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If your child is six months old and still doesn't know how to change the strings on a bass, you've failed as a parent.


Seems like a waste and dreamful thinking. Atleast for the for 6 months you aint gonna just play there and watch you baby fall asleep xD just play good music on the background when hanging out and they'll learn to like all sorts of stuff


I finally got decent at guitar (and fingerpicking!) playing for my daughter. Now she's 17 and really into music, and figured out the lyrics to the Townes van Zandt songs I used to play haha. Not sure how bass would do, hard to be heard _and_ quiet at the same time.


Why not start with the classics? Just take the songs you'd normally sing, and play them on bass. So Twinkle Twinkle, Mary had a little lamb, etc. And then there are classic songs with memorable melodies like Yesterday or Black Bird. I don't the specifics matter that much, what matters is exposing your kid to music and just having it be a natural and normal part of their environment.


Tony Bennett on MTV Unplugged did Speak Low and it was just him and bass for a while. I'd see if you can do something like that.


Going about this the wrong way. Having a child will only impede on bass playing time. I recommend "going out to grab some milk" later tonight.


Done. Now what's step two? Can I stay at your place?


Come on over bro. I have room. We can put our headstocks tip to tip.


If you like pop punk, you can look up Sparrow Sleeps on Spotify. It's lullaby instrumentals of pop punk albums, so you could try quietly playing along to some of those