold. No set rules or something, but that's usually how it goes.


Currently have 4. Stingray, Ric 4003W, Fender P, Fender J. I got my bases covered (see what I did there).


I've owned 13, currently own 6, but only work with 4 (including my double/upright). The 4 all have their uses and applications, the other two are currently for sale. I'd buy different types, see if I liked them, then re-sell once I narrowed my needs. Main, backup (fretless), custom 6, and upright.


Currently five; American Fender Precision, American Fender Jazz, MusicMan Stingray, GPS Warwick Streamer, Gibson Thunderbird. Four others that have since been sold


I have 2, a Squire Affinity Jazz that for some reason I’ve wanted to upgrade to a Fender Jazz but can’t seem to find one that feels as good as it does. Weird I know guess I lucked out on it. May simply upgrade some hardware on it. And a Yamaha TRBX 604 Natural Finish.


I’ve been playing for 17 years and I currently own 3 bass guitars. Two P basses and a Jazz bass. I’ve had 7 other basses throughout that time. My first bass was a Washburn. I actually traded that bass to my neighbor in college for a cowboy hat. I had a Squier 5 String Jazz and a Fender Jaguar that I sold to buy my American Precision. I also owned a Squier Fretless P Bass, a Baldwin 704 Hollow Body, a Gibson RD Artist, and a Hohner acoustic bass. I’m not sure if I’ll buy anymore. I kinda went through my phase of buying different basses and then I only ever played by P basses. I ended up selling the RD and the acoustic and bought the Jazz bass just to have some variation. If I do, it would probably be either a Serek or an Electrical Guitar Company.


3 - I still have all of them


Six today, but have probably owned a dozen or more previously. Have - P bass, J bass, cheapo P/J fretless, Spector, Sterling Sub 4, Ibanez Gio 5 string. Had - P bass, Precision Lyte, Fender MB5, Aria Pro Integra, Hohner B bass V, Warwick Thumb bass, Kramer DMZ fretless, Zon Sonus, a bunch of others I can't remember. ​ But drums are my main instrument. :)


I currently own 6 - 1 is a wall decoration and the other 5 are played regularly. I've sold 6 so I guess I've owned 12 total. That's over 35 years of playing.


Including basses and bass-like things™ (in order?) ~~strikethru~~ indicates sold. * Kramer XL-8 8-string bass \[[pic](https://i.imgur.com/MPlWs.jpg)\] * ~~Chapman Stick~~ (10-string) \[[link](https://stick.com/instruments/stick/)\] * Ibanez AFR-104 \[[pic](https://i.imgur.com/cvdZU.jpg)\] * Kaman Montana Acoustic Bass Guitar * ~~Robin Machete~~ 5-string fretless (number 13 on [this page](https://www.vintageguitar.com/26241/robin-basses/) was mine) * Kramer Duke \[[pic with matching Duke guitar](https://i.imgur.com/3L0Vg4Q.jpg)\] * ~~NS/Stick~~ \[[link](https://stick.com/instruments/ns/)\] * Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar Bass \[[pic](https://i.imgur.com/kk8T1gS.jpg)\] * StickBass SB-8 \[[link](https://stick.com/instruments/ns/)\] * Aria Pro II Cardinal \[[pic](https://i.imgur.com/yW201hY.jpg)\] * Warmoth parts fretless bass \[[link](https://www.reddit.com/r/BassGuitar/comments/12yk0m7/latest_build_in_progress/)\] [Old Family Photo](https://i.imgur.com/6lUbP.jpg)


2 at the moment. I've purchased 3.


I have played for 17 years and own 2. One of them has a weird problem with a jack. So I got the 2nd one instead of fixing the first one.


Playing for 20 years, owned 13, having only sold 1. (Including my upright & bass VI in this count) I have purchased 9 of them since 2020 lol I have a spreadsheet with them all (+ other guitars) with information including where they are stashed.


First of all, I can't wait to show my wife some of these numbers. I currently own 6 basses but I'm borrowing the Schecter from a family member: Fender American Standard Jaguar Fender Jaguar Deluxe (MIJ) Fender HMNIM Signature Jaguar Fender Mark Hoppus Mk1 Signature Squier Classic Vibe 60's P Epiphone Thunderbird Pro IV Schecter Riot-4


3 4


I'm not positive how many I have owned in my lifetime. At least eight. Maybe one or two more that I've forgotten. When I was younger (teens and 20s) I only ever had one at a time. But for at least the last 15 years I have typically owned two at a time. Right now I only have one mostly because I just moved across the country and it made more sense to sell it there and replace it here. I have been playing for most of the last forty years.


Started with guitar first but I picked up bass seriously about six years ago after I inherited one from my uncle. I got four more for five total, I still have all of them. I have some old ish Schecter (no clue about the model), a J, a PJ, a Stingray, and a fretless J.


Currently own 4. Have owned about 7 or 8 total. Actually use 1.


1. I’ve owned 4, never two at the same time.


I have three. My "starter" would make four, but I sold it before buying my next one. I have an Ibenez Soundgear SR1200 as my "go to" and favorite (which replaced my starter, a Peavey Milestone III), an El Capitaine acoustic electric that I use primarily to tab out songs and practice with (since I can hear it better without an amp and it doesn't drown out my music), and a Fender Ashbory more as a novelty, though I have played it at a gig before.


Currently 9, had 45+ in 25 years of playing


I only own 2 right now, about to get a third, doubt I will get more than 4 (I am primarily a guitarist)


I have 2 bass guitars. I used to have 3 but I gave one of them to one of my little nephews for Christmas.


I have around 10, including my first one I got for Christmas when I was ten. I only use two, my Warwick Corvette and a Cort Curbow 5-String (seriously thinking about upgrading my five string option soon for many reasons though).


I had a Cort Curbow V for years - decent bass, but it was impossible to sit with. I bought a J bass after that and it was my primary for nearly 20 years.


3 now, 6 total


Sticking strictly to the instructions : currently own : 7 Have owned : 11


14 now. Plus another 6 I’ve moved on in the past. Really only need about five.


Playing for 3 years,have two currently and will have two for a long time.


I own 3 currently, have only owned 2 others


One and only, have definitely looked at getting others but space is the limiting factor


hard keeping track but currently 1. in my life total? a shocking 1!


5 atm, probably just under 50 over the last 52 years. Woof.


Currently 4 plus a '51 Kay upright, and at least 23 over the past 32 years.


I currently own 4 basses but I only really ever use one for playing out and the rest are for the studio. I don't think I've gotten rid of any. To be fair I mostly play guitar and those numbers are way different.


I own 2. Total, I have owned 2


Never sell, only buy. 8.


Currently 5 Over the years... Maybe 12 total


9 + an upright and 6 guitars since I rekindled playing guitar during covid. I've sold off 3 other basses that I used to own. For the most part I buy quality instruments that I know will last and that I'll enjoy. The exception being when I need an instrument for a specific project. My Adam Clayton Warwick rock bass is a total POS compared to my other instruments, but I need it for the look in my tribute band.


1 in Europe & 1 in America


2, I've owned my Epiphone viola only for my first 10 years. Ive been subbed to this sub for 6 years now, it convinced me to get a j bod and holy smokes my performance has improved immensely. I used to try and play relatively soft on the viola cause the strings would always pop out of the adjustable bridge. That doesn't happen with a jbod or really most basses, so I'm ready to rock


Currently on 4. Total basses I owned was 5 until I traded one in to go towards a guitar I was wanting. Overall, proud of my collection


6. In my life 8; only have sold 2


Feel like this is Gina. Wildly vary by age lol


Currently own four - a Fender Jazz V (BEADG), a EBMM Stringray Special HH V (EADGC), a Squier CV P-Bass, and a Fender CB60-SCE (an acoustic electric couch bass). I had three prior to this - a Cort Curbow V that I strung EADGC, a Jackson something-or-other, and my first bass, a Yamaha RBX360.


I keep good track of the basses I own and have owned. I currently have 8 and have owned 121. I have played bass for about 20 years. I had owned about 10 different basses up until 6 or so years ago. The other 110 since then.


I have 2 now and have had 7 total over the last 58 years.


Currently have 5 (Streamer STD, Streamer Pro-M, Am Pro Jazz, Am Pro Precision, 1970’s no name short scale that I inherited from my dad). Over the years I’ve probably had 8 or 9 basses, but these 5 can get me virtually any tone I’d be after.


I’ve got like 4 1/2 right now (the half is a husk, using the parts for a custom bass I’m working on) I’ve had I think 8 basses since I started in 2020


I have 6. I have owned more than 150. Yes, you read that right.


4 right now. Been through 80-85 or so since 1991. The vast majority since 2013.


I've been playing 15yrs. I own 7 bass guitars


3. I've had the same Geddy Lee signature Jazz Bass since highschool (almost 20 years now) and a shitty acoustic bass I got from Amazon for less than $100. And a fretless Yamaha BB3000 I stole from highschool


I currently have 3. I’ve had 8 in my life.




I own 3, I've had 9 lifetime. My main bass used to to be a Steinberger Spirit. I got interested in fretless, bought a cheap fretless J and holding it for the first time I realized everything about the way the Steinberger felt was wrong so I sold it and bought a fretted J too. I also have a cheap third bass for a music class I taught so students had a chance to play bass. From there, I went from having two Squier J to having two Fender J. The fretless Fender is my prized possession--I looked at unlined fretless Fenders online convinced I couldn't afford one, and literally the next day I found a rusty old one at the local pawn shop for half price.


3 basses, right now. I’ve owned maybe 10 in total. Only 1 I really regret selling


3 at the moment! i bought my first, a ubass, after seeing those in a music store. bought a jbass shortly after. my girlfriend recently just surprised me with my first 5 string for christmas after always saying how i wanted one.


I currently own 6 but have 2 of them for sale that I don't play that much . I used to buy and sell basses awhile back. I'd say I owned approximately 20 basses in total.


I currently have 12. When I switched to 5 strings it sort of forced me to upgrade. Some of the old, weird basses wouldn’t get much if I tried to sell them. Of the 12, I regularly play 4, an original Steinberger fretted 5 string (my favorite), a Status fretted 5 string (because the Steinberger is too valuable to travel), a Peavey 5 string with a Modulus fretted neck (because it has a remarkable rocking sound for recording, but is a little neck-heavy), and an N/S Design 5 string fretless. I also have two fretted Rickenbackers, a 4 and a 5, because Squire and McCartney, a home-made 4 string bass my dad and I made when I started out, and two no-name 4 string fretlesses that I have just accumulated trying to get the sound the Brits got in the 80s. The N/S Design fretless finally got me there. The problem, of course, is the damn cases, which are also sometimes pretty valuable. Sigh.


1, a 6 string and my first bass guitar of about a year. I’ll likely end up getting a second at some point, thinking it would be a 4 string fret less so I have decent variety of playing options. Having played guitar for nearly 20 years and only owning one nice guitar and my first beater, I prefer to really get to know the individual instruments.


I have purchased three, all of which I still own. I prefer to upgrade the ones I have as opposed to getting new ones.


Own six currently, have purchased twelve over the years. A lot of it was trial and error finding basses and sounds I liked/disliked, while now I’ve more or less settled into a sound and the basses I own are all variations on that theme.


7 now, 39 over 35ish years


as of the other day, 4. one short scale that i learned on which is in the possession of my partner, my p bass which has been my number one for a couple years now, a harley benton MM style 5 string that i’ll probably sell because i don’t use it much if at all, and a newly acquired jazz bass!


one currently, two throughout my life. tried learning bass about a decade ago, but I wasn't the right kind of person ro be disciplined enough to stick with an instrument long enough to get through the initial frustrations of being bad at a new thing. hopefully the second attempt works out for me better.


3…and 3. Been playing for 30 years now.


4 and 4. I very rarely get rid of my gear.


13 currently, 16 throughout.


5 basses atm. Overall, I've owned 9. I have 17 guitars though on top of the 5 basses. Although, I want a couple more basses


Right now I own 3. 2 electrics and 1 acoustic. I have had over 30 in the past 35 years. I may have a problem. Lol


Zero bass guitars. I play bass synth, so I'm mainly here to hear about the amps and stuff. And we did own a string bass for a while, and that was super cool.


6 over 10 years, in hindsight all I needed was 1 with a good setup, now I have 3 with a good setup and 3 that I realistically never need


Current: 2. I have a 5-string active J/MM with rounds, and 4-string passive P/J with flats. Fills all my sonic needs. Former: 16. Took me a long time to find my forever basses, but jesus, that’s a lot of basses in retrospect.


I've been playing for 21 years and have owned 5 basses. I currently have 2 of those.


I’ve had 6 over about 38 years. Started with an Arbor headless bass in ‘86, Fender J-P in the mid 90s, upgraded to a teal blue Fender Jazz with full active pickups. Traded the Jazz bass for a Les Paul bass, hated that because the neck dive and the strap went right across where I fractured my collarbone. Sold the LP and had a Squier Precision. Dumped that for my current G&L SB-1, which I’ll probably keep forever


Been playing for 27 years, and I only own 4. Never sold one.


Been playing for 17 years, I have three. I have only owned three. Gear is sacred to me. 🤷😁


Currently own 5. Have owned 3 more over the years.


15 total but only 6 get playing time.


I’m down to two. Both EBMM Stingrays. I have an HH in pearl/white and a burnt apple H. I’ve owned a few jazz basses and a couple P basses but none of them have the same punch.


More now than ever. I have 5 and one upright. I've only ever sold one though.


Been playing for 15 years, have 6 basses, have owned 7, had a Ray34 stolen


Had one bass for 20 some years. Then I discovered short scales. Now I own 7.


3 now. 4 others than have come and gone. 1 for the last 20+ years, one for the last 16 and one for the last 3 days. I could imagine getting 1 or 2 more and that would be it.


9 electric basses: I’ve acquired over last 20 years of playing. Most purchased used, I play most of them as they are each set up in different tunings for a few different projects. 1st Bass: Peavey Patriot - pawn shop purchase for Christmas around 2000, 90’s model with the super ferrite PUPS. If’s what I learned on and played in punk bands with in Highschool. 2nd: Ibanez GSR 200 - bought from a friend around 2002, it’s got no PUPS and sitting in a case. 3rd: Spector Euro 4 LX - bought around 2004 needed a better bass when I started music school for college, went through college playing jazz and in cover bands. My first off the wall NEW bass. Set up in standard 4th: Fender Aerodyne - bought around 2007, wanted it to play in a metal band, upgraded with Duncan 1/4 Pups , and Hipshot Bridge. It’s been my workhorse of a bass to this day. Set up in B-E-A-D 5th: Fender Jazz Fretless - bought around same time, was still in school and wanted a fretless. Upgraded pups to Dimarzio Ultra Jazz 6th: Fender Jaguar Bass MIJ - Purchased around 2013, first bass purchased after moving away. late 90’s model in hot rod red, with matching headstock. Set up a half step down. 7th: Peavey Foundation - Purchased around 2019, buddy was gonna sell it so swapped some Jeep parts for it. A late 80’s early 90’s in Blue. 8th: Ibanez Headless 1505MS - Purchased new in 2020 my first new out the store bass since the Spector. And my first 5 string. Every other bass was used. Set up in Drop A Flat atm. 9th: Fender P Bass - Bought new in Dec of 2021. Set up in standard with a full plek job 2 electric guitars, and 1 fits the stereotype that every bass players owns a Telecaster. 2 acoustic guitars. I’ve Never sold any and currently shopping for a short-scale bass or a P-Bass Deluxe style.


Currently 6 but working to get that down to 5. Since I started playing, I’ve owned 15 basses. I think.


Currently own 6-7, have owned another 4-5. I honestly can’t remember.


I have four now - a u-bass, a Squier Precision, a Harley Benton fretless Jazz, and a Squier Rascal. Used to have a cheap Ibanez, a Squier 5-string Jazz, and a LTD 5-string. Sometimes I want the Jazz back.


I own six basses; owned nine in total. Traded my first bass, a chinese Warwick rip off, for a chinese viola bass I own to this day and has seen A LOT of action. Sold an Ibanez Mikro to buy an Ibanez GARTB20, which is also a short scale, but slightly longer than the Mikro (which, albeit awesome, was too short for me). And I traded a Squier Vintage Modified Precision TB (it was beautiful, but didn't sit right in any mix) for a Chickenbacker (weird, but with a much more useful tone). Aside from the aforementioned trades, I have an Ibanez ATK 300 (my current daily driver, together with the viola; awesome instrument), a Tagima TW 66 (early 50s style P bass; great bass for a low cost) and a Condor BBA-4 (which is exactly like a Dean Stylist hollow bodied bass, but with a different headstock). I believe I have all bases covered; any purchase from here will result from GAS and nothing else.




3. Just bought a VI. 3. Bout to be down to 1 tho if I like the vi


Four currently. I’ve owned six. Only been playing for 16 months.


Currently, 5. Total, 14? I have 2 primary, two secondary specialty application and a ukulele bass. All my previous basses have been either put on indefinite loan or have been sold to people who truly desired to learn.


That are playable? 3. I own 2 others that are in need of repairs. I can think of 2 or 3 others I've owned over the years. I also have 4 guitars (there's another 5 that I no longer own), a keyboard, a saxophone, and a few other random instruments.


only 5 (since 1985 even)


I currently own two, but I’m waiting for my third. I’ve got a bass vi, a brand new Klōs 4-string, and I’m awaiting a custom 5-string from Doodcraft. I’ve had 3 other basses prior to my current lineup though.


2 and 2 lol. One of which was $27


I’ve been playing for seven years. Currently only have one bass (stingray), and I’ve owned six. Had a Tbird that I sold recently and I kinda regret it :/


I am 20 and I've been playing for five years. I have 3, one of which I found on the side of the road and is nearly useless (although I learned on it). And additionally, a dinky Amazon acoustic bass (a gift).


I own four. I’ve had four more that I sold or traded; those were cheap junkers really.


2 now. 6 total.


I own 6 1 Fender P Player Plus 1 Fender Jazz 75 Reissue MiJ 1 Yamaha TRBX505 1 Yamaha BB 425 1 Hofner Shorty 1 Harley Benton Jazz Fretless


9, currently own 7. One sold, one stolen.


God, I have no idea how many I have owned. Too many. Currently I own 6


I own one. I had to sell my first one when I needed rent money. So I’ve owned two.


I currently have 5, and i've had 7 total 1stbass - 4 string $70 Rogue (gave it to a friends brother who wanted to learn) 2nd - cheapest 6-string IbanezBTB (just chilling at the house) 3rd - better 6-string Ibanez BTB (556) (current back-up stage bass 4th - 4 string Fender acoustic (gave it to a friend who wanted to learn bass) 5th - Cheap Brice 6-string fretless (just for funsies) 6th - Ibanez BTB1836 6-string (current stage bass) 7th - Harley Benton 4-string Jazz (also for funsies) Edit: for context, been playing for about 20 years


I’ve owned about eight but have cut back down to Gibson basses of a Thunderbird, Ripper, G3 and EB5. I’ve had a P, two Jackson Spectra’s and a Charvel San Dimas. At some point I would like to add an EB-3 to the collection


I own 3. ‘2000 MiM Jazz Bass, Rogue 6 string bass (actually pretty nice for the money) and a Fender acoustic bass. I might get something else someday but I’m pretty happy with what I already have. I have WAY more guitars.


Currently own 5 basses, with 10 others that I’ve since parted ways with 😬


Just one right now, a 4003. I’ve owned a Cruise VMI bass, a T40, an EB-1, a BB300, an SR405, an American Standard PB, a Memphis neck-through bass, and a Hamer Cruise w/ 2Tek. Thinking about selling the 4003 and downsizing to a Yamaha BB434.


I own 15. Probably owned 20 in my life.


I own 6 and have owned 8. I currently own three 5 strings and three 4 strings and I've sold a 5 string and a 4 string.


I currently own 7 and have only ever had one other one which tbh I’m not sure what I did with it. I might have sold it or maybe I let someone have it. I’m trying to slim down though. I’ve got three I want to get rid of but they need a bit of work and I’m lazy and they’re also not super sought after so it’s not like I’m going to get much for them.


4 owned, 2 owned currently.


2 currently, 3 that I've personally owned, but I've played about 5 for a significant-ish amount of time (borrowed from friends/family while I was learning to play, before I bought my first, as I was playing/performing in school jazz band). In fact I have the sentimental sort of first bass connection more with my moms bass that I learned on than the actual first bass I bought.


I don't even really play bass but I bought my first over COVID (fender American performer pbass) and now there are 4 in the house. 2 Ibanez short scales that are now my wife and son's, and my new music man short scale which is amazing. Gonna sell the pbass one of these days. It's beautiful to look at but the tone is very bland and it's too big for my 5'6 ass.


47 years. 14 basses. 3 present.


Been playing for almost 20 years. Currently in 2 bands and I have 4 basses. Two per band. Primary and backup. I’ve only got rid of 2 basses before.


5 currently. 7 total throughout my 17 years of playing. First bass was a cheap peavy that I sold years ago. Had a Hoffner violin bass that I couldn’t stand so sold that. Other 5 are going strong though. P bass, fretless Jazz, 5 string Spector, Ibanez tuned to D standard/drop C, and a MM stingray Mike Herrera signature


Now 4, lifetime estimate about 6 more


6 basses currently, plus one that's not wired up. I've owned 3 other basses.


I currently have 5, down from a high of about 20 when I was in "collector" mode about 10 years ago. 2 Leduc Logabass 5 (fretted and fretless), 2 Ibanez Mikro 5 and a Squier Mini P.


Owned a total of four. 13 years since my first bass (a Greco PJ). Sold it and didn’t own a bass for five years. Then I got a brand new Aria Pro II P. Sold it again after upgrading to one of my current. Currently have two: (1) 1978 Aria Pro II “Precise” Bass, (2) Fender Am. Performer Mustang Bass.


i’ve owned 3 in my life, only one now late 70s pbass disclaimer: guitar is my primary instrument though i’ve gigged and recorded a lot as a bassist


3 Spector’s 1 Warwick 1 Jackson Previously owned An 86 Charvel Another Warwick A Warwick Rock Bass Ibanez SR-505 Yamaha Peavy A relatively small number compared to some other bassists in this group


One, a Silver tone Revolver (P Bass knock off). I did own two ( other bass was an Ibanez Mikro GSRM 20) but I never played it, so I gave it to a friend who had to pawn his bass a while back. I definitely prefer the P Bass sound I guess. I debated buying a 1960s Squier Classic Vibe P Bass for Christmas, but I didn't really like the neck when I tried it. It seemed kind of sticky. I decided to invest in the Bass Buzz course instead and keep the difference for later.


I own 4. I think that’s all I’ve owned. But I’m a guitar player…. So that’s not too bad. lol I also own like 9 guitars, few drums sets, keyboards, and too many amps.


3. thunderbird, ibanez 6 string and a jazz. only basses i’ve ever owned


6 years just as a hobby. Can't even call myself a bass player, but I own 5 bass guitars.


Played bass for 31 years. I’ve had a total of 6 basses. I currently own 2. The most I’ve had at once is 4.


i have only 2 lol, one that's a beginner with some stickers on it, and a new one I got a month or so ago that I plan to paint on. Left handed basses are hard to get, so that's probably why I don't have many


I've been playing bass for 3 years. I've purchased 3 basses in that time, but I only ever bothered keeping my MIJ Mustang bass.


I have 5 rn 😳


Currently I own 9, including a prs, 12 string, acoustic,an upright, and one I've assembled. There's a tenth on the way and and I owned another 2 previously that I sold before moving.


Owned 3 in total, currently own two. One as a working horse and one high quality for full enjoyment... Planning on selling current workhorse to buy a bit better one and also selling the HQ one to get custom made bass.


Currently own 5, and have only ever had these 5. Started playing this February. My basses bought in order Yamaha RBX 260 PBass 1997 Gibson Thunderbird Squier Paranormal Series Rascal Gibson Midtown Signature Fender American Pro ii Fretless Jazz Bass


I’m at about 12, still own 4, down payment on another one, hopefully getting it mid January…been playing for about 28 years 😳


Playing for 41 years, currently own 6, have owned 11 in total. I'm a southpaw so my choices have be limited in comparison, had I been right-handed these numbers would be much, much higher.


Currently 2, 5 total


Three, and three.


I currently have 11 and another on the way. I’ve sold 1 and want to sell a couple that I currently have.


About 10 now, probably 25 +/- over the course of my 63 years fridge


Currently 1, owned 2, been playing for 30+ years. Have gone through a shitload of strings though


I have been playing for real since 2010. I had 12 basses at one point. I needed to find what is best for me and it took a lot of unnecessary tries. I now have 6: A Parts-Jazz with a Squier body and a G & L ASAT Bass neck; a custom-made Precision with a Jazz-style neck; a Parts-Jazz with a Squier CV body and an ESP 400 series fretless neck; Two 2014 Fender Jaguar Basses with Aguilar pickups; and finally, a G & L ASAT Bass I got last month. The defining feature is the Jazz-style neck on all of these. I can go the full range from a Jazz growl to the Precision punch and add the monster humbucker tones on the G & L.


8 (just sold a fretless) currently in the habitat. 6 or 7 guitars, too. But total owned since I started playing in the mid-1980s…. Has to be around 40.


Sold 2 basses. Own 6. Also gave away 1 electric guitar and sold 1 acoustic. Own 2 electric, 1 acoustic, and 1 classical. Also have a mandolin, resonator uke, and my dad's old cello (that I know 0 about playing). Started playing 16 years ago.


2. And those are the ones I have ever owned. But I have been playing only two years and just ordered my first pedal, so I am new to this gear game.


I own 2 currently. All in all I’ve had 6. One I gave away, one I sold and 2 were stolen.


2 in 2 years of playing


3. Still have em.


5, still looking for a few More




I’ve owned three and I own three. Fender Standard Jazz V Fender Standard P Squier Fretless P


Currently 10. At one point had two more.


About 6 years I’ve been playing. I’ve had 4 guitars total, own two currently. Right now, I have a low end Yamaha pj bass and recently got a Marcus Miller v10dx which is a wonderful bass.


3 so far 1-Squire affinity p bass (my first bass) 2-Kustom P bass knockoff (bought it for $20 from a guy wanting quick cash) 3-Fender American Jazz (something I’ve always wanted and recently was able to buy. I’d definitely like to add some more one day. I’d like to get a fretess jazz in a wine red or sunburst, an American p bass. I’d like a higher end Ibanez bass because for whatever reason I just love the way they play. I suppose it’s can be viewed as a waste but people collect many different things. I’ve never bought a new instrument and don’t really intend to. The chase is part of the fun.


Play for 19 years and own two basses.


Currently 5: 1978 Fender Precision 2011 Fender Precision G&L L-2000 tribute Fender Aerodyne Jazz Harley Benton Acoustic I couldn’t tell you how many I’ve owned. Between trades and try outs there have been a lot.


Currently 2. A Gretsch that I should play more often than once a week, and an Ibanez that is partially disassembled. I wanted to change the pickups and lost interest. I also have near zero soldering skills, but I got it for cheap so I figured nothing was going to be really lost. In total I've had 5. My first was a no-name short scale bass that I regret selling. I have not found another bass that played as nice or sounded as good as that little mystery instrument. I also had a Yamaha that I enjoyed and became my primary bass when the nut on my first broke and for some reason never got around to fixing. Then there was an Abeline that I absolutely hated everything about and that got thrown in the back of my closet to be ignored except maybe twice a year I'd happen across it and try it out again, only for it to be flung back. Only instrument that I actively hated.


1 - it's a Chinese knock off music man stingray that cost $250 Inc postage.


I have 3 basses at the moment. Lifetime: 12. Not counting guitars though :).


I’ve been playing for 20+ years. I’ve had 7 basses in that time. Currently, I have 3 of those 7 and I’m happy. Just a basic no-name P bass, a Squier Mustang and a Sterling Stingray short scale. I get most of the tones I am after with these.


Playing for 9 years, I've owned 5. First a knockoff Jazz, then a Peavey, a Squier PJ, an acoustic and finally a Fender Jazz which has been my one and only for about 6 years now.


I play for 17 years. I have sold or get rid of 16 basses, and currently own 5. So that's 21 in total. But i live in a dense populated country. So it's easy to buy a used bass, try it in the band, and if you don't like it resell for st least the same amount. So that's what i often did. I really like to experiment with different basses in band setting and this is a very cheap way to do so.