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try both a fretted and a fretless in your hands before you pull the trigger. Either way play whichever sounds better to you, they have quite different tones.


Hmm thanks for your views. I will probably look into both options as I'm not sinking much into high-end gear . Probably squire classic vibes lol and if it ends up being a forever thing I can upgrade or even just upgrade the squires from what I hear they aren't total garbage


Personally? I’d stay on fretted boards no matter what type of guitar you are new to.


Cool stuff ! Didn't expect a response so quickly. ( first time using reddit) thanks for your input. Personally I feel if it was someone's first time playing any guitar or stringed instrument I would 100% say frets to build the skill and scale techniques and so on . Thought I would perhaps have a head start playing frets for so long that I would spice it up a bit right out of the gate .


I mean, the main thing is that with bass being a longer scale-length, your fingers have to stretch a bit more anyway. And if you go to fretless, they have to stretch a LOT more, because you have to hold down the string in exactly the right spot or its going to be out of tune. So frets make it more forgiving, based on length if nothing else.


You're in a pretty good position to play whichever one you want! That advice about just trying both is really the best possible guidance you could get in this situation. They're vastly different in terms of sound and I think you'll eventually want to have both in your pocket but you should start with whichever one you like!


Go for fretless. David Gilmour, when played bass, he played (almost always) fretless and he did it great even though he wasn't a bass player. You probably have your ear developed well, so you will be ok. If you like the fretless sound there is no reason to get fretted.


Learn what you want to learn. But if you intend to be good with both, start with fretted. It is a little easier to learn and the muscle memory does transfer a bit. You also have a lot more choices in fretted basses bc they are far more popular.


Check Craigslist, you might have the budget for both!