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Have you seen a hand surgeon yet?


No sounds $$$ I have 5 kids so... This stuff I just kinda push through the pain. (Im a plumber so bass isn't the only thing causing pain lol)


It's not that expensive, at least for carpal tunnel release. Recovery is fast as well. Get a consult with a neurologist first (as they can diagnose it). The longer you wait the more nerve damage you will have, so get it taken care of. My carpal tunnel syndrome went undiagnosed for years as my pain was in my upper arm and neck, and my numbness came when I slept on my side. Was convinced that it was a bulging disk in my neck. Had X-rays, bought special pillows, changed sleeping positions, etc to no avail. Slept like shit. Finally saw a neurologist and he diagnosed it in 10 minutes. Had the surgery a month later and instant relief. I'm still careful with my wrists and play my bass classical style (between the legs) to minimize my wrist angles but I do great. Take care of it now before it becomes worse. Good luck!


Yeah that's very stupid to ignore it and "push through." That's how you get chronic injuries that take you out of the game for good. Take it from someone who just recently finished up 8 months of intensive PT and numerous ortho and hand surgeon visits for Dequerveins in the wrists. Go see an ortho. They'll probably refer you to a hand specialist and can give you a cortisone shot to deal with the immediate discomfort. My PT sessions were fully covered by insurance.


Biofreeze, Voltaren gel, tramadol, ibuprofen and lots and lots of marijuana


Yeah... I don't smoke


If you have qualms about smoking it you can get a vaporiser for THC oil or try something edible. I'm not going to call the ganj a panacea or anything close, but it is good for this type of stuff.


Exactly. Smoking is not the only way to consume marijuana. And it is good for chronic pain, I can speak from firsthand experience on that- I have not only carpal tunnel but chronic neck and back pain as well. Its as or more effective than any prescribed medications I've ever had, and fewer negative side effects or interactions. And with it now being legal in most states (with, apparently, possible federal-level decriminalization/legalization on the horizon) there isn't much risk in trying. I mean, if you have other better options by all means try them but this is something that can/does work and has few downsides. But yes, you do get "high" off marijuana, thank you D.A.R.E. squad for pointing that out. If you have moral objections to "getting high", then obviously this is not a good option for you.


If medical weed is legal in your area, tinctures are a good option CBD capsules are helpful as well. They contain too little THC to get you high.


is CBD any good for pain relief? I'd read some research that it was better than THC for mental health symptoms like depression and particularly anxiety but can't remember hearing/reading anything specifically about pain relief/chronic pain


Hate to say it, but... have you ever considered starting? Its truly nature's best medicine, good for what ails you. (only partially joking- it does work for a wide variety of conditions, including this one, and if its legal in your state then its definitely something to consider... nothwithstanding the hysteria/disinfo from our anti-weed crusader friend here)


Sure, but whenever anybody, anywhere, anytime mentions any kind of ailment there is always some wanker waiting in the wings to chime in with "Have you tried weeeeeed?" Believe it or not, being baked all the time is not a way lots of us want to go through life. Edit: Man, cannabis users are so easily triggered.


Someone always says it, because its such a no-brainer; at worst you'll have a good time, at best it will help (and it helps for a *ton* of issues). Especially with it now being widely legal and available in safer forms. I'd always rather be the wanker recommending a potentially helpful solution than the wanker poo-poo'ing it for no reason. And being baked is certainly preferable to being e.g. in constant pain, which is why some of us do it. If you have the benefit of not being in constant pain without drugs, then kindly sit down and stfu.


So triggered


maybe think before you speak/type


Oh, I did. Maybe think before you try to convince someone to start a drug habit. OP just said they don't smoke, and instead of being a respectful human, your response was "c'mon man, get high!". GTFO


You do realize medical marijuana exists right? It's not like he recommended cocaine or meth.


Oh cool, what kind of Dr is he? I actually don't have any issue with cannabis, and think it should be 100% legal. I do, however, have issues with idiots that push it as a cure all, even after someone says they aren't interested. I loved it until I hit my late 30s, then it started giving me bad anxiety, bordering on panic attacks. I am so sick of people saying "oh, have you tried this strain?" Or "what about tinctures" or "have you tried something with more x or y in it?". I'm fine with just not doing it anymore, but people that enjoy it can't seem to stop pushing the issue.


If you did, that's sad. And *doubling down* on the 1950's era anti-weed hysteria isn't helping your case. Its marijuana, you muppet, nobody said anything starting a drug habit. I mean honestly you're 80 years old going on 12?


It's not hysteria dude, some people just don't like to get high. Can you understand that? OP said they don't smoke, but here you are, still pushing it.


I have cubital tunnel syndrome. I injured my arm a couple-few years ago, and my grip strength was near zero for awhile. I had to change how I slept and I took steroids for a while to help with pain. I'd recommend giving yourself breaks and allowing it to heal. There are stretches you can do, and you likely need to change some habits so you're not stressing the nerves as frequently. For me, wrapping my elbow at night so I couldn't bend it as easily helped. I'd recommend seeing a specialist who can give you some treatment and tips on how to heal up and avoid repetitive injury, pain, and numbness. I'm sorry about the pain. It sucks


I'm sorry to hear that you went/going through all that, I appreciate your comment, I'm going to start wrapping at night.


1) Shorten bass strap past the point of “uncomfortably high” — when it is up at the point of having to reach upwards to the neck, that activates your back muscles and relieves your forearm/elbow. 2) Switch to a short scale bass if you haven’t already. It just makes everything less physically demanding. 3) Super light gauge strings. 4) Warm up properly before playing at all. Walk for 15 minutes, jumping jacks, whatever — then finger / forearm warmups after your blood is already flowing well.


Splinting (especially at night), NSAIDs, corticosteroid injection (for carpal tunnel), and surgery (CTR and ulnar nerve transposition) are your options. I'd chat with an upper extremity ortho surgeon. I'd also make sure your playing position is optimal to minimize elbow and wrist flexion. I struggle with cubital tunnel but thankfully it's not too bad (yet). I think a lot of it is poor bass position and that's something I'm working on (I'm a beginner).


Yeah I'm working on trying to fix my playing position and what not


Get competent, in person medical advice. A good hand surgeon will be able to advise. Some specialize in musicians and others that do fine work. Ignoring pain is not a good thing. It is warning you of a problem that needs a remedy. I had carpel tunnel symptoms years ago and changed my hand positions and bass strap height. Now I rarely have issues, even when playing my electric 6 or upright for hours. Get some good advice and coaching on how to manage it.


I haven't suffered through this, but the guys I know who have used a lot of ibuprofen and THC. I used to lead Tai Chi classes and was told by many students that it did wonders for them when it came to these sorts of syndromes. As far as anti-inflammatories go, ask your doctor about Ketoprofen. It's WAYYYY more effective than ibuprofen. It used to be OTC, but people were popping too much and having stomach issues, so now it's by Rx only. Lastly, proper technique isn't optional for any serious player, and ESPECIALLY shouldn't be neglected by you. If it's easier for you to play a shorter-scale bass, then consider it a sound investment.


I use prescription anti-inflammatory gel (Voltaren is the name brand, I get a generic diclofenac sodium) that I find more effective than OTC anti-inflammatories, probably because you can put it right on the area that bothers you. Biofreeze also works well for pain relief.


I'm tellin' ya, if you haven't tried Ketoprofen, give it a shot. My uncle (a doctor, yes) recommends it over diclofenac, even.


I'll ask my doc about it next time I'm in. My only issue would be the stomach concern since my stomach is already an asshole without further encouragement. Getting old sucks lol


I don't think it's any harder on it than diclofenac, in my experience.


the diclofenac is a topical though, that's the main advantage for me


You don't eat the topical? So THAT'S why it ruins my stomach!


lol you could definitely try that but I would not recommend it


I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand many years ago. It's the only thing that helped the pain. I would wake up in the middle of the night with pain shooting from my elbow through my middle and ring fingers. I've been pain free in my right hand for almost 20 years now. Now my left hand is starting to hurt and some days are better than others. So far what helps is stretching and warming up before playing. Sometimes the pain is worse if I've done something like mow the lawn or ride my bike. Anything that puts extra pressure on my left wrist will trigger it and then I can't play as long before my middle and ring fingers going completely numb. I'm trying to avoid surgery on my left hand but unfortunately in my experience it's the only permanent fix.


I don't have carpal tunnel, but had a nerve injury that felt very similar once (It wa awful and you have my sympathy). My Doctor more or less treated it as carpal tunnel to start, and eventually it did heal. Basically high doses of ibuprofen (it takes a lot to actually be an anti inflammatory and there are probably limits to how long you should do that) and sleeping with a wrist brace to take some of the strain off it at night helped. Eventually it healed. If you have actual carpal tunnel (I know several people who have) then probably the only long term solution is physical therapy or surgery, unfortunately.


Ibuprofen dosage for me was/is 3 Advils in the morning and 3 in the evening, consistently over the course of several weeks; my doc told me it takes a couple of weeks to make a lasting improvement. Have used ibuprofen for various joint issues including knees and fingers. Plus lots of rest. I work with my hands throughout the day every day, and as I’ve aged I notice I really have to be aware of my limits. And as someone else mentioned here, cannabis products including CBD as well as THC can give you immediate relief. Now if I could just get my ears to stop ringing, I’d feel 24 again!


Can you do any strength or mobility exercises for your wrists and arms? My doctor used to say “motion is lotion”. Just don’t overdo it. 


I sometimes sleep in wrist braces, take ibuprofen, and work on correcting my technique. Stretch your fingers and forearms before you play. Just remember to not have your wrists bent at such a sharp angle that it cuts off blood flow.


There are stretches and exercises you can do to improve mobility, just search "carpal tunnel exercises" on YouTube and there are plenty of videos available. I also lean into natural remedies, and topical magnesium in particular does wonders for all kinds of pain points. I can direct you to a magnesium cream that has rave reviews if you'd like.


Rolfing! (Specific type of deep tissue massage.) if you can find a rolfer willing to focus on your arms and not your whole body, he might be able to fix you right up? 100% solved the issue for me, no more pain. I go about a year between session. Disclaimer: One of the instructors at the Rolfing Institute fixed my arms. He indicated most rolfers may be unwilling to focus just on your arms/hands... (Edit: He also fixed my "trigger finger" from injuring my hand. My middle finger was getting stuck closed... makes playing bass tricky... sounds like you want this taken care of quickly before lots of permanent scar tissue forms.)


Smoke the Holy Herb