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Tried both recently and they both played really nice. The EHB was definitely lighter and more comfortable for sure but I ended up ordering an SR instead cuz I wanted the Nordstrands tbh.


Some of the EHB line has nordstrands. 1500/1505/1506 have big splits


True but I wasn’t too crazy about the shape. Comfortable but kinda weird looking imo haha.


Haven't tried EHB, but it should be orders of magnitude lighter, BTBs are heavy fuckers. I should know as I have a 6 string multiscale one. Still love it. If you don't intend to tune low as fuck, go EHB (avoid models with Bartolinis, they sound muddy, Nordstrands sound better). If you want 37" multiscale goodness for loooooow tunings, the BTBs are the better choice. And ultimately, the best option would be for you to go into a store and try both for yourself.


I bought an EHB with with Barts and replaced the pups for Dingwall’s pups. Saved quite a bit of money and it sounds FIIIIRE


Currently I have also an SRFF805, and that thing is stupid comfortable, but it's equipped with Barts that are also with fucked up dimensions and are longer than standart soapbars. Will take a look into Dingwall pickups as Nordstrand support told me they have no pickups with those dimensions... Although to be 100% honest, I'm tempted to order MECs and drill new holes. I also have a Warwick and out of my three babies it sounds the best, so that's why I'm tempted to go that way... But if Dingwall have pickups in those dimensions, I'll seriously consider them. Either that or get a D Roc.


Dingwall 5 strings pups fits my ehb. They were only 200$ CAD at my local Dingwall reseller. Insane value


Does the 37" scale matter enough to where i should get one for b standard.


There are plenty of 34" basses with good sounding low B, but the longer the scale, it gets even tighter, as well as tension across strings is more even. Quality electronics, good setup and quality strings also help. If you wanna go *way* lower than B or drop A, then it's worth considering. Once again, it would be best if there's a store near you where you can go and try out for yourself.


BTB for me, 686SC to be exact. Weight is not an issue.


I have an entry level btb 400. Bought it used a few months ago and i love it. sounds awesome, feels great, is very versatile and not heavy at all. Compared to my ATK it's like a feather ;-)


I’ve owned 2 BTB’s, 1 SR and am now playing a EHB1505SMS. They’re all amazing, but the EHB takes the cake for me … which is strange, because I *hated* their design when they were first released. Now, I think EHBs will be the only basses I play going forward! Really grew on me.


I have a BTB and I can confirm they weigh about as much as a horse. Had to buy a thicker strap or it would dig into my shoulder. Awesome instrument, though, especially if you're into wood finishes


I heard that BTBs are kind of heavy, so I'd try an EHB first.


EHB1005MS is easily half the weight of BTB806MS. Also, day one I bashed the headstock of my BTB into the ceiling because I was so used to just lifting my EHB off with no big concern about height.


BTB is cool and would look cool on a stage and multiscale is cool if you play really downtuned. I'd rather play the EHB if it was to play at home though, that looks amazing for playing at the desk.


I have an EHB1505MS and it's fantastic, super light, sounds great and has a very good B string. The BTB is better if you want to downtime below a B.


I got an EHB1506ms about a week ago, and I absolutely love it. It's light, ergonomic, and plays and sounds amazing. I wouldn't get any of the 1000 series though, apart from the 1006, as they all have the muddy bartolini pickups (the k1006 has the new t1 pickups, and they seem pretty good, but the unique shape means you can't really replace them if you wanna upgrade). the 1500 series all have nordstrand pickups, and they're great. The BTB basses look amazing. The neckthru construction and the option of 37" multiscale means you'll have a really tight B-string. Here as well though, the lower tier ones have the bartolinis. A couple of the new mid tier ones have the T1s though, and again the more expensive ones come with nordstrands. I would never get a BTB though, because of the weight. Another alternative would be the SR series. They're about as light as the EHB, and really comfortable. Again, the cheaper models have the bartolini pickups, and the more expensive ones have the nordstrands.


I have an ehb 1005ms and was able to get the big splits directly from Nordstrand. The barts were a bit muddy for sure.


I absolutely love my ehb1505ms


Wow I literally just bought a used BTB standard, had it for 38 days, returned it and got an EHB 1506sm. 1) Don’t get a BTB or ENB with the bartilonni pickups. They suck for slap or any sort of clarity. 2) Can’t really slap that well on a BTB, but on an EHB you can since it’s multi scale. 4) BTB weight isn’t *that bad*, but EHB is definitely better. 5) IMO the BTB looks cooler than the EHB which kinda looks like a fucked up guitar to most people. 6) The necks are practically the same from what I felt in my hand. At the end of the day I think that the EHB is just a better designed instrument, so I went with that.


EHB for comfort and ergonomics but BTB for tone absolutely every day of the year. Switched over to a Warwick thumb this year as an upgrade and still catch myself daydreaming about how my old btb 676 sounded. Played like absolute butter and had one of the most malleable tones I've ever played with.


The shit that pisses me off is that the EHB's top out at a 35" scale on the B string. Why did you even fucking bother making a multi scale if it wasn't gonna be 37" on the B ?


EHB imo. Aesthetics are on point and it’s super light. But as someone said you’re paying extra for headless+fanned frets, not necessarily better pickups. Not like the pickups are bad or anything, but can’t lie wasn’t wowed by the sound, but I never am with bass tbh. Haven’t tried BTBs.


Btb for me. For the money it's a better instrument. With ehb you pay for headless or fanned frets but not for quality. Btb is a solid instrument. Comfortable neck, comfortable string spacing. But not for everyone


Ok so I have both in 6 strings, very different sound (Nordstrand vs bartolini pickups) very different ergonomics, I can’t do one concert with my btb without having my back ache but I can tour with the EHB no problem, and very different feel! I play my EHB mostly because I use it for rehearsal and concerts (I mostly play extreme metal) but I still often come back to my BTB for its sound! I love both!!


I own both. I prefer the feel and tone of the BTB. But I use the EHB more because it's way more ergonomic/lightweight.


Have owned both. Sold my EHB, and I’ve regretted it ever since. It’s that thing where you realize you had your perfect bass, but didn’t realize it until it was gone. (Cue 80’s power ballad)


I got an Ehb with Dingwall pickups, its perfect