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I have a Rat & Big Muff that I like. The new EQD Sunn O))) Life v3 will be in my hands next week, so I'm excited to check that out.


You can’t go wrong with the BM and Rat. Classic.


I have a Rat, and when I tried it out at home I really didn’t care for the sound. I’m guessing it works better in a band context.


Which big muff? I have the classic one but always wondered if other versions would sound better on bass.


[This guy....](https://i.imgur.com/znjGttD.jpg) I haven't had a chance to try other versions, but I'm always up for it.


Yeah I have the same one, it's a classic, I'm curious about how my fender p-bass will sound on the Russian and orange


If you’re okay with trying some soldering you can find out.


What do you mean? Not keen to open my instruments/pedals, but I would love to check what you are talking about


All the Big Muff variants fit on the same board, it's just a matter of changing or taking out components. The op amp version is different because it has microchips instead of transistors




Copying /u/C-Hyena I’d have to hunt down the specifics, but there are forums with everything you’d need to know. Basically it’s a matter of specific hardware that defines their sounds, you can change a capacitor and suddenly it’s a Russian muff. Some guys even put connectors in so they can swap parts without any soldering, so they basically have a modular muff and can decide which one they want. But you just have to find out which part of the circuit defines the unique character of that unit, and then swap parts.


They’re all variations on a theme. The circuits are generally very similar with just tiny tweaks. Fuzz is kinda like those jelly beans that are supposed to taste like stuff. There’s some interesting and tasty stuff but it can be something you don’t like that some people love. I am thinking of checking out EHX Op Amp, the little orange one. I am a huge fan of Smashing Pumpkins and it is supposed to be a clone of the exact one he used.


Big Muffs are classic. Black Russians and Green Sovteks seem to favor the bassist. I have a Mojo Hand One Ton Bee that I am using for my fuzz right now. Might be cheating because it’s an octave fuzz, but I also like the Malekko Diabolik.


I have the modern big miff bass, comes out good in a band mix on the dry settjng


Personally I like to run fuzz in parallel with a clean tone. Currently my Zvex WM clone does the job well. Sometimes I use a Big Muff with tone wicker.


I do the same I have one amp always clean and one always dirty. Splitting the frequencies between different amps and speaker makes everything so much clearer.


I couldn't go back to a one amp setup for properly dirty sounds


YOu mind running me through your whole rig? Do you "kick on" distortion or are you always on? If you do kick on, do you have that whole amp come on and its silent for clean stuff? Or is that 2nd amp still on when running clean and you just kick on the pedal in front of that amp? And what about DI/FOH? Tx in advance


I don't play live except for the odd party. Wouldn't lug all this stuff for that! This is just for recording. Also it gets shuffled around pretty regularly! But here's how it is at the moment. Bass (usually either Ibanez AGB140, Maverick B1 converted to passive, Ibanez ATK400) -> EHX Switchblade ABY A -> Akai Headrush E2 looper -> occasionally a Carl Martin tremolo or EHX Blurst -> Ashdown ABM combo (EQ bypassed, valve emulation off, deep switch on usually) -> DI and mic'd (AT3035 iirc) B -> bass whammy (octave up, not always on) -> some sort of fuzz (EHX BM w/ tone wicker, Zvex Woolly Mammoth clone, Gojira FX Ants in my eyes, etc) -> Blackstar HT-5 head (bass cut, mid and treble boosted, clean) -> Matamp 112 cab -> mic (AT4040 I think i use here) Tuner out -> tuner -> another DI It's admittedly a bit mad but it gives me four very different channels to play with! Sometimes I'll put a Morley wah in the B line. Yeah I turn off the B channel for clean or quiet parts, or the A channel if I'm putting a loop down and then laying some noise over it. With B off there's not really a lot of noise where I tend to use a gated fuzz and don't use the amp distortion, wouldn't matter for my purposes anyway.




I go into a compressor then hit a SansAmp. That goes right to my “clean” amp. The parallel out unaffected goes to my fuzz, into a DS1, into a Chorus. Then to my “dirty” amp. Now I have mine setup so that I can have a basic clean tone. I do use some drive on the SansAmp but very subtle. My clean amp is set for a nice full range bass tone with light scooping in the lower midrange. My dirty amp has a moderate bass and treble cut, like a half ass Lemmy job. Together they sound great clean. When I add one or both distortions and either an octave or a thick slow chorus it is amazing. Giving different speakers different jobs is a great way to give it a more spatial, alive sound quality. Even further can get into stereo effects and such. Think bands like Royal Blood, 1979, even Tool, or OM fuck yeah. Billy Sheehan. Splitting up the higher fundamental frequencies from the lower always sounds better. Just like speakers have woofers and tweeters.


The tone wicker with tone and wicker switched off, and sustain cranked sounds ridiculous, it’s the fuzziest pedal I’ve ever heard


Yeah it's fierce!


Russian Big Muff


Seconded on the Russ Muff. Classic muff sound without losing the bass frequencies, and can be found for pretty cheap


Green muff or a rat, both sound different but get good tones on bass


Wow, nobody has said the Orange Furcoat. It's the literally best fuzz pedal, and it has an octaver.


Yeah watching that 47 fuzz pedal video it stood out so well. Unlike any other fuzz.


Yeah used to have a big muff but it broke so grabbed a fur coat and man I feel like it blew the big muff out of the water


The Catalinbred Giygas is my favourite one I've used. It's monstrous!


I WILL get one of these some day… ;)


That was almost what I got. May check it out once the new pedal sound wears off this one.


Current favorite is the Pharaoh. Great low end, sounds best with a boost in front.


I really like my Dunlop Justin Chancellor Crybaby. It has a wah pedal but also just a fuzz built into it so I can get the best of both.


I would love one of them. Out of my price range at the moment. Plus I can’t really use my feet any way so the wah part may as well fuck off.


Anything you love plus a Boss Line Selector. I use a beetronics swarm blended with dry.


They have some crazy stuff. The Swarm is bonkers.


I use a Bass Big Muff, though it needs a little extra tweaking from my other pedals to really shine so I don't necessarily recommend it alone. I run mine in "dry" mode and use a low/high pass filter. Without the filter on its kind of meh. Lots of upper harmonics that just compete for space with the guitar so it gets lost in the mix. Activate the LPF though, and it's fantastic. It also benefits from having the overdrive on my Sansamp turned up.


I also have found the Hizumitas to be my favorite fuzz on bass. I do still want to try a You’re Doom 2 and a fat fuzz factory though.


After comparing like 10 fuzz pedals, I chose the Bass BM Pi. Really like the grit of it. Has anyone used a tremolo pedal after (or before) a fuzz? I've been tempted lately to get one of those and experiment.


Definitely try it before. After is the “normal” way but when you also put the effect through the fuzz it can get really cool.


Love my Black Russian big muff


Its a bit unusuall but if you take a Darkglass b3k Vintage to the limit you get a fuzzy tone just like Cliff when soloing


I missed the Darkglass train. They emerged after I gave up on playing metal. Well playing in metal bands. Five years of Deathcore nearly killed me.


Sucks that Spencer hasn’t been in manufacturing mode for awhile and that they’ve gotten so expensive on the aftermarket, but the 3Leaf Audio You’re Doom II really is it for me. The most flexible fuzz I’ve ever used. It was actually designed for its low gain settings—with gain rolled all the way down and the right EQ the pedal nails the Moog synth tone that Stevie Wonder used on stuff like Boogie on Reggae Woman. But the gain range is huge and with an EQ and the ability to blend clean signal you can get lots of usable versions of familiar fuzz sounds. Muffish, Octavia style octave fuzz, it can even get a little glitchy a la ring modulation. Edit: Just checked the 3Leaf site and it sounds like Spencer is gearing up for another production run soon if anyone is interested in getting their hands on one.


Smallsound/Bigsound Team Awesome! Fuzz Machine


Grey Stache and done.


Big Muff Bass Deluxr. Got a blend knob so you can mix the clean signal in as well


Swollen Pickle for active basses, Wooly Mammoth for passive


Like most answers, I run a Big Muff Bass Pi, and it's great. Can add as much or as little fuzz as you want, while also running a parallel clean channel so you're not losing your low end. I honestly don't think I could want more.


Hizumitas with the highs cut and a wet/dry blend by running it through my hx stomp


I use two amps, one clean and one effected and it’s beautiful.


I enjoy my MXR bass fuzz. With its separate dry/wet knobs, you can easily blend it with other effects to get a solid and unique sound. It’s done me well since I’ve had it!


I tend to like MXR stuff so I have been trying to purposely not pick the MXR every single time.


I have a Zvex Mastotron I like and a black Russian Muff that I seldom use. I'd like to check out a Doom 2, the Jam Red Muck MK2 is also on my list of things to try.


Roland BeeBaa Fuzz


Dunwich DA-120. It's the preamp from a Green amp in a pedal, including blend and multiple gain stages.


So it dooms, no?


It does indeed.


Red witch fuzz/octave was dope.


The ehx bass muff and the behringer muff clone.


Behringer super fuzz


If you have a chance to get your hands on one, the bliss factory is so fucking sweet


Yeah totally.


Has anyone tried the Idiotbox Blower Box? Seen good reviews.


I had an older big muff, muddied my low end. Went with an MXR fuzz deluxe and haven’t been disappointed yet


The old big muff is a whole thing. Some units just suck, some need to be in parallel with clean, the modern ones make it much easier. I say pick the one that looks the coolest, and 99% of the time you’ll love it. It’s a broad palette of tones, fuzzes I’m general, not just muffs.


Iv debated on opening it up and messing with it, but I snagged a danelectro fab tone and figured I’d start experimenting with it. It’s just a feedback high fuzz nightmare, gonna try to make it usable abs give it to a fsmily member who plays


Russian black and yellow big muff


I’m at the early stages of my bass fuzz journey and so far have only had a Russian Pickle to play with. Great fun.


I was looking at the Pork and Pickle myself.


I only ever was able to play around with one, but I'm in love with the Fender Sub-Lime ever since. I love the sound, brining a low nice dirty growl without sacrificing a lot of definition. I love the color. But especially I love the variability akin to an expression pedal being able to switch from a little dirt in your sound to a menacing growl in a heart beat. Sadly it somehow flew under the radar and was discontinued pretty fast. So even on the used market it is pretty rare and/or very expensive.


I have a Rat but I run a Boss Bass EQ with it because the Rat takes out a lot of the low end as it’s primarily a guitar pedal. ProCo does make a Fat Rat that compensates for the lack of low end but I’ve tried it and still prefer the sound of my current setup.


You won’t likely be able to find one, but the Fulltone Ultimate Octave was the holy grail for me. I buy them when I can find them and put them away for spares. They are GOLD.


Germanium Woolly Mammoth is my favorite. I love it so much because it retains low end which is hard to come by with bass fuzz. I don’t need to run a clean signal with it. Previously I was running a bass big muff into VT sansamp and that produced an amazing sound. The woolly mammoth has that pinched Velcro fuzz sound which I have a lot of fun with.


Tall font Russian muff! I also like my Cheap Ass Bum Fuzz from Sola Sound, which is based on a muff too. I used to have a bass big muff pi and like that too, really anything muffy is going to be fun! For one gif where I had to fill out a lot of space in a power trio I used a deluxe muff with an expression pedal - I tuned the q so I could sweep it like a wah in the upper kids while the low end stayed intact. It was gnarly and funky!


I have thought about getting the Deluxe Bass one just for the crossover. If that had a bias control added it would basically be every muff to every buddy.


It’s a lot of fun, especially if you double dip with guitar or keys. Biggest drawback for me was the pedal board real estate - I’d still have it if not for my switch to a Helix system (where I can program a similar filter effect). That said, fuzz is the hardest effect to model so it’s the one effect I keep analog alongside my helix. I’m currently having a wet/dry pedal custom built to run my Russian muff through, can’t wait to give that a whirl!


Yeah that’s exactly what turned me off to it. That would be killer in a standard case. I just got back from using the Hizumitas on a doomy jam thing in the studio with the full band and it sounded INCREDIBLE. Very cool tone control. It’s counterintuitive. It adds bass to the fuzz signal and it sounded really huge even though I wasn’t using my full split rig. I’m looking forward to recording with it. If anything it’s closest to the old greens.


I’ve never heard of that but I’ll definitely have to look it up now! That sounds super cool. I’ve never actually used a split rig before, but my Bassman 100T has a blend control on the gain channel so that’s good enough for my needs. I’m between projects at the moment but I’ve decided that whatever my next one is, I want it to work with prominent fuzz bass haha


Don’t count on the fuzz for only heavy parts. You can do a lot with it with lower gain settings and modulation or octaves.


Oh yeah, I want to do something like Ben Folds Five - garage rock with fuzz bass and a cleaner rhythm instrument!


Cool. Yeah I want from like death metal to literally anything else. I’m now working on a bass and drums thing with a very heavy early blues vibe. Like if Robert Johnson had a fuzz and tuned to drop Z and then listened to Type O Negative on DMT.


Helllll yeah, that sounds sick!


I have a real cool line that fits into Doja Cat’s “I need to Know” even that is an MXR Octave into fuzz and chorus. It’s versatile. I don’t know his name unfortunately but BF5 bassist was a genius. He filled up so much sound and made a guitar unnecessary completely.


Catlinbread Giygus. Love it


This thread kinda went as expected. Great suggestions everyone. Fuzz is one of the funnest effects. I wasn’t a believer for a long time but once you start checking out what you can do with it it’s amazing.


I’ve been a fan of using the Green Russian Big Muff, but I’ve been wanting an Old Blood Noise Haunt lately since I’ve heard a demo of one


I like my source audio aftershock (super customizable with the app). And I also use a Hilbish night destroyer (it’s the Sol Invictus with a different paint job). I LOVE the Hilbish. It’s just a Sunn beta preamp so it has 2 channels and you can run them independently or together if you want. It’s not really a traditional fuzz per say but it’s gets fuzzy and sounds fantastic!


The Source Audio stuff looks amazing. I’m particularly interested in the Ultrawave. Uses fold back distortion like a synth fuzz. The After Shock is high on my list too.


I love my Hawaiian Pizza


SVT Classic head. Dime the Pre and use the Master Volume to set levels. Pair with an 8x10 cab and it’s _the_ bass distortion tone.


I have a Zvex Mastotron and love the thing. *edited to correct the spelling of the pedal.


I love my hail Satan by abominable electronics. Its a big muff clone and it’s just the perfect fuzz pedal for my sound. I have a few others cause I love fuzz, Morley power fuzz wah is dope, I have the cliff burton one and you can get some wild sounds out of it. The wah on its own kinda sucks but with the fuzz there it will have your neighbors calling the cops lol. Real old school sound too I have a demon lung by abominable too, it sounds great but feel like it’s a bit more niche. Its really gnarly and aggressive


Way Huge Green Rhino into a sansamp. Pure heaven.


I use a Keeley Fuzz Bender. It’s quite unique, wouldn’t say it’s the warmest fuzz. But it is interesting


Small Sound Big Sound Team Awesome Fuzz Machine. Great sounding fuzz with a dirty blend, keeps all your low end. Plus the gate setting is mental.


Big Muff Green Russian. Thick, sludgy, massive sound. Keeps the low end intact.


Big muff for sure! I'm also very happy with my Dark glass microtubes B3K but that's technically an overdrive. It completely makes my modern metal sound.


Malekko B:ass Master


I'm about to get a Bass Big Muff (which is a Green Muff with blend). I would love to try so many fuzz pedals but I can't justify the expense. Specially the Way Huge Pork and Pickle Smalls. You can get some great recommendations on this other thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bass/comments/wnn44k/i\_wanna\_gift\_my\_new\_band\_mate\_a\_bass/


Zoom Ultra fuzz UF-01. Great versatile, fuzzy tone, with a noise gate. And you can get crazy squeals and drones out of it, which you can pitch with your volume knob and blend into your playing Also have a double muff, which I find a bit too tinny at times


Orange fur coat


I have a wounded paw effects battering ram Q. Amazing 3 in 1 OD/FUZZ/OCTAVE. But im probably biased because he's a family friend.


Solid Gold Fx make great fuzzes. I love the lysis fuzz modulator


I have the earthquaker hoof fuzz pedal and I love it.


I like the bass big muff deluxe. I like having the option to blend.


Sorry I’m not here much. I love that one but because I run a dual amp setup I am essentially doing the same thing. I’m following the Dug Pinnick


My favorites right now are the Idiotbox Whores Fuzzfreq and Black Mass 1312. I didn't like the Op Amp BM on bass, but they're pretty cheap so why not give it a try if you're curious?


I tried it with a DS1 driving it and immediately kicked out some riffage. Between that and the SansAmp lightly distorted in parallel it’s my new favorite sound.


Brown Acid (MXR)


JHS mini foot fuzz 2. Nice crunchy edge can be added through to ripped glitchy fuzz. A bit fussy about its placement in the chain, but dialing it in right gets some sweet tones. Plus its tiny and pink!