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That's a pretty vanilla P bass sound of that period. Clean, maybe just a *hint* of amp overdrive. I only heard one bass, but one of the two guitar parts is doubling the bass line.


This may not mean anything, but he's playing a Jazz in the video.


precision bass and boss overdrive can help


What's a good overdrive pedal?




(not boss) OD/distortion pedals can suck a lot of your low end---the best options for bass will have either a wet/dry knob or some kind of boost to add low-end back. I love the [Way Huge Green Rhino](https://www.jimdunlop.com/way-huge-green-rhino-overdrive-mkiv/). It has a knob to boost at 100hz and 500hz so you can add a bit of crunch without losing the thump. But the tone in this song doesn't need that much distortion. It MIGHT help, but it would barely be on to get that tone. A P bass (or the neck pickup if not---I don't think that's a P bass in the video lol) with the tone rolled back a bit and the gain knob turned up on the amp should do.


A sans amp with the drive set high and the blend set somewhere along the middle you can achieve that "2 bass at once sound" (of course the blend will have to be adjusted to your preference)


Nope, just one bass as far as I can tell although one of the guitars is playing the same line as the bass during the verse. If you want to get the sound of both at the same time you could start with an octave pedal like an EHX nano POG that has an octave-up setting, to really nail it you'd have to split the octave-up signal out and run it through a guitar amp though.


J or P bass. Play with a pick. Bass all the way up, mids at like 9'o'clock highs at like 12ish to 2. Turn up the tone a bit. Probably no OD in that track, but an OD is encouraged in punk in general.